Building Memories. GDHS launches new campaign. Class of 1945-6. Do you know us?

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 19 Apr 2006, p. 12
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Georgetown District High School's Building Memories Campaign is looking for historical photos like the one above. The Class of 1945-46 was front row (from left), Ross Norton, Joe Smith, Carl Shenk, Ken Mendham, Joe Peters, Bill Arnold, Gerard Wilcox, John Whitney, Jim Golden, Bill Muir, Grey Murriam, Jim Hamilton, Ron Cash, Dave Lucas, Jim Kirkwood, Ross Dillon, Jim Glazier, Pal Johnson, Ed Wilson, Sam Snow, Keith Thompson, Lekle De Vries and Ray Andersen. Second row: M. Norton, M. Ritchie, A. Van Fleit, M. Dickie, ?, D. Olney, R. Newman, I. Mitchell, ?, Bill King, M. Alexander, M. Norrie, Miss Inman, Mr. Prouse, Mr. Lambert, Miss Piercy, Miss Wilson, Miss Luke, P. Cavanagh, M. Foreman, J. Herrinton, R. Buck, B. Conn, M. Hulme, P. Muir, A. Molozzi, R. Sykes, J. Beaumont, E. Thompson. Third row; B. Thompson, N. Long, B. Parrot, D. MacLaren, V. Ostrander, D. Parker, G. Cousens, D. Alexander, J. Haines, D. Latimer, B. Addy, J. Marchington, K. Thompson, M. Ritchie, G. Walters, K. Bingham, M. Stamp, R. Presswood, J. Hill, N. Brown, D. Roberts, S. Harrison, L. Robinson, L. Palmer, H. Cleave, M. Sargent, J. Chester, S. Preston, V. Chapman, I. Haupmann, A. MacAlister, R. Peck. Fourth row: J. Early, M. Hepburn, M. Moyer, H. De Vries, B. Ostrander, J. Farmer, D. Van Fleit, D. Dawson, D. Brownridge, B. Robinson, J. Main, I. McClure, B. Dickie, Skip Sargent, R. Hunter, E. Peters, K. Harrison, P. Cousens, J. Clarke, P. Robinson, V. Barnes, B. Brill, C. Taylor.

Georgetown District High School kicks off its Building Memories Campaign next month with a Dinner and Silent Auction. The campaign will aid today's students to build memories during high school and celebrate the school's history and achievements. An Opportunities for All Fund will be established to help students who need financial assistance to participate in co-curricular activities. Presently students must pay some of the cost of participating on a team, in a club or band. This new fund will allow every student to experience all that GDHS has to offer. The campaign also aims to develop a historical focus at GDHS to recognize and celebrate the school's rich history in academic and co-curricular achievements. Memories and experiences of former students will be displayed with existing displays of photos, trophies and memorabilia upgraded and new ones created. The Dinner Reception and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, May 6 at the Gellert Centre, 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 each. Once the renovations to GDHS are complete, other fund-raising initiatives will be announced. If you want tickets, make a donation to the Silent Auction, or have some Georgetown High photos and memorabilia you would like to donate to the school, call 905-877-6966, ext. 484. Once the 2007 planned GDHS renovation is completed, A Buy a Brick Campaign will be started. Alumni will be able to buy a brick with their name and graduating year inscribed on it. Name plates (Bricks) will be hung in a new Alumni Hall and be part of a permanent historical display at GDHS.

The Building Memories Campaign committee is hoping someone(s) in the community can identify this GDHS team. No date or team has been provided. Contact Steve Pettit, 905-8770402 or the 905-877-6966, ext. 484.

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Date of Publication
19 Apr 2006
Personal Name(s)
Norton, Ross ; Smith, Joe ; Shenk, Carl ; Mendham, Ken ; Peters, Joe ; Arnold, Bill ; Wilcox, Gerard ; Whitney, John ; Golden, Jim ; Muir, Bill ; Murriam, Grey ; Hamilton, Jim ; Cash, Ron ; Lucas, Dave ; Kirkwood, Jim ; Dillon, Ross ; Glazier, Jim ; Johnson, Pal ; Wilson, Ed ; Snow, Sam ; Thompson, Keith ; De Vries, Lekle ; Andersen, Ray ; Norton, M ; Ritchie, M ; Van Fleit, A ; Dickie, M ; Olney, D ; Newman, R ; Mitchell, I ; King, Bill ; Alexander, M ; Norrie, M ; Inman, Miss ; Prouse, Mr ; Lambert, Mr ; Piercy, Miss ; Wilson, Miss ; Luke, Miss ; Cavanagh, P ; Foreman, M ; Herrinton, J ; Buck, R ; Conn, B ; Hulme, M ; Muir, P ; Molozzi, A ; Sykes, R ; Beaumont, J ; Thompson, E ; Thompson, B ; Long, N ; Parrot, B ; MacLaren, D ; Ostrander, V ; Parker, D ; Cousens, G ; Alexander, D ; Haines, J ; Latimer, D ; Addy, B ; Marchington, J ; Thompson, K ; Ritchie, M ; Walters, G ; Bingham, K ; Stamp, M ; Presswood, R ; Hill, J ; Brown, N ; Roberts, D ; Harrison, S ; Robinson, L ; Palmer, L ; Cleave, H ; Sargent, M ; Chester, J ; Preston, S ; Chapman, V ; Haupmann, I ; MacAlister, A ; Peck, R ; Early, J ; Hepburn, M ; Moyer, M ; De Vries, H ; Ostrander, B ; Farmer, J ; Van Fleit, D ; Dawson, D ; Brownridge, D ; Robinson, B ; Main, J ; McClure, I ; Dickie, B ; Sargent, Skip ; Hunter, R ; Peters, E ; Harrison, K ; Cousens, P ; Clarke, J ; Robinson, P ; Barnes, V ; Brill, B ; Taylor, C ; Pettit, Steve
Corporate Name(s)
Georgetown District High School
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