Oakville Beaver, 31 Oct 2001, d5

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career training EOT! career training salon & spa help salon & spa help m The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 31, 2001 - D5 sales help & agents ESlil sales help & agents fzti The Queens Avenue Retirement Residence is accepting applications for the position of JO B T R A IN IN G · Micro Computers · MS Office · Simply Acctg · Office Administration · Medical/Legal Assistant · Dental Receptionist · Police Foundations Civello Salon-Spa. one of Canada's leading Beauty and Wellness Centres, has excel lent career opportunities for dedicated and am bitious in dividu als to join our O A K V IL L E team. Wallace P O N T IA C - B U I O K ` O A D U -1 -- A C SALESPERSON REQUIRED We are looking for self-m o tiv ated individuals w ith au to m o tiv e e x p erie n ce to jo in o u r g ro w ing sale s force. ACTIVITIES C O -O R D IN A T O R Interested applicants must demonstrate that they have a health care aid certificate and/or a post secondary education in the activation field. Previous experience in a long-term care or retirement setting is required. Please submit your resume by November 1st to the Manager, Queens Avenue Retirement Residence, 1056 Queens Ave, Oakville, L6H 6R3 G R A C E C le a n in g S e rv ic e o ff e r s p r o fe s s io n a l w o rk , o rg a n ic c le a n in g s u p p lie s u s e d . O f fic e : ( 9 0 5 ) 8 1 3 0 7 2 8 . o r C e l: ( 4 1 6 ) 6 0 5 3728______________ _______ TO have your hom e cle an e d the w a y you w o uld lik e b y e x tr e m e ly c le a n , h a rd w o rk in g la d ie s , c a ll 6 3 4 -2 6 4 6 R e a s o n a b le rates! S P A R K L IN G c le a n h o u s e by E liz a b e th . P ro fe s s io n a l h o u s e c le a n in g . E x c e lle n t re feren ces. C a ll 9 0 5 -5 4 5 3280________________________ THE B est E u ro p e a n C le a n in g S e rv ic e . In su re d . B onded. C o m m e rcial, R e si d en tial. Liz, res: 9 0 5 -5 7 5 0 2 9 0 , c e ll: 9 0 5 -9 2 1 -9 2 3 7 , w ww .europeancleaning.net L E A R N h o w to s c a n . 3 h o u r s e m in a r in O a k v ille , B u r lin g to n a n d H a m ilto n . F o r d a te s a n d d e ta ils v is it w w w .v a x x in e .c o m /o u tb o x o r c a ll 1-877-8 92 -4 24 2 I dating services M E E T B u rlin g to n S in g le s ! T ry us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H a m ilto n (905)-297-6666 FRONT DESK PERSONNEL / MAKE-UP ARTIST WE OFFER: Com petitive salary, a com prehensive b e n e fits p a ckag e and e x te n s iv e tra in in g and g row th opportunities. Please fax your resumes to: HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE (905) 637-3415 460 Brant St., Burlington M. Volpe, (905)842-6851 o r e-m ail: o a k v ille @ c iv e llo .c o m We offer: * Strong commission plan * Company benefit package * Opportunity for company car * Monthly volume bonus plan * Strong management support & training If you like your earnings tied into your efforts then this is the type of career your looking for. P/T DENTAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED FOR ORTHO DON TIC PRACTICE Approxim ately 13 days per month. Please Send Resume to: Dr. B. H urd 3401 Fairview St., U nit A B urlington, ON L7N 2R4 No phone calls please. LOST & FOUND E 33 skilled & technical help H H skilled & technical help Please fax resume to: Kim Manos, General Sales Manager (905)878-0960 or call (905)878-2355 I handyman " L IG H T U p T h e N ig h t* . C h ristm a s lig h ts p ut up and ta ke n d o w n ... ca ll us, 9 0 5 802-0372 QUALITY CONTROL PARTICIPATION HOUSE ~ HAMILTON & DISTRICT B urlington based Tier-1 autom otive parts supplier has openings for the following positions: L /H \J HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE Sales Consultant Do to expansion, our award winning auto dealership