Wednesday, June 6, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 Local sculptor created trophy for Tiger E S S By Carol Baldwin ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Tiger Woods won the Triple Crown last year; Steve Hudak created the trophy this year. It was quite a feat for Woods and quite a coup for Hudak. The Oakville sculptor says the first Triple Crown win ner. Lee Travino, was presented with a three-foot tall wood en trophy, which remains at the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame. On the other hand, his smaller bronze trophy is quite manageable and was designed as an original work of art/trophy for Woods to display in his home. After experimenting with two-part epoxy, which was difficult to work with, "too stiff," and resulted in a not-soround globe, Hudak suggested bronze, even though it would be more expensive. The decision-makers at the Hall of Fame agreed, and Hudak began creating a trophy for the world-famous golfer. The trophy depicts a golfing figure in three poses, atop a globe that features only Canada, the U.S. and Great Britain - the three countries involved in the Triple Crown. "With bronze, they could hope for much better quality characters. And they wanted the characters to be more golf like in their poses," says Hudak. explaining that the large wooden trophy portrays the figure in inaccurate golf poses. "The original one is not in (authentic) golf order. It has the end of the swing, the beginning of the swing, then the mid dle of the swing. They asked me to change that. Mine is sequential," he says, noting that the androgynous looking figures on his trophy also appear more fluid. Hudak also wanted to make the globe accurate, but they declined. "So, we have Britain on the one side, which is almost as big as North America. But I had to balance them out visually," he explains. "I think they have a nice balance now." The trophy is currently on its way to the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame where a base and a plaque will be added. · "They have asked to have a second one cast for Lee Travino...because he never took the big one. That became quite a high point of the whole thing," says Hudak, with pride, adding that he's quite prepared to make still another one for Woods' second time at winning the Triple Crown. Steve Hudak created a bronze Triple Crown trophy for Tiger Woods. · Controls appetite naturally · Increases energy, vitality · Helps bum more fat i j WM 4000: 'Offer expires June 13/01. Not valid with other coupons. , Photo by Peter C. McCusker A B B E Y W O O D O R -*-Q O p e n M o n d a y - F rid a y 9-7 & S a tu rd a y 9-4 -- I 1395 Abbeywood Rd. OAKVILLE (In the Bruno's Fine Foods plaza) I | 1905) 469-4532 ~ H alton L inen O ltlkt All A ssorted B ed s^ G o Sizes Now *39". $ 799 99 99 For that occasion, though, he's considering glass as the medium, which will save on foundry costs. "Maybe they'll want another type, because he'll have already won one. And I've been thinking of taking the three characters and instead of having them on top of a globe, maybe having a flat map with the three figures on top." Either way, he's quite pleased that his original sculpture will soon be in Woods' possession, followed by another for Travino. But for Hudak. it's par for the course. 199 Hand 9 " Sheet' ^itchen^owels 7Placemats Premiere Towels 199 Bath' 1 4 Face' Decorative Pillows 16 $Q99 O '* * 1 $44*" ^99 N o w S fiw s^P e S fiirjO o w n Standard $39.99 & Napkins §23.99 O A K V IL L E 481 N o r t h S e r v ic e R d .W . (b e tw e e n D o r v a l D r iv e and 4 th L in e ) (bet $27.00 S33jO O o (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 M O N . - FRI. 10 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M .-6 RM. S u n d a y ! i2 a .m - 5 p.m. Vo te d O a k v ille 's B e st Lin en Shop PETITE CLASSICS Spring Sale "Figure 8' by Sharon Labbett Noble was also removed from Town Hall. NATIONAL KIDS DAY " JUNE 9 , I In S upport of, 20- 505, (s o m e e x c e p tio n s a p p ly ) Hih Annual N a tio n a l Kids Day in S u p p o rt o f Kids'Help. Phone S a t u r d a y . Ju n e 9. 