Oakville Beaver, 27 Jun 2001, B04

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER · · Wednesday, June 27, 2001 ing Entertainment | -ft, i t O akville's Bi-W eekly D i n i n g & E n t e r t a i n m e n t S p otlight t/ve Eraaam fr Eiir y Friday at 9 pm First Choice Kitchen is favourite for Chinese food By Kym Funnell e a t u r i n g KARAOKE F EVERY Saturday Night at 10 pm B elt o u t som e Blues, Croon a C ou n try Tune 210 North Service Rd. West, Oakville Town Centre II, OAKVILLE iTSl 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -8 7 0 3 B U R L IN G T O N , O A K V IL L E , W A T E R L O O , H A M IL T O N m ore than 9 0 C h inese d is h e s, a salad bar, fresh fruit and v e g e ta b le s , Choice Kitchen J l st_ Join usfor our continental cuisine in our elegant Oakville Star Restaurant · W e offer the finest o f im ported & dom estic wines · C ustom ized m enus for corporate & social events as w ell as an ice cream bar and desserts, it is no w onder w hy First C h oice K itchen is w ell know n for their varied buffet, w h ich is the m ain fo c u s at both the O a k v ille and B urlington location s. The e x c lu siv e authentic d ish es originate from the C h inese province o f Szechuan, as w e ll as som e authentic C antonese d ish es. Brothers S teve and B oris Tam opened up their busin ess in 1985, to overw h elm in g su ccess in both B urlington and O ak ville. S u c c e ss in O a k v ille is e v id en t as e v e n thou gh the o p tio n s are p le n tifu l throu gh ou t tow n , O akvillians voted First C h oice K itchen as their first ch o ice for C h inese food in the 2 0 0 0 R eaders' Restaurant R eview , for the sixth year in a row. Sam ples from the Szechuan portion o f the m enu includ e various vegetab le and meat d ishes in the c h e f 's ow n sauce. M any o f these d ish es are e x c lu siv e to First C h oice K itchen as they are fam ily recipes, and not found any w here e lse . Kung Po Gai D ing is a sp icy m ix o f w ater chestnu ts, chick en strips, peanuts and greens. The hot and sour soup is a m ust, m ade with authentic style brim m ing with ch ick en , pork and shrim p, along w ith tofu chunks, bam boo shoots and e g g drop, all com b ined in a ch ick en -b ased broth laced with a healthy d ose o f B oris Tam 's ow n hot sauce. If there are sim p ly too m any d ish es to try, get a sam ple o f everything at their A ll-U -C an -E at D in n er B u ffe t S p e c ia l! O nly $ 7 .9 9 from M onday to Thursday. A nother aspect o f First C h oice K itchen that is sure to leave a good taste in your m outh, is their firm b e lie f in g iv in g som ething back to the com m unity. In addition to the num ber o f different charities they are proud to support, th ey a lso support T he R otary C lub o f O ak ville. Last year they participated in A Taste o f the Tow n, held in June at A ppleby C o lleg e , with various other local restaurants. T his Rotary Club event raised m oney for the John B lack L ife Support R oom at O akville T rafalgar M em orial H o sp ita l (O .T .M .H .). A lso , on the first o ffic ia l day they opened in O ak ville back in 1985, they donated all o f their receipts from first day o f busin ess to O .T.M .H . You could say the key to their success is hidden in community involvem ent and family secrets, that is, family recipes that produce the finest Chinese food in Oakville! To fu lly appreciate the savoury, zesty d ish es and atm osphere, First C h oice K itchen is an exp erien ce that ought to be tried in person. V isit them today at 6 4 9 Fourth L ine, or call them to order take-out or book reservations at 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 6 6 6 . RAMADAINN & CONVENTION CENTRE 3 6 0 O a k v ille P la c e D r iv e , O a k v ille (905) 845-7561 TOWNE RESTAURANT & Dining Lounge Continental Cuisine restaurant Fully Licensed Celebrating our 1st Anniversary Saturday, June 2 12 noon-5 p.m. Free samples, your chance to try t Oakville' s Best Indian food. Vegetarian & Non Vegetarian Hours: Tuesday Sunday 11:30am-10pm FINE DINING AT FAST FOOD PRICES We specialize in Prime Rib, Seafood & Steaks Open for breakfast, lunch {? dinner Monday - Saturday 6:30 a.m. - 9.-00 p.m. BanqnetAVedding facilities for up to 200 people Your hosts Peter & Mike Eat In or Take Out 338-0889 579 Kerr Street, O akville 467 Speers Road, Oakville 842-0475 Come to LITTLE ITALY for homemade authentic Italian food. Tuesday features fundraiser night where $1.00 off every entree goes to M/S Wednesday features a seafood extravagna Thursday Friday and Saturday features two main courses one meat and one fish which comes with a pasta and side dishes or veg salad and potatoes Sunday little Italy hosts in house or off premise catering call now for bookings (30 in house). So come down and enjoy Chef George Cirone Creations where every visit will surely be a memorable one. | | I | I THE HARVEST TABLE your friendly Family Restaurant Hours: Mon .-Thurs.-7am-8pm Fri. 7am-9:30pm Sat. 7am-9pm Sun. 8am-8pm BREAKFAST starting frotn $ / | 55 " SI SERVED ALL DAY I I I I I I Including Roast Turkey D inner, Pork Tenderloin, C hicken Parmisan served with vegetables, potatoes, soup, satad bar & garlic bread starting from $ 7 4 5 D IN IN C SPECIALS L ittle I taly 480 Brant St. 905 631 3164 *with this coupon get 5% Discount on main entree I I I I SENIORS SPECIALS EVERY DAY 3550 Fairview Street Burlington, ON __ QEW 632-5911 N s 3 i w £ FA IR V IEW ST. -- ^ · L U = 3 t h I U I T M T C D i 4 (Since 1973) Family Restaurant Daily Breakfast Special 2 eggs bacon, ham or sausage toast & potatoes onl Open fo r Breakfast · Lunch · Dinner Hopedale Mall · 827-4851 There's a whole new world out there... discover it today. www.a a d iv isio n o f H a lto n S e a rc h . com lleco fo e a v e r c o m nn ectin g you to yo ur com m unity .

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