is seeking a highly motivated individual to join our sales team. Sales experience an asset but not required; however, strong communication skills & positive atti tude a must! Extensive training & guaranteed income is provided. College training is an asset. We are looking lor a FT Project Co-ordinator in Stoney Creek This individual is responsible for administrative functions and supports at a supportive housing site for persons with physical disabilities. CMM PROGRAMMER with at least 3 years experience. This position re quires extensive knowledge of the various gauging tools,, blueprint reading, GD&T, PCDMIS. Familiarity with MM4 and the Brown & Sharpe CMM equipment is required. The Queens Avenue Retirement Residence is accepting applications for the position of C U S T O M -M A D E d r a p e r ies v a la n c e s , s h e e rs , b e d / ta b le / c h a ir c o -o rd in a te s , fa b ric s , in s ta lla tio n . 1 0 y rs exp. S h e rr y - ( 9 0 5 )- 6 3 4 6706, We are also looking for a FT Evening Supervisor in Burlington. This individual has the responsibility to assist the Project Co-ordinator with day to day supervision. QUALITY ENGINEER w ith stro'ng problem solving and decision making skills for extensive customer interaction. Must have experience w ith SPC, QS9000, PPAP's, blu e p rint reading, GD&T and gauging. Demonstrated leader ship and organizational skills is a definite require ment. This position may jnvolve travel and overtime working hours. Amcan offers a competitive salary and benefit pack age along with paid overtime. Send resumes to: Also hiring front line personal attendants. For details on these positions, visit our Web-site at: If you can handle the challenge & the responsibility ot success. Please fax resume to (905)845-7211 or mail 1071 Speers Road, Oakville ON L6L 2X5 M ARKETING C O -O R D IN A T O R Interested applicants must demonstrate that they are a self-starter, with nursing & marketing experience in a long-term care or retirement setting. Please submit your resume by November 1st to the Manager, Queens Avenue Retirement Residence 1056 Queens Avenue, Oakville, ON L6H 6R3 morganinteriors@home.com Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE ot charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 participationhouse.hamilton.on.ca 509 drivers drivers AZ Owner Operators for USA (300 to 800 mile) AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED P.O. Box 446, LCD #1, Hamilton, On L8L 7X3 Attn: Scott Armstrong email: sarmstrong@amcancastings.com Fax: 905-681-3372 KERR CADILLAC P O N TIA C BUICK requires S H A W N 'S T re e S e r v ic e , b o o k n o w a n d s a v e . 15% o ver re g u la r se aso na l rates o f p r u n in g s , la rg e re m o v als, stum p rem oval. Bobcat services available. O ver 16 ye ars e xpe rie n ce. F u lly in sured. Free e stim ates. 905S I 2-2889. SALESPEOPLE Experience only! SIGNING BONUS & DEMO For confidential interview contact Dino, Jack or Graham $1,055 per mile INSURANCE AND PLATES PAID AZ company Highway Team Drivers up to $.48 per mile SCHEDULE RUNS AZ Com pany Single Drivers up to $ 3 8 per mile for US trips SCHEDULE T IM E O FF CommunityNotices Deaths CHARBONNEAU, Dennis Roy - Passed away su d d e n ly on O ctober 26, 2001 at the O a k v ille Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 30th year. Beloved son of Aime Emil (deceased) and Bonnie Evelyn (nee Sloat) of Oakville. Sadly missed by brother Daniel, sister-in-law Diane and nephew Evan of Burlington. C h e rish ed g ra n d so n o f W ilfre d and Dora Charbonneau (deceased) and Roy and Evelyn Sloat (deceased). Dear nephew to many aunts and uncles. Remembered with fondness by his many cousins and special friends. Dennis was an avid listener of rock music, an active participant in sports for people w ith disabilities, a keen fan of professional