Oakville Beaver, 13 Jun 2001, Automotive, D08

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D8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 13, 2001 DOES YOUR CAR WAX GIVE YOU BETTER PROTECTION THAN YOUR CUT-RATE CAR INSURANCE? OAKVILLE Fleet* Bob M cIntosh * v J E m i Don't trust just anyone to insure your car. see me: 6 1 6 York S t. O akville Direct: 9 0 5 ^ 2 7 - 7 1 9 1 W ayne McGill 2345'OtyaroftRd #21, Oakville W e lease all m a k e s and m odels. An Oakville Beaver Advertising Feature To advertise in this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Dodge Caravan boasts more power The Dodge Caravan and Grand Caravan, like their Chrysler counterparts, have been completely redesigned for 2001 . 2001 Dodge Caravan Although similar looking to last year's model, the popular minivan's body is all-new, as is its interior and suspension. All Caravans feature consid erably more power than the ones they replace. The Caravan SE starts with a 3.3-litre OHV V6 that delivers 180 horsepower. Optional is a 215-horsepower 3.8-litre OHV V6 that's also available in the Grand Caravan. As in the past, all-wheel drive can be specified in your Dodge minivan, but you'll have to order the Caravan Sport model or the Grand Caravan to get it. As with the Chrysler Town & Country, the Caravan can be ordered with an optional power liftgate, a bar-raising minivan item if ever there was one. There isn't enough space here to go through the laundry list of standard and optional equip ment. Suffice to say, if you want it, it most likely lies between the fenders of a Caravan. Base price: $24,900 Passenger doors: Four Base engine (hp): 3.3-litre OHV V6 (180) Optional engine (hp): 3.8litre OHV V6 (215) Layout: Front-engine, front/all-wheel drive Transmission: Four-speed automatic Fuel consum ption (1/100 km, city/hwy): 13.6/11.2 (3.3) Safety: Front airbags; side airbags (opt.); ABS (opt.); child safety seat (opt.) Weight (kg): 1,780 Basic warranty: 3/60,000 Roadside assistance: Yes Web: daimlerchrysler.ca 0 3 D S 1 H J L ..D K1200RS Has Arrived! · No Motorcycle License Required · Transport Canada Approved A | M oney Down ^ I n t e r e s t fo r 90 D ays P a y m e n ts f o r 9 0 D ays o j v .c . · 2-Speed Automatic Transmission · on the spot financing u th o riz e d T o m o s D e a le r 6 6 7 fo u rth Line (Corner of Speers) (905) 849-9400 L ^ 191WYECR0FT RD. OAKVILLE tmnv.oakiHlIeborula.com 2400 South Service Road (9 0 S ) 845-3577 ww w .buddsbm w .com d® 905 844-9831 - $ ® 3 ® Q d F I V E STAR C E R T IF IE D d d d 6 ® F I V E STAR C E R T IF IE D FIVE STAR CERTIFIED X 'e m u ? 0 6 0 0 0 GLENLEVEN 4U * OTRYSIJER, in O a k v il l e Loaded, power sunroof, leather, 4 disc CD in dash, 17' chrome wheels, perform ance handling & much more. After 7ahh Ardt $0 DOWN $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN * S 4 8 g97 5454 9 *4 6 7 " Anniversary Model > V8, pow er sunroof, leather, 17' chrom e w heels and 3.3L V6, 4-spd., auto., p. window & locks, tilt, m cruise, cassette, air, sunscreen glass & more. </> much m ore. 60th Anniversary badsjing & flo o r mats NO SECURITY DEPOSIT or 1.8% JLP.R. up to G Omths> $0 DOWN $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN O W '* ' U H $0 DOWN $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN * 625 " 568 * * 545 " * *3 4 8 " O *2 9 2 " S *27o« h GC Ul Loaded w ith power w indow s & locks, tilt, cruise, CD, air and more 2001 CHRYSLER NEON < g / lo * # * / if/to tc 50 DOWN $2500 DOWN $3500 DOWN *3 6 4 " *3 0 7 " *2 8 4 " 0 o/ purchase financing 2 Leases based on 48 months, 20,400km/yr. Phis freight, taxes, license & admin. for 60 m onths o n 2001 Neons O n t a r io m o r e to ilis c o v e r F e s t iv a l Ju n e 2 2 » 2 3 « 2 4 , 2 00 1 www.oakvillefestival.com featuring G l e n l e v e n C hrysler 2388 ROYAL WINDSOR DR., OAKVILLE 905-845-7575 www.glenleven.com jann ard en, kirn m itch ell, the jeff liealey band, the second city

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