Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, B03

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Wednesday, February 23, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Hutton' s Images stages fashion show\ and much more, for Women' s Centre By Shelly Sanders Greer SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Women interested in the latest fashion and beauty trends have the chance to attend a fashion show on Feb. 28th, with all the proceeds going to w ards the W om en's Information and Support Centre o f Halton. T his show , w hich is being organized by H utton's Im ages, will take place at the Oakville Club, 56 W ater St, at 7 p.m. and costs $25 a person. Lynn H utton, ow n er of H utton's Im ages and the force behind this and other fundraising events for the past 20 years help ing various local charities, says that people will "m ore than get their $25 back." In addition to fashions provid ed by Linda L undstrom , featuring the new spring line, and Inside Story, a high quality lingerie store in Oakville, there will be appetiz ers, dem onstrations using m em bers o f the audience, and gifts for everyone, w orth up to $30, for a variety o f services. Hutton explains that there will be four oxygen treatm ents for the face, worth about $70 each, given away, as well as gel nails, and the rem oval o f skin tags. "G el nails are healthier than acrylic or fiberglass," says Hutton. "Gel breathes so no fun gus grow s . . . skin tags are the lit tle, loose pieces o f skin flopping around." A m em ber o f Hutton's staff will be rem oving them. T here will also be a dem on stration o f m assage, w ith an em phasis on how discrete it can be. Hutton w ants people to realize that there will be a lot o f free ser vices provided and dem onstrated. A cash bar will also be available and a live auction with 20 original and unique pieces o f art. "In a store, these handm ade pieces w ould go for $500 to $700 a piece," Hutton says. "B ut at an auction they never go for full price." H utton believes these pieces will end up going for one-third o f their value so she encourages peo ple to bid on these items. `T h e proceeds o f this fashion show will go to program s, mainly program s for w om en in need. The Centre, which began in 1989, is a volunteer com m unitybased organization dedicated to em powering w omen o f all ages and walks o f life. W alter explains that peer counselling is the back bone o f the centre, and that w om en com e in for support through difficulties like separa tion, divorce, abuse and em ploy ment problems. D onations from fundraisers like the fashion show are "desper ately needed," says Walter. "Eighty percent o f men don't pay child support," says Hutton. `T h e se w om en need help. The governm ent d o esn 't do it all. People should help people. That's what it's all about." Lynn H utton hopes to have 100 people attend the show, and to raise at least $5,000. Tickets for the fashion show can be bought at the door or from H utton's, 235 Randall St., and the W om en's C entre at H opedale M all, Ste. 210. For m ore inform ation call H u tto n 's at 844-5290, or the W om en's Centre at 847-5520. Calling TAB grads 1987 to 1990 Are you a graduate or teacher o f T hom as A. B lakelock High School for the years 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990? A reunion party is being planned for M ay 6th. "We are putting together a party that is sure to be a blast from the past," says Sekey W ong o f the school's reunion com mittee. Organizers are hoping to contact graduates and teachers o f T hom as A. Blakelock high school for those years. "Currently we are collecting full addresses and phone num bers to contact the our peers, but this is a difficult task as many have m oved or have new m arried nam es." Reunion com m ittee organizers are looking for the nam es, addresses and phone num bers o f form er students and teachers from those years. Send inform ation to: tabreunion@ hotm ail.com or phone Sekey W ong 416-820-9597. Email Focus and Community Update at: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com 0iir F u l l C o l o u r F l y e r m to d a y 's papery SAVE O N YO UR TAXES DU R IN G OUR Lynn Hutton to keep the Centre going," says M elvina