Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, B3

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W ednesday, February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 CFUWhosts wellness night L earn how to get the m ost out o f life from a W ellness W alk and Energy Panel at the Monday, Feb. 21st meeting of the Canadian Federation o f U niversity W omen at O akville Trafalgar High School. The W ellness W alk, in the O THS foyer from 7 to 8 p.m .,w ill feature several O akville health and wellness practi tioners w ho will answ er questions and discuss their health care services. In addition to W ellness Evening panel m em bers, Dr. Sandra Sim pson, B onnie Jackson, and Patti W ilson, m eet cranio sacral and m ovem ent therapist D ianne W oodruff; reg istered m assage therapist, meditation, and yoga instructor Shiri Rishi K halsa; acupuncturist Lynne Ganong; naturopath Dr. S hirley H einen; spiritual evolution therapist T ina T hom as; and rep resen tativ es from A lternatives, T he W om en's Fitness C lub, and W ellspring. T he Energy Panel will start at 8:30 p.m. after the business m eeting. Bonnie Jackson, a wellness educator and lifestyle coach will share her personal philosophy on how to live life with an infinite supply o f `joie de vivre.' She will discuss energyboosting ideas in the areas o f nutrition, activity, and stress management. Patti W ilson, a psychotherapist and public speaker will outline the com ponents o f the body-m ind-spirit trinity and highlight specific methods for addressing each to find inner balance and harmony. Dr. Sandra Simpson, founder of Nottinghill Chiropractic Clinic 10 years ago, will talk about the "four necessities of life - food, water, air, and nerve supply" and how to maxi mize each o f these areas and increase your energy by 300%. The Sanctuary Spa Awakening has donated a $145 spa package which will be raffled off for the CFUW -Oakville Scholarship Fund. OTHS is located at 1460 Devon Rd., east o f M aplegrove Drive. C FU W - Oakville is open to all women university gradu ates. For more inform ation contact Ann Pajunen 849-3962. Injuries kill more teenagers every year than all other causes of death combined -U 0 ) c o jr O o c SmartR's K. 13HEROES presents M onday, F e b ru a ry 2 1 , 2 0 0 0 0 2. 1 if !*T M ulti im age in ju ry prevention show Internationa lly acclaimed ^ A ppropriate fo r persons 1 2 years of age or older w § FREE PUBLIC PERFORMANCES T h u rsd ay , F e b ru a ry 2 4 , 2 0 0 0 7 :0 0 p .m . M ilto n D istric t H ig h School 3 9 6 W illiam s A venue, M ilto n Free Parking o o -a 4) 7 :0 0 p .m . O akville C e n tre for P erfo rm in g A rts 130 N avy Street, O akville (North of Lakeshore R d - West of Trafalgar Rd) Free Parking o 4 ) > Q. TO RESERVE A SEAT, CALL 338-4379 National Sponsors: Royal SunAlliance · Foal M otor Com pany o f Canada · Sm artRisk · ftuks C an ada · Harwy's Youth Foundation · C anada ftid fk Local Hosts: Com m unity Foundation o f Oakville · Alexander &C Beni ice D eM aio Foundation Fund · O ptim ist Q u b o f Oakville · Rotary C lu b o f Oakville Trafalgar. · laidlaw Transit · Moen · O r M H Charitable C orp. · Associated Printing Services · Newell Rubbermaid · SmithKline Beecham · Milton District Hospital Foundation · D'Orazio Infrastructure C rou p · Johnson (.Controls · N ortd · Oakville Trafalgar School Council · Town o f Oakville · St. Mildred' s Lightboum School - PFA · Knights o f Colum bus - M ilton · Oakville Beaver Organized by: Canadian red C ross · Halton Region Health Departm ent · Halton Healthcare Services · Town o f Milton · Town o f Oakville 3 J) Fashion show, auction for Women' s Centre F eatu rin g fashions fro m L inda L undstrom and Inside Story, H utton's Im ages p resen ts the third annual Fashion Show and A uction Fundraiser to support the W om en's Inform ation and Support C entre o f Halton. T his y e a r's event w ill be held M onday, Feb. 28th, at T he O akville C lub at 56 W ater St. The preview auc tion starts at 6:30 pm, and the fashion show at 7 pm. Featured in the live and silent auc tion are m any fram ed w orks o f art in clu d in g original o ils and w ater colours, as w ell as lim ited edition and signed prints by such artists as G roup o f Seven painter A .J. C asson, wildlife artist M ichael D um as, skater Toller C ran sto n , L ouis D obry, Pierre B onnard, Jose Roybal, Salvador Dali and more. A lso included are signed and unfram ed native w orks from the collec tion `A D istant T hu n d er'. For each work, the bidding will start at one-third o f the appraised value, giv ing am ple opportunity for art collectors to pick up art bargains. T ickets are $25 per person and include