Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2000, Business, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday April 19, 2000 Business To reach this section cali 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Ford sales for quarter best in 11 years F o rd o f C anada broke several sales records in M arch to wrap up its best first quarter since 1989 w ith car and truck sales totaling 67,997 units, up 7.8% from last year. C ar sales in M arch jum ped to 10,727 units, a 48.2% increase com pared to the previous year. The allnew Ford Focus continued its blis tering sales pace during M arch with 5,515 units -- its best m onth ever. The Lincoln LS also scored its best m onth since its launch last spring, w hile the Ford M ustang recorded a 77.7% year-over-year increase for M arch. F irst-q u arter car sales of 23,330 units w ere up 26.8% com pared to the sam e period last year. Truck sales in M arch m atched last y e a r's record perform ance at 20,370 units. Both the Ford E xplorer and F-Series set new records for the month and F ord E conoline m arked its best M arch in 12 years. Ford o f C anada's 44,667 truck sales for the first three m o n th s o f the y ear m arked another unprecedented first quarter result. "Ford o f C anada set out to rev i talize its car line-up and first-quarter resu lts show we have done ju st th a t," said M ichael Foster, sales o p e ra tio n s m anager, F ord M o to r C om pany of C an ad a, Ltd. "Consum ers are finding w hat they want in Focus and com bined with the broad appeal o f M ustang, Taurus and L incoln LS -- F o rd 's car offer ings are tough to beat. M arch 2000 sales h ig h lig h ts include: · Ford Focus has its best m onth ever with 5,515 sales. · Ford M ustang sales up 77.7% . · Lincoln C ontinental sales up 55.9%. · G rand M arquis sales up 13.6%. · Ford Econoline sales up 32.5% . · Ford E xplorer sales up 15.5%. Engine firm wins $5-m power station contract in DR A L S T O M Canada E n g in es, o f O akville, has ju st landed a $5 m illion (U .S.) deal with a D om inican Republic com pany to provide a 6 m egaw att diesel pow er station. The contract is w ith Industrias N acionales (IN C A ) a m ajor D om inican construction m aterials m anufacturing company. The electricity will pow er a steel rolling mill that will produce pipe and it's expected that additional pow er units will be needed as the facility expands. O perating on heavy fuel oil, the station will m eet all applicable environm ental requirem ents while using a fuel costing half the price o f regular diesel fuel. Design and procurem ent o f the auxiliary equipm ent, as well as project m anagem ent will be carried out by ALSTOM Canada. The latest contract brings to 29 ALSTOM diesel gen erating sets curren tly op eratin g in the D om inican Republic. W eighing about 107 tons, the engine has 17 inch pis tons and stands 1 1/2 storeys high and is 20 feet long. O akville has been the site o f ALSTOM C anada for the past 23 years. Project m anager Peter Sum m ers said ALSTO M has provided engines for a variety o f applications and areas from the far north through Central America. "We are really pleased with this order," said John H aw kes, G eneral M anager o f A LSTO M C anada Engines. "It dem onstrates INCA's faith in our service standards and the com m ercially com petitive nature of our com plete p a c k a g e ." ALSTOM C anada Engines has 20 em ployees in O akville and is part o f ALSTOM C anada Inc., w hich em ploys 1,200 people and had revenues o f $372 m illion last year. ALSTOM C anada Inc. is a w holly-ow ned subsidiary of ALSTOM S.A. o f Paris, France. Photo by Riziero Vertolli The Oakville Beaver placed fourth overall in a recent newspaper competition sponsored by the Ontario Community Newspapers Association. The paper also placed first for best sports photo, second for best sports sec tion and second for best photo layout. The Beaver also won in two advertising categories. Beaver advertising representative Ron Dodorico, (bottom left) holds the award for best ad layout honours for Oakville Dodge. That's Oakville Dodge General M anager Bob Salvian (top left) displaying the winning effort. Ad representative Rob Marini (bottom right) appears with Ian John (top right), used car sales manager with Budds BMW. The ad won for best process colour layou t Scott MacDonald, (top middle) from the Beaver production department, was responsible for creating both winning efforts. COMPETITION WINNERS: Export seminar on April 26th Halton R egion' s Business Development Centre, in part nership with the Oakville Cham ber o f Commerce, will be hosting an exporting seminar on Wed. April 26th. `Seamless Exporting To Non-Traditional Markets' takes place at the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., in the Glen Lawson/Mansewood Room. It will run from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and lunch will be provided. The cost per individual is $20, including GST. For more information, call Tony Khani at 825-6300. Keep --n your N s u f f e n n g f t ° ^ e w 7 0 * ^ ^ i ^ WWW. p - '- ^ * Classifieds « C om m unity News « H oroscopes * ^ ea rn e r D i n i n g u - i n a e * A utom otive D irectory 0; >en tos * Me vie stings * Pud * City P a re r F o re v e r Young T he Oakville Bea rev # a n Champion J! .Txc · H altorfL ife · Shopping Ndws g r y * Online Coupons * M edia ;a News * B usiness & Y ?ur Real E state Onlin 3 * Online » C anadian JM C A of Oakv ille Horoscope: itive D irect >ry sta te 0 >en t s * Me vie You.ni &Youi Business e B ea rer ch-cof*' toWaKonSesM n p io r is tn e s s ing Nt w s · M edia s & Y )u r Onlin F°r Canad tan *f Oakvj m e rtoad ·T' , c * B° S ° (PS S P ) Jcosccpe. r/e D irectory W to re ' Fof E state Ooen v e n ts « Me vie " f°" " c P s f n a K e s e n s e ,ofV 0' b re v e r Young Oakville Bea re r fia d ia n C ham pior Life · Shopping Nc w s r ^ ^ v o u r RRSP i x i t o ^ V n m m b XS i le d ia . ^ W M S ? ......... iS i] )u r a division of HaltonSeait C o itn e ctiitd y o u to y o u r c o m m u n it y . 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