Walter, director o f pro gram s and volunteer services at the W om en's Centre. `T h e money will go to w hichever area we need . . .to train volunteers, for w ork shops, the n ew sletter or our brochures." The Centre gets the bulk o f its funding through the United Way and the O ntario W om en's Directorate, but more money is needed to maintain the various NO GST u W E PAY TH E © ST O N EV ER Y TH IN G IN T HE STO R E! OTHS Class of 1980 plans reunion F rom H alton to H alifax, from Beverly H ills to Berm uda, graduates o f the O akville Trafalgar H igh School Class o f 1980 are planning a 20th anniversary reunion celebration and dinner at the O akville Club Aug. 26th. O rganizers are hoping to hear from graduates. N am es, addresses and phone num bers, plus $30 deposits for the din ner, can be sent to O TH S 1980 Reunion Com m ittee, 1298 Cleaver Dr., O akville, O N , L6J 1W4 Or, em ail D ebbie (W right) M iddleton at: deb.m iddleton @ sym patico.ca VOLVO OF OAKVILLE Shop On-line hassle free www.volvoofoakville.com Over 30 pre-owned Volvos CRTC 770 Pacific Road (905) 825-8088 CRTC PUBLIC NOTICE CanadS S A V Se v*NM O *£oum no PIUS ASK HCW YOUCANUKE 1. O A K V ILLE/BU RLIN G TO N , PA RT OF HAMILTON AND STO N EY C R EEK , PART OF H A M IL TON, PA RT OF HAMILTON AND DUND A S, G R IM S B Y , B E A M S V IL L E , JO R D O N , VINELA ND , F ER G U S/ EL0 R A , G E0 R G ET 0 W N /A C T 0 N AND SU R R O U N D IN G A REA , R 0 C K W 0 0 D , Ont. C0GEC0 CABLE SYSTEMS IN C ., CABLEW0RKS COMMUNICATIONS INC. and HALTON CABLE SYSTEMS INC. have applied for a condition of licence to cease the distribution of CFPL-TV London as part of the analog basic service and to offer the signal as part of the digital basic service for the above noted locations. Cogeco Cable and Cableworks Communications also request to be allowed to substitute CKVR-TV (Barrie), an extraregional station, for a non-Canadian station when both stations are broadcasting identical programming. EXAM IN ATIO N OF A P PL IC A T IO N S : 5515 North Service Rd., Burlington; 1603 Main St. W ., Hamilton; 12 Ontario St., Grim sby; and 21 Main St. N., Acton, Ont. If you wish to support or oppose an application, write to the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0N2 by 8 M arch 2 0 0 0 . with proof that you sent a copy to the applicant. You may also file your interventions by electronic mail at: procedure@ crtc.gc.ca. For more informa tion: 1-877-249-CR TC (Toll Free) or Internet: http://www.crtc.gc.ca. Reference document: Public Notice CRTC 2000-26. A S T H M A S T U D Y F O R C H IL D R E N · Does your child have asthma? · Is your child between 6 and years o f age 5 YEARS TO PAY W KH C lS S / v1 ~ NO d o w n paym ent SAVE £ 7 £ M C MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOK O NE FULL YEA H O N EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! 9 and not taking an inhaled steroid? W ould you be interested in having your child participate in a clinical research trial com paring two marketed m edications? Study m edication free o f charge Reim bursem ent for time and expenses w w w .thebrick.co m BRICK INO o ra n c aSkm t Q E W ftW olU 'tU m' 1 3 5 2D u fc rinSW 1 4 4 1U rntJo m eW (9 0 5 )4 5 4 -3 1 0 0 (9 0 5 (3 3 3 -5 5 3 3 (4 1 4 )5 3 5 -3 0 0 0 (9 0 5 )3 * 7 -7 0 0 2 4 0 1ftK a m trfyR o o d1 5 4 0Mm * (4 1 4 )7 5 1 -3 3 * 3 (9 0 5 )4 3 0 -1 4 5 2 jsN.V. Uied under license by lovdty M anagement Group Canodo Inc. [7 0 5 }7 2 1 -4 1 0 6 M i s s i s s a u g a IN o im Y o « x M C a n a d ia n Rad io-te le vision a n d Te le co m m u n ica tio n s C o m m iss io n C o n s e il d e la radiodiffusion et d es te lecom m u n ica tio n s ca n a d ie n n e s Call: Harriet at (905) 5 6 9 -8 1 0 0 ext. 34 at Allied Clinical Research Inc. www.alliedclinical.com ' See in store for complete details. "Trodenxris of A* MIES International Hi Pre-Qualification of General it's Contractors, Mechanical Your Subcontractors and Electrical ^Iove* Subcontractors for the construction of the YMCA of Oakville T heY M C A o f Oakville invites Pre-qualification Proposals from in terested G eneral C o n tra c to rs, Mechanical S u b co n tracto rs and Electrical S u b contractors fo r th e co n stru ctio n o f th e 2-storey, 5,478 m2 Oakville Y M