sports, and frequent patron of his neighborhood Tim Hortons. He loved to fish at the fam ily camp on the French River and regularly volunteered at SBHAO charity bingos. Dennis valued his independance and was a great believer in equal opportunity and rights for all people with disabilities. Many thanks to the professionals and caregivers who supported Dennis through his challenging years of living with a disability. A m e m o ria l se rv ic e w ill be h e ld on Sunday, November 4, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, Ontario. In lieu of flo w e rs , d o n a tio n s to the S pin a B ifid a and Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario or to a charity of choice would be greatly appreciated. LOCKWOOD CHRYSLER ·C i * a * > Requires Immediately (905) 845-1681 Fax (905)845-4394 Deaths Mackay, Roy W. - (Retired longtime employee of the Ford Motor Company for 40 years). Surrounded by his family, on Monday, October 29th, 2001 at the Oakville-Trafalgar M em orial H ospital in his 82nd year. Roy, beloved husband of Ruby for 52 years. Cherished father of Connie, Laurie and Sharon. The family wishes to send a heartfelt thanks to the many caring staff members at O.T.M.H. Private funeral arra n g e m e n ts. As an e xp re ssion of sym pathy, donations may be made to the Lions Foundation of Canada, Dog Guides, 152 W ilson St. Oakville, L6K 3H2 or Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maple Grove Rd., O a k ville , L6J 4V2. Funeral arrangem ents entrusted to the Ward Funeral Home, Oakville. O 'R O U R K E , K a t h le e n - On O cto be r 27, 2001, age 79 years. Predeceased by her husband William and her son James. M o th e r o f A n d re a H ow ard and her husband Greg, Lee Varteressian and her husband Rick. G randm other of Justin, Marc, M atthew, Ryan, T yler and Paul. Memorial service will be held on Monday, ·November 5, 2001 at 12:00pm at Walton Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Road W est (at Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario. If desired, donations to Walton M e m o ria l U n ite d C h urch w o uld be appreciated. Special thanks to the staff of 3E OTMH, Dr. McCann, Dr. Kirby and the Walton Church Congregation, Rev. Gill, Rick Tamas and the hospital visiting team. T R A N S X A n Equal O pportunity E m plo y er C A L L Shaw n G allant LICENSED TECHNICIAN for busy, expanding dealership. (Chrysler experience preferred) Jo in a 5 -s ta r c e rtifie d team . Please call Al Banks/ Sen/ice Manager, Toll Free 1 877-313-3312 F a x : 9 0 5 -3 6 2 -3 6 1 6 7225 T ra n sm ark C rt. M ississauga, O N. L5S 1Z5 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 5 3 ETTil .a i j general help wanted S T Y L IS T re q uired fo r B usy u p s c a le s a lo n Fax re s u m e to 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -8 8 5 0 o r call 905-319-8854 E X P E R IE N C E D C o m m e r c ia l S e w in g M a c h in e O p e r a to r . M u s t b e f lu e n t in E n g lis h . S u p e rv is o ry e x perience an a sset. C o nta ct (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -6 8 5 7 fo r a p pointm ent A C C E S S to a c o m p u te r? W o rk a t hom e o n -lin e . R e c e iv e fre e v a c a tio n ! $2,000+ p art tim e , $ 5 ,0 00 + f u llt im e . C a ll 1 -8 7 7 -4 1 8 1741 www.123ezgold.com S A L E S C le rk re q u ire d 1520 f le x ib le h rs /w k fo r C h ris tm a s S e a s o n (N o ve m b e r, D e c e m b e r) a t o u r g ift kiosk in B urlin gto n M all. C a ll 5 1 9 - 8 3 5 - 0 3 7 9 ; F a x: 519-658-1195_______________ office-clerical m office-clerical BUSY UPSCALE OAKVILLE SALON Requires Hairstylist Hours, Salary & Commission negotiable. Please fax after 6 pm: 905-639-4640 or phone: 905-639-4071 H A IR S T Y L IS T in W a te r d o w n o r re n t a c h a ir. O w n y o u r o w n s h o p . A ls o c o