Oakville Beaver, 2 May 2001, Classified, D4

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D4 If general help wanted THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday May 2, 2001 E fli] general help wanted SB skilled & technical help FU LLTIM E care availab le w ith experienced provider (14-yrs). Variety of daily ac tivities for everyone. Refer ences, receip ts. Headon Forest area. 905-335-5980 C A REG IVER a vailab le. E xp erienced m oth er has long-term and sum mer im m edia te space. Planned activities, loving enviro n ment. Upper Middle/ Third. 905-469-6859 I daycare wanted ECE or 3 yrs experience required, 4 children (2-1/28 y rs) in our B u rlington home, M /W /F (30 hrs/w k.) n on -sm oker, d riv e rs license. (905)527-8881 #1: Production Labour: Chemical Batch/ Blending, mechanical aptitude. Will train. Gr. 12 min. DECK Installer. Must have experience & vehicle. Call 905-337-0065, Trevor. CO M PUTER T ech n ic ia n fo r B urlington based com pany required. Ideal can didate should be proficient in M icrosoft products. Ex pe rie n c e w ith LAN, WAN and Broadband config ura tions beneficial. Resumes accepted via fax 905-6348736 or email: vlastah@ppcmicrosmith.com Only those selected will be contacted for an interview. I office-clerical Southern Ontario area. Must have valid AZ/DZ drivers license, clean abstract, updated medical, TDG driving experi ence. Hourly rate. #2: Driver/Shipper » F/T Davs: #3: Lab Technician (C h em ): position. Must have college diploma. A d m in is t r a t iv e A s s is t a n t n fjiv . m n . BURLINGTON'S FASTEST GROWING BAR/RESTAURANT IS LOOKING FOR Entry level * F/T Floor Manager * F/T Kitchen Manager 3 years management experience required. Salary & bonuses based on experience Please send resume Attn: Randy Ferguson 531 Brant Street Burlington ON L7R 2G6 or fax (905) 632-9120 FAX R E S U M E S A SA P TO: ControlChem Canada Ltd Fax: (905) 3 1 9-0 438 aond James Ltd. is a member o f an international network o f R aym ond Jjames companies specializing in all areas of finance. We are seeking a highly-motivated professional with an interest in the financial market. Drawing on your proven multi-tasking skills and understanding of registered products (RRSPs, RRIFs and RESPs), you w ill answer telephone calls, book appointments and investigate/resolve client inquiries/concerns. You will also prepare correspondence/spreadsheets as well as perform client service administration and general office duties. Proficiency with MS Office applications along with strong communication skills and knowledge of mutual funds w ill assure your success in this role. Completion of CSC or IFIC would be an asset. Please forward your resume by May 18, 2001 to: Raymond Jones Ltd., Suite lOOO, 601 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V61 5E2. Fax: 604.654.7362; email: V6B resi resumes@raymondjames.ca D IS T R IB U T O R S To deliver a prestigious publication and related flyers 3 tim es weekly in Oakville. Ideal parttim e opportunity to make extra cash. S e n io rs / hom e m a k e rs / boys and girls, if you love outdoors, meeting people, exercise and money, P le a s e c a ll Sal 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -1 4 0 9 o r 9 0 5 -6 1 6 -5 3 8 8 CREDIT S ervices Repre s e n ta tiv e O a k v ille based Financial Services com pa ny h irin g fu ll-tim e e m ployee. Bilingual in English & French an asset. Flexible hours. Loan doc u m e n ta tion, preparation, process ing and review. Customer S e rvice calls. Send resum es to B .Lapo inte, P.O. Box 60087, O akville. ON L6M 3H2_____________ O FFICE S e c re ta ry re quired for busy real estate appraisal office. Duties in clude telephone reception, adm inistration, m