Oakville Beaver, 16 May 2001, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 16. 2001 Netw ork Yourself... Whether you are buying, selling, sponsoring or advertising, networking can have a positive effect on the growth of your business. "Face to face networking offers the potential for building a trusting relationship in a neutral setting with your prospective client. " To learn m ore a b o u t the rewards o f netw orking call Welcome to the world of fashion wigs By A m alia R u g g iero Truly You W ig B ou tiq ue Putting your best face forward with a little cosmetic help By Kym Funnell eing a w om an is majorly high m aintenance. By the tim e you get through w ith the gym, the m akeup and shopping, forget the other business such as picking up the kids, take your m om to the doctor, well here is a suggestion for beauty short-cut th at doesn't require a short haircut. Try a wig! B A fter ex ploring a few career choices and living in various countries, Pat S cott decided the perfect vocation w ould be nursing. Laura Kupferschmidt Macdonald Scott Consultants email: kcs@ inforam p.net (905) 8 4 4 -4 4 1 0 · Fax (905) 84 4-6 9 5 9 Today, fashion wigs are about to change rhe way w om en th in k about their hair. T h e new contem porary wigs are n o t only practical and natural looking, b u t are as easy to wear and change, as the accessories in your w ardrobe. Just p u t one on and finish o ff your look. W hen should a w om an wear a wig in her personal life? T hey com e in handy w hen you travel, your early m orning meetings, from the gym to the office, w hen your schedule is so tight th at there is no tim e for a hairstylist, or if you're wearing som ething th at w ould look better w ith a totally d ifferen t hairstyle th an th e one you have at the m o m en t or if the m ood to be a blonde, or a redhead strikes you. Is your body giving you warning signals which you keep ignoring? Chiropractors detect and correct spinal fau lts causing nerve stress. These areas can interfere with you r ability to get well. C all f o r a com plim entary consultation. M aybe chiropractic is ju st what you need! S ervin g the B u rlo a k area f o r o v e r 15 y e a rs "After sp ending so m uch tim e in different co u n tries m oving a ro u n d w ith m y husband, I realized the previ ous career choices I had m ade w eren't very tran sp o rtab le," explained Pat, Pat Scott, RN w ho has w orked in such fields as air Briarwood Cosmetic traffic co n tro l an d ru n n in g a k in d er Surgical Centre garten class. "As a qualified nurse, regardless o f w here I am , I can always w ork. Evert if there is a language barrier, you can usually find an English speaking hospital, an d I could always volunteer." A fter arriving in O n ta rio , Pat atten d ed S heridan C ollege to com plete the nursing program , an d has been w orking as a Registered N urse for the last 12 years. W orking in various facilities over the years, Pat is currently w orking at B riarw ood C osm etic Surgical C entre, w here she has been for a few years now. "T his is a fabulous clinic," com m ents Pat, "D r. Stephen C . Brow n is a B oard C ertified plastic surgeon offering a fullservice cosm etic centre." M any people toy w ith the idea o f plastic surgery, for the sim ply reason th a t they w an t to look as young as they feel. T h ey w an t to p u t th eir best face forw ard, an d m any people are tu rn in g to cosm etic surgery in order to do so. B riarw ood C osm etic Surgical C en tre offers a full range o f cosm etic pro cedures, including: · eyelifts · facelifts · R hinoplasty · breast im plants / reductions · tu m m y tucks · p erm an en t an d sem i-perm anent facial im plants · C ollagen treatm ents · R estylane treatm ents · B otox injections · Sclerotherapy · liposuction · electrolysis · aesthetic services B riarw ood C osm etic Surgical C en tre has its ow n fully eq uipped op eratin g room , anesthetist, an d recovery room . W ith qualified staff m em bers to p u t you at ease a n d offer you th e highest quality o f care, B riarw ood C osm etic Surgical C en tre will help you feel y o u r best. C u rren tly Pat is focusing o n Sclerotherapy, the rem oval o f spider veins o n face and legs, at B riarw ood. T h is cosm etic procedure can dram atically im prove the look o f y o u r legs, an d is an effective an d cost-efficien t m eans o f rem oving discolouration caused by spider veins. For added convenience Pat offers ap p o in tm