Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1913, p. 2

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a, Altt. BHtsmui X : * TANSLEY I A large n u m ber of upectatore witness|ed one of the most agreea ble and best baseball gam es of tb e season in R ailroad park, T a n sle y , on S atu rd ay , J a n e 21st, betw een P ale rm o and tb e borne team . I T b e result w as a victory fo r tb e visitors I b y a score ot six to five. L u c a s, for | P alerm o, m ade tb e star catcb of tbe I day. T h e visitors w ere certainly all I gentlem en and T an sley w ill welcome I them to another gam e in tb e near future. N o tic e to Creditors IN THE M ATTER ol tbe Estate of Peter James Inglebart, late of the Tow sship of T rafalgar, in the Count; of Halton, deceased. N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N parsuant to tbe statute in that betialf, that all persons having claims or dem inds against the estate of Peter James Inglehart, de ceased. wbo died on or abont the Twentyseveutli day of December, A D . 1909, are required on or before the Fifteenth day of July, A .D . 1913, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Herbert Inglebart, Palermo P .O ., Ontano, sole surviving Executor of the said estate, their names, addresses and occupations, with full particulars of their claims and a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them ; A nd further notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said Executor of the estate of tbe said Peter James InglelntTt, deceased, will proceed to distribute tbe assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he has had notice, and the said executor will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at tbe time i>f inch distribution. Dated at Bsrhngton this twenty-fourth day of Jnne, A .D . 1913, McQREGOR'S HARDWARE STORE House Cleaning and painting time is at hand. Be sure to use the best paint made and you w ill find it here-- m u m u m r c m im mmi Oatarto Oi M » f t i i y o t M ask S H E R W IN & W IL L IA M S ' And they cost no more than other kinds. 1st. They are made of pure white lