Oakville Beaver, 25 Apr 2001, A2

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A2 THH OAKVILLE BbAVER Wednesday April 25, 2001 EARTH DAY EFFORT: E m ily Stacy, 9, and A lexis L atourelle helped clean up the field b eh in d S t. L u k e 's C atholic School last Satu rd ay m orn ing - E arth D ay - as part o f the sc h o o l's `S ch ool Yard N a tu r a liz a tio n ' p ro ject. T h e p roject, w hich is designed to transform the school grounds, w ill also include the planting o f n a tiv e p la n ts and trees. On Saturday over 100 fam ilies co l lected about 35 bags o f garbage and tw o large bags o f recycla b le s from a rea s in and a ro u n d th e K in g sw a y D riv e school. T he school participated in the 101* 1 annual E arth W eek C lea n -U p o rg a n iz ed by the O a k v ille C o m m u n ity C en tre for P eace, E cology and H um an R ights. Photo by Barrie Erskine 8 CYLINDER CARS 6 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER VANS & VANS & TRUCKS TRUCKS E a r t h D a y e ffo r ts a s u c c e s s d e s p ite w e a t h e r 'in ck w e s y t w * , jrio to rc t^ c o p te r cef« fparic p t u p Platinum span* plugs $5.00 piyg. Applies to mbs* cars and Sight trucks Any additional parts and laJSflUf will be quoted extra Technicians time & Sw@u£Wy ehe?>. p p f im E l C T « t. A / f l Test fleplace Spark Plugs O r f l w f e tot Bypass Set SSKf'y Check M s Hoses, i Any Parts gr M tem a Urtww f l e x e d « & tra Must Be QaeUsJ Pm to fte p & r ) Oakville's 10th annual Earth Week Clean-Up on Saturday o f 17 local nature sites was a tremendous success - despite the wet weather. About 632 people, including many young people and fam i lies, participated in the clean-up. The Clearview site had the biggest turnout with 120 volun teers, mostly students from St. Luke's School. Large numbers o f volunteers attended to the clean ups at Sheridan Garden Drive, at both locations in Iroquois Ridge, downtown at Lakeside Park, Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Glen Abbey, and a group o f parents and kids declaring them selves the `Jefferson Crescent W arriors' cleaned up at Sheridan College. "This is great. We love doing the clean up," was the response from teenage members o f St. M ichael's Parish who spent the morning cleaning up at Bronte Creek Park. Families with the John Knox Christian School showed their concern for the W ildflower Woods at Ford Drive by organizing a clean up there. Other local environmental groups such as the Friends o f Bronte Creek Park staffed the clean up at the only provincial park in the Greater Toronto A rea while Oakvillegreen staffed the Glen Abbey site. The clean-up was supported by a number o f residents groups including Iroquois Ridge, River Oaks, and Oakville Lakeside. Interesting items found at the community-wide clean up included enormous quantities o f bottles and cans, car parts, fur niture, bicycles, tires, bundles o f undelivered community news papers, a daily newspaper box, huge amounts o f discarded cof fee cups and lids, children's toys including a large slide, and shingles and other building materials. M any volunteers expressed their frustration with finding plastic bags caught in trees. This community-wide effort was organized by The Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, a local not-for-profit social movement organization located on Kerr Street, south o f Rebecca. "The large numbers o f volun teers shows that the community appreciates its green spaces and w ants litter-free nature sites," rem arked Stephen D ankowich, executive director o f the centre. Twenty local schools are cleaning up their school grounds this week. "Earth Day helps to concentrate people's attention on the natural environment in our com m unity which, based on the number o f people who cleaned up, obviously realizes that lit tering is a m ajor environm ental problem ," stated Ann M acNaughton, a board m em ber with the Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, the local accredited co-ordinator o f Earth Day Canada. "We need greater education about pollution and littering. We could also use more garbage cans and recycling bins in parks and on street com ers," asserted MacNaughton. "The annual Clean Up is improving the state o f the envi ronment by empowering and helping Oakville citizens and stu dents to take positive action and achieve local solutions," con cluded Dankowich. AIRCONDITIONING P E R F O R M A N C E C H EC K - Check pressures - Check lines, condenser, compressor and clutch - Belts and controls - Check temperature - Check radiator Any additional repairs needed will be quoted. Most cars and light trucks. S ervice Civic Scene T hursday, A pril 26: T he O akville Youth A dvisory C om m ittee m eets at 7 p.m . in the O akville Room o f the O akville M unicipal B uilding, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. T\iesday, M ay 1: T he regular m eeting o f the Halton R om an C atholic D istrict School B oard is at 8 p.m. at the b o a rd 's co m m ittee room , 802 D ru ry L ane, Burlington. W ednesday, M ay 2: T he H alton D istrict School B oard m eets at 8 p.m. at the J.W. Singleton E ducation C entre, 2050 G uelph Line, Burlington. 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville a iih e o e w 8 4 4 -3 9 9 0 Hw r , / 30 'j m 3 30 p m Moo [hurt. I <' / 30 o rn 5:00 p.m. Fridays v/w w .o a k -la n d .c o m H IB ia ! B r a F illin g V E x tra v a g a n z a L 1 A p r il 2 6 pert bra ting from iaby, V Wi 8 IB is% "I j j H /ill join our s f to Early experiences with music and play help build the foundation You and your child are invited to play and sing at Gymboree Play and Music! Enjoy all sorts of fun activities in age-appropriate classes for newborns through 4 year olds. for future math, reading and language skills. Music classes for 16 months through age 4. Call for a complimentary preview class · Oakville · Mississauga · Etobicoke · Bloor West Village 905-542-7529 (PLAY) Join us and you could win a $ 100 Lejaby Gift Certificate. C a ll for appointm ent G YM B0 R ee«» R E G IS T E R B Y M A Y 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 A N D R E C E IV E 4 W E E K S FR EE! w w w .g o o d n ig h ig o o d m o r n in g .c o m 100 B R O N T ER D .U N IT#3, O A K V IL L E · 847-1512

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