Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, A7

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Wednesday February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 S p e c ia l c h ild r e n Vinnie Di Rollo ju st w ants to see smiles light up the faces o f the 100 or so terminally ill and m entally and physi cally challenged O akville children, after they learn th e y 're being sent to D isneyworld for the day. "You can 't im agine w hat it's like to see their faces w hen they take off...it's incredible," the m other o f two enthused, explaining she has been involved in the D ream -A -Thon for the past few years. Di R ollo's six-year-old son, Christian, is term inally ill. His brother, Gabriel, is nine years old. O n Sat. M arch 4th, the Oakville Field H ockey Club is running a 12-hour indoor field hockey m atch to raise m oney to m ake the dream com e true - to send as m any Oakville youngsters who m ay n ever get the chance to see D isneyw orld to go to Florida for the w ill s e e D is n e y la n d th a n k s to V in n ie DIANE HART day. Both she and club president John Picone, an Oakville high school teacher, adm it they've been overwhelmed by the response o f the com munity to date. The O akville Field Hockey Dreama-Thon will take place at St. Thomas A quinas High School. But they need more help and are asking anyone inter ested in donating either their time or items for their silent auction to call. T he silent auction will be held throughout the field hockey match, slat ed to run from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Di Rollo, a diminutive ball o f energy, says she's not going to stop until she gets the plane filled for the day. She says people scoff at her ambitious plans to raise $50,000 for the day but she's determined. Last year, the club raised a fraction o f that - $5,200. `T h ey think it's crazy, but I think we can do it if we get more people involved in this," she says, adding anyone she talks to is more than helpful. They sim ply need to get the word out. Air Canada donates the plane, the pilots and flight attendants donate their time. H owever there are still other costs, including in-flight medical personnel. Although Di Rollo's son Christian has been asked to go along, she says she'll have some other child take his place as he w ouldn't get as much out o f the experience as another child would. "It's so important to these children and not many people realize they are out there in Oakville," she says. "I want as many o f them as possible to go." Picone says anyone he has asked has been more than generous. But he's hop ing to generate interest in the day to attract as many people as possible to bid on the silent auction items and raise the necessary funds. He noted a num ber o f large and small businesses have offered to donate their tim e or money, from Invidiata Homes (sponsor o f the purple Dream-aThon T-shirts and socks) to Golden Griddle who offered to cook up a pan cake breakfast for donations. R om eo's Pizza, Pasta and Submarines in Bronte and other businesses have offered to donate food and drinks. T he m ayor is expected to m ake an appearance. And while the w ord continues to spread about the D ream -A -Thon m ore people are calling to get involved. A sked if she's going to take a break before the day, Di Rollo ju st gurgles with laughter. Eyes sparkling, the ener getic m other says she's not going to stop until she's raised the funds needed to get the kids onto the plane for the day. But as much as she w ants to see the faces o f the kids light up with joy, she's not going to go along. She smiles a watery smile: "I think I 'd break dow n." A nyone interested in helping out is asked to call Vinnie at 847-1843; John at 827-4850. O r visit the Oakville Field H o ck ey 's w ebsite www.cgocable.net/~ofhc G > C o u n c il O & S t a n d in g A K V I L L E 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s Monday, February 21,2000 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, February 28,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Oakville Town Council invites you to volunteer your skills to assist in its decision-making. As vacancies occur, Council appoints people to various committees, boards and authorities that make decisions on issues effecting Oakville. If you apply, you could be selected to share your ideas on matters like heritage buildings, public facilities, or community services. It is T o w n p o lic y th a t a c itiz e n c a n o n ly s e rv e o n o n e c o m m itte e a t a tim e . I f y o u a p p ly a n d a re a c c e p te d to s e r v e o n a s e c o n d c o m m itte e , y o u m u s t re s ig n fro m th e c o m m itte e y o u a re c u rre n tly s e rv in g on. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? All Oakville residents are invited to get involved. To reflect the diverse nature of the Town's population, women, people with disabilities, native peoples, and racial and ethnic minorities are especially encouraged to participate. HOW TO APPLY Anyone interested in applying, other than incumbents, must do the following: · Fill out an application form and return it to the Town Clerk's Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville by 4:30 p.m. Friday. February 18. 2000. SELECTION PROCESS Town Council will appoint qualified candidates for the positions based on the recommendations of the Administrative Services Committee. REMEMBER · Only RESIDENTS o f the Town of Oakville are eligible. QUESTIONS? For more information, call Pat McPherson @ 845-6601, ext. 3136. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged only after the appointment process has been completed, at which time each applicant will be notified bv mail. Tuesday, February 28,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Monday, March 6,2000 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c i l & C om m ittee T o u c h to n e P h o n e L i n e 815-5959 TH E CO RPO RA TIO N OF THE TOW N OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION Q -7-2000 FO R TH E SUPPLY A ND DELIVERY O F LU M BER AND M ISC EL LA N EO U S BUILDING M ATERIALS SEA LED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing D epartm ent, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 until 12:00 noon, Local Tim e, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2000 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes are available at the offices o f the Purchasing Departm ent, telephone (905) 338-4197. T he Town o f O akville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or low est as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R. J. Coum oyer, C .I.M ., P. Mgr. D irector, Purchasing and O ffice Services A d v is o ry B o a rd , C o m m itte e o r A u th o rity Citizen Transit Advisory Com mittee Applicants should be a resident of Oakville for at least five years; have an understanding of transit and its role in the community; be able to attend evening meetings on a monthly basis and preferably be a Oakville Transit user. Seniors Advisory Comm ittee Applicants must be over the age of 50 years; be familiar with the community; have a genuine interest in the welfare of others and be willing to make a commitment of 3 years. Special Com mittee A gainst Impaired Driving Applicants must have a keen interest in promoting anti-impaired driving awareness in the community and be able to attend early morning meetings. Traffic Advisory Com mittee Applicants should be community and technically minded with an interest in traffic safety and efficiency. An engineering background in the transportation discipline would be an asset on this committee. N um ber of V a c a n c ie s 2 M e e tin g S c h e d u le 4th Wednesday, monthly (as required), in the evening 2 4th Wednesday in January, March, May, September & November, in the afternoon 1 2nd Tuesday, monthly, in the morning N O T IC E T O P R O P E R T Y O W N E R S Please take note that the 2000 interim tax bills were mailed on February 7, 2000 with installments due February 28, 2000 and April 27, 2000. Any property owner who has not received a tax bill should contact the Finance Department, Tax Division at (905) 338-4222. The exception are those property owners currently enrolled on a pre-authorized payment plan or whose taxes are paid by the mortgage holder. In these instances, a tax bill has not beeen issued. Penalty for late payments apply even if the tax bill has not been received. There are a variety o f realty tax payment options. Payments are accepted by m ost financial institutions, in person, by instant teller machines, or electronically. Alternatively, remittances may be mailed or placed in the 24-hour drop box located to the right o f the main door o f Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road. Payments are also accepted at Town Hall, Finance Department (2nd. Floor) M onday to Friday, between the hours o f 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. E. Roberts, B.A., C.M.T.C. M anager o f Revenue & Tax Collector S trategic L and U se O p tion s Study F or L an ds N orth o f D un das Street P ublic Inform ation M eeting N o. 3 In p rep aratio n for future urban developm ent on the lands located north o f D u n d as S treet [R egional R oad 5] w ithin the Tow n o f O akville and City o f B u rlin g ton [east o f B ronte C reek], the Tow n o f O akville together w ith the C ity o f B urlington are u ndertak in g a Strategic L and U se O ptions Study. T h el p u rp o se o f the study is to undertake a general review o f the subject area as a [ p rec u rso r to the p rep aratio n o f any individual secondary plan(s) and to set o u t