Oakville Beaver, 10 Oct 2001, C4

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C 4- The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 10, 2001 T h e B u s in e s s A d v is o r y PROVIDING SOLUTIONS TO BUSINESS PROBLEMS AND IDEAS FOR SALES GROWTH TO SMALL AND HOME-BASED BUSINESS SINCE 1983 A NEWSLETTER OF THE OiI O A K V I L L E C H A M B E R Looking For Solutions For Your Business Problems? Call Us. We Don't Charge For Phone Calls. WE WILL ADVISE YOU ON ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR BUSINESS and · b e co m e a m e m b e r o f y o u r A dvisory Team · p re p a re y o u r b u s in e s s a n d m a rk e tin g p la n s · provide you with effective personal and co rporate incom e tax planning · d e sig n an d im p lem en t co m p u te riz ed re p o rtin g sy ste m s to effectively m o n ito r y o u r C o m p a n y 's o p e r a tin g r e s u lts · o b ta in fin an cin g for y o u r o p e ra tio n s · in c o rp o ra te new c o m p a n ies · p ro v id e p ro f e s s io n a l, p e rs o n a l fin a n c ia l p la n n in g a t n o c o s t to y o u o f C O M M E R C E Oakville Chamber o f Commerce 170 Country Squire Lane Oakville, O N L 6J4Z 3 Tel: (90 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 Fax: (90 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 4 7 5 E D FO STER · in s ta ll a n d /o r b ack -u p y o u r c o m p u te rs CALL MOW FO R A N A P P O IN T M E N T (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 - 8 7 7 7 O a k v il C ham b W ebsite: www.oakvillet 3 2 0 G u ild s to n e C r e s c e n t, O a k v ille . O n t a r io L 6 M 3 Y 8 WE TAKE YOUR BUSINESS SERIOUSLY President's & REPORT Kecufiu Director Laurie Morrison President a REPOF Laurie Babcock Executive Directo I've been involved with the Oakville Chamber of Commerce for nine years now. In my first year, I attended several networking events. I had a home-based business, and this seemed the ideal way of interacting with other business colleagues. At the beginning I observed the workings of the organization, and it became apparent that relationships were a key to Oakville's business community. That realization led me to become a "committee" member. The people I have met through these various "communities" and networking events have been invaluable to my own personal and business development. The chamber is a gold mine o f mentors, friendships, and of course, education on business issues. Through our local chamber, I became involved in Business and Government affairs, with specific focus on transportation. Over time this led me to become an active member o f the Ontario Chambers Transportation Committee. It is clear that we, as members, collectively make up that voice o f business, and that Oakville's concerns need to be heard on a broad basis. Spearheaded by Oakville, a transportation resolution was brought forth to the Canadian Chamber last year, which was submitted in partnership with four other chambers. I love au tu m n - it brines ntrw beginnings and a rusl Oakville C ham ber o f Com m erce, this foil is all about M em bers and o u r com m unity. In addition to o u r new President, new Executive D irect we also have a new on-line publication, a new W orkshop Plan. O u r new President, Laurie M orrison will make this Cham ber. H er co m m itm ent to having fun and achieving ensure a dynam ic, eventful year. As the new Executive D irector, I am enjoying the great p challenge o f bringing o u r new vision o f leadership, prosperity to life. Several o f o u r staff have m oved to new M anagem ent pos and we are welcom ing a new M em ber Relations / Event! soon. In addition to o u r outstanding m onthly magazine The new on-line newsletter The Business Advocate On-Line. will inform o u r m em bers about the events, issues anc Cham ber. T h e inaugural issue has already received rave I O u r new Growth & Prosperity Workshop Series will del; educate and inspire m em bers and non-m em bers about in success o f their business. Topics will include Strate M arketing, Sales and C ustom er Service. G ood