THURSDAY, APRIL 02, 2015 THE NEW TANNER 9 The ROCKWOOD Miller roblem ome w o li e u stream or downstream of t e site are concerned about t e im act on water quality and quantity in t eir wells wetlands and streams Many a e become aware of t e ris s related to blasting bot in terms of fly-roc e ection onto Highway 7 and t ose residences and out buildings t at are wit in se eral undred metres of t e site ri e lained w en as ed w y t e issue of t e uarry was im ortant to eo le ncreasingly residents are recogni ing t at t e end game is not one uarry but rat er t at t is uarry will be t e t in edge of t e wedge as ot er ro erties on t e same roc formation become uarry candidates nd belie e t at t e many residents w o are following t is case are not ersuaded by t e a licant s trust us e eryt ing will be fine assurances e as gone t roug great ains and e ense to arrange for t eir own studies regarding t ese concerns and don t feel that the proponent of t e uarry ames Dic onstruction td as roided a satisfying res onse to t ese issues resently ames Dic onstruction as an a lication before t e towns i of uel ramosa to rezone the land from agricultural f t e towns i a ro es t e a lication the CRC will appeal the decision to t e ntario Municipal Board. However if t e towns i doesn t a ro e t e a lication it is li ely t e ro onent will a eal it er way ta ing the matter to the municipal board a ears to be t e ine itable ne t ste it t at ne t ste t e will be facing significant e enses and are currently involved in an intensi e fundraising effort ould t e worst a en and t e uarry is ultimately approved, the CRC will monitor the impact of the uarry but ri admits that they will have a tough time ma ing an im act at t at stage on ersely s ould t e be successful in sto ing uarry ri says t ere asn t been time to consider w at t e s function would be He ersonally o es owe er that CRC will continue to be a oice for en ironmental protection in the region. ri e ressed gratitude to the Town of Halton Hills stating t at t e a reciates t e su ort and efforts of Mayor ic onnette and Halton Hills Council--who recently voted to maintain the town s ob ection to t e roosed uarry o learn more about t e or to become a member isit t eir web age at crcroc wood org uel - ramosa w ile s ea ing wit male driver of a 2009 rysler olice obser ed ob ious signs t at alco ol was consumed oadside creening De ice test was erformed w ic resulted in a fail He was arrested and trans orted to a local erations entre for furt er testing e dri er s licence was sus ended for days and vehicle impounded for se en days as er statute A 19 year old of Cambridge man as been charged with Over 80 mgs contrary to t e riminal Code of Canada. He is sc eduled to a ear in Guelph Criminal Court on ril to answer to t e charge. 2 iano recital at den House CRC ready for the next step By: Dawn Brown e oncerned esi dents oalition is determined to ensure t at t ere are no unacce table im acts as a result of t e ro osed Hidden uarry at Highway 7 and 6th Line between oc wood and Acton. While Doug Tripp, of t e e lains t at t e grou is not necessarily out to ut a sto to t e uarry t e im acts to safety, the environment and the uality of life for residents are li ely insurmountable e is a com munity organization that re resents not ust uel ramosa and oc wood but cton Halton Hills and Halton," Tripp explained. Formed in March of 2013 with approximately 20 members meeting around itc en tables members i as since grown to nearly 800 people drawing from all of t e abo e mentioned communities e as incor orated as a not for rofit organi ation wit a board made u of fourteen people. e organi ation s concerns are many ey range from issues of safety to enironmental concerns to issues wit t e aul route ome residents es ecially t ose in cton see t e 2 large gra el truc s er our ours er day rumbling along a busy Highway 7 and through t e downtown as a ma or DUET: Aidan Szekely Nokes and Myra Freeman - Dawn Brown photo By: Dawn Brown esidents at den House Care Facility were treated to an afternoon of music t an s to two students from e oo binder s eyboard tudio in oc wood. Myra Freeman and idan e ely o es bot si teen years old erformed a piano recital to a full ouse at t e facility on Saturday, March 28. The recital opened with a duet bot o es and Freeman playing together at t e iano followed by t e air alternating turns at t e iano ma ing for an im ressi e erformance residents seemed to en oy or o es t is was t e second time e d performed at Eden Care Facility. "I wanted to play here for all t e citi ens w o can't get out too much," o es e lained s e isn t entirely comfortable erforming for an audience o es a re ciates t e o ortunity to c allenge imself on trolling is ner es and managing to remain single minded and focussed is most c allenging for o es w ile laying before an audience. Freeman had played at t e facility twice before and belie es doing so is a good thing to do and can be beneficial to t e residents e also en oys erforming but li e o es finds getting ast er ner ousness most c allenging "I find that the people ere are ery tal ati e and t ey li e to tell me about t eir grandc ildren who play piano," Freeman said w en as ed w at s e en oyed most about erforming at t e facility t s ind of nice and t ey seem to really en oy it ot o es and reeman loo forward to erforming at den House Care Facility again, and residents will be a y to a e t em bac SPRING SPECIAL Serving You for over 12 Years OPP RePORt Ride program leads to charges On March 21, at approximately 2:39 p.m., Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Traffic Management nit M officers conducted a R.I.D.E. Program at Wellington Road 39 and Wellington Road uel - ramosa owns i olice s o e with a male driving a 2009 e rolet and a dri er s licence was not roduced He identified imself wit a false name and was arrested e in estigation also re ealed t at a condition of is robation order was not followed He was released at t e scene wit documents to attend to court. A 30 year old of Fergus man is c arged wit bstruct a eace fficer and Fail to Comply with a robation rder contrary to the Criminal Code. He is sc eduled to attend Guelph Criminal Court on April 27. Drinking and Driving On March 26, at approximately 2:30 a.m., Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police obser ed a e icle being dri en erratically on Wellington County Road April 1 - April 30 SEASONAL TIRE CHANGE OVER .95 and CAR WASH * Fat Cat Dog & CARWASH now under New Ownership * On rims. With the mention of this Ad. Some exception may apply. See store for details. Car wash provided by: $29 ~ TIRE STORAGE AVAILABLE ~ Ask about our Spring Tire Rebate Specials, most major brands. All work provided by Licenced Technicians or apprentices within the OCTA 108 Station St. Rockwood 519-856-1531