www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, May 12, 2016 | 28 Call: 289-293-0662 email: jbkila@oakvillebeaver.com Community Update "Connected to your Community" McAllister, topic: Hamilton and Scourge Shipwrecks, enter by Randall Street ramp doors. THURSDAY MAY 19 Volunteer Information Session for Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children, 82 Wilson St., 5-6 p.m., call 905-337-2333. Sheridan's Free English Language Programs, Centre for Education and Training, 171 Speers Rd., Ste. 20, 10 a.m.-noon, contact 905875-3851, ext. 5008, nic@tcet.com or www. tcet.com/nic. Women of Wisdom (50-plus) group meets, Halton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 229, 10 a.m.-noon, free, register at 905-8475520. FRIDAY MAY 20 Oakville Legion Fish Fry Friday, 4:30-8 p.m., 36 Upper Middle Rd. E., $10, all welcome, call 905-845-6271. Bronte Legion Friday events, Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., $10, Karaoke, 7-11 p.m., Club Room, 79 Jones St., contact 905-827-4722 or www.brontelegion.com. Free Legal Education Workshop on Wills and Power of Attorney by SALCO, Centre for Education and Training, 171 Speers Rd., Ste. 20, 10 a.m.-noon, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5008, nic@tcet.com or www.tcet. com/nic. SATURDAY MAY 21 Plant Sale, Munn's United Church, corner of Dundas Street West and Sixth Line, locally-grown plants, advice on hand, contact www.oakvillehort.org or ohs.gardentour@oakvillehort.org. Bronte Garden Club Plant Sale, Bronte Village Mall, Sobeys parking lot, corner of Lakeshore and Jones Street, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., selection of perennial plants, ground covers and hostas from members gardens, contact 905-844-5754. MONDAY MAY 23 Conversation Circle meets every Monday, Halton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 229, meet other women in community, refreshments provided, 10 a.m.-noon, free, no registration. TUESDAY MAY 24 Auditions for Halton Mississauga Youth Orchestra (Philharmonia) for 2016-17 season, Iroquois Ridge High School, 1123 Glenashton Dr., 7-9:30 p.m., audition details/what's required at www.hmyo.ca/ auditions. Your First Canadian Resume by PCAS, free session, Centre for Education and Training, 171 Speers Rd., Ste. 20, 10 a.m.noon, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5008, nic@tcet.com or www.tcet.com/nic. Assertiveness Training, two-day workshop, Halton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 229, May 24 and 31, 10 a.m.noon, $20 fee, register at 905-847-5520. Forward announcements of non-profit local John MacKenzie at 905-827-7818. Auditorium, 3001 Hospital Gate, contact events for Community Update to the Oakville St. Jude's Choir Concert, 8 p.m., 150 Wil- oakvillerotaryevents.com. Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, liam St., tickets cost $30 at the door, online at TUESDAY MAY 17 ON, L7L 5Z1; email jbkila@oakvillebeaver. www.oakvilleconcerts.com, or by calling 905Auditions for Halton Mississauga Youth com or call 289-293-0662. Free. 844-3972. Orchestra (Philharmonia) for 2016-17 season, BULLETINS Cabaret, eh? show, by choir at Walton Iroquois Ridge High School, 1123 Glenashton Drop-in Counselling, Halton Women's Cen- Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Dr., 7-9:30 p.m., audition details/what's retre, 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 229, one-on-one Rd. W., in Bronte Hall, 7 p.m., $12 tickets for quired at www.hmyo.ca/auditions. support, by phone or in person, Mondays, adults, $7 for children aged 12 and younger. Women's Employment five-week program, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. MONDAY MAY 16 Halton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-noon, no fee or regisTots and Us, program open preschoolers Ste. 229, learn job search, resume writing, tration. Seniors' Concert