Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 2001, C4

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C 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 7, 2001 -- < LOOK FOR A boat for everyone Helen Hendry's art exhibition, titled B oat Shapes, GRAND OPENING SALE! 4 Page F ly e r in Party Packagers® CHAINWIDE CHRISTMAS Discover Halton with photo book plus maps Conservation Halton Foundation is including two free maps when people purchase its photography book on parks and natural areas of the Halton watershed. The best-selling book, H alton: Rising, Wild and B eckoning, was first printed in 1998 and has been generating funds for important conservation projects. Revenue from the book sales currently support the renovation and expansion of the visitor's centre at the M ountsberg Conservation Area, near Campbellville. This hard-covered book is a great guide to the Hal ton watershed with features such as the Niagara Escarpment, Carolinian forests, Lake Ontario shore line, creeks, valleys and wetlands. It features 160 pho tographs and dozens of trail maps, showing the natural landscapes that interface with Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Halton Hills, Flamborough and other commu nities in the watershed. Two full-coloured fold-out Halton maps are avail able for a limited time. These maps show every back road in the watershed, along with features like the Lake Ontario Waterfront trail, the Bruce trail and the Niagara Escarpment. The Conservation Areas of Ontario map features more than 245 parks across the province. H alton: Rising, W ild a n d B eckoning retails for $39.95 and is available in bookstores throughout Hal ton and the GTA. The map offer is available only until Dec. 31, 2001. For more information, call 905-336-1158, ext. 255. Solve the murder at Bronte Creek Park Test your detective skills and uncover a murder at Spruce Lane Farmhouse on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. and again at 7 p.m., when Sundance Studios and Bronte Creek Provincial Park present their annual M urder M ystery event. As in the previous three years, volunteers from Burling ton's Sundance Studios will perform each scene in various rooms throughout the house. Each year, the plot has become more intricate and twisted, with this year's script focusing on family and friends gathering for a Victorian Christmas celebration. W here and when did the murder take place? Was it poi soned tobacco in Uncle's pipe or did the victim choke on a game piece during a parlour game? Perhaps it was an aller gic reaction to holly while decorating the Christmas tree. Can you guess who-dun-it? While you ponder the culprits, you can enjoy Christmas carols, sip on hot apple cider and munch on freshly baked goodies from the wood burning stove. Bronte Creek Provincial Park is located on Burloak Drive, just north of the QEW. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple. For more information or to register, call 905-827-6911 ext. 271 or drop by the park office Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served following the performance. Mature subject matter is involved in production. Conse quently, it is not recommended for children under 14. Today's Paper! * d e liv e re d to s e le c t h o m e s continues until Nov. 14 in the gallery at the Oakville Art Society (OAS), 560 Bronte Rd. The exhibition consists of 17 oil paintings. For more details, call 905827-5711 or visit www.oakvilleart-society.com. mum tor we Nomination! In return, we are having a CUSTOMER APPRECIATION All Orchids 30% Off reg. prices 'Sale excludes cut flowers and select merchandise Winter drama classes begin W inter drama classes at West End Studio Theatre will run from Nov. 26 to Feb. 9 with a three-week Christmas Break. Classes are offered in Stage A cting, Film A cting, Improv, M usical Theatre, Singing and B eginner J a zz , for those aged one-and-a-half to adult. For more details, contact Yo Mustafa, co-ordinator of the Drama Program, at 905-845-9378 or connect to W.E.S.T's website at www.westendstudiotheatre.com. KELLY CULIN Growers o f quality .1 . . plants since I 9 6 0 ·Perennials , shrubs * i nnuals, Waterplants Tropical Plants · Floral Dept. · Soils Thank you to the people o f Oakvillefo r again nominating us as Best Insurance Agent It is very much appreciated. Men will be cooking Saturday Real Men Can Cook, a special fundraiser where local male celebrities dis play their culinary skills, takes place this Saturday, Nov. 10 at Halton Regional Centre. The event, which runs from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., will benefit the Children's Wish Foundation o f Canada, the Halton DARE program and the W omen Survivors Advisory Group, Halton. Between 35 and 40 men will demonstrate their culi nary prow ess including C hief Ean Algar of the Hal ton Regional Police Ser vice, retired Argo Granville Liggins, Jam es Duthie of TSN, plus local business men, police officers and members of the R C M P P articipants w ill be vying for the P eo p le's Choice award, chosen by attendees, and the C hef of the Year award, chosen by the judges E ntertainm ent w ill be provided during the sam pling, followed by a dance. Tickets are $30 each in advance only, w hich includes 10 food-sampling tickets. Men interested in partic ipating, or to reserve tick ets, call Elizabeth C arm ichael at 905-4653401. Jabe< Between Britannia Rd. and Eglinton Ave./Lower Base Line Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 //'m J'L y & x j', 5558 Trafalqar Rd. 905-878-0722 N -f & Greenhouses Gardens i w Hwy. #401 m a w Jade G a rd e n s 5558 Trafalgar Road Hornby. ON B ritan nia Rd. Eglinton A ve./ Lower Base Line Hwy. #5 www.kellyculin.com K E L L Y C U L I N IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y lt d . ______ ____________ 1 1175 N O RTH SERVICE RD. W,, SUITE 206 OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6M 2W1 TEL. 84 7 -0 0 1 2 » FAX 8 2 7-7429 NAME Readers' (Selection AWARDS BEST SHOPPING STUFF Shopping Area 1. Bronte 2. Downtown 3. Town C entres I & II S hopping Plaza 1. Trafalgar Ridge 2. Upper Oakville 3. Town C entre I & II Shopping Mall 1. Oakville Place 2. Dixie Value 3. Square One D ep artm en t Store 1. The Bay 2. Wal-Mart 3. Sears Men's Store 1. Garvey's 2. Mens W ear Co. 3. A rt Lee W om en's Store 1. Tocca Finita 2. Elfie's 3. Barbette C hildren's Store 1. W atch us Grow 2. Sears 3. H arrisons 4. Little Treasures Jewellery 1. Raffi 2. Srigleys 3. M anning Jewellers Bedding & Linen 1. The Bay 2. H alton Linen 3. Feathers D rug Store 1. Oakville Rexall Drug Store 2. Shoppers D rug Mart 3. P h arm a Plus A ntiques Store 1. Olde Oak Antiques 2. A ntique Treasures