s m e tic a nd n a il ro o m a v a il able. C all 905-279-5281. ft ft f t ft C H IL D R E N W ANTED! W o m e n , m e n , k id s , a ll a g e s / s iz e s f o r m o v ie s , c a ta lo g u e w o rk , fa s h io n / h a ir s h o w s . G re a t $ 1 5 $9(Vhr. C a ll 905-336-5455. OWN A C om puter? P ut it to w o rk! E arn o n -lin e in c o m e www.idealincome.net A well established, custom-welding company located in Oakville requires a hands-on OFFICE MANAGER. Duties w ill include some supervision of office staff, secretarial services, computerized accounting, payroll, A/R collections, A/P, Job Costing and purchasing. We required experience with Word, Excel, W indows and a com puterized accounting software package. The right person will be well organized, a self-starter, willing to learn, have a good command of the English Language and a minimum of five years Canadian experience. We w ill offer a com petitive salary, complete with benefits package to the right individual. Interested parties may fax their resume to 9 0 5 -847-2794 or m ail to: OFFICE MANAGER POSITION, c/o 1175 North Service Rd W, Ste 204, Oakville ON L6M 2WI · · · · · Turtle Jack's Grill House NOW HIRING! Line Cooks Dishwashers Drivers Servers Bartenders 4155 Fairview St. B U R LIN G TO N J A K E 'S G r ill & O y s te r H o u s e . J o in th e C r e w ! Im m e d iate o pe ning s fo r full tim e D is h w a s h e r, M o n d a y to F rid a y (d a y s ). E n jo y g o o d w a g e s , g re a t a t m o s p h e re & c h a lle n g in g p o s itio n in b u s y k itc h e n ! B rin g re su m e / fill o ut a pp lic a tio n :9 5 0 W a lk e r's L in e (a t Q E W ) b e s id e T ra v e lodge.(905)639-4084________ K IT C H E N S u p e rv is o r, c o o k s , s e rv e rs & h o s ts / h o s te s s w a n te d f o r b u s y O a k v ille re s ta u ra n t. T o p w a g e s p aid + b e n e fits. A p p ly in p e rs o n : K e ls e y 's R estaurant, 171 S peers Rd. O akville. T H E H a n g in g T re e R e s t a u ra n t re q u ire s c le a n c u t a n d r e lia b le e x p e rie n c e d p a r t- tim e c o o k a n d w a it s ta ff. A p p ly in p e rso n : 484 Plains Rd. East, Burlington. COOK w a n te d , 10am 3 p m , M o n .- F ri. C u lin a r y b a c k g ro u n d . G o o d w a g e s. E ast O a kville tea ro o m . C all 9 05-337-0326 _______________ N E W Y o rk F rie s (O a k v ille P la c e ) h a s o p e n in g s fo r A s s is ta n t M a n a g e r & P a rttim e S ta ff. A p p ly in person or fax (519)449-1832. F U L L -T IM E C ookex p e rie n c e re q u ire d . A p p ly in p e rs o n : T h e C o a c h & F o ur, 2 4 3 2 L a k e s h o re Rd. W est., Oakville. Please apply in person: DICK S GRILLE & VINE Now Hiring SERVERS BARTENDERS BUSSERS Fax Resume to: 9 05-637-8464 Or Apply in Person 645 Plains Rd. E. T U R T L E J a c k 's , W a te rd o w n is s e e k in g e n e rg e tic a n d fr ie n d ly p e o p le fo r a H o s te s s p o s itio n . D ro p b y w ith y o u r re s u m e a n d f ill o u t an a p p lic a tio 255 D u n d a s S tr e e t E a s t, c a ll 905690-1787 I office-clerical R E C E P T IO N IS T re q u ire d fu ll-tim e fo r B u rlin g ton law firm . D uties include a n s w e rin g p h o n e , g re e tin g c lie n ts , d is t r ib u t in g m a il, and d ata e n try . E xpe rie n ce u s in g W o rd & O u tlo o k an a sset. P le ase se nd resum e to : B o x # 1 8 7 7 B u r lin g to n P ost 2321 F a irv ie w S tre e t, Burlington Ontario L7R 2E3 DASHNEY, Jam es Edw ard - At h is hom e in Oshawa on Friday, October 26,2001. James, beloved son of Clare and Jim Dashney. Loved brother of Stephen and his wife Nancy of Kingston, Kevin and his wife Sue of Whitby. Dear uncle of Mark, Thomas, Marisa and Joseph. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Wednesday, October 31st, 3001 at St. Dominic Parish. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Card of Thanks Special Thanks From The Ritter Family Tex, Jay and Eric Ritter wish to extend their appre ciation to the following people for their help in dealing with the tragic death of their dear son and brother, John Thomas ' Tom" Ritter. Thanks to Detective Constable Steve Martin, Halton Regional Police Serv ice volunteers Shirley, Tania and Suzanne, the staff of the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, especially Dr. Keeton and Dr. McPhaden. Special thanks to Rev. Harry McWilliams and family, Debbi John and family, the Bertschinger family of Winnipeg, the figure skat ing community, all close friends and neighbours and the co m m un ity of O akville. Thanks also to the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home and Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. The fam ily wish to thank these wonderful people for their love, guidance and continued support during this very difficult time. Full-time Sales Clerk required for busy paint store in Burlington. Send resumes to: Box# 1876, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington, L7R 2E3 ACCOUNTING Minimum 5 years in A/P, processing, cheque runs and payroll for mid size company. Good benefit package. Fax CommunityNotices Craft Sale Come one and all to the annual ST. MICHAEL 'S BAZAAR Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Those w ith claim s against the estate of the late THOMAS W ILLIAM RUSHBY retired, who died at Oakville on September 7, 2001 are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned by Decem ber 7, 2001 after which date the Estate w ill be dis tributed with regard only to the claims then received. Dated at Oakville, this 24th day of October, 2001 CHRISTINE ANN FLEMING, ESTATE TRUSTEE, c/o FRANK G. ZAMBOSCO Barrister & Solicitor 407 Speers Road, #201 Oakville, Ontario, L6K 3T5 905-842-1653 (phone) 905-845-9758 (fax) Solicitor for the Estate TV/ FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS W A N TED Adults & kids (2 & up) needed for TV& Film assignments No Fees! No Courses. resume to: Patti Lowes @ (905) 338-8369 Saturday, November 3,2001 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. S ALE SP E R S O N needed to se ll tra n s p o rt fo r m idsize in te rn a tio n a l tru c k lin e . U n lim ite d p o te n tia l fo r an e x p e r ie n c e d s a le s p r o fe s s io n a l. 4 1 6 -2 3 4 -9 7 7 2 ext.203. EARL, M atilda 'Tillie" - On Monday, October 29, 2001 at the Oakville Life Care Centre, Tillie in her 93rd year. Beloved wife of the late Jock. Dear mother of Lorraine and her husband Bruce Yake and Douglas. Nana w ill be sadly missed by five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. V isitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, O akville from 2 -4 and 7 -9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Service 10:00 a.m. Friday at St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St., Oakville. Interjpent Athens United Church Cemetery, Athens, Ontario. 50-50 Draw! Penny Draw Sale! Rattle! ·Baked Treats · Book Nook · Nearly New Items ·Children s Corner · Great Bargains. GREEN, Avelda Guest - Peacefully at the Kingston General H ospital on Sunday, October 28, 2001. Avelda Hodgins, dear wife of the late Ernest Green, dear mother of Moreland (Moe) Green of Kingston and Robert (Rowena) Green of Mississauga. Dear grandm other of C hristopher, Andrew and Angela. G re a t-g ra n d m o th e r of A le cia . S is te r of Evelyn Batchelor (Clifford) of Oakville. A memorial service w ill be conducted in the chapel of the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Saturday, November 3, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the charity of choice in Mrs. Green's memory. InMemoriam In loving memory of: 4 1 6-2 21-3 82 9 M O V IN G s h o r tly need h e lp p a c k in g up a n d u n p a c k in g . C o u p le o f h o u rs in e v e n in g s . In O a k v ille . P le a s e c a ll D e b b ie a fte r 6pm 905-339-0375__________ FIR E y o u r ow n b oss! W o rk o n -lin e , $ 5 0 0 -$ 5 0 0 0 (P /T , F/T). Exciting opportunity. www.moneymakingdreams.com Call 1-888-373-8490_________ F L O O R M a in te n a n c e e x p erien ce , p ro p a n e b u rn is h e r a nd a u to m a tic s c ru b b e r a must. N ation w ide cleaning company. 