strategic planning is essential for any organizatior and relevant. O u r new Strategic Plan will ensure that Com m erce continues to provide excellent service to our success o f the Oakville business com m unity. It's a new season. It's going to be a great year. TROPHIES LIMITED "Serving Halton for over 20 years" I am fascinated by business. It is what drives our economy. W ithout profitable businesses, our community could not be such a wonderful place to live. Ford, Polywheels, Shred-it, Unis Lumin o f Oakville, just to name a few, are the breath o f our community, as are the thousands of small businesses who benefit from our larger corporations' success. 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 =£> CORPORATE AWARDS ACADEMIC AWARDS «=T> SPORTS AWARDS PLAQUES & MEDALLIONS O O SUBLIMATED PRINTING ON PLAQUES & NAME BADGES ENGRAVING ON GLASS STEINS & MUGS 9 0 5 . 84 4 .1 0 1 8 High Quality Large Format Digital Printing* for All Your Needs: · Posters & Banners · Trade Show Graphics · Floor Graphics · Vehicle Graphics "1440 DPI for photographic clarity It's time to celebrate our business successes and through advocacy, join together to ensure our governments continue to understand how vital it is that our business community remains strong. I'm proud to announce that our local restaurants have come together through Restaurants W ith Heart, to support the chamber's initiatives o f building our business community and relationships through sponsorship o f our President's Gala Dinner. Also supporting our chamber are The Ramada Inn, The Enterprise Centre, The Chamber Consulting Group, Bags o f Fun, Gem Limousine, and we are anticipating several others to come onboard to support the evening. The theme is "Bringing Laugher Back Into Business" and will feature Mark Breslin, CEO of Yuk Yuks. There will also be sampling of Oakville's fine restaurant establishments, entertainment through the night and fun. In consideration o f what we have experienced in the past few weeks, remember: " Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects " Arnold Glasow If you would like to participate in sponsorship o f The President's Gala Dinner, please contact the chamber office at 905-845-6613 or email at mfo@oakviUechaniber.com. Your support will help us to grow to better service you. We thank you for your consideration. 905 - 847-1956 NOM IN ATIO N S The deadline for nominations for The Oakville Awards is October 31! The categories are: Entrepreneur, Retai Tourism/Hospitality. Fax your entires to 905-844-2557 Corporate & Commercial QUALITY HOTEL & SUITES Built in a park-like setting, overlooking beautiful Bronte Creek, our hotel willprovide you with comfortable accommodations and banquetfacilities to suit you. OAKVILLE DODGE i M f CHRYSLER LTD. Oakville Chamber of Commerce HHB 646-4TH LINE AT SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE October 2001 22- S m a ll Business 26 W eek Events 22 Mayor's " Small Business Week" Kick-off Breakfast Time: 7:30 a.m. Location: Ramada Inn (360 Oakville Place Or.) Speaker Michael Caine Topic ` A Small Business Success Story ... converting one small radio station into three, including the new AM 740 Primetime Radio, now #1 in Canada among 50+ consumers" Cost: no charge, but RSVP's are required as space is limited We'll make you feel right at home 754 Bronte Rd. Oakville, Ont. TEL (905) 845-4211 FAX (905) 845-5772 www.oakvilledodge.com 23 Oakville Chamber of Commerce Networking: M o n th ly o p p o rtu n itie s to m a k e n e w b p o te n tia l c u s to m e rs in a s o c ia l se ttin g. (905) 847-6667 Rick Ketlzior A ssociate B roker "How Advancements in IT & the Internet con help Retail & Service Businesses" Time: 6-9 p.m. Cost S20 (gst ind.) for Oakville Location: Halton Region Chamber Member, S25 for {1151 Bronte Rd. - Auditorium) Non-Members (gst ind.K Topics: Linux, Interne) communications & other refail technical advances are benefiting many retailers, servke providers & other businesses. How can these new & maturing technologies help any business? Time: 6-10 