of th e World 3. Oakville Used F u rn itu re & A ntiques Shoe Store 1. Charles Austin 2. Cheslers 3. Payless Shoes 4. TheFoot Shoppe China/G ift Store 1. Mary's Keepsakes 2. Rob M cIntosh Crystal 3. Rawa's D iscount Store 1. Liquidation W orld 2. Growl'n Gator Vacuum Store 1. H alton Vacuum 2. Oakville Vacuum 3. Advantage Vacuum Appliance Shop 1. D om aine 2. Sears 3. Oakville Appliance the 2001 Nominees axe... Choose yo u r favourites and send in or dro p off this ballot by N ovem ber 15 to w in $500 in Gift Certificates. Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd, Oakville. On L6K 3S4 fax 337-5568 ADDRESS PHONE *Where there are 5 nominees, a tie has occurred. PEOPLE Radio Personality l. Marylyn Denis 2. Roger Ashby 3. Carla Collins Insurance Agent l. Kelly Culin 2. Wayne McGill 3. Andrew H eidem an 4. Roy Spriggs Jr. Financial Planner l. P eter W atson 2. Ray Jackson 3. Paul Foley A ccountant 1. Bill H utchings 2. Charles Havill 3. Ross McBean Clown 1. Jim bo 2. Patches 3. Squeaky Teacher 1. Mr. Allan- Q.E. Park 2. Mr. Ross- TABlakelock 3. Mrs. Ince- Creative learning C entre D octor 1. Dr. Blair 2. Dr. Gail M cPherson 3. Dr. Kovacs C hiropractor 1. Dr. B rett Moore 2. Dr. Sim pson 3. Dr. Roper O ptom etrist 1. Dr. Karen Sm ith 2. Dr. C ourchesne 3. Dr. Gall D entist 1. Dr. 2. Dr. 3. Dr. 4. Dr. Lingerie Store 1. Inside Story 2. Gwendolyn Shop 3. GoodNight GoodM om ing C onvenience/Cigar Store 1. H ennesey's 2. Havana 3. Celebrity Tobacco G ardening Centre 1. Terra N urseries 2. Jade Gardens 3. Agram Hardware Store 1. Canadian Tire 2. Hom e Hardware 3. Hom e Depot Craft Shop 1. M ichael's 2. H arbour Craft S porting Goods 1. Corbetts 2. National Sports 3. Oakville Cycle & S port Golf Shop 1. Pro Golf 2. Golf town 3. Oakville Club Builders Hom e Im provem ent Centre 1. Lansing 2. Hom e Depot 3. Cashway P ictu re Fram ing 1. S u rro u n d in g s 2. Green Gables 3. Greenings 4. The Fram in g Den Bicycle 1. 2. 3. Store Cycle Path Oakville Cycle & Sport Canadian Tire Tire Shop 1. Jensen Tire 2. Canadian Tire 3. M oore's Tire H ealth Food 1. Alternatives N atural Foods 2. Abbey H ealth Foods 3. Body of H ealth Frozen Food l ' M&M Meats Fabric 1. 2. 3. Shop Fabricland Fairhom e Fabrics Bouclair C atering Company 1. Mari's Deli 2. L orraine's Pantry 3. Otellos Travel Agency 1. Carlson W agonlit 2. Oakville Travel 3. B ruce Hood R etirem ent Hom e 1. K ensington 2. Vistamere 3. Trafalgar Lodge 4. C hurchill Place 5. H earthstone Hom e Builder 1. National Homes 2. Glen O rchard Homes 3. M attamy Homes Car Wash 1. High Class 2. Sunoco Softcloth 3. Esso W ater Company 1. Crystal Springs 2. Flam boro Springs 3. Culligan Oil/Lube Change 1. Canadian Tire 2. East Side 3. F o u rth Line Auto Carpet/Floor Coverings 1. Speers Rd. Broadloom 2. Albert s Carpet One 3. www.flooringca.com Investm ent Company 1. M errill Lynch 2. Edward Jones 3. Fiscal Agents Lum ber 1. Cashway Building Supplies 2. Lansing Buildall 3. Main Lum ber Cruise 1. Bob's Cruises 2. Cruise Ship C enter's 3. Cruise Holidays Massage Therapy 1. Active Touch 2. T hum bs Up Shiatsu 3. Oakville Shiatsu Dry Cleaner 1. W right's Cleaners 2. Spotless 3. Oakville Dry Cleaners H air Salon 1. Salon Venere 2. Civello 3. Atelier 4. Bob R Shop Radio Station 1. CHUM FM 2. K-Lite FM 3. 