Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, D2

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D2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 15, 2000 Running clinic Saturday R eg istratio n is now bein g tak en at the R u n n in g C om pany for an all new clinic specifically designed to teach the sport o f running to people o f all ages. O rganized by the R unning Com pany, the B eginning R unning C linic will be conducted out o f the sto re's dow n town O akville location over six S aturdays beginning this Saturday (M arch 18). E ach session starts at 9 a.m . E xperienced runners from the com m unity as w ell as guest lecturers w ill co v er the basics o f running, including injury prevention, m otivation, p roper choice o f equipm ent, nutrition and m otivation. T his is a first-step clinic that w ill benefit first-tim e ru n ners as w ell as those w ho w ish to rediscover the sport. The em phasis will be on the m any advantages o f recreational running and the reasons it's now so popular. T here w ill be approxim ately 30 m inutes o f lecture and a further 30 m in utes devoted to a slow -pace run/w alk. T his will be fol low ed by a cool-dow n and discussion period. C ost is $40 plus G.S.T. w hich includes m anual. Call 815-1952. Peewees earn berth in Ontario playdowns... The Oakville Hornets peewee BB rep team, sponsored by CIBC and WorkComp Consultants, skated to a silver medal in the recent Oakville tournament. Wins against Brampton and Halton Hills against just one loss to St. Catharines was enough to get the girls to the cham pionship game. Scoring in the preliminary round were Amanda Cicchini (1 g-4a), Amber King (3g-la), Cailie O'Hara (lg-3a), Veronica Langvee (2g-2a), Rachel Vallance (2g-2a), Danielle Bernier (2g-la), Stephanie Muldoon (lg -la ), Mary DiMarco (lg -la ), Jordyn Mackonka (2a) and Allison Thompson (la). Abby McMillan did a fantastic job on defence. In the final game the Hornets again met St. Catharines with Amber King scoring Oakville's lone goal, tipping in a Stephanie Muldoon point shot. TRIP TO PROVINCIALS In provincial action Oakville earned a trip to the provincial playdowns with a couple of shutouts -- 0-0 with Mississauga Majors (shutout to Gabrielle Gaudet) and 2-0 over Mississauga Minors (Pam Newman earning the shutout). Stephanie Latty, Laura Iosue and Laura Lorenz were solid on defence. Veronica Langvee picked up a goal and an assist, Jordyn Mackonka had two assists, Mary DiMarco had a goal and Abby McMillan an assist. MOHA house league report (Mar. 4) N O V IC E W H ITE P IN N A C LE H O U N D -D O G S 3 (goals to Jordan A dam s, Stephen Shaw 2. Assists to M atthew M arelli 2, W illy M acN aughton); C O R N IN G W R A N G L ER S 2 (goals to D avid C ollins, M ike Verrisim o. A ssist to D om enic D eBellis). N A T IO N A L C A R R EN TA L G A TO R S 0 . (Shut-out to M ichael Shaw ); R ED L O B STER j C A V IK IN G S 0 (Shut-out to Robinson Inkster). IM AX W O LFPACK 3 (goals to N icholas Edwin, Steven H aw thorne 2. A ssists to Bruce W atson, C olin S m ith , A dam R u ssell, K evin f Q uinlan, M itchel C ook, G ream e M cLeod); C A LIBER IN D U STR IA L LU M B ER JA C K S 1 (goal to Jordan Bruder. Assists to G eoffrey K raw lec, i f l r Stephen Parker). A ST R A C A PIT A L W IN G S 4 (g o als to C onnor Percy, N ick Frid, D ylan Husar, Ryan Godfrey. A ssists to M atthew St. Jean, M ark Lore, C am eron M cC arney, G odfrey, A aron Percival, Scott H ildebrand, F rid, M atth ew T h o m so n ); H ALTO N R O L L E R H O CK EY EA G LES 1 (goal to D rew M ooradian). N O V IC E RED HUB G R O U P W O LFPA C K 4 (goals to Shane W ilton 2, M itchell H oulahan, N athan Banton. A ssists to Kevin D enley 2, C hris M ander, Jeffrey Patterson, B ro ck D ick so n , B an to n , W ilto n ); G R IF F IT H S M CB U R N EY & PARTNERS EA G LES 3 (goals to Sean Stansfield, Luke K riel, Vito Raponi. A ssists to M atthew Q uigley, S pencer Sgro, R icky G iesbrecht). ROYAL BA NK LU M B ER JA C K S 8 (goals to Eric C harron 2, B rian S chm eer 2, D. Black, M ax D eschner, W illiam H yde, M atthew Carrique. A ssists to Joseph Longm oore 3, D eschner 2, C arrique 2, Jason Brow n 2, Taylor Dunn, H yde, K yle M cH ugh, M ichael M om ura, C h arro n ); D IS C O U N T C A R R EN TA L W IN G S 2 (goals to Scott A sselstine 2). R E G A L C A PIT A L P L A N N E R S V IK IN G S 2 (goals to Jon G rennan, D evin Tyrrell. A ssists to A ndrew Turchet, M ichael Irvine); C A SS E L S BRO CK & B LA C K W EL L IC E D OG S 1 (goal to Steven M cD onald. A ssist to Scott G allant). (Feb. 26) T Y K E W H ITE O A K V IL L E H Y D R O W IN G S 3 (goals to Ricky Bota 2, A lex Zych. A ssists to G areth Insker, John M urry, W esley Brow n, T revor C larke, Justin Turner); LA N SIN G B U ILD A L L LU M B ER JA C K S 3 (goals to A lex Wolski 2, Justin D etw iller. A ssists to Z achary C arlan 2, Ryan B em bridge, Brandon New ton). PR O FO R M A CA N A D A W O L F PACK 3 (goals to Jeffrey D elo rey 2, S p en ce r C o llato n . A ssists to Brayden G rant, Jeffrey D elorey); T H E C O N SILIU M G R O U P H O U N D -D O G S 1 (goal to A ndrew M aganja. A ssist to G regory C um m ings). N ESB ITT B U RN S V IK IN G S 3 (goals to Scott Kruse 2, C urtis Logan. A ssists to Pat Scharr, S pencer G ow an, Scott K ruse, K evin B arrett); TR A FA L G A R V ILLA G E GATORS 1 (goal to Ryan Sousa. A ssists to Jordan Smith). M O M S C O W B O Y S 4 (goals to A dam Polgar, A ustin T u c k er 2, E lio tt C h eesem an . A ssists to M atthew Coffin, D avid Parsons); HARRY RO SEN EA G LES 2 (goals to D anny H aw thorn 2. A ssist to C arm ine Chiappette). N O V IC E W H ITE RED LO B STER V IK IN G S 9 (goals to Justin Szolopiak 2, Ian Foster 4, Philip B radley 2, Jam es Boudreau. A ssists to B oudreau 2, Bradley, Foster, Robinson Inkster 2, T im Pastink); C A LIB ER IN D U S T R IA L LU M B ER JA C K S 1 (goal to Jordan Bruder. Assist to Dan B ohnsack-Z ilinski). NATION A L C A R REN TA L GATORS 4 (goals to C ory D roniuk, D arcy Storey, R ei Tanaka, A dam Zam ora. A ssists to Zam ora, M ichael Jonker, N icholas P ezzen te, T ay lo r H o u sto n ); H A LTO N R O L L E R H O CK EY EA G LES 2 (goals to Ryan Pignatelli 2. A ssists to Jordan Stange, Drew M ooradian). IM AX W O LFPA CK 4 (goals to A dam R ussell, Steven H aw thorne, D avid M itchell, C olin Sm ith. A ssists to K evin Q uinlan, N icholas Edw in); P IN N A CLE