Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, "Business", C8

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C8 - The O akville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 21 , 2001 felOlfEWSiflNOIffi^l SNOWBLOWER W INTTR CHECK O V E R Single st.iqo '69, Dual staqo ^ 9 9 Puk up S Delivery Available CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC, 1661 L a k e s h o re R d . W . M is s is s a u g a (5 Stop lights east of S outhd ow n Rood in Clarkson) S /l?11 I · BUSINESS W 'l I > M S I \ ( >\ I M l M U 2 l . 2 ( X » W h a t would your stuff cost to replace? You may think your things aren't worth much. But the average person has over $20,000 worth of stuff that's probably not covered by a landlord's policy.That's why you need State Farm renters insurance. State Farm insures millions of people's possessions. Which is good to know, because stuff has a way of really adding up. Phone: 905-845-3824 Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: nalex@haltonsearch.com Infant car seat cover allows mom & baby to travel in comfort By Nancy Alexander S PE C IA L T O TH E BEAVER :oday and see how affordable renters insurance can be. Daniel Durst 1500 H eritage Way Suite #7 O akville, O n tario Phone: (905) 847-1898 Fax: (905) 847-7165 Em ail: daniel@ danieldurst.com Like a good neighbor. State Farm is there.® State Farm Fire and C asualty Com pany · Canadian H ead O ffice: Scarborough. O n tario www.statefarm.com N Riziero Vertolli · Oukiillt1timer C indy B ourne and her H ugs and Bugs infant car seat cover. Inkjet remanufacturing profits going to GTA area foodbanks A program designed to reduce plastic w aste is also help ing to raise m uch-needed funds for GTA area foodbanks. T he th IN K F O O D p rogram is a jo in t partnership b etw een the D aily B read F ood B ank, the O ntario A ssociation o f Food B anks, the C ity o f Toronto, Radio Shack and Petro-C anada. Schools, offices and the public can throw their used inkjet cartridges into a drop box at any o f the three O akville R adio Shack stores instead o f throw ing them out. D onated cartridges w ill then be picked up and sent to the rem anufacturing industry w ith the food bank being rem unerated. T he local Radio Shack stores are located at 144 Speers Rd., (just w est o f K err Street) and at O akville Place and H opedale M all. ext to snow plow drivers, there is probably no one w ho dreads the onset o f w inter m ore than the m oth ers o f infants and young children. Any trip outside the house m eans doing battle w ith flail ing arm s and snow suits, often resulting in tears and frustra tion. C indy B ourne, an O akville m other o f three believes that babies and hot, over-sized snow suits do not belong together. In the fall o f 1995, B ourne and her friend C inda Potter each had infants, as w ell as tw o pre-school age children. G etting everyone ready to go each day w as a struggle. O ne day at nap tim e, they w orked on a design to m ake their lives easier and cam e up w ith an infant car seat cover w hich they nam ed B U G S a n d H U G S. The BUGS and H U GS Infant C ar Seat C over is an elasticized blanket that fits o ver any N orth A m erican infant car seat (0-201bs.). It features a "peek-a-boo" flap for baby to see out, or w hen fastened w ith a colourful baby link, the closed flap protects baby from the elem ents w hile still allow ing air in. O ther links can be added to attach a soother o r favourite toy. A deep, handy pocket on the front o f the cover provides a place to store a diaper o r keys. Bourne 'says the m ajor selling point o f the seat cover is that it allow s you to cover and uncover w ithout disturbing a sleeping, content baby. If entering a m all, for instance, the baby can be m oved from car to stroller w hile asleep in the car seat, and once inside, the cover can be pulled back Bourne says the beauty o f the product is that the baby can m ove freely under the cover and do esn 't becom e overheat ed because it isn 't constrained by a bulky, zipped-up snowsuit. The cover can also be used for three seasons-- fall through to late spring. The BU G S and H U GS cover is m anufactured for Bourne in Toronto using bright, 100 percent cotton prints, lined with a coordinating Yukon fleece. An added layer o f fibrefill in betw een adds extra w arm th, creating the coziness o f a snowsuit w ithout the bulk. The cover sells for $55 plus tax and can be ordered directly from B oum e by calling (905) 825-2664. Bourne says the cover m akes a unique but practical gift idea fo r a new baby. Two mothers decided there had to be a better way to transport infants There's a whole new world out there discover it today W W W .O i or A n A ft e r n o o n Ev e n in g w it h G a rth T u r n e r "INVESTMENT STRATEGIES FOR UNCERTAIN TIMES" · A fter N ew Y o rk: D anger & O p p o r t u n it y · S u r v iv e F ir s t , P r o s p e r L a t e r · P r o f it in t h e C o m in g T e c h n o l o g y R e b o u n d u s in g x · How t o · T he D S la s h I n c o m e T a x e s C a p it a l G a in s & D iv id e n d s o w at the 20,000 - T im e to P repare N ow · A v o i d in g R R S P Ta x T rap Garth Turner. Best selling author, national newspaper columnist and broadcaster A FR EE SEM IN A R OAKVILLE Monday, November 26 Ramada Inn 360 Oakville Place Drive (corner Trafalgar & Iroquois Shore Road, beside Petro-Canada gas station) 1:00 p.m. afternoon or 7:30 p.m. evening To reserve a seat, please call our reservation line: 416 201-3333 Hosted by: Paid in part by Assante Assante C apital M anagement Ltd. 2145 Dunwin Drive Suite #2 Mississauga, ON L5L 4L9 Z tZ Z . I N V E S T M E N T S A T R IM A R K . Assante Capital M anagem ent Ltd is a member o f the Canadian Investment Protection Fund. The Assante symbol is a registered trademark o f Assante Corporation used under license *2000 Assante Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. Profits u p at ZENON M u n ic ip a litie s and co m p an ies investing in clean w ater continue to drive the profits o f O akville-based Z E N O N E n v ir o n m e n ta l In c. The m aker o f w ate r filtratio n sy stem s, has reported a 67 per c e n t in c re ase in rev en u e fo r the third quarter end ing Sept. 30 to $32.2 m illion, up from $ 12.9 m il lion one year ago. O n a year-todate basis, $85.1 m illion in revenue has already passed last y ear's $84.5 m illion total fo r the entire year. Y e a r-to -d a te net earnings show an 87 p e r cent im p ro v e m en t to $2.5 m illio n o r $ .10 ce n ts p e r share fro m $1.3 m illio n o r $.06 cents per share for the sam e perio d one year ago. LOCKW OOD'S 0% EV EN T 2002Neon Drive Away Price Automatic, CD, air, top of the line wheels. Stk. #XE12 i0 n ,,w n S 3 8 5 52, s1 0 0 0 s 3 6 9 15 /per month for 60 mths /per month for 60 mths ncinq « on most 2001 &2002Models In clu taxe ta xes Plus license Add f o r o n ly ^ # /M o n t h . Plus taxes. Full Maintenance Pkg. Includes: Oil Changes & Tire Rotation Chrysler Sen/ice Contract see dealer for details. 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