According to the 1841 Census Alexander Proudfoot was living at this location. While the location is not given for the 1851 census he living in a brick house with a dry good store and farm. I imagine it is the same property in both censuses and possibly this house. According to a letter written by his nephew in 1836 he decided to set up house and married Amelia Jarvis.
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.
According to the 1841 Census Alexander Proudfoot was living at this location. While the location is not given for the 1851 census he living in a brick house with a dry good store and farm. I imagine it is the same property in both censuses and possibly this house. According to a letter written by his nephew in 1836 he decided to set up house and married Amelia Jarvis.