H O U N D -D O G S 2 (goals to A lexander Fedurco, Jordan A dam s. A ssist to N icholas Leyer). A STR A CA PITA L W IN G S 5 (goals to Ryan G odfrey 3, C am eron M cCarney, D ylan Husar. A ssists to N ick Frid, M atthew St. Jean); C O R N IN G W R A N G LER S 2 (goals to Justin Fauteux, N ick Jew itt. A ssists to M atthew Blake, D om enic D eBellis). N O V IC E RED D ISC O U N T CA R REN TA L W IN G S 2 (goals to Sim on M artin, R obby Taal. A ssists to Taal, D ane S pivak, M artin); R E G A L C A PIT A L PLA NN ER S V IK IN G S 3 (goals to Tyler Planeta, D evin Tyrrell. A ssists to C hris M cG uire, Jeffrey Peebles, Andrew Turchet). ROYAL B A N K LU M B ER JA C K S 4 (goals to M ax D eschner 2, B rian Schm eer, Eric C harron. Assists to T aylor D unn 2, C harron, M atthew Carrique); G R IF F IT H S M C B U R N E Y & PARTNERS E A G LES 1 (goal to R icky G iesbrecht. A ssist to f l l B M atthew Q uigley). H U B G R O U P W O LFPA C K 2 (goals to r W - Taylor M cM anus, N athan Banton. A ssists to D rew D ickson, Jeffrey Patterson); CASSELS Y B R O C K & B L A C K W E L L ICE D OGS 2 (goals V to M ichael B um s, S teven M cD onald. A ssists to \ C hris D esrosiers 2, Burns). M IN O R ATOM W H ITE S O B E Y 'S G A T O R S 4 (g o als to C hris M cC racken, M ichael Z anarella, Ryan Lai, A m ritpal M ann. A ssists to S pencer M aveal, R ick Carley, Charlie M unro); H A N N A H H EN D E R SO N W O LFPACK 3 (goals to D an H oudayer, Peter Henry, Jerem y Aquino. A ssists to Daryl Blackbourn, M ark Kostiw, Alec Elliot, Kevin M cK ay). G & G FAB T O O L W R A N G L ER S 3 (goals to Tyler M alenfant, Ian Sabatini, R ob Hunter. A ssists to M alen fan t, M att M cB rath , Rob B arsevich, C hris Elliot, D oug Izon); H IL L S PETS & N UTRITION EA G LES 2 (goals to Paul R om ano, Steven Peters. A ssists to R om ano, Troy Bell 2). PW C H O U N D -D O G S 9 (goals to C hris Edw in 4, Jam es B lackburn 2, K evin Lord, M arc Henley, Nate Ferguson. A ssists to B lackburn, Lord 2, Stephen Jensen 3, R yan W att 2, B randon Sm ith, Ben Hobbes, D avid R obertson, C hris W iggins); A L L SEA SO N S SPO R TS W IN G S 3 (goals to Jonathan SweeneyBergen 2, D aniel S tackaruk. A ssists to Stackaruk, Tim Ziegel). R ED L O B STER V IK IN G S 5 (goals to James R ippin, C hris W ickens, M atthew H agglund, Bradley R icheleau, R ory Stack. A ssists to R ippin 2, W ickens 2, H agglund, P alm er Taylor, C hris M cD ougall, M ichael Pong. S hut-out to T aylor E veson); V OLVO CA NA D A L U M B E R JA C K S 0. M IN O R ATOM RED T.D . B A N K G A T O R S 3 (goals to M atthew O zim ec, Jam es M osca, N eil Revell. A ssists to Terry C ard, N eil R evell, P atrick M cK inlay, Brad Tasker); C O R R E S P O N D E N T N ETW O R K W IN G S 2 (goals to D aniel D esjardins, Jeff H artford. A ssists to Hartford, D esjardins, M ichael Traynor). M O O R E S F IR E S T O N E T IR E S V IK IN G S 2 (goals to Liam Forrestal, K arson Johnson. Assists to Luke S ullivan, G arrett K irk, D aniel Cadeau, D erek Vanden B oom ); FR O N TIE R /W E ST B U R N E W R A N G L E R S 2 (g o als to A ndrew K av an ag h , P atrick C hristie. A ssists to C hristie, K avanagh). N A IR N S A L E S & M A R K ET IN G LU M B ER JA