Oakville Beaver, 8 Aug 2001, C2

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C2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 8, 2001 FALL R E G I S T R A T I O N BERTIN STABLES 3 indoor riding arenas. Classes available for children, teenagers and adults all year round. Preparation helps you make the grade in college nyone w h o 's lived close to a co l lege tow n has probably seen the caravan o f vehicles packed w ith anxious college freshm en th at begins to m ake its w ay through the neighborhood Canada's Largest so m e tim e in A u g u st. G o in g a wa y to English Riding School school is an ex citin g tim e fo r young 3445 Dundas W . (H w y. #51 Oakville (11/2 mi. W . of Hwy. #25) 905-827-4678 adults and th eir parents alike. U sually this website w w w .bertinstables.com e-m ail: bertin@ webtv.net is the f a m ily 's first lo o k at a lo n g -term se p a ra tio n , w h erein stu d e n ts w ill be on th eir ow n to experience the "real w o rld ." High Performance Future Stars Planning is the initial Hockey School key to m aking the trip Elite Hockey Schools to c o lle g e easier. To Powerskating & p u t ev ery o n e in the Hockey Skills LEARN TO SKATE school spirit, M etL ife C o n su m e r E d u c a tio n PROGRAMS Hockey Development C e n te r o ffe rs a ADULT HOCKEY brochure titled, "G oing Hockey Tips For Tots SCHOOLS A w ay to C o lle g e ." Ladies Only Shinny P roduced in co n ju n c Adult Shinny tion w ith the N ational A sso c ia tio n fo r Parent & Tot Skate C o lle g e A d m issio n Public Skate ( i & C ounseling, it answ ers m the com m on questions new students face and even som e they m ay not have th o u g h t of. · Weekday Lessons 4/S107 or S30/Lesson · Friday Hoof-Pkk Club 6pm-8:30pm $35 (Children 5-10 yrs.) · Saturday at Farm 10am-3pm $40 (Children 5-12 yrs.) · Summer Day Camps $ 195/Week or $5Q/Day · Summer Overnight Camps $401.25AVeek F A L L /W IN T E RR E G IS T R A T IO N ! CANLAN nrrra 5PG8TS (905) 845-6989 Private High School 12 Students per class H e re 's a look at w h a t's included: · B ecom e a packing w hiz. W hat you p ^ck can d e term in e how c o m fo rta b le y o u 'll be aw ay at school. B ring along p lenty o f clothes because laundry can pile up w hen you get busy. You m ay w ant to share appliances w ith your room m ate like a coffee pot, m icrow ave and stereo. A lso, About. .. bring along m any o f the item s you use at hom e, lik e m e d ica tio n s, first aid kit, detergent and linens. · M eeting new people is easier if you start early. D o n 't stay in your room and w ait fo r people to drop by -- introduce y o u rse lf to new freshm en w ho probably are as nervous as you. · M anage yo u r m oney. D epending on yo u r spending habits, y o u 'll need to fig ure out how m uch m oney to bring w ith you. I t's a good idea to start a bank account in your college tow n. R em em ber, school can be costly, so plan fo r in ciden tals that m ay spring up. · C h o o se c o u rse s w isely. B ecom e fam iliar w ith the course catalog. M ost schools require a set num ber o f credits for graduation and certain "co re" classes that every student takes regardless o f his or her m ajor. Try to declare a m ajor early, as you d o n 't w ant to w aste yo u r tim e taking classes that ultim ately w ill have no rele Away to C o lleg e." M ade available as a public service, the brochure is part o f vance to your degree. F or m ore inform ation about M etL ife C o nsum er E d ucation C e n te r's p la n n in g fo r c o lle g e , call L ife A dvice® program , created to help If your child is of at least average intellectual abilities and you are (8 0 0 ) 6 3 8 -5 4 3 3 to re q u e st people b etter m anage the m ajor events in looking for an extremely supportive and personal environment, th eir lives. y o u r free co p y o f " G o in g then consider Chisholm Academy High School. After thirty years supporting students through Chisholm Educational Centre, we T Z eq istta ticn s began our full time high school in 1999. The completion of our new facility in Septem ber of 2000 m arked a new era for students A U G U ST 8-31 who want to succeed and are pleased to take advantage o f the Enjoy Group, Semi & Private instruction by our qualified, ·Y K structure and support that Chisholm offers through the facilities professional instructors in: H R and staff at the Centre. If you think that your child would benefit Ballet · M odern lo a n e e it. Jazz · Acting from `our program , please contact us to arrange a personal / ic t it. Tap · M usical interview for one o f the 9 places available in grades 9, 10 & 11. itH ip H op · Th eatre I Instruction for all ages. " p la y it. Day, evening Ballroom · V o ice evenir & w eekend classes. Year round instruction. 'D raw it. Sw ing · Instrum ental M arch Break & Sum m er Cam ps Latin · Painting 'J ia in t it. Lyrical · D raw ing ^ c u l p t it. A Life Advice 60IN6 AUJAV TO C0LLE6E Chisholm Academy High School 1484 Cornw all Road, Oakville Tel: 905.844.3240 w w w .chisholm centre.com Irish · C la y · Pottery A.ea?n it , at I I Pilates Tutoring: · All Subjects IK-O.A.C. I J 11 I I I 2351 M CALL US TO DAY 9 0 5 - 4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 Windsor 0rive> Unit Mississougo ^ mmm movi&ifli mis school r-AVAS w w w .s t u d io p a v a s . c o m s t u d io p a v a s @ h o t m a il. c o m St. Aidan's Cooperative Pre-School * i % For ages 2.5 to 5 yrs 3/5 M orning Programs 9:00 am -- 11:30 am v i/. ~ · * Call SUSAN at 905-337-7253 to register 3 1 8 Q u e e n M a r y D r iv e , O a k v ille , O n ta r io Kids! It's time to head back to school. But before you do, check out these safety tips from a variety of sponsors. They are sure to help you and your parents have a great school year! ^T NORTH O A K * J DENTAL OFFICE JAMES VLAHOS, D.D.S. 1500 S ixth L ine #9 O akville, O n tario L 6H 2T2 (9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 -0 7 7 5 Emergency Pager (416) 501-8968 September 2001 Registration Exj>to*e 0akii£Ec4 Htmdmeu AEtettutliue 3,2 or 1 morning program Tucs., liled ., Thurs. 9 om to 11:15 am UJe are a co-operative nursery school for children ag es 2 1/2 to 5 located at 1 2 5 0 M cCraney St Call 8 4 5 -8 1 9 7 for m ore information (a t ages 3 to 14 Dearcroft .j Montessori School < 3 j Founded 1968 .'-·>« 1 Oakville's Original ,o o l -1 KIDDV C O R N 6 R ef-Qy Registering now with limited space avai available [at for 3 and · year olds and grade 2. Dearcroft Montessori School 1167 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville, Ontario L6J 1L3 (905) 844-2114 Fax: (905) 844-3529 www.dearcroft.com p re Schooi-Grade 3 m a X Sn H uOnP P ER S d ru M g A R T ^ O akville Place (905) 842-3730 O aktow n Shopping Plaza (905) 845-6674 (O pen 'til m idnight) H o p e d a le M all (905) 827-4141 U p p e r O akville S h o p p in g C en tre (905) 842-3934 B ronte 2 2 9 7 Lakeshore R d. W. (905) 827-1561

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