onitoring of ap p ra is a l com p le tio n , payroll, com puter skills re quired. Please subm it re sume to Roger Brugess, do Brugess A ppraisal S ervic es, 102-730 Brant St., Bur lington L7R-2H9, or e-mail info@brugessappaisal.on.ca O A K V IL L E C O N FE R E N C E A N D B A N Q U E T C E N TR E ft JOB FAIR & Banquet Staff · Bartenders Sanitation ·Truck Drivers Apply in person daily 10am- 6pm 2515 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville (at Hwy.25) or contact D enise at Tel: 905-618-7510 · Fax 905-618-7515 moving & L O V IN G Nanny/Daycare R e q u ire d in N orth O a k v ille h o m e , 4 d a y s a w e e k fo r tw o c h ild ren ag e s 3 a n d 8 m o n th s , to s t a r t in S e p te m b e r 2001. E .C .E ., re fe r ences, nons m o k e r , e x p e r i en ce required. R A Y M O N D JA M ES Raymond James Ltd. J o in the A R A M A R K Team o f F o rd , O a k v ille CASHIER/GENERAL HELP COOKS · DISHWASHERS Day & Afternoon Shifts · F/T & P/T W e offer an exceptional compensation package. Starting Rates: G eneral Labour, $ 8 .60/hr. Cook, $9.20/hr. FAX resumes: 90 5-8 4 5 -8 6 0 6 or CALL: 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -2 5 1 1 , Ext. 3358, Leighton; Ext. 1479, Sophie; Ext. 1788, Chris I i www.raymondjamcs.cn §H 715 m m r n p l medical, dental lost & found F O U N D - M E N ' S 14K gold ring Oakville Trafalgar High School (playground). O n E a s te r W e e ke n d . P le a s e c a ll to id e n tify (905)337-8534___________ M ISSIN G B icycle: East P lain s U nited C hurch, Plains Rd. E. S tolen from prem ises, 1973. $10reward. Please reply to Brian Rogers, 544 D rury Lane. (905)681-7067 __________ FOUND; prescription glasses w /case, M a y ls t, U pper M id d le / M ountain G rove area. Call (905)335-6409. FOUND: large black dog, Upper M iddle/ Brant area. W e ca ll "M e l*.(9 0 5 )6 3 7 7325____________________ FOUND: W atch, Tagheuer. On T ra fa lg a r & King. (905)339-3137 FOUND: Black & white cat, M illc ro ft area. W e call ·Domino'. (905)637-7325. mummm BOOKKEEPER The Ontario Veterinary Medical Association is seek ing a self-directed team player to perform a range of financial functions, including A/R, A/P and G/L, preparing financial statements, and coordinating membership renewals and conference registrations. Applicants should have a minimum of 5 years account ing/ bookkeeping experience. Successful candidates will have demonstrated excellent communication skills, attention to detail and the ability to multi task. Salary: $35K - $45K depending on qualifications. This is a permanent, full-time position. Interested applicants should send their resumes in confidence by mail (OVMA, 245 Commercial Street, Milton, ON, L9T2J3), fax (1-877-482-5941) or e-mail (draven@ovma.org), by May 4,2001. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu d e s 2 profe ssio n a l m overs, tru c k and in surance. Best rates on long distance. (905)-844-8733. RPN part-tim e- required to start immediately- evenings and w eekends, fo r busy w a lk -in c lin ic in O ak v ille . Please fax resum e- Kim (905)-849-7883___________ EXPER IENC ED c e rtifie d Dental A ssista nt required for busy team oriented fam ily d en tal p ractice. Self m otivated m ulti-tasking in dividuals need only apply. Fax resum e to: (905)3378518____________________ DENTAL HY G IEN IS T required fu lltim e for O ak ville practice. Some even ings & w e ekends. New grads w elcom e. Fax resume: 905-842-0128_______ OFFICE Nurse or m edical receptionist for busy family practice. Office experience p re fe rre d . Fax resum e: (905)632-9624.___________ M EDICAL A s s is ta n t/ Re ceptionist, part time, even ings and weekends. North Oakville, Please fax (905)338-3144.