Friday, March 23, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Drug seemed to have positive result on Young from page 2) interologist. (The negative results of a gastric emptying study - which gave more cre dence to bulimia - were not seen by Dr. Mittler until after Young's death.) Dr. M ittler also began prescribing Prepulsid for Young starting in January 1999, just as he had many times before for other patients. In his experience, Dr. M ittler said Prepulsid was "a very good drug, a very effective drug" for gas trointestinal motility prob lems and that no other patient ever reported serious sideeffects. "Vanessa had a very good (Continued D E IP P c lin ic T u e s d a y Parents, do you have concerns regarding your child's hearing, speech, behaviour or development? Is your child under the age of five years? A free Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program DEIPP consultation clinic is being offered on Tuesday, April 3 at the Oakville Parent-Child Centre at 1500 Sixth Line from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Consultations are provided on a first come first serve basis, arrive early to register. For more information, call the centre at 849-6366. effect from the drug. Vanessa told me it was working," he said. "The feedback I had was that the drug worked very well." The relief o f Young's symptoms also led Dr. Mittler to think that there may be a physical cause of her discomfort in addition to her psychological problems. "She may have had a motility problem as well as bulimic tendencies," said Dr. Mittler. Dr. M ittler eventually lowered Young's dosage from 10 mg. tablets to 5 mg. tablets to see if she could "get by" with less Prepulsid. After some time, though, Young told Dr. Mittler that she was resorting to taking two or three 5 mg. pills, especially after supper and asked if she could go back to 1 0 mgs. O o p s -- w r o n g L io n s C lu b g iv e n c r e d it A story in Wednesday's Oakville Beaver about Ed Williams' 25th annual St. Patrick's Day walk from Toronto to Oakville, unfortunate ly credited the wrong Lions Club from giving him a ride into Toronto Saturday morning. For the record, it was members of the Oakville-Trafalgar Lions Club and not the Oakville Lions Club who got up early Saturday morning and braved a snowstorm to drive Williams into Toronto in order to continue a 79-year-old tradition deserves proper recognition. Our apologies to the Oakville-Trafalgar Lions Club. GRANDS * DIGITALS · UPRIGHTS R E W A R D USED PIANO SALE! GRANDS f r o m $7995 UPRIGHTS f r o m $1295 DIGITALS fro m $999 O u r family pet "C h arlie" has been missing since Thursday, March 15th in the Navy, Front St., and Trafalgar Rd. area. Charlie, is a Jack Russell T e rrie r w ith distinguished features - w h ite w ire haired coat, brow n tipped ears, brow n patch over right eye and crooked fro n t legs. H e is wearing a black collar w ith name and telephone number. A generous rew ard is offered fo r inform ation leading to the return o f Charlie. Anyone knowing his w hereabouts please call the O akville Hum ane Society, 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -1 5 5 1 o r 9 0 5-8 4 5 -2 9 0 3 o r 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -1 9 0 4 . KAWAI YAMAHA BKHSTEIN SALE M E R R IA M School of Music TECHNICS ROLAND CHICKERING 31. 200 1 W IN S T O N C H U R C H IL L BLVD.. 1 BLOCK S O U TH OF D U N D A S , OAKVILLE > 905.829.2020 ENDS MARCH Want to know more about government services for you? · L o o k in g for a n e w jo b · S ta rtin g y o u r o w n b u s in e s s · G e ttin g a c c e s s to th e In te r n e t · T a k in g p a r e n ta l le a v e · P la n n in g y o u r r e tir e m e n t · M a k in g y o u r h o m e e n e r g y e ffic ie n t Learn m ore about the hundreds of services available. C all us and talk to an a g en t in person. Visit our W eb site. Or drop by the S erv ice C anada A ccess C entre nearest you. ^^ 18^ 0622-623^ ^ T T Y / T D D 1 800 465-7735 w w w .c a n a d a .g c .c a C a n a d a