Oakville Beaver, 4 Dec 2015, p. 18

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, December 4, 2015 | 18 The Halton Regional Police Service still has spots available for its upcoming session of the Citizen Police Academy. Residents can learn about the Halton police Forensic Identification Unit, Tactical and Rescue Unit, Collision Reconstruction Unit and more. The program runs from 7-10 p.m. Citizen Police Academy accepting applications IRHS fundraises for Costa Rica trip every Tuesday for 12 weeks between Jan. 26 and April 12, 2016. Each week participants are given presentations on various aspects of the police service. The voluntary program is designed for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of the local police service and policing in Canada in general. Preference is given to those who live, work or own a business in Halton. For more information or to apply online, visit www.haltonpolice.ca/ CommunityPolicing/PublicSafety/ CPA/Pages/default.aspx. A current email address is mandatory for communication purposes. Iroquois Ridge High School's Interact Club at is holding a silent auction fundraiser Friday, Dec. 11 in support of a service trip to Costa Rica. During March Break 2016, 12 students and two teachers will work with Dream Volunteers to provide access to education for children in a Costa Rican community. "This silent auction will help them to get to their destination, getting you a night out with live music and refreshments, plus the chance at winning some great items," said Robin Scheffler, co-president of Interact Club at Iroquois Ridge. The event is at 7:30 p.m. at the Oakville Arts Studio, 2530 Sixth Line, unit 8A. 905-829-1040 www.bombaybhelrestaurant.com Indian Cuisine North AmericA GrANite Quartz · Granite · Marble Kitchen & Bath Countertops Visit our Oakville showroom! 1111 North Service Road East 905-338-6686 www.nagranite.ca 2525 Hampshire Gate, Oakville, L6H 6C8 Ask the Professionals ASk THE ExpERT ORTHOTICS WHAT ARE CUSTOM ORTHOTICS? Do you wake up in the morning with painful feet? Are your heels hurting at the end of the day? There is nothing worse than spending the holidays in pain! Custom orthotics are designed to help correct misalignments of the foot, improve posture, and eliminate foot or leg pain. They are either inserted into a shoe, or integrated into the shoe's design so that they become part of the sole of the shoe. Custom orthotics differ from the inserts you can buy at any store because they are specially made to conform to the unique shape of your foot, and can be created for almost any type of shoe, whether it is flat or high-heeled. WHAT CAN ORTHOTICS DO FOR YOU? Custom made orthotics can play a supportive role in the overall treatment of symptoms and more importantly, prevent re-occurrences. Your feet should not hurt! Feet are designed to be used, and pain is the body's way of warning you that something is wrong. If you ignore the pain, the condition causing it could become worse and travel to other areas, causing hip and knee pain. Please call 905.829.0724 for more information and to book an appointment with our chiropractor, Dr. Carole Smith, and to find out about our end of year promotion. If I'm allergic to aspirin, what over-the-counter pain medication can I use? If you are allergic to aspirin, that means you have a "salicylate" allergy and should avoid using products with this ingredient, but there are other medications you can use. There also is the likelihood that you are allergic to Ibuprofen and naproxen - two other pain-relief medications available both over-the-counter (OTC) and by prescription. Acetaminophen may be a suitable choice for pain. Anyone with a salicylate allergy also may be allergic to other oral OTC medications that have salicylate as an ingredient, such as Pepto-Bismol® or Aspergum®, or topical creams containing methyl salicylate, such as Ben-Gay®. Always check the list of active ingredients on the drug label and packaging for the word "salicylate" or "salicylic acid", and be sure to read the section on the label about product allergies. If you are unsure whether a product contains salicylates, ask your pharmacist before purchasing or taking it. To advertise in this feature call 905-845-3824 Robert Nashat, Pharm.D, CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator) Leon Pharmacy www.leonpharmacy.ca Free Delivery & 15% Senior Discount Everyday! Voted Best Independent pharmacy in Oakville three years in a row! 905-845-2811 340 Kerr Street, Oakville

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