________________ RN /R PN , expe rienced for busy oral s u rgery office . Part-tim e. Fax resum e to (905)-828-2358. GUITAR Lessons- learn to play and sing the songs you love. In-home lessons. Initial consultation and first lesson free. C all (416) 5 6 9 -2 6 8 0 . Leave m essage for John.____________ . Call (905)815-8790 Heeded one day a week. $12.00 per hour. Apply to: Halton Lift Truck Inc. 1054 S. Service Rd. E Oakville, ON L6J 2X7 Tel: (905)849-5855 Fax: (905)849-3515 Contact: Jane/Dianne SE C R E TA R Y / R e ception ist required for small down tow n B u rlin g to n O ffic e to answ er phones, with good s e c re ta ria l s k ills and a know led ge of com puters. 2 5 -3 0 hours a w eek. Fax resume: (905)333-0186 PA R T/TIM E o ffic e help w anted w ith p o s s ib ility of moving into part-time sales. Please call Shutters Unlim ited (905)634-4869 I daycare available CU STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ DAYCARE a va ila b le in ta b le / ch a ir co-o rd in a te s, my hom e, Q EW / G uelph fabrics, in stallatio n. 10yrs Line nea r GO. N on exp. S h erry- (905)-6 34s m o k e r, la rge yard. C all 6706, (905)639-3598. rTxxganinteriors@home.corn gardening landscaping AE R A TIN G : $35. or two neighbours for $60. Rotor tilling also available. (905) 332-7053________________ SHAW N S T ree Service, book now and save. 15%. over regular seasonal rates of prunings, large rem ov als, stump removal. Bobcat sen/ices available. Over 16 years experience. Fully in sured. Free estimates. 905512-2889. ___________ LAWN Cutting (Burl . only). If you have the lawnmower, I have the time, 22 years of experience. (905)637-6827 DAYCARE. 2 years+ Fun loving, safe family environ m ent. D a ily a c tiv itie s . Lake sh o re / W inston Churchill. (905)822-8350. SN UG G LES & G iggles has space available, infant p re fe rre d . M aple view / Dow ntow n area. ECE, C A S / p olice checks. F irst Aid, CPR. References. Re c e ip ts. Com e & jo in the fun! (905)631-1083. LO VING , reliable daycare available at my home, any age, 15 years experience. U pper M id d le / T ra fa lg a r. References. Receipts. 905849-7747 CAREGIVER for hire! Ex perienced, educated, mom of one, w illin g to care for children in my home, Mon day-Friday. (905)633-7552 NANNY P/T, A ldershot. 2 boys (7&9 yrs), m eals, housework. Mon/Wed. 3-6 p.m. and occasional even ings. (905)634-6163 FU LL-TIM E live-in nanny/ hou se ke e p e r needed fo r thre e children. D river's li cense, references, flexible hours. 905-469-1340. NEED a Nanny/ C aregiver or H ousekeeper? C all H o neycom b Hum an Re sources. (416)265-4073 EXPER IE NC ED Nanny to care for 2 young children. F u ll T im e , non sm o k e r, driver(car preferred). Ref e re n c e s , C o lle g e P a rk area. Call (905)815-1310 SUPERCUTS Come Join Our Team Growing opportunites for MANAGERS /STYLIST F/T, P/T > $250. Welcome on-bonus. > Hourly wage plus commission. > Oakville & Burlington areas. > Equipment supplied. > Excellent benefit package, Drug/ dental. « Enjoy chemical free envoronment. Only those applicants selected lor an interview will be contacted. INVOICING L e a d in g w h o le s a le d is trib u to r in C a m p bellville is accepting resum es for their in voicing departm ent. Must have minimum 2 yrs. e x p erie n ce in co m puterized en viron m ent. O ffering com petitive salary / b e n e fits p a c k a g e . O w n tra n s p o r ta tio n r e quired. CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-888-7778 EXT 1552 TV/FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED A d ults & K ids (2 & Up) needed for TV & Film Assignm ents. No fees, No C ourses. Receptionist FULLTIME AT BUSY DEALERSHIP. Call (416) 2 2 1 -3 8 2 9 