Oakville Beaver, 23 Apr 2000, p. 26

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26 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, April 23, 2000 T h e Oakville Beaver C la ssified houses for sale NORTH Burlington 2 stor ey, 3 + 2 b e d ro o m s , 3 .5 baths (ensuite w/Jacuzzi), H e a te d p o o l, la rg e p ie s h a p e lo t, 2 1 1 6 S a lm a Crescent.. $224,900. View a t: h ttp ://m e m b e r ^ n o m e .n e t/d r 3 j1 or 905-319-0980____________ P R IV A TE . South B u rlin g ton. Tuck School area. 3+1 b e d ro o m s , 8 0 x1 3 1 lo t, L a rg e ro o m s , h a rd w o o d flo o rs , c /a ir , 1.5 b a th s , w o o d b u rn in g fir e p la c e . $289,900. (905)634-6096. O P E N H o u se - 127 8 6th Line O akville, next to golf course. April 29th & 30th 2 :0 0 -4 p m . 3 -4 b e d ro o m detached 2 storey. 2 baths, fin ish e d basem ent. 6 car p arkin g. $ 2 0 7 ,0 0 0 . 905844-5991________________ A T T R A C T IV E w e ll-k e p t 3-bedroom raised ranch on 1/2 acre lot near C a rlisle. Great view of mature trees. $245,000. (905)659-3331. apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent BIG b rig h t 1-b e d ro o m apartm ent, $800/m o. utili ties included, May 1st. 50 S p e e rs R d ., O a k v ille . (905)339-1154___________ FRESHLY D ecorated 2&3 Bedrooms available May & Ju n e . L o w -ris e b u ild in g , Garden like setting. Private la ndscaped patios. Tyandaga Terrace, Burlington. 336-0016 or 336-0015 D O W N T O W N O a k v ille . N ice, c le a n b u ild in g . 2bedroom $875/mo. Utilities in cluded. Available im mediately. (905)842-3076. SHORT-TERM Rentals, 3+ m o n th s . S p a c io u s O ne Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur lington Towers. 639-8583 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in clu ded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open11-8pm. 639-5761 LA R G E apartm ent, newly re n o v a te d , B ra n t S tre e t, Burlington. Immediate pos session possible, $850/mo. + utilities. M ature, respon sible person. Tony or Marie, 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -5 8 0 1 o r (9 0 5 ) 844-0659________________ LA R G E apartm ent, newly re n o v a te d , B ra n t S tre e t, Burlington. Immediate pos s e s s io n p o s s ib le , $ 8 5 0 / mo. +utilitie s . M ature, re spon sible person. Adri or Marie, 905-845-5801 A 2 bedroom available on Martha St. near Lakeshore & D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n . Call (905)634-1047 1&2 Bedroom Suites avail able June 1st. QEW/ Tra fa lg a r Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. 844-1106 apartments & flats for rent BURLING TO N Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl S treet. N ew ly deco rated 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartments w ith s c e n ic v ie w s . 632-1643_______________ BURLINGTON- Basement bachelor- M ature, pro fe s sional, non -sm oker, m ale preferred. $550./ inclusive. Im m e d ia te ly . C lo s e to Lakeshore. (905)631-5884 BA SEM EN T apartm ent in quiet area. Quiet main floor te n a n ts . F u lly fu rn is h e d , utilities included. Yard, patio & laundry facilities, close to Oakville Place. Immediate. $775. (416)201-6982, leave message.________________ DOW NTOW N O akville, 2bed roo m s ava ila b le June 1st. $1050/mo. Call Forbes, (4 1 6 )4 2 0 -3 9 5 2 or (9 0 5 ) 842-9275_______________ A P A R T M E N T S : O a k v ille P lace Area- 2-bedroom s, s m a ll b u ild in g , n e a r a ll a m e n itie s . $ 8 4 0 ./m o n th . May 1st. Heat, hot w ater, parking included; Bronte, 1b e d ro o m , $ 6 9 0 /m o .