99.9 Hits Insurance Company 1. Vince, Tom ensen. Dickerson 2. H alton Caird 3. Affiliated Insurance Air C onditioning 1. Air Calm 2. A -l H eating & Air C onditioning 3. B ranair Lawn Care E quipm ent 1. C u rren t Power 2. Cliffs Lawn 3. Ashots P ainting/D ecorating 1. Oakville Paint & W allpaper 2. Speers Rd. Paint & Flooring 3. P ainters Place Mover 1. Oakville Movers 2. Atlas 3. B ronte Movers Transm ission Shop 1. H alton Transm ission 2. Aamco 3. M ister Transm ission P hotography Studio 1. Aura Photographies 2. Time & Again 3. Phillips Photography P rin t Shop 1. Som erville Graphics 2. Ideal Graphics Muffler Shop 1. M eineke Muffler 2. Midas Muffler 3. Speedy Muffler Driving Instruction 1. Young Drivers of Canada 2. Sears Brew Your Own W ine/Beer 1. E instein Brew House 2. Corks 3. W ine Kitz Shoe Repair 1. M oneysworth & Best 2. Hopedale Shoe Repair 3. Head over Heels Banqliet Facility 1. Le Dome 2. Glen Abbey Golf Club 3. Holiday Inn C onference Centre C ourier 1. Purolator 2. Sw iftsure 3. Sameday Interior D esigner 1. Sylvia Cam illeri 2. Peartrees of Oakville 3. Decorating Den Optical 1. 2. 3. Day Store Space Optical Braddock Hakim Optical Local Golf Course 1. Glen Abbey Golf Club 2. Deerfield 3. Saw W het Local Sports Team 1. Oakville Blades Local Event 1. W aterfront Festival 2. M idnight Maddness 3. Jazz Festival Live E nte rta in m e n t 1. Oakville Centre 2. T heatre Sheridan 3. Stage West Bowling 1. Hopedale Bowl 2. Classic Bowl Tourist 1. 2. 3. Cam ping E quipm ent 1. H iker's Haven 2. Canadian Tire 3. Oakville S urplus Exchange F lorist 1. Heidi's 2. Oakville Florist 3. Forget Me Not Flowers Office Supplies 1. Business D epot/Staples 2. Fanhans 3. Frid and Russell Cellular Phone Shop 1. National Cellular 2. Prim eline 3. W ireless W izards CD/Record Store 1. F u tu re Shop 2. HMV F u rn itu re 1. Sears F u rn itu re & Appliance 2. Jo sh u a Creek 3. Swiss In terio rs Auto Parts 1. Canadian Tire 2. H alton Auto Electric Q 3. M antis Racing Bridal Store 1. Dorm el 2. Frank And Zora 3. Glimpse of Radiance Chocolates 1. W alker's Chocolates 2. Simply Chocolate 3. B ernard Callebaut E lectronics 1. F u tu re Shop 2. Flippance & Carr 3. Radio Shack M attress 1. Sleep Factory 2. Royal M attress W indows 1. Travelling Windows 2. Ridley Windows & Doors 3. Suprem e Windows 4. Rollex Bath & K itchen 1. Canac 2. Oak. Kitchen Centre 3. Opal Bath C hildren's F u rn itu re 1. A Room Of My Own 2. Sears 3. Cribs `n ' More Autom otive Collision & Repair 1. Action Collision 2. Oaktown Collision 3. C arstar F ur Salon 1. B arrington's Care/N ursery 1. Springbank 2. Wee W atch 3. Creative L e a rn in g ' C entre Gallery 1. Native Art 2. Abbozzo 3. Greenings Bakery 1. P etit Gateau 2. M onastery Bakery 3. Glen Abbey Italian Fresh F ru its & Vegetables 1. Longo's 2. Franks Food Basics 3. The Bam M usical In stru m e n ts/In stru c tion 1. Hi Note 2. Lakeshore Music 3. M erriam Music B utcher 1. D ietrich's 2. B runo's 3. Olde Fashioned B u tch er Shop 4. Florence Meat C onsignm ent Second Hand- Adult 1. Phase 2 2. By C onsignm ent C onsignm entSecond H and- C hildren 1. Chic Repeats 2. Little Treasures 3. Once u p o n A Child BEST BUSINESS SERVICES W eight Loss Clinic 1. Argus Medical Diet C entre 2. W eight W atchers 3. Lifestyle M etabolism Auto Glass 1. Apple Auto Glass 2. Dependable Auto Glass 3. Crystal Glass Long Distance Provider 1. Bell 2. London Telecom /Prim