Easter Procession of the Cross: Walk - Pray - Eat By: Dawn Grimmer It's that time of year again for congregants of our local churches to participate in the Easter Procession of the Cross. Organized by the Acton Ministerial Association, this ecumenical walking event is open to everyone. The procession starts at Churchill Community Church at 5:30 p.m. on Good Friday with the cross being carried from church to church through town. Each church erects a white cross and the crowd gathers at each one to hear a reading and pray together. People can join in at any point in the walk or meet up at any one of the churches on the route. "There's usually about 60 people that participate and it's available to people from all of the churches in Acton," says Reverend Brian Galligan, Rector of St. Alban's Anglican Church. The last church on the circuit is St. Alban's and the crowd can gather there for a community service at 7 p.m. Following the service hot cross buns and refreshments are provided for everyone. GEORGETOWN The NEW Volume 18 No. 14 News stand Price 40¢ + GST BIKES SKOOTERS SKATEBOARDS Accessories & Service www.driveitloveitevent.com 336 Guelph St. 905-877-0149 www.georgetownchrysler.ca Log on to: Password: GEORGETOWN Your Hometown Newspaper 56 Mill St. East, Acton Thursday, April 02, 2015 www.spokesnslopes.com 519-853-8383 CONTROLLED CHAOS: Members of Halton Hills Fire Department participated in a simulated train derailment/hazardous spill exercise on Monday Afternoon. See story on page 3 Traci Gardner photo "GIVE WHERE YOU LIVE" Help us, help those, living with cancer in Halton Hills CAMPAIGN ON NOW!! www.cancerassistance.org