+ utilities, May 1st. (905)8471138 BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. HaltonSean 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. The site your community clicks on! :RI. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 /ION. - F condominiums for rent 3 bedroom , 5 appliances, underground parking $1350 / m o. C all Paul 337-3201. Leave message NORTH Burlington. Modern 2-bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, white kitchen, C/A, 5 a p p lia n c e s , a tta c h e d g a ra g e . $ 1 100 /m o. June 1st. Non-smokers preferred. L.D avies R.E., (9 0 5 )3 3 3 4347 l i l r l houses for rent VERY la rge E x e c u tiv e 4bedroom home, Exclusive neighborhood. Many recent u p g ra d e s . D unvegan Street, Burlington. $1950/ mo. + u tilitie s (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -- 0070____________________ BRICK b u n g a lo w , c e n tra l w e s t O a k v ille . $ 1 ,3 5 0 /m o .+ u tilite s . 3+2 b e d ro o m s , 2 b a th s , rec.room, private treed lot. J u n e 1st. C a ll M a ria , (905)844-0314___________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative finan cing availab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. B roker, (905)6395258 Re/M ax Escarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor B U R LIN G TO N - near GO s ta tio n . 3+1 b e d ro o m , 2 baths, finished basem ent, garage. Fenced yard. Im mediate. 637-0880 Real Estate 100-165 *Rentals 170-196 *Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 *Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S A IR c o n d itio n e r, 4 ye a rs o ld , 6 0 0 0 B T U . $25 0 (905)331-9147___________ BURLINGTON TOW ERS A P A R T M E N T S We will bridge the accommodation gap between your present address and your future address! S u p erio r Quality F u rn ish ed & U nfurnished 1 B edroom S u ites Available Ontario Street (at M ap le) CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited A IR -C O N D IT IO N E R , Ken m o re , 6 2 0 0 B T U , b ra n d new. used one season, call (905)825-2338 after 5pm ANTIQUES. Best selection of all styles of diningrooms and accessory pieces. Rock C h a p e l A n tiq u e s & S ta t uary, O pen D aily, H w y.5, 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel G olf Centre, (905) 639-3639________________ AN TIQ U E S Sale between M on d a y 2 4 th and F rid a y 28th April. Larcje quantity of a n tiq u e s , m a in ly o rie n ta l p o rc e la in s and bo o ks on a n tiq u e s , th e o rie n t etc.. C a ll 8 2 7 -5 1 6 4 fo r appointment BABY S tro lle rs , Peg P e re g o E le g a n te , $ 25 0. Peg Perego double, $400. C h a rio t jo g g e r w /b ik e a tta ch e d m e n t, $250. C all (905)319-1735___________ B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te : D o u b le , $ 2 2 0 ; Q u e e n , $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496____________________ B IC Y C L E , 'M u d s lid e r', b ra n d n e w , n e v e r used. Won in draw. Asking $175. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. BO LE N S 17hp lawn tra c tor, Koler engine, hydrastatic drive, 4' m ower deck, g o o d c o n d itio n . $ 1 9 0 0 . P h o n e 6 3 2 -0 0 6 8 a fte r 6pm.____________________ VACUUM - Brand new. TriStar. $2,000. 634-2094 $10/mo. extends your local calling area. Talk forever. .. whenever! Share the long d is ta n c e savin g betw een friends. A b ility Tel, since 1994. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -3 7 3 8 , (905)631-8202___________ S IT On I t - D on't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t fo a m fo r c u s h io n s . R e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l. F ie ld s U p h o ls te ry , 9-9 , 7 d a y s / week! 632-9090__________ C A R P E T - I have several 1,000 yds. of new S tainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livin g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 C A S T iro n c la w fo o t tub, good c o n d itio n , ava ila b le May 6, $600 obo (905)5270845____________________ CORNER C abinet for sale walnut (bought from Stoney C re e k F u rn itu re ). $800. Call 632-2645____________ D/R Q ueen A n ne cherry, L o u is X V c h a irs 9pc. $ 8 ,0 0 0 . se ll $ 4 ,5 9 9 . M a hogany carved, hall table $399.; Sofa traditional ivory c h e n ille $ 3 ,4 5 0 . se ll $ 1 ,6 9 9 .; C o c k ta il ta b le a g e d p e w te r w /m a rb le / glass top $950. sell $559. N e w fro m m o d e l hom e (905)-336-0786___________ D IN IN G R O O M set, te a k veneer, 4-chairs, table w/2 le a fs , h u tc h and b u ffe t. Needs refin ish in g . $150. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm D R Y E R - ap a rtm e n t size, g o o d c o n d itio n . A skin g $100. 639-9531__________ F R E E -W E IG H TS 200Lbs. $150; King waterbed $199; 4 -p o s te r s o lid oak bed $250; (905)335-2769 after 5pm FRIDGE, Viking, 67" high 2door, se lf-cle a n in g stove, ivory, 10-yrs., excellent con dition, $990/both obo. 3 3 2 0636.___________________ LAW N tractor - John Deer S T X -38, 4yea rs old, 12.5 HP, Kolher, electric every thing. Barely used. $1500 obo. (905)616-1292. LAW N tractor, Sears 8hp, e lectric start, good condi tio n . $ 5 5 0 . P h o n e 6 3 2 0068 after 6pm. (9 0 5 ) 639-8583 Mon.-Fri. 9am-8pm: Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. 11am-5pm http://www.rent.net/direct/burlingtontowers FOR rent: $385, male only (9 0 5 )4 6 6 -4 8 0 4 a fte r 5pm daytime (905)469-3122 W ANTED: Cottage to rent for 3-4wks in August. Muskoka or Lake Simcoe area preferred. Clean quiet Bur lin g to n c o u p le w ith 12yr. old girl. 633-9325________ S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S TW O c le a n fu rn is h e d ro o m s near O a k v ille P la c e /S h e rid a n C o lle g e , on b u s ro u te . L a u n d ry , kitchen, parking fa cilitie s. F ro m :$ 3 1 0 .K e n . (9 0 5 ) 842-0789_______________ T H IR D L in e / L a k e s h o re (are a) - F u rn ish e d room , p arkin g, la u n d ry, u tilitie s in c lu d e d . S u it m a tu re , w o rk in g , n o n -s m o k e r. $390. (905)825-0393. U N F U R N IS H E D condg room : $ 4 0 0 /m o n th . F irs t/ last; (Parking extra), Share b a th ro o m . N o n -s m o k e r. R e fe re n c e s . Im m e d ia te . 333-9742, evenings.______ LA R G E m aste r bedroom , d o u b le c lo s e t, sh a re top floor, pool, BBQ/ utilities in cluded $450/mo. (905)8270092 after 6pm S. East Burlington- Room in 3 b e d ro o m h o u s e . Share kitchen , bathroom , pool. Immediate. $425/mo. includes parking & phone. 639-6255________________ S P A C IO U S 2 b e d ro o m p lus b u n kh o u se on P ic k e re l La ke , la k e fro n t w ith s a n d y b e a c h . $ 5 5 0 /w k . (905)466-6732.___________ V X U 1 boats & supplies PINEDALE/ Appleby 3 bed rooms, 1/12 baths, finished b a s e m e n t, g a ra g e . $ 1 2 7 ,5 0 0 No a g e n ts (905)335-3032 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted PH · Lofts · Studios · 2 Bdrms · 1-Bdrm + Den · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 ,2 ,3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695. O A K V IL L E - la rge 3 b e d room, 1.5 baths, fireplace, storage, near highw a ys & G G V'$ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 . P riv a te . (905)339-1943___________ W E s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium Sales. L in d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 I dumpsites DUMPSITES wanted: clean fill or excavation materials. Will grade. Call 634-2684 or 844-4330 14 1/2 ft. N orthw ood fis h in g b o a t w ith flo o r , liv e well, 2 swivel seats, Eagle S trata 128 fis h fin d e r, 15 hp oil in je cte d S u zu ki tille rs te e r o u tb o a rd and Northtrail trailer with spare. $38 00 O BO. C all Stan at (905)257-2953. B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm (905) 690-4454 (905) 689-1647 75 S te w a rt: 2 -b e d ro o m , M ay & Ju n e . N ear downtown O akville/ QEW. W e ll-m a in ta in e d cle a n b u ild in g . C a ll (9 0 5 )8 4 4 4294____________________ T H R E E b e d ro o m lu x u ry apartment on Marine Drive. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $1,250/m o. including utili ties. S cott P rio r, R e/M ax Blue Springs, 878-7777. 2 -B E D R O O M S u ite s am ong refined tenants in lu x u ry b u ild in g s c lo s e to Burlington Mall. C all "The Princess", 639-8009 or 'T he Regency" 681-8115. B U R L IN G T O N . 3 8 3 St. P a ul S tre e t: 3 -b e d ro o m , $ 8 3 5 /m o . J u n e ls t . In c ludes heat, hydro, parking. For appointment, 634-6903. W ell-maintained by Jordan & Geisel_________________ CENTRAL Burlington avail a b le J u n e 1st. big 2bedroom apartment. Fresh p a in t, n e a r G O , p a rk , schools. Free parking. 2043 P ro s p e c t St. No dog s, $725/mo. Seniors discount. (905)637-3988.___________ LA R G E private apartm ent with 3 loft bedrooms in his to ric a l hom e, d o w n to w n Oakville, great fo r student or young couple. May 1st (905)842-9654___________ SE C U R E d o w n to w n O akville by Lakeshore, 2be d ro o m , 2 fu ll b a th s , w a s h e r, d ry e r. U tilitie s included Available May 1st (905)844-2582___________ R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt ments. Downtown Burling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents with spectacular view. 634-9374 I rentals S M A L L o ffic e or sto ra g e area for rent, $150 sq.ft. Al d e rs h o t area, ( 9 0 5 )5 2 8 5828 S O U T H E A S T B u rlington. 3-bedroom , fenced patio, garage, 5 appliances, c/air, available July 1st, $1050/ mo. +utilities. 632-8237. 3-B E D R O O M tow nh om e , a tta c h e d g a ra g e , 3 -c a r p a rk in g , F a irc h ild B lv d ., B u rlin g to n . Im m e d ia te . $1150/m o.+ utilities. (905) 502-6248, L/M Walk to Spencer Smith Park on the Lake & JBMH S PAC IO U S 1 .? & 3 BFDRQOM A pa rtm e n ts & T o w n h om e s fro m $ 7 2 5 /m o . A ll fre sh ly painted & carpeted w ith new w in d o w s and baths. No pets please. KA Y A K / "Woody" 16 ft x32 ft. above ground rectangu lar pools $7,500 installed. Save $800- self install (oth er sizes available). 1-800668-7564.________________ k TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors Irom $689.* 1-Bdrm from $779.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 T | V | items under $100. W A T E R D O W N - C e n tra l s trip p la z a , b u s ie s t H a m ilton St., 1 34 5sq.ft., available for office or retail. call 416-823-4697________ 1 8 7 0 S Q .F T of p rim e modem office space. Clean, a ttra c tiv e , g ro u n d flo o r access. fre e p a rk in g . D o rv a l/ Q EW $ 1 2 a ll in clusive. By O w ner (905) 338-3444________________ G R EA T opp o rtu n ity/ lo ca tio n (R e y n o ld s ). C re a te / design your 2-bedroom/ 2floor sem i-detached office/ h ^ rie . May 1st, 4 parking spots. Let's talk! $ 1 100/mo. +utilities. Mike (pager) 416719-6175. ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $852+ 480 Maple Ave., Burlington Tel: (905) 639-5079 '(2% disc, included) W H IT E O aks. O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2 -b d rm + den, $1190- $1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . W e ll- m a in ta in e d complex, fu ll rec. facilities in c lu d in g in d o o r p oo l, sunken livingroom ... some w ith fir e p la c e ! C a ll Jeannette, (905)815-1628 DOW NTOW N, Burlington. 1&2 B e d ro o m s fre s h ly painted with new cabinetry a v a ila b le M a y ls t. W e ll maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321___________ BACHELO R apartment in cludes utilities, cable, laun dry, parking., No pets. No smoking. $600/mo. Single. May 1st. (905)333-5415 G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . May/June/July, 1.2&3 Bed ro o m s . H e a t/ h y d ro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm 2-B E D R O O M in 6 -ple x on N o rth S e rv ic e R d., n e a r O akville Place. (905)3383480, evenings BR ON TE basem ent bach elor own bath, share la undry or share upstairs to w n h o u s e . No s m o ke rs/ pets. $550/mo. 847-8686 B U R L IN G T O N . L a rg e , clean 3-bdrm tow nhouse. H a rd w o o d , pa tio , fe n c e d y a rd , la u n d ry . No dogs.June 1st $850./mo. 336-7207_______________ O LD O a k v ille - B e a u tifu l building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1-bedroom from $925./mo.; 2bedroom from $ 1 125/m o. Call (905)845-8254, leave message. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt M A T U R E , re s p o n s ib le , quiet, nice fem ale looking to share nice, clean apart m e n t/h o u s e , $300400/m o., parking. Lindsay (905)690-4961.___________ R O O M S fo r re n t (b a s e m ent), G len Abbey, share k itc h e n and b a th ro o m , s e p a ra te e n tra n c e . A v a ila b le M ay 1st. $37 5 (905)847-9107___________ L A R G E room - fu rn is h e d N o rth B u rlin g to n . C le a n , responsible person. $370./ inclusive, cable. Pool, 905331-7758________________ B U R L IN G T O N la rg e house, 4 level, 2 fireplaces, private bathroom & parking, h e a te d sw im m in g p o o l, Jacuzzi b a th , a/c. P rofessional m ale. $600+ h a lf u tilitie s . A v a ila b le immediately. (905)516-9041 P R IV A T E , Im m a c u la te N anny S u ite , b a th . Burlington/ Oakville border. P rofe ssio n a l, re sp o n sib le fe m a le to sh a re q u ie t 3b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e . $550/m o. in clusive. F irs t/ la s t. R e fe re n c e s . N onsmoker. No pets. M ay/ Jun e ls t. (905)333-3115 G U E LP H L in e / P rospe ct. L a rg e fu rn is h e d room in house, share facilities, TV, parkin g, $ 1 9 0 ./b i-w e e k ly , Non-smoker. 905-639- 3930. D O W N T O W N O a k v ille S h a re 3 b e d ro o m h o u se w ith 2 p ro fe s s io n a l f e males. Laundry, parking. $40 0/m o. in clu sive . May 1st. 338-3658____________ ROOMM ATE wanted- own bedroom / bathroom / park ing. C/air. Pool. Suit single p r o fe s s io n a l. $ 4 5 0 /m o . Brant/G hent. 633-9493. m shared accommodation BED frame, adjustable, twin to queen size with casters & headboard brackets. $10. 336-2219________________ EVENFLO Infant Car Seat $35Call: (905)815-0327. F .P . B e d ra il $ 1 5 . C a ll : (905)815-0327.___________ FR E E Z E R , 14 cu. ft. 46"x22" excellent condition, $100. (905)335-6078 FU R N A C E , e le ctric C hrom olox 60,0000 BTU. Great for cottage! $100. Can deliver. 335-2238.