cash bar, refreshm ents, hors d 'oeuvres and door prizes. C om plim entary with the purchase o f each ticket is a m akeup application, hair w ash and blow dry at H utton's Im ages in Oakville. L o cated at H opedale M all, the W om en's C entre is a volunteer, com m unity-based non-profit organization d ed icated to em p o w erin g w om en through support, inform ation and pro gram s. In addition to support groups, w ork shops and courses, the W om en's Centre also offers peer counselling at no cost, providing one-on-one support for w om en facing abuse, grief/loss and relationship issues. Volunteers are trained to listen, support and offer refer rals to appropriate services in the com munity. Also available is a resource library, jo b posting board, em ploym ent network, and com puter/fax/photocopy ing access. The Centre is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am to 3 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm. Tickets for the Fashion Show and Auction are available by calling The W om en's Centre at 847-5520. 7 out of 10 teenagers who died last year in Canada died as a result of a preventable injury 4 Ti Go To: * · * i Pvivv. Haw Search N etscape j*. p y 'r-< Security ; W hat's Rented st jhttp:/ /w w w.haItonsgarch.com /c lick.o n.us today . ANXIETY«PANIC LEASE EXPIRY SALE D IS T IN C T IV E L A D IE S F A S H IO N S E ight years ago, Mike Glugosh was a hostage to his own fears and depression. Constantly worried about his health and his own state of m in d , he fo u n d h im s e lf wanting to avoid situations that made him feel anxious such as being alone, going to work and socializing. In time M ike realized he w as not alone in h is s u ffe rin g . A n x ie ty d is o rd e r is the n u m b e r one e m o tio n a l p ro b le m in o u r c o u n try today. Mike w ill share the story of his recovery and provide c o p in g s k ills at a FREE seminar open to the public in your area. S y m p to m s of anxiety, panic and depression include h ea rt p a lp ita tio n s , chest pains, dizziness, stom ach p ro b le m s , b e w ild e re d & Mon., Feb. 217:30-ft00 p m Holiday Inn 30 Peel Centre Dr. spaced out fe e lin g s , c o n fu s io n , s h o rtn e s s of b rea th, scary th o u g h ts , tre m b lin g or s h a k in g , nervous or panicky feelings, fe e lin g h elp less and hopeless, loss of appetite, excessively tired, and easily prone to guilt. Generally people fear what Mike calls, " losing control", having a heart a tta ck, embarrassing themselves, or losing their minds. The M idw est Center For S tre ss and A nxiety, w ith whom Mike works, has done stress and anxiety seminars fo r com p an ies such as C hrysler, AT & T, and McDonald's. They have also been featured on OPRAH, REGIS and KATHY LEE and `THE VIEW' w ith BARBARA WALTERS. If you can no t a tte nd , please call 1-800-318-7766 tor information. The M id w e st C enter specializes in programs fo r a nxiety, p anic and depression. P E G G Y 'S EV ER Y T H IN G M U ST CO !! Assorted Fashio DOWN TO THE BARE WALLS - INCLUDING RACKS & FIXTURES Koret M ix n' Match Coordinates Separates reg. to $88.00 5 2 1 * 8 Matching Sweaters & Jackets reg. to $128.00 Susan Bristol Collections Sweaters, vests, slacks, blouses & skirts Entire Selection W inter Fashions featuring Blast, Karolyne, Northern Isles, Jones Sport, Orly, Liz Claiborne, Susan Bristol, David Brooks, Koret & Como FREE SEMINAR See Mike Glugosh at No Reservations Needed FREE Parking Tues., Feb. 22,7-.30-&00 p m Holiday Inn 590 Argus Rd. Wed., Feb. 23,7:30-9:00 p.m. Four Points Sheraton 5444 Dixie Rd. Come in and take advantage of many more unadvertised specials rjin fji*ia iin i Trafalgar Village · 844-5361 uwMisiaiflai JUST MOVED? e will you your goal Do it for your health. Do it for yourself! Let Argus Medical Diet Clinic help you achieve your weight loss goals. With the right foods, you can change your body from fat absorbing to Calorie Burning! BRIDE-TO-BE? NEW BA BY? For free information and gifts... C ALL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 842-2385 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Hagen 338-3456 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 842-1560 4. GLEN ABBEY Cathy Woloschuk 847-^157 r P R O G R flM - S P E C iflL ~ l ! 4 Months - $250 ! j If you reach your 4 month go al1 receive $100 cashback! ARGUS clinic Or call toll free: 1-800301-1104 Toronto Area: (416) 497-8111 Internet: www.welcomewagon.ca Medically Supervised Weight Loss & MEDICAL m Counselling Services 581 Argus Rd. Suite 202, O akville LCOMEm AGON l t d . 1930 S in c e A N eig h b o u rh o o d T radition Since 1930 338-7227

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