b ro ad strategies for the im plem entation o f the ultim ate land use plan. In ad d itio n to establishing the seco n d ary planning areas, consideration will a ls o | be given to the operatio n s o f H ighw ay N o 407, phasing policies including trig g er m echanism s, servicing and drainage. T he project is presently m idwaj| th ro u g h its one y ear tim e fram e. T h e firm o f H em son C o nsulting Ltd. together w ith B A G roup (transporta tio n ), M acV iro (engineering) and W. Scott M organ (retail) are about to co m p lete P h ase T w o o f the study. T he third in a series o f public information m eetings w ill be held on F eb ru ary 24, 2000, 7:30 PM at Town H all (O a k v ille and T rafalgar R oom s) to inform the public o f the results o f the P h ase Tw o program , continue discussions on this study and to obtain any p u b lic com m ent on this phase S h o u ld yo u have any questions o r w ish to provide the study team w ith any related inform ation on the subject area, please contact R obert H. Thun, P lan n e r at (9 0 5 ) 845-6601 ext. 3029. D ated at the Tow n o f O akville, this 16th day o f February, 2000. 1st Wednesday, monthly, in the evening NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Applicant: 1349395 Ontario Limited File No: Z.1617.29 and 24 CDM -99004 Please be advised that two public m eetings will be held to discuss a proposed Plan o f C ondom inium and Z oning Am endm ent as submitted by the above-noted applicant. A public Information m eeting will be held on M arch 2, 2000 in the Trafalgar Room , com mencing at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second m eeting will be a public m eeting hosted by Town Council at which tim e a Staff R eport and recom m endations will be considered. This m eeting will take place on A p ril 10, 2000 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Should Council recom mend draft approval o f the Condom inium plan, it will then be forwarded to Edw ard Salisbury, D irector o f Planning Services, Town o f Oakville, as the approval authority. If a person or public body that files an appeal o f a decision o f the approval authority, in respect o f the proposed plan o f condom inium , does not make oral subm ission at the public meeting, if one is held, or make written subm ission to E dw ard Salisbury, D irector o f Planning Services D epartm ent, Town o f Oakville at the address noted below, before the proposed plan o f condom inium is approved o r | refused, the Ontario M unicipal Board may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified o f the decision o f the Town o f Oakville in respect o f this proposed plan o f condominium, you m ust make a w ritten request to Edward Salisbury, D irector o f Planning Services Departm ent, at the address below. Any written subm ission and/or questions may be directed to D avid Nelson at the Town' s P lanning Services Departm ent, Town o f Oakville, P.O. B ox 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L 6J 5A6 Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3 0 3 9 , e-m ail address: dnelson@ town.oakville.on.ca. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary o f the subject proposal may be found below. A copy o f the Staff Report pertaining to this m atter will be available for review in the C lerk's Departm ent as o f A pril 3, 2000, between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Location -- The subject lands, comprised o f 0.6649 hectares, are located on the north side o f Deane Avenue between M aurice Drive and M argaret Drive in the Old Oakville Community. lA H R H O T tR O O C ·M S T _____ ........ fzn r j r *T -t Official Plan -- Figure H2, Old Oakville Com munity (west o f the creek), designates the subject lands Low Density Residential (6 to 17 units per site ha). Zoning -- The land is currently zoned R03, residential, detached dwellings. Proposal -- The proposal involves a draft plan o f condominium and zoning amendm ent to perm it 8 detached dwellings. T he proposed lots comply with the current regulations for the R03 zone in terms o f lot size, lot frontage, building height and lot coverage how ever a zoning amendm ent will provide for the lots to be created on a private road with reduced front yard set backs. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or m odifications at the public m eeting on April 10, 2000. Lynne G ough, M C IP, R PP M an ag er , L ong R ange P lanning Section P lan n in g S ervices D epartm ent Tow n o f O akville Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 16th day o f February, 2000. John Ghent, M an ag er, Current Planning Section, Planning Services D epartm ent 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD « OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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