20 01 11 a.m. t o 3 p.m. Artists aware of policy (C ontinued from page C 1) E , O A K V I L L E 905-845-0655 M acdonald Scott Consultants sponsors the M o t h e r 's Day; F a th e r's Day a n d no w the OAC. And all three stressed that Town Hall is not an art gallery but a place where people go to conduct busi ness with the Town. "People come to Town Hall to reg ister their kids for swimming, go pay a parking ticket or something. They're not entering an art gallery," the mayor explained. "It (the painting) was adju dicated by the Clerk's Department that's their role. And their viewpoint was that it was outside the policy. And it was taken down." It was unfortunate that the piece was accepted into the show in the first place, she added, noting that the Arts Council is well aware of the policy and that a couple o f its members, who were hanging the show, were surprised that Stem's piece was being included. Both Mulvale and McIntyre sug gested that their concern over this inci dent was not over the removal of three works of art but over the possibility that the controversy may result in the removal of that space for use by the OAC's Art Works program. "Obviously, what we have to review with the Arts Council now is how they adjudicate juried shows before they're hung," said Mulvale. "It's very difficult to legislate taste.. .A judgement was made in a policy that says, `This is the line. And we don't want to cross the line.'" McIntyre said that the OAC respects Town Hall's policy, because it is the town's space, which has been generously donated to the OAC for exhibiting art. "For some reason they find nudes to be offensive. My personal taste is that they are not. But they feel that it is not an appropriate place to show nudes," she said. "I have no idea why they (OAC committee members) took that painting to Town Hall, because it was inevitable that Town Hall would say, `We can't have that there... ' Town Hall is a restricted site. We are allowed to show art there with absolutely noth ing controversial...! do accept that they don't want nudes." She said the jurors selected the "offensive" pieces for the show so they could hang in Sheridan College during the Mayor's Awards dinner, where the exhibit opens, and be included in the vote for the People's Choice awards. However, she added, the artists of those pieces were warned that their art could not be hung at Town Hall. The official opening of this juried art show - minus three - will take place on Monday, June 11. The art will remain in Town Hall at 1225 Trafalgar Rd. until July 27. Hatton Professional Business Women's Network Celebrating their K ID S D A Y F o r a d o n a tio n o f j u s t a "lo o n ie " t o s u p p o r t th e KIDS HELP PHONE Join us f o r a fun filled d a y o f a c tiv itie s C lo w n s, P rizes a n d Gam es. 5 th Anniversary with Guest Speaker Usa Brant o fCHFI FM 98 discussing 'Trust Your Instincts" Enter The Help Spread a Smile Contest Kids d r a w a p i c t u r e d themselves and tell as w h a t makes them smile. The w inner will g o fo r w a r d t o th e `National C ontest C e lebra te and feel g o o d a s you help ra ise money A c r o s s C a n a d a f o r children in need/ A n evening full o f fun and networking opportunities · Prizes, Door Prizes & Surprises · Presentation to the winner o f the "Why / Love the Halton Professional Business Women's Network" contest. Oakville Entertainment Centrum 2085 Winston Park Drive Winston Churchill just N. of the Q.E.W. Bonus to Members & Directory Participants: Andrea Nielsen & M. J. 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The d in n e r is a w h o le lo bster, c o rn o n th e c o b . b u t t e r f o r d ip p in " a n d c o rn b re a d . V isit o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .o a k v ille fe s tiv a l.c o m f o r m o r e in fo r m a tio n a n d to o rd e r y o u r tic k e ts . ( 9 0 5 ) 847-5500 H a lt o n -C a ir d In s u r a n c e B r o k e r s 2 3 7 0 W yecroft R oad, O akville, O ntario L6L 6M 1 Providing personalized insurance solutions for our community for 55 years. In te rn a tio n a l T im ffc tto tiA presents Jf. HUB ite O N T A R IO m ore to discover ret w w w .o a k v ille fR s tiv a m June 2 2 *23*24 V o te d B e s t In s u ra n c e B r o k e ra g e b y T h e R e a d e rs S e le c tio n A w a rd s in th e O a k v ille B e a v e r - T W O y e a rs in a ro w !