en ts d u ring the day, in th e evening, an d on th e w eekends. For m ore infor m ation contact Pat Scott, R N at (905) 849-4282, or visit the clinic at 408 N o rth Service R oad East, U n it 1. Great reasons to wear wigs Today, w ith the latest technology and refined synthetic fibers available, new fashionable wigs are better and more user-friendly. O u r collection o f wigs (from Raquel Welch C ollection, T h e C heryl Teigs Selections, Jon Renau Fashions and Jacquelyn International) have h it the m arket to a very positive response because they hold their style and shape, they do n o t require specialized care, and are ready to wear in fabulous non-fade colours. So if you th in k you know w hat today's wigs are like, th in k again. Bronte Chiropractic Clinic ('J o y c e f t l. A M b ic m 0 -C - Consider the following T h e newest wigs feel natural and com fortable. T hey are made w ith a totally new and innovative material from w hich they have fashioned a very thin and lightw eight fab ric th at shapes to the contours o f your head for a cus tom ized, com fortable fit. N ew synthetic hair is better than your own hair. T he technological advance in the naturalness o f the new hair fibers has m ade synthetic hair look, move and feel n atu r al. Six to nine different colours are h and blended in each wig, so the colours are highlighted and look lush and real, never flat. W hy Synthetic Hair? W hile hum an hair wigs are the m ost expensive, they are no longer the best. T he suffer from all the same problem s o f your own hair, frizz, lim pness, frayed ends, and faded colour over tim e. T hey are also high m aintenance and require specialized h an dling. "T he po in t o f w earing a wig is to escape all those problem s - n o t to substitute som eone else's hair problem s for your own." W igs are affordable: priced betw een $ 1 6 0 .0 0 to $450.00. Wigs are great for experim enting w ith new hair colours and styles. But if you get som ething that is fairly close to your own style, people w o u ld n 't th in k you're wearing one! 2368 Lakeshore Rd. W. ( 905 ) 827-1633 BLAIR LASER & COS MET I C CENTRE LightSheer laser hair removal Liposuction for body sculpting Leg and facial vein removal · Glyderm skin care line (5Jr Facial contouring and lip augmentation - Botox - Collagen - Hylaform - Artecoll C02 laser resurfacing DR, C Y N T H I A M. D. C . C . F . P . - BLAI R 9 0 5 842- 553 3 1060 S P E E R S R O A D , O A K V IL L E H EALTH C EN TR E O A K V IL L E H e lp in g y o u L o o k a n d Feel B e tte r! Spider-Vein Removal On-site treatment by a Registered N urse Pat Scott, RN Customized Gift Baskets & Gift Ware · Hand Painted Ceramic Tiles · Wide variety of Black, Green, Herbal & Flavoured Teas · Selection o f Beautiful Candles · Food & Sweets for the Gourmet · Baby Shower Gifts 1Custom Gift Baskets for all Occasions, * Personal and Corporation An Effective and Cost Efficient Means of Removing Spider-Veins Saturday and evening appointments available -- Call For a Free Consultation -- Dr. Stephen Brown, M .D ., F.R.C.S.C. is pleased to offer sclerotherapy (removal o f spider-veins) at his Briarwood Cosmetic Surgical Centre. B R I A R W O O D C O S M E T I C SURGICAL CENTRE S t e p h e n om e of us have very thin unm an age ab le hair. M ost w o m en have re ijd y to w e s ^ h a ir w h e th e r at hom e o r on the road. A t Truly You, w e offer a w ide variety o f wigs, for the look o f today, versatile, co m fortables fash ion ab le & affordable. The Sunveit Sunwear apparel line is a truly rem a rkab le clo th ing item th a t not only protects the w e a re r from betw een 89% to 9 2 % o f ha zard ous UVA & U V B ra<3iation from the sun, jfh e special w e ave also allow s the w e a re r to remain cool and active at the sam e time. S C . B r o w n SUNWEAR 114-154 Q u e e n S t. S .W in c h e s te r P lace M is s is s a u g a . (S tre e ts v ille ) (h ttp ://w w w .lin k a ll.c o m /tru ly y o u ) H e lp in g y o u L o o k a n d Feel B e tte r! 408 North Service Rd. E., Unit #1 (905) 849-4282 2 4 6 4 Lakeshore Rd. W ., (at Bronte Rd.) 905 465-0979 P le a s e C a ll: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 1 -1 0 9 2 mere's a whole new world oul there discover it today. O chm/ l/o iy iy y | K | | I W W W .O i a division of HaltonSearch.com w w w .g o o d n ig h tg o o d m o rn in g .co m 100 BRONTE RD. UNIT #3, OAKVILLE · 847-1512 I

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