CA.The p ro ject is scheduled to call fo r te n d e rs in late April 2000, co m m en ce constru ctio n late May 2000 and co m p lete co n stru ctio n by early O c to b e r 2 0 0 1. O nly G eneral C o n tra c to rs w h o have successfully co m pleted a comm ercial/insti tutional in d o o r swimming pool p ro je c t within th e last 5 years and similar w o rk of a value of n o t less than $7M will b e considered. G eneral C o n tra c to rs intere ste d in being pre-qualified to bid fo r this p ro ject m u st subm it th e following: · C o m p leted C C D C D o c u m e n t N o. 11, C o n tra c to r's Qualification S tatem ent, latest edition 1996. · R esum es o f m anagem ent and superv iso ry personnel w h o w ould be assigned to this project. · C onfirm ation o f in te re st in bidding th e p ro je c t fo r co n stru ctio n within th e identified schedule. ·W o rk p lace Safety and Insurance B oard form C A D 7 E xperience Rating A ssessm ent. · Standard le tte r from th e candidate's surety th a t th e candidate can m ee t th e p ro je c t bonding requ irem en ts (10% Bid Bond, 50% Perform ance Bond, 50% L abour & Material Paym ent Bond). Mechanical S ubcontractors and Electrical S u b co n tracto rs in terested in being pre-qualified to bid fo r this p ro je c t m u st subm it th e following: · C o m p leted C C D C D o c u m e n t N o. 11, C o n tra c to r's Qualification S ta te m e n t latest edition 1996. ·All p ro p o n en ts should provide a list o f similar projects co m pleted within th e last 5 years w ith C lient and C o n su lta n t references and values. Also provide details o f any ex p erien ce w ith Y M CA pro jects in Canada. · Mechanical S ub-contract P ro p o n en ts m u st also identify th e ir pro p o sed S u b -co n tracto r fo r Swimming Pool System s and provide details o f th eir experience. T he 8 m o s t qualified Bidders fo r each o f G eneral C o n tract, Mechanical Sub c o n tract including Swimming Pool System s and Electrical S ub-contract will be selected through an assessm en t o f previous ex p erien ce and projected pro ject capacity based o n th e following categories: W o rk lo ad and Financial Capability, Scheduling, Similar W o rk , Q uality o f W o rk , R elevant Experience of P roposed Personnel, S ub-trade C oo rd in atio n , Deficiency C om pletion and W arran ty Follow-up, and Safety. C o m p lete pre-qualification subm issions m u st be received n o later than 3:00 PM local tim e o n M arch 17 ,2 0 0 0 and delivered to: WE HAVE AVAILABLE ROUTES IMMEDIATLEY! D elivery D ay: Tuesday, W ednesday, Frid ay, W eekend Call Circulation 845-9742 \ i O \ \ \\\\\\Y V ?< * T h e Oa k v il l e B e a v e r konstructa STACK A 3 H E L F & s h e l v in g IS CLOSING 1 W EEK LEFT CLOSES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2000 FINAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE 8" Deep Bookcases OoiOniy IM IE D Q U A N * ALL FLO O R M O D ELS DISCOUNTED S e c o n d S h e lv e s All s i z e s v a rio u s fin ish e s . q iv ^ ea 50% Off All finished shelving & brackets as marked. 49i EVERYTHING MUST GO! E x t r a 2 5 ° O ff on all S a u d e r Furniture P roducts In-stock only. 15 ° Off A ll W ire S h e lv in g O rd e rs 'Includes hardware s t a c k A ^ h e l f Pantriesfi 10% D Fl| T h e Y M C A o f O a k v ille 4 10 R e b e c c a S tr e e t, O a k v ille O n t a r io L 6 K IK 7 A tte n t io n : M r. B ru c e Ire la n d , C E O . T h e Y M C A o f O akville re s e rv e s th e rig h t t o s e le c t an d ap p ro v e o n ly th o s e C o n tr a c to r s w h ich th e Y M C A d e e m s su itab le fo r th is p r o je c t LI A 72" Tall B 60" Tall A v a ila b le in O a k ,b la c k & w h ite . a=E BOOKCASES M.S.L.P. C 48" Tall D 32" Tall E 32" Wide 569.95 >59.95 >49.95 >29.95 529.95 SALE >59.95 >49.95 >39.95 >27.95 527.95 4Days Only $54.95 $44.95 $34.95 $19.95 $19.95 konstructa (West of Erin Mills Pkwy. Corner of Dunwin Dr. across from DeBoers) O f c U W e build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. 2 1 1 1 DUNWIN DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA Q O n .? 9A 1 O b 4 I MON.-WED., 10-6 THURS-FRI. 10-8 SAT., 10-5 SUNDAY CLOSED 'P n ic e A m T Ut 5 S §£ LU Dundas St. W.

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