C K S 5 (goals to R obert M cLeod 2, Paul R ousseau, C h ris P atterso n , Jaso n B uckley. A ssists to N ick F ascia n o 2, T re v o r S im p so n , P atterso n , M ichael R o b in so n , M cL eo d , Jesse H erm on 2, B uckley); S U Z U K I C IT Y H O U N D -D O G S 1 (goal to Greg M cKay. A ssist to B rett W est). RO LTEK W O LFPA CK 6 (goals to Chris Canham 3, D anny Francis 3. A ssists to A lex B oum a 2, David M cC am u s 2, A d am D av id so n , Jo rd an D aniels); A C RO B A T EA G LES 2 (goals to Karl Feltmate, Taylor W ood. A ssists to W ood, Jonathan Pasco, M ichael T uske, S am N ease). (Feb. 19) ATOM W H ITE EN ER G IZE R S GATORS 8 (goals to Ryan Paul 3, B ry an L ie fre in k 3, G a rre tt P ow ell, A ndrew C risostom o. A ssists to Paul 2, Liefreink, Blain Tooth, S haw n R afuse 2, Brett Lubbock, Jeffery M cCurdy. S h ut-out to K yle T hom as); T IG E R BA LL W R A N G L E R S 0. W E N D Y 'S EA G LES 4 (goals to Andrew DaSilva, Jim M orrison, M ark Sm ith, Justin Q uinton. Assists to D aSilva, Z ak R obinson); PR O FO R M A W OLFPACK 2 (goals to Jason M cC onville, N icholas Connolly. A ssists to M cC onville, Sean B arrett 2, Jesse Martyn). S H O P P E R S D R U G M ART V IK IN G S I (goals to T hom as Kerr. A ssist to G raham D uckers); STELLA R W IN G S 1 (goal to L uca N iscastro. A ssists to M ichael B annon, C o rey Longo). C G C L U M B E R JA C K S 4 (goals to Sam Rebeyl 2, Ash R eber, A ndrew T hom pson. A ssists to R eber 2; M ichael Joyce, B raedon Patchell, Scott D aRosa, M ark N ew m an); F EC EL H O U N D -D O G S 1 (goal to M ichael M ori. A ssists to G avin Inkster, Joshua G ryschuck). O akville M inor S ummer H ockey L eague May - August Schedule Including " vacation week" to assist with holiday planning. O O O O O Non-contact 14-game schedule No weekends or Fridays Prime time evening games Games on brand new Olympic size River Oaks surface O Balancing of teams Fo r O Divisions for boys & girls ages 5-15 O Trophies & awards O Certified officials O Coaching & sponsorship positions available O No fundraising ... and so do the novices 3 & A p p u c a t io n s available a t R iv e r O a k s , G l e n A bbey , M a in w a y & A pp l e b y C o l l e g e a r e n a s . in f o r m a t io n o r t o receiv e a n a ppl ic a t io n (905) 510-1447 This is not affiliated with the M O H A A staff with several years of coaching, officiating & league administration experience guarantees a well-organized & quality league for your child. BALL HOCKEY H alton BH L M en's (18+) & Old-Timers (30+) only $1200 for team registration get the m ost gam es in the top Oakville arenas a t the best price The Oakville Hornets novice BB rep team -- sponsored by Traction, Lighthouse Shipping and Montfort Restaurant -- have secured a spot in the upcoming playoffs. The Hornets dug themselves a hole when they lost 3-0 to visiting Stouffville Stars. Down 3-0, Alyssa Molfetta got Oakville on the board, assisted by Julie Kahnert. That put Oakville in a position o f needing two wins against tough teams to earn a playoff spot. Oakville played Leaside in the afternoon and came up with one their best efforts o f the season in a 5-2 win. Goals were scored by Alyssa