53 | Thursday, December 17, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com One of the best ways to experience Christmas is by sharing a service of worship at your local church with family and friends. BURLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH 2225 New Street., Burlington 905-634-2477 www.burlingtonbaptist.com Sunday, Dec. 20th, 10:30 a.m. Supervised care for infants and toddlers CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS FAMILY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Dec. 24th at 7 p.m. Your family & friends are invited to experience the fullness of the Christmas season this year by attending one of our local churches. Please visit us to celebrate the season of Christmas. Share with us the wonder of Christmas Rev. Terry Dempsey, B.A., B.Ed, M.A., M.Div. Linda Mourot, B.Ed., B.A., M.A. Organist The Presbyterian Churches of Burlington invite you to celebrate the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of Christmas with us. BRANT HILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2138 Brant St., Burlington 905-335-2640 www.branthills.org BURLINGTON EAST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 505 Walker's Line, Burlington 905-637-5155 www.burlingtoneast.net 4407 Spruce Ave. (At Henderson) Burlington 905-637-2942 www.applebychurch.ca "You are invited to Christmas at Appleby" Sunday Services at 10 a.m. Thursday, December 24th, 6:30 p.m. - Family Service 10:00 p.m. - Candlelight Communion Service Appleby United Church SERVICE TIMES December 20 at 10:30 am Special Christmas Week Service CHRISTMAS EVE (Dec 24) 7:00 pm Family Carol Service 11:00 pm Candlelight Communion Service SERVICE TIMES December 20 10:30 am - Sunday School & Music Presentation 7:00 pm - Longest Night / Blue Christmas Service CHRISTMAS EVE (Dec 24) 7:00 pm Family Service CHRISTMAS DAY (Dec 25) 11:30 am Carol Sing 12:00 pm Christmas dinner (free) Christmas Eve KNOX BURLINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 461 Elizabeth St., Burlington 905-333-3013 www.knoxburlington.ca ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2600 Headon Forest Dr., Burlington 905-332-8122 www.stpauls-b.com SERVICE TIMES December 20 at 10:30 am Special Choir presentation "The Messiah: A Christmas Suite" CHRISTMAS EVE (Dec 24) 7:00 pm Family Service "I Need a Night Light" 9:00 pm Communion Service "Company is Coming" SERVICE TIMES December 20 at 10:30 am "Love, real love, never ends" CHRISTMAS EVE (Dec 24) 7:00 pm Candlelight Carol Service "Our Journey to Bethlehem The Real Gifts of Christmas" R0013599033