Minimum 2 years experience with phone, vehicle licensing, registra tion and stock-in. Fax resume to: 905-681-0098 Fax resum e attn: C onnie (905) 854-6104 OVER 30 years e x p e ri ence! Concrete, driveway, patio, curbs, verandas, wa terproofing, brick repair, re pair of leaking basements, concrete or wood. Free es tim a te s. 905 -52 7-66 94 or 905-689-1785. S H ELLY'S DOG H o te lNo cages, nice backyard to play in, walks & day sitting also. R e asonable rates. (905)331-7249 MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tio n , John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 O F F IC E /C L E R IC A L Must be able to multi-task in this fast- paced office located in Milton. A pleasant telephone manner, good organizational skills and proficiency in MS Excel, MS Works and Simply Accounting an asset. Previous ex perience in the landscape/ construction preferred but not mandatory. It you feel your qualification meet our criteria, forward resume by fax to 905-875-2303 HELP W ANTED Ontario Licensed Millwright and General Labourers required by Automotive Parts Manufacturer. Must be willing to work shift work. Excellent benefits and pay. Please forward resumes to: Human Resources Manager 521 McGeachie Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3L5 Fax - 905-878-2735 PHONE CALLS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED H alton H onda of B urlin g to n R E C E PTIO N IS T / Data Entry. (Permanent Fulltime). D owntown O a k v ille office requires a con s c ie n tio u s in d iv id u a l w ith e x c e lle n t te lep hone m anners and accurate keyboarding skills. C all T e d / D ianne, 905SI 5-8303 sales help & agents NEW Seafood R estaurant now hiring full/part-tim e ap prentice sous chef, cooks, w a it s ta ff, dishw ash ers. Please bring resum e to 3480 Fairview St., U nit 7, B u rlin g to n betw een 10-2 M-F. (905)515-9321. ABBEY G rill Hiring Full & Part-tim e experienced staff for kitchen. Flexible hours, wages between $7. + $13. A p ply: 270 N orth S ervice Rd. Oakville. Tel: 905-3385800____________________ RUDE NA TIVE Bistro lo oking for C h efs & Sous C hefs (E xperie nced), and D ishw a shers fo r our B u r lington and B ronte lo c a tions. Fax resume to 905465-0681.________________ KITC HEN and W ait S taff (Part-tim e) required im me d ia te ly . P lease apply in person to LeD om e, 1173 North S e rvice Rd. East, Oakville 9am-5pm. EXPER IENC ED kitchen help, full or part time. Apply at Hidden Lake G olf and Country Club Food Service or call Vicky or Gus (905)336-3288.________________ NEW fine dining restaurant h iring fu ll/ p a rt-tim e Line C ooks, Prep., W ait S taff. A p ply: A n n a p o lis V alley Grill, 400 Brant St., Burlington. Tel: 905-681-9428 DISHWASHERS/Line C o oks/ W ait s ta ff. Parttime, No experience neces sary. A pply within: Swiss Chalet, 549 Kerr St, Oak ville LINE Cooks- F u ll-tim e / Part-tim e-- Apply with re sum e, W in c h e s te r Arm s, 450 Appleby Line (at New), B u rlin g to n , or fax attn: Michelle 905-634-2778 W AIT S taff required fo r busy restaurant. Students welcome. Experience nec essary. C all a fte r 11am 905-845-8623.____________ C O O K S required fu ll & part-time. Apply in person: T he Coach & Four, 2432 Lakeshore Rd. West., Oak ville. Community Notices SummerFun T YMCA We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities Funeral Service CORBETT, Q .M . "Bud" (R .C .A .F ., fo u n d e r of C orbett Sports, life m em ber C .P.G .A., form er ow ner of Shelburne Golf Club and m em ber of Oakville Sports Hall of Fame) M a y 1 1 , 1 9 0 7 - D e c e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 0 . B e loved h u sband o f C o o k ie fo r 5 6 ye a rs and dear father