us 3. Sprint Hotel/Motel 1. C ountry Inn 2. Holiday Inn Express 3. Ram ada Inn Security Service/Locks 1. Harp 2. ADT 3. Active Lock & Safe Sewing Supplies 1. Oakville Sewing 2. Sewing Machine Store 3. Haberdashers Pool Company 1. C artier Pools 2. Pioneer Pools 3. In tern atio n al Pool & Spa Art E m ploym ent Agency 1. Adecco 2. Kelly Services 3. Drake G ym nastics 1. Oakville Gym nastics Club 2. Schlegals Gym nastics C entre 3. YMCA Shutters/B linds 1. Windows by Bruce 2. S h u tte rs Etc. 3. Supershades 4. S h u tte rs Unlimited Spa/Hot Tubs 1. C artier Pools 2. International Pool & Spa U pholstery/R estoration 1. Baiers 2. How ards Second G eneration 3. M aster F urniture Esthetics/A esthetics 1. Rosewater Spa 2. Sanctuary 3. Im ages International Electrical C ontractor 1. N orth S tar Electric 2. Bucci Electric 3. Carbone Electric Electrolysis 1. Bare Nature 2. Liliannes 3. Abbeywood Spa Maid Service 1. Merry Maid 2. Molly Maid 3. K athy's C leaning BEST ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE SPORTS Movie Theatre 1. Fam ous Players 2. Cineplex 3. AMC Movie Rental 1. Blockbuster Video 2. M aplegrove Video 3. E n te rta in m e n t 4 You Bingo Hall 1. Mayfair 2. Meadowvale Billiard Hall 1. Avalon Billiard's Club 2. Arnold's Entertainment · A ttraction Bronte Downtown Gairloch Gardens M artial Arts Facility 1. O ntario Centre for M artial Arts 2. M orning S tar T^e Kwon Do 3. Kick Jitsu 4. H orizon Mini Putt 1. Fam ily Golf 2. P u ttin g Edge Children's Playground/A m usem ent 1. Monkey See Monkey Do 2. Ducky's Play Centre 3. Scooters Dance (Children) In stru ctio n al 1. Oakville Ballet 2. Classics Dance 3. Fleming School of Dance Dance (Adult) Instructional 1. A rthur M urray 2. Fred Astaire NEW CATEGORIES FOR 2001 Giftwares/Ecclectic 1. M urrons C abinetree 2. Roast Apples 3. My Im agination Gallery Cosm etic S urgery 1. Dr. W eiglan 2. Dr. W einberg 3. Dr. Steven Brown Hockey/Skiing/Snow boarding Equipm ent 1. C orbetts 2. Canadian Tire 3. H ustler H ats a nd Accessories 1. Chelsea's 2. Accessory Place H ealth 1. 2. 3. Care National Elder Beta H ealth Care VON (Victorian O rder of Nurses) Phelan Sim on Pong Kazdan Balfour C om puter Store/Service 1. Canadian C om puter 2. CNS C om puters 3. C om pucentre L ighting Centre 1. G errie E lectric 2. Lando L ighting 3. Raym ar Lighting Toy Store 1. Zellers 2. Toys R Us 3. Wal-Mart Police Officer 1. Officer Gold 2. Officer Ribble 3. Officer Ellie Van Vliet Best Deck Design 1. Just Decks 2. Select Deck and Fence 3. Signature Decks Lawyer 1. K athryn N aum etz 2. Kevin Haxell 3. Jarvis Sheridan 4. K eith Nelson Em ployer/M anager 1. Ford 2. Sheridan College 3. Town of Oakville Veterinary Clinics 1. Speers Rd. Animal Hospital 2. Bronte Rd. Animal Hospital 3. Trafalgar Animal Hospital C am era Shop 1. M cCutcheon's 2. Black's 3. Moto Foto Pet Shop 1. Rens 2. Su p er Pet 3. Pets & More Place Centre 1. F u tu re Flames 2. BBQ Gas Grill 3. Napoleons Landscape/Lawn Service 1. W eedman 2. Simply Green 3. Nutri-Lawn Bank/Trust Company 1. CIBC 2. Toronto Dom inion/ Canada Trust 3. Royal Bank of Canada Carpet/Upholstery Cleaner 1. On The Spot 2. Action Chem Dry 3. Absolute C hem Dry 4. Sears Fitness Club 1. The Gym 2. F errone's 3. Body Shaping F ire Bookstore 1. Chapters 2. Bookers 3. Coles

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