604-861-8493 M A R K E T R e s e a rc h I n t e r v ie w e rs w a n te d p a rt-tim e . M u st h a ve g oo d c o m m a n d o f th e E n g lis h la n g u a g e . Fax resume: (905)339-1820 W A R E H O U S E p e rs o n re quired . F u ll-tim e d ays, 8-5, M o n .-F ri. D u tie s in c lu d e : s h ip p in g / re c e iv in g , s to c k in g p ro d u c t & p ic k in g o r d ers. S om e e x p e rie n c e required. Forklift ce rtifica te an a sset. S a la ry / b e n e fits negotiable. Fax: 905-319-2449. M O L L Y M a id is g ro w in g a g a in ! R e q u ir e s r e lia b le d ep en d ab le person s. D riv e r's Lie. re q u ire d . T ra n s p o rta tio n & tra in in g p ro v id ed. Call 905-681-7484 T H E B ig S w e e t C a n d y S to re is h irin g a f u ll tim e p o s itio n (3 2 h o u rs ) p e r week. S ales e xp e rie n ce re q u ire d . P le a s e c o n ta c t M aureen at the store: (905) 631-0031 fo r interview. FR E E In te rn e t Jo b S e a rc h T ra in in g! If yo u a re u n e m p lo y e d a n d w a n t to le a rn h ow to use th e In te rn e t to h e lp y o u w ith y o u r jo b s e a rc h , c a ll th e Y M C A a t 9 0 5 ) - 6 8 1 - 1 1 4 0 f o r m o re information.__________________ A S S IS T A N T S u p e r in tendent w a nte d fo r h igh rise in d o w n to w n B u r lin g to n . Please bring resum e to 505 Locust Street._______________ A T H L E T E S W a n te d ! F o r C o m m e rcial/ Film W o rk. No e x tra s , no fe e s . M u s t be a th le tic ! C a ll ( 4 1 6 ) 7 3 3 1888 fo r screening.__________ C A N A D IA N T e x tile s R e cylcin g L td., B u rlin g to n , re q uires S orters. D ays, M on.Fri., 7 a m -4 p m . $ 8 /h r a fte r tra in in g . C a ll C h e s te r 905 632-1464, fo r appointment R E Q U IR E D m a tu re fo r c o u n te r p o s itio n m o rn in g a nd e v e n in g A p p ly to M a n a g e r, Horton, O akville P lace or call 905-842-4566 h e lp fo r s h ift. T im Mall, St. Michael's School 168 Sewell Drive Ml proceeds to SL Michael's Catholic Women's League. Yvonne Izza rd - Dental Receptionist We have a great op po rtu nity for a people oriented, self-starter to fu l fill a full time busi ness position. All aspects of the business op e ra tion and customer service skills are required. ABEL com puter e xp e ri ence is an asset. E xcellent salary w ill be given to right candidate. Please call Robyn 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -3 6 3 3 Fun lo r the Whole Family! Don't Miss It! Family Services A lcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you w ant to quit, T h at's O urs! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 CET THE JOB DONE! (nee B issett, bo rn London, England). Much loved wife and lifelong friend of Alan, cherished mother of Mark, Deborah and Paul. Loving sister of Velma. Dearly loved mother also to Helen Izzard, Stephen Ferriss and Debbie Izzard. Grandmother (Nanny) of Danielle, Mathew, Shaun, Joshua, Michael, W illiam , Colin, Taya and Hannah. W ill be dearly missed by all as she begins her new journey. "Don't think of her as gone away, her journey's just begun. Life holds so many facets, the earth is only one. Think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched, For nothing loved is ever lost, and she was loved so much." Friends w ill be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 22 1 ) on Thursday November 1, 2001 