Band in Oakville meets Monday evenings, space available in all sections, bring instrument, play pop, Latin, classical, swing, American Songbook, and new and old standards arranged for concert bands, contact 905-4653352. Prayers for Revival by St. Hilda's Church, last Wednesday of the month, 7-8 p.m., Church of the - G R OW E R S O F Q UA L I T Y P L A N TS & T R E E S Nazarene, 320 Bronte Rd., nondenominational, all welcome, visit sthildaschurch.ca. Oakville-Mississauga Prostate Cancer Support Group meets third Wednesday of every month, for those diagnosed with or being treated for prostate cancer, 7 p.m., Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House, 2545 Sixth Line, free, contact 905691-5100 or walter.eadie@cogeco. ca, or just show up. FOR SIGNIFICANT THURSDAY MAY 12 SAVINGS Practical Money Sense workshop ASK US ABOUT OUR for women living on a budget, HalGROWER ton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca DIRECT PROGRAM St., Ste. 229, 10 a.m.-noon, $20 fee, register at 905-847-5520. FRIDAY MAY 13 · Serving Landscape Professionals Ontario - wide Oakville Legion Friday wings · Also open to the public 11am-7pm daily, Saturday's 9am-5pm night, 5-8 p.m., 36 Upper Middle · We are the Growers of over 250 ACRES of nursery stock Rd. E., $10, all welcome, call 905· Visit one of the largest sales yards anywhere 845-6271. Bronte Legion Friday events, Fish Fry, 5-8 p.m., $10, Karaoke, THE GARDEN CENTRE SALES & PRODUCTION YARD 7-11 p.m., Club Room, 79 Jones www.connon.ca 383 Dundas St. E Waterdown ON 656 Robson Rd. Waterdown ON - SINCE 1906 St., contact 905-827-4722 or www. tel : 905 689 4631 tel : 905 689 7433 brontelegion.com. Starting a Business in Canada by Halton Small Business Centre, free informa- and their caregivers, playtime, music, stories cover letter writing, networking, and interview tion session, Centre for Education and Train- and snack, free, St. Paul's United Church, 454 skills, May 17-June 14, 10 a.m.-noon, free, register at 905-847-5520. ing, 171 Speers Rd., Ste. 20, 9:30-11 a.m., con- Rebecca St., 10-11 a.m. Conversation Circle meets every Monday, No More Codependency workshop, Halton tact 905-875-3851, ext. 5008, nic@tcet.com or Halton Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Women's Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 229, www.tcet.com/nic. Hamilton Amateur Astronomers meets, Ste. 229, meet other women in community, discussion of fear in investing in a relationship, Hamilton Spectator building, 44 Frid St., Ham- refreshments provided, 10 a.m.-noon, free, no of rejection, commitment, and overcoming barriers to healthy love, noon-2 p.m., $20 fee, ilton, 7:30-9:30 p.m., guest speaker York Uni- registration. Support group for Spouses of Persons with register at 905-847-5520. versity professor Paul Delaney, contact www. dementia meets, 1:30-3:30 p.m., St. Paul's WEDNESDAY MAY 18 amateurastronomy.org or 905-627-4323. United Church, 454 Rebecca St., call Acclaim Working in Canada: What Newcomers SATURDAY MAY 14 Need to Know, free session, Centre for EducaBenefit concert to support St. Simon's and St. Health Alzheimer Services at 905-847-9559. Rotary Club of Oakville Charitable Trust tion and Training, 171 Speers Rd., Ste. 20, 10Jude's churches' Refugee to Newcomer Project to sponsor a Syrian refugee family, fundraiser speaker series presents Stephen Cornish, 11:30 a.m., contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5008, kicks off with Sidebar band performing at St. executive director of Doctors Without nic@tcet.com or www.tcet.com/nic. Speaker's Night, St. John's United Church, Simon's Anglican Church, 1450 Litchfield Rd., Borders Canada, 5:30-8 p.m., Oakvilledoors open at 7:30 p.m., for tickets, contact Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, John Oliver 262 Randall St., 7:30-9 p.m., speaker: Mike PROFESSIONAL & KNOWLEDGEABLE