p.m. (Networking 6-7 p.m.) Location: The Town of Oakville - Town Hall (1225 Trafalgar Rd. · Oakville/Trafalgar Room) Topics: Organization, Planning, Selling, Marketing, Advertising, Computerization, Taxation & much, much more... Time: 5-7:30 p!m. Location: Region of Halton (1151 Bronte Rd. - Auditorium) Open to all Oakville, Burlington, Milton & Halton Hills Chamber members & their employees. Cost: no charge, but RSVP's are required as space is limited. Seminars & Workshops: T h e C h a m b e r sp o n sors a v a rie ty o f in f d e s ig n e d to assist m e m b e rs w ith issue: Group Health & Life Insurance Pi A c o m p re h e n s iv e e m p lo y e e b e n e fit p r D is a b ility In c o m e R e p la c e m e n t, Exten to m e m b e rs a n d is p a rtic u la r ly s u ite d I Past President Oakville Cham ber o f Commerce "Growing Your Business for Profit" Home & Auto Insurance (group ra M e m b e rs c o u ld save as m u c h as 10-1 Call me today for a FREE no obligation Market evaluation of your home or property * "Prompt Personal Service" Task Groups: T h e stre n g th o f th e C h a m b e r lie s in its Joint Business After Hours & Trade Show R E f * M K atoofowhe, REALTY CORP. 338-0118 erf 243 em ail: kedziorr@ rem axaboutow ne.com Cost: no charge, but please RSVP by October 23rd to (905) 825-6300. Booth space for Trade Show avaialble at a charge of $75 (gst ind.) contact the Region at 825-6300 to book your booth space space is limited. Cost: $60 (gst ind.) for Oakville Chamber Members, $75 for Non-Members (gst ind.) fo rth th e v ie w s o f th e b u siness c o m m i o n o n e o f o u r n u m e ro u s ta sk g ro u p s h c o n ta c ts . Certificates of Origin: T h e C h a m b e r n o ta riz e s a n d seals expc C o m m is s io n e r fo r ta k in g A ffid a v its o n ($ 7 5 a n d u p fo r n o n m e m b e rs). Business Women's Network Gala/ATHENA Dinner Canada's Best Community N ew spape^ Time: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Speaker: Carole Bertuzzi Luciani - we will also be honouring all 2001 ATHENA Nominees & this year's Recipient. Location: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre {2515 Wyecroft Rd.) Advertising: T h e m o n th ly "C h a m b e r N e w s " a n d A r in th e b u siness c o m m u n ity . M e m b e rs i November 2001 5 Business Women's Network Dinner Time: 5:15-9 p.m. Location: Otello's Banquet Hall (2273 Royal Windsor Or.) Speaker: Ingrid Norrish, Marketing Coach Topic: Successful Marketing for Business Owners Cost: $27 (gst included) for Oakville Chamber Members, $32 for Non-Members Tourist Information Centre: V is it th e C h a m b e r o ffic e to p ic k u p i-nf Social: In a d d itio n to th e fo rm a l n e tw o rk in g e S p o rtin g Events & m o re . * indicates that the event is open to Oakville Chamber Members (Future Members are welcomed and encouraged to attend Chamber Member events, as a guest!) N O T E: PREPAYM ENT IS REQ UIREDFO R All PAIDFO R EV EN T S, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EVENTS - EXCEPT BUSINESS AFTER HOURS To register, or fo r m ore details on a n y of these events, P le ase call the Cham ber at ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 6 6 1 3 . Oak\ Cham] The Oakville Chamber's G< innovator that promotes the I Connect with Local Business CCNA BETTER NEWSPAPERS m M PFTTTTD M W B U L 11U U H 2000 W IN N IlK . b e s t ALLrROUND NEWSPAPER -b e st s p o rts p h o to BEST NEWSPAPER P R O M O T IO N · B E y rh o u s e a d · BEST P H O T O ILLUSTRA TIO N (2nd) .B E S T ED ITO RIA L PAGE (2nd) L i Reach 10,000 Businesses in Halton Region Publishing November, 2001 York Region · Toronto · Mississauga · Brampton · Huronia · Durham Region · Kawarthas · Halton m Sm ^ Oakville Beaver 4 6 7 SPEERS ROAD · OAKVILLE O N L6H 2 G 9 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 FAX 3 3 7 -5 5 6 8 www .oakvillebeaver.com Contact T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r at 845-3824 for details Business Times Publications · Connect W ith Local Business

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