__________ G R A C O P a c k N P la y $65 call: (905)815-0327_______ H E N R I s w in g s e t - 2 s w in g s , 2 s e a te d s u rfe r, g lid e rid e , 6 ft s lid e and safety padded legs. Regular $ 220, askin g $100. 3 3 2 6853___________________ P A T IO se t, 7 -p c e s ., w / cushions, white/peach, cost $1300, asking $100. 8 4 7 0346 after 6pm.___________ PINK petal silk tree in pot app. 6` h ig h , $ 1 0 0 (9 0 5 ) 331-109 6________________ R O L L E R B la d e s, B a uer, never used, still in box, size 8, m en's. $75. C all 6320068 after 6pm. TYPEW R ITER- Xerox 610 m em oryw riter, 9 extra rib bons, 6 print wheels, $75. 332-950 8________________ U T IL IT Y tra ile r- 40 x 96. s te e l fra m e , w o od sides, spare tire. $50 obo 634-6194 W AS HER GE heavy duty. 7 programs. Excellent con dition. $100,63 9-4 917 5200 Lakeshore, Burlington Spacious 2-Bedroom Apartments with magnificent views of the lake! 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. (905) 681-7126 Professionally managed byL.T. Greenwin Property Mgml Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 O A K V IL L E B rand new 3 bedrooms, 4 appliances, 2 1/2 baths. June 1st. $1,250/ per month. Call 469-9577 B U R LIN G T O N : J u ly : 2be d ro o m fro m $ 9 1 5 .6 0 / mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 b a th s . O ne o u ts id e p a rk in g . N e ar s c h o o ls , shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._______________ S/W Burlington 2-bedroom, fe n c e d y a rd , 2 p a rk in g spaces, very cle an, quiet mature area. Available July 1st. $750.00/mo. plus utilities. (905)631-1490_______ OAKVILLE, Glen Abbey. 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fin ished basement, fireplace, 4 appliances, C/A. Immacu la te. J u n e ls t. $1575/m o. C hris Clarke, Sales Rep., Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., (905)338-1130 $$ G overnm ent Funds $$. Grants and loans inform a tio n to s ta rt a n d e xp a n d your business or farm . 1800505-8866. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! ^ Edith Court 1 & 2 B D R M APTS A va il. M ay & June ·Young professional! · Couple., two income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a community! o I f I f yo u a re a ...I _ I Ravine View! Includes ulililies. Parking Available YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available Easy access to QEW Close to GO station jj (905) 690-1896 A very large 3-bedroom unit available June 1st. 2 baths, 2 -^ba lconies, re fin is h e d hardwood floors throughout. $ 1400/mo. incl. heat, hydro & parking. Quiet building on B ro n te Rd. by th e La ke . (905)827-6783___________ 2 -B E D R O O M a v a ila b le , Burlington, June 5th. $863 alnnclusive. Call (905)3357929 or leave message Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre · Utilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! m TO VIEW CALL (90S) 639-8583 BURLINGTON TOW ERS A P A R T M E _________ l s s s m w u BURLINGTON M all- 2 bed room, ground floor, 4 ap plia n c e s . $82 0/m o. 6 3 2 5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. · S M A L L h o u s e or T o w n house, 3 bedroom, private p a tio , S o u th /N o rth E a st B u rlin g to n . J u n e /J u ly $ 1 ,0 0 0 A p p ro x ./m o n th Donna (905) 465-2081 VANCOUVER Island- Ex cellent vacation apartment. 10min. airport, train, ocean. W eekly or m onthly. Very reasonable. 905-387-9703 F R E E E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? W e do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6 3 2 9090____________________ 3 K e n m o re a p p lia n c e s Stove, d ish w a sh e r & 21ft fridge. $400. 335-8401 af ter 5pm

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