of JoAnn Grim e and her husband Bob of S h e lb u rn e . L o v in g g ra n d fa th e r of Geoffrey and brother of Clinton of Langley, B.C. Bud c o n s id e re d h im s e lf v e ry fo r tu n a te to have been recognized on several occasions for his c o n trib u tio n s to sports - m o s t rec e n tly through his induction into the Oakville Sports Hall of Fame. He will be fondly rem em bered by m any people as a friend, m entor, coach and golfing buddy. Funeral services will be held at th e D oney Funeral H om e (3 1 8 M ain St. E.) Shelburne, on Saturday, May 12,2001 at 1:30 p.m. We thank all that apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. CBI Physiotherapy & m SU M M ER HELP W ANTED THE OAKVILLE BEAVER R equires S tu d e n ts of all ages to do · door-to-door deliveries in Oakville · If you a re in te re ste d a n d y o u r p o stal c o d e begins w ith: L6H - C all Alex ext. 261 L6K & L 6J - Call Marie ext. 2 6 4 L6M - Call Scott ext. 272 L6L - C all Kim ext. 275 IN SIDE S ales R e pre sen tative needed. Must have positive attitude, be salesoriented and with excellent E nglish la nguage s k ills . $10./h r., F u ll-tim e / days. C all M ichelle at 905-8278230 to apply. IN SIDE s ales c o o rd in a to r needed fo r new spaper cla ssifie d adve rtising pro gram and press se rvice . S eeking in d iv id u a l w ith proven sales record who dem onstrates in itia tiv e for this full-tim e position (Bur lin g to n ). Send resum e to anne.lannan@ ocna.org or OCNA, 103-3050 Harvester Road., Burlington, O ntario L7N3J1_________________ INTA N G IB LE S slesperson w ith s olid in s ig h t to O ak v ille , B u rlington, M is s issa uga businesses. Im mediate hire. Fax resume: 705-728-1219____________ EXPER IE NC ED Inside S ales Person re q u ire d .Industrial Sales. Please fax resum e to :(905)842 -17 85 email: hr@proquipvalve.com Rehabilitation Centre ProiHders o f integrated rehabilitation solutions Spring Family Camp M ay 25 - 27 Full-time Administrator CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Burlington location, is looking for a Full-time Administrator. Must have accounts payable and receivable experience. Proficient with Microsoft Office, Dicta- typing and have excellent customer service skills. Please fax resume: Attn: Sandra Davies Fax: (905) 272-3538 Women's Spring Get-A-W ay Weekend Jun e 8 - 1 0 X (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 T H E O A K V IL L E B E A V E R W AREHOUSE R equires help on th e line · M ust have S afe ty shoes · Lifting required T u e s d a y - Friday P art T im e varied hours (9 -5 ) Mother/Daughter Father/Son Weekend May 11 - 1 3 OPPORTUNITIES TO SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY UP IN THE HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS Call for info, or Registration forms: 1-800-387-5081 or 705-457-2132 inf o@ymca-wanakita. on. ca www.ymca-wanakita.on.ca Deaths BULLOCK, Evelyn M ary - Peacefully on April 28, 2001 in her 93rd year. Evelyn, beloved sister of George. Loving aunt of Mary, Margaret (Ken) and Paul (Chris). Evelyn will be remembered by her grandnieces, Valerie and Emily and her cousin Joyce. Friends were received at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road W. (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Tuesday May 1, 2001 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A funeral service was held in the chapel on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Interment St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery. If desired, please consider a donation in Evelyn's memory to a charity of your choice. AD M IN ISTR A TIV E A SSIST A N T $38,000 Our Oakville area client is seeking a dynamic, peopleoriented individual with an entrepreneurial spirit to join their professional services! 5 -10 years administrative support experience is re quired. Use your advanced MS Office (Word/ Excel/ PowerPoint/ Access) skills to prepare presentations, coordinate events/ logistics/ schedules/ travel. Must possess 60-70wpm to prepare documents and corre spondence. Post-secondary education preferred! Please apply within at 427 Speers Rd., Unit 21, Oakville - See Sandy L A N D S C A P E R S NEEDED fu lltim e by O ak v ille based com pany. E x pe rie n ce prefe rre d . C all Chris at (905)828-6767 IMMEDIATE: Part-time- MayJune, full-tim e during sum m er camp, then Fall. Per son to supervise Before/Af te r sch oo laged program . Must drive about 4 children daily to schools. Assistant fo r sch oo laged program . M ust d riv e few children. D river- hrs/km s paid. Raquel, 825 -34 33, e x t.-3, R a hneida 905 -84 9-38 78 ext.-1. BUSY lu m be r processing shop requires full-time help. E xp erience w ith w ood & power tools an asset. Must be able to follow direction, w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly in m a n u fa ctu rin g e n v iro n ment. Interviews Sat. May 5 1-4 pm. C a ll (9 0 5 )6 3 2 3538 for appointment. DRIVERS Needed for Na tio n a l Post N ew spaper(O akville). $1 ,000 /per month cash between 3:00 6 a.m. Delivering samples. Elastics and bags supplied, no collection s. M onday to S a tu rd a y . C a r re q u ire d . Call (416)896-6032 Mehmet ' S U R F th e n n e t and get p a id . Y o u r ho m e , y o u r computer, flexible 3-4/day. Call Bob ® 905-842-1265 P R O FESS IO N A L c le a n e r start immediately, P/T, MonFri., for maid service per m anent position. M ust be reliable honest h a rdw ork ing. No experience need ed. Tracy, (905)331-9100. WATCH US GROW In Glen Abbey Is lo o k in g fo r a n o u tg o in g , frie n d ly M o m , part tim e to w ork 1 -2 days per p e r w e e k , p o s s i b ly w e e k e n d s o r ev e n in g s . N o re ta il e x p e r ie n c e n e c e s s a r y - w ill train. Please call (905)827-2271 Plant Sale P LA N TS A L E Oakville Horticultural Society's Annual Plant Sale Saturday, May 5 from 9 - 1 1 a.m. ^ NOTE EAHUER D A T l'k St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street West between M o rta l and Fourth Une. patlcs, terns, groundcovers, etc. Cash only. Come early. Bring boxes B U M B Y-FA IR , INEZ ALFRETTA (L o n g tim e em ployee of the University of Toronto) At the M cQuigge Lodge Nursing Hom e, Belleville on M o n d a y A p ril 1 6 , 2 0 0 1 in h e r 9 6 th y e a r. B eloved w ife of th e late J.C . S te ac e y Fair. Beloved daughter of the late Harris and Annie B um by. P redeceased by h er b ro th e r A lvin Bumby and survived by her sister-in-law Irene B u m b y of B ro n te . D e a r A u n t In e z to Ann Striker, Sue Irm isch-Brown, Peter Bumby, M ary Lou Walker; great Aunt Inez to Nancie Dayman, Peter Dayman, Carl Dayman, Ellen Irm isch, Ian Irm isch, Sara Bumby-Lauria, Am anda Bumby, Jordan W alker; and great great Aunt Inez to Kaitlin and Jade Dayman, Destiny Dayman and Victoria Bumby-Lauria. M em orial Service will be held in W a lto n M e m o ria l U nited C hurch, (Bronte) Oakville on Saturday, May 5, 2001 at 2 :3 0 p .m . M e m o ria l d o n a tio n s to W a lto n Mem orial United Church would be appreciated. THE SELECTION GROUP Recruitment Specialists Tel: 905-238-1300 Fax: 905-238-0753 entail: jobs@ theselectiongroup.com w w w .theselectiongroup.com R T il · I IJ sales help & agents sales help ,*1 & agents SEEKING fu ll tim e, e x p erie nced h a irs ty lis t. Ex ce lle n t grow th p o te n tia l. Call 905)-257-8998._______ BARBAROSSA Hairstyling requires M en's H a irstylist needed, fu ll tim e. Ask fo r P e te r o r D o ris (905) 844-3952 RPN'S required. VERY COMPETITIVE PAY RATE. For Maternity Relief & Permanent F /T and P /T ZO O M ... ZO O M ... Would you like to... BJ'S D aycare requires fu lltim e : J u n io r Room Teacher and Assistant for Toddler Room. High ener gy, a d a p ta b ility and p atitience necessary. Resumes to 2160 Headon Road, Bur lington or fax business hours only, 905-331-3004 STEPPIN G Stones C h ild care hiring full time staff to start July & August. Ener getic, creative, and am bi tious ECE's and Assistants. Toddler, preschool and kin dergarten positions a v a il able. C all Shelly 905-4645678.___________________ RO TH ERG LENSCHO OL River O aks C am pus in O akville looking for a fu ll time French Teacher & parttim e M usic Tea cher for S e ptem ber 2001. Please fax resume (905)338-9599 ¥ M ECH AN IC S H e lper / A p p re n tice req u ire d F u ll time for busy import facility (Oakville), call Al 905-8452269 Sell the hottest products? Earn the highest rewards? Drive a superb company car? Have a beautiful office? Be part of a great team? Enjoy our family type environment? BURKE FU N ERA L HOM E (6 1 3 -9 6 8 - 6 9 6 8 ) Belleville, Ontario Health Clinic FREE SPINAL SCREENING Sponsored by Alliance Healthcare in honour of Spinal Health Month. I I I I Are you good? Experienced? Fully understand leasing? If you are, we are the perfect fit for you. H m H o ltd n S . 3465 Fairview St. Burlington requires MECHANIC WANTED! for busy Chrysler Dealership. Class "A" Chrysler experience. Im m ediately. Busy Flat Rate Shop Contact John Brito Service Manager Unique Chrysler 915 W alker's Line Burlington 905-631-8100 905-631-8271 Vistamere Retirement Oakville ©905-847-1413 or fax 847-1765 FULLTIME RECEPTIONIST for O akville medical clinic. M ust be team player who enjoys w o rking w ith the public, is able to multi- task as required and ready to take on the responsibilities of this challenging position. OHIP e xperience essen tial. Fax resume: 905-338-3731 CH IR O P R A C TIC o ffice seeking highly enthusiastic individual with six arms and six legs for part time or full time health assistant. Must be mature, career oriented w ith good tele p h o n e and clerical skills. Call by May 9th, 905 -2 5 7 -6 7 9 2 only between 2pm-7pm daily. DENTAL H y g ie n is t re quired by busy Milton prac tice fo r m aternity leave. 8 m onths fulltim e, 4 m onths part-tim e, possibly leading to permanent part-time. Ex perience preferred but not e s s e n tia l. Fax resum e to Southview Dental Clinic @ 905-876-3278____________ FR IE N D L Y, pro g re ssive dental office requires Den tal Hygienist fo r m aternity leave position. I.O. Camera and com puter skills would be an asset. Please fax re sume 905-634-9095 Call Ian or Steve at O AK V ILLE M A ZD A 905- 827-4242 FULL-TIME AFTERNOONS Apply in person No calls please! PET HOTEL hiring lo r approxim ately 30/hrs weekly, including two weekends a m onth. Also w eekend & summer help. Must be en ergetic, have own transpor tation and start at 7am. An imal experience an asset. East B u rlin g to n . Fax resume to: 905-336-3687. A W AR EHOUSE W orker: S h ipping and receiving. Tow motor licence required. 9am-5pm. M on-Fri. Con tact: Dave, fax (905)-8203215____________________ DRIVER needed. 