from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. w ith fa m ily in attendance from 4 p.m . - 9 p.m. D onations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. P/T Career Person Wanted for a long established chiropractic clinic. Must have great communication & people skills & have an interest in health care. (Tfie O at^vitte B eaver is a c c e p tin g iSpecialMemoriamJ for Coved ones -family relatives and friends to appear on a special page Please call on Monday, Nov. 5th between 1-3pm. (905) 825-9529 RN/RPN REQUIRED PART-TIME days-hours include . Sat. & Sun. alternate weekends for Burling ton retirement home. Qualified appliants.... W e` R e m e m b e r zu h ic fi z m ll a p p e a r o n G O W L A N D , H o w a rd Suddenly, at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital on Thursday, October 25, 2001, Howard Gowland in his 84th year. Beloved husband of Jacqueline "Jackie" (nee Fleetham). Dear father of Gary of Spruce Grove, Alberta, Gail and her husband Frank Lavecchia of Oakville, Ted and his wife Victoria of Fonthill, Donna and her husband Robin Taylor of Orillia and Robin of Gimli, Manitoba. Will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Mary Ellen and Kim Lavecchia, James, Jordan and Travis Gowland, Kimberley Taylor and Dusty Gowland. Predeceased by his twin brother Harold and younger brother Lome. Friends were received at the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton on Sunday. A Funeral Service was held from the Funeral Home Chapel on Monday, October 29th at 11 AM. Interment followed at Evergreen Cemetery, Milton. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Milton District Hospital Foundation or the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital would be appreciated by the family. ir H H -j H Remember w ith a donation 1 -8 8 8 -9 3 9 -3 3 3 3 toll free · 2 4 hours a day / 7 days a w eek w w w .c a n c e r .c a Soci6t£ canadienne du cancer Funeral Director O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family H UNT, A lic e (n e e H ayes) - Passed away peacefully the Oakville Lifecare Center on October 26, 2001 in her 91st year. Alice, beloved wife for 69 years in Hamilton, Ontario and Surrey, B.C., of the late Ben Hunt (October 29, 2000). Loving mother of Virginia Gail (Ginny) Kempe and her husband Art of Oakville, Ontario. Grandmother of Paul Kempe and his wife Christine of Burlington and of Andrew (Benj) Kempe, currently on a second bicycle trip around the world with girlfriend Laura. Proud great-grandmother of Emily and Gordon Kempe. Alice was a classy lady and we shall all miss her deeply. We trust she is now reunited with her Ben. Funeral w ill be private. We extend our sincere thanks to the staff at the Oakville Lifecare Center for their kindness and compassion for Alice. fax resume attn: Mary Turnbull 905-333-0596 B U S Y O a k v ille m e d ic a l o f fic e re q u ire s fu ll tim e F ile C le rk , 8 :3 0 -4 :3 0 M o n d a y Friday. P le ase fa x resum e a ft e r 6 p m o n ly : 9 0 5 -8 4 2 3625________________________ P S W p a r t- tim e d a y s & e v e n in g s fo r lu x u ry r e tir e m e n t re s id e n c e in B u rlin g to n . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fax re su m e: M a ry T u rn b u ll, 905-333-0596 Sunday, 9jov.ll, 2001 C ost: $ 2 5 . (+<jST) (mwc40 monk) 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL LE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick McDermott · Tammy Cook Call Loraine at 905-845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 C L E A N IN G S e rv ic e has part-tim e p ositio n a vailable. M u s t h a v e e x p e rie n c e & tra n s p o rta tio n . B u r lin g to n / O a k v ille . C a ll P a u l 9 0 5 319-8060. (905) 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 v : * > r

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