Molfetta (2), Diana Smiciklas, Melanie Johnson and Kayla Bulatovich. Assists were nabbed by Julie Kahnert (2), Melanie Johnson, Jaclyn Quinn and Erin Beaver. Excellent backchecking and defensive play came from Krysten Bortolotti, Caitlin Lawrence and Stephanie Dvemechuk. The Hornets left Leaside in east Toronto and on to the 401 to take on Whitby in the second half o f the double header. The travel took it's toll as Oakville found themselves quickly down 2-0. But Melanie Johnson, with an outstanding individual effort, went on to score a natural hat-trick which is all Oakville would need to secure their must-win game by a 4-2 count. Assists went to Caroline Davies, Alyssa Molfetta, Kayla Bulatovich and Sarah Curry. Jessica Toth played a great game in net while Dayna Newsom and Stephanie Smith were strong on defence. On to Orangeville, Oakville couldn't hold leads o f 1-0 and 2-1 as they fell 3-2 to the home side who scored the winner with only 26 seconds left on the clock. Oakville goals were scored by Melanie Johnson and Laura Pendlebury. Assists went to Alyssa Molfetta and Caitlin Lawrence. The Hornets had a fantastic weekend o f hockey and Coach Randy Beaver was pleased with the strong passing and team play he has stressed all season. ... but atoms have to wait The Oakville Hornets atom BB rep team, sponsored by Air Canada Vacations, completed their provincial playdowns with a 2- 1-1 record. The Hornets are now faced with waiting to see how Mississauga and Burlington do against each other, as only one team advances from the region, Feb. 20: the host Hornets got off to a great start in the provincial playdowns, shut (S ee hornets' page D3) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 - 0 9 8 0 M em bers o f Ontario Ball Hockey Association LICAN CRUISE CARIBBEAN OR MEXICAN CRUISE CARIBBEAN OR ase a new or used vehicle and * iUJ O il i ! i i £ i U ^ J £1111132 JUJi -- Airfare and port taxes not included ^ __-- _____ 2.0L 16 valve, 132hp engine, auto, air, AM/FM/cassette, 4-wheel fully indepen dent suspension, tilt, full console w/centre armrest, 60/40 split, dual ext. mir rors w / driver's side m anual remote, tinted glass, child protection rear door locks, next generation dual airbags. 3.0L V6, 4-speed auto, trans., tilt, dual sliding doors, 7 passenger, power windows & locks, cruise,AM/FM/cassette, air conditioning, Easy Out roller seats, sunscreen glass. LEASE $0 dow n $ 3 4 3 .1 3 * * ^ j u rc h a se FOR... $25 0 0 dow n $ 2 7 0 .2 9 + ta x fin , apn c in g tip tn < 4 8 m th s. $35 0 0 dow n $ 2 4 1 .1 6 + to* j Leather, AM/FM cassette/CD, power sunroof, 17" chrome wheels, heated power seat, keyless remote. Be the first to own this nostalgic classic which is also a functional, roomy & versatile vehicle. LEASE FOR... NOW TAKING ORDERS! $0 down $569.10+ tax $3000 down ! >478.18+ tax $4000 down $448.21+ tax Plus freight, taxes and license, Caravan, 300M and Grand Cherokee Laredo are based on 36mth. leases, O.A.C. with 20,400 km/yr. excess for the Caravan, and Grand Cherokee Laredo @ 12t per km., Neon, 48 month lease, 25,200 km/yr extra @ ,0 H per km. 175 Wyecroft Rd Oakville (BETWEEN KERR & DORVAL)

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