Federal candidates offer views on climate change continued from p.6 "To date, my Conservative government has eliminated the Liberal fossil fuel subsidy that diverted billions of dollars to the oil and gas sector; banned the construction of new coal-fired power plants in Canada; introduced strict new fuel-efficiency regulations that will reduce tailpipe emissions by 50 per cent by 2025; implemented renewable fuel regulations requiring a minimum content for gas and diesel fuel; and invested (more than) $1 billion in renewable fuel and energy efficiency technologies," he listed. Effie Triantafilopoulos, Conservative candidate for Oakville North--Burlington, said the Conservatives plan on increasing energy efficiency and advancing innovation. "In fact, we have invested more than $10 billion in green infrastructure, clean energy technologies, cleaner fuels and smarter grids," she said. "And, we brought forward regulations to increase the fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks -- which will produce significant savings at the pump." She added, the Conservative Party opposes carbon taxes and will reduce emissions while "providing tax relief to Canadians and protecting our economy." Pam Damoff, Oakville North--Burlington Liberal candidate, said the Liberals are willing to work with the provinces and territories and are committed to attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. Following the conference, the Liberals would have a First Ministers meeting within 90 days to work on a framework to combat climate change. "We came out with a policy document on a new plan for Canada's environment and economy," she said, noting central to the plan will be the creation of "national emissionsreduction targets, informed by the best economic and scientific analysis." "If there's one thing I believe strongly in, and have been since I've been on (Town of Oakville) council, is that the environment and economy are tied together. What's good for the environment is also good for the economy," she said. John Oliver, the Oakville Liberal candidate, added the Liberal Party platform includes "$200 million in additional annual funding to support innovation and clean technologies in a variety of sectors. "Also, we will use fiscal measures to make Canada one of the world's most competitive tax jurisdictions for investments in research, development and manufacturing of clean future generations," she said. "The challenge of what to do and how to act also produces a phenomenal opportunity to invest and grow the green and sustainable economy and create jobs." Janice Best, Oakville North--Burlington NDP candidate, said co-operation between the federal and provincial government is important in developing a national strategy that tackles the problem more immediately. "Some of the things the party plans to do is meet the international climate change obligations, reduce Canada's reliance on fossil fuels, support energy efficiency and conservation, kick start our clean energy sector to make Canada a global market leader and ending the fossil fuel subsidy," she said. For more details on each party's stance on climate change, visit conservative.ca, greenparty.ca, liberal.ca, libertarian.ca and ndp. ca. 7 | Thursday, October 15, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com technology," he said. Che Marville, Oakville NDP candidate said the only way to tackle climate change is a unified approach to develop a "transformative and inclusive plan for the present and future" and "create a national and measurable strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and join the world as leaders to save our planet. "It is also an extraordinary opportunity to bring the nation together on a matter that is impacting us currently and will impact all t Wedding c PerfeR obin H aw yb omed y ac do n October 21 - 25, 2015 Oakville Centre For The Performing Arts Box Office: 905.815.2021 oakvilledrama.com or the-west.ca OPEN HOUSE S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 24, 2015 10 : 0 0 a . m . t o 2 : 0 0 p . m . Rotherglen is so much more than a vibrant learning community. It's a place where curiosity is fostered, challenges are faced and achievements are celebrated. It's where students grow, become inspired, discover their talents and develop a love of learning. It's where every child's individual educational journey and experiences are nurtured and encouraged. Seeing is believing! Please join us on Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to learn how a Rotherglen education can be part of your child's bright future and path to success. Rotherglen, what school should be. Oakville Primary Campus Montessor i: Age 3 to Grade 1 2045 Sixth Line, Oakville, ON 905-338-3528 | mwilliamson@rotherglen.com Oakville Elementary Campus Grade 1 to 8 2050 Neyagawa Blvd., Oakville, ON 905-849-1897 | tdupreez@rotherglen.com w w w . r O t H E r g l E N . c O m