25K. No spe cia l lice n se required ju s t re lia b lity . Please fo r ward resum e to P.O. Box 755, W aterdow n, ON LOR 2H0_____________________ & ^ & TELUS M OBILITY Territory Sales Professional Be part of the wireless leader, join the Team. Perform ance driven, compensation, and continuous training & support, TERRITORIES: Hamilton, Burlington Oakville & Mississauga. BO NDED, re lia b le , e x perie nced cle a n in g lady available. Residential/ offic es, etc. S a tis fa c tio n e n sured. Call 905-547-4896 Sat. M ay 5, 9am -4pm Call 905-845-2291 to schedule W alk-ins accepted also on an availability basis. C A PEL, B a rb a r a (n e e L e a v e r) - Peacefully, surrounded by her family on Friday, April 27, 2001 after a courageous battle with cancer, at the age of 71. Barbara, beloved wife of Bill CapeL Cherished mom of Sue and her husband Jeff Parr and Nancy and her husband Jamie Young. Fun loving Gammy of Alex and Scott Parr and Brad and Jennifer Young. Dear sister of Larry Leaver and his wife Velma and Mary Ellen and her husband Bob Hirons. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd. W,, Oakville from 2 -4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service to be held 2 p.m. Thursday, May 3, 2001 at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., Oakville. For those who wish, memorial contributions may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or St. Paul's United Church. "FOREVER YOUNG AT HEART' Graduates welcome! Fax resume: Attn Sales Manager TELUS Mob ility 0AK-LAND FORD LINCOLN requires (905)465-1897 | NATURAL Life Expo. Sat. May 12, 9am-6pm. Inspira tion and in fo rm a tio n for healthy, sustainable living. Green Marketplace, 30 free sem inars, organic garden ing, n atural h ea lin g, re new able energy, hom e schooling and much more. Community Centre, Hwy.5, St. George. $5 Admission. 1-800-215-957 4 or www.life.ca/events Funeral Director O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME O ur family serving your family LUBE SHOP TECHNICIAN Monday-Friday, 5 days 7:30 am -3:30 pm Fax: 905-844-4472 Call 905-844-3990 attn: Mike Quesnelle P reventive oriented general dental practice in O akville requires MEET B urlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. Ham ilton (905)-319-3111. I lost & found FOUND: grey m ale tabby cat, King/ Plains Rd. We call "Billy*. (905)637-7325. FOUND: pair of children's eye glasses (oval & brass). R o c k c liffe Park in W aterdow n on M onday A p ril 30th. (905)690-0548 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V ILLE Funeral D irectors · Don C larke ·G regory Sidora ·T ina Q uenneville · P atrick M cD erm ott · T am m y C ook 01 R IS I0 , D onato - Peacefully on Sunday, April 29, 2001 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Donato in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Antonietta (nee Della Penna). Dear father of Nick and his wife Renate, Robert and Linda. Brother of Giulio and his wife Giulia of Italy. Loving grandfather to Tonia, Don, Ryan and Thea. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville. A Funeral Mass was held at St. James Parish on Wednesday, May 2,2001. Entombment Glen Oaks. LUEDEE, James: On Thursday, Loved husband of Eleanor. Son of Nicholas and M am ie. Brother to Gordie, Bernard, Leo, Bernice, Anne, M argaret Rose, Cecilia, Luceine, A d e le a n d p re d e c e a s e d by b r o th e r C y ril. James' burial took place in Newfoundland. A m ass will be conducted on S aturday, M ay 5, 2001 at 11 a.m . at Holy R osary Church, 2 8 7 P la in s R oad (w e s t of B ra n t) in B u rlin g to n . Donations in James' m em ory may be made to the charity of your choice. Dental H ygienist W e are seeking a m otivated dental hy gienist to continue an established perio dontal program 2 to 3 days per w eek. P le ase send resum e to: Dr. A. P. Dailyde - 345 Lakeshore Rd., East suite #302, Oakville L6J 1J5 (905)844-4445 FRESH Faces Needed! W om en, men, kids, all age s/ size s fo r m ovies, c a ta lo g u e w ork, fa sh io n / hair shows. Great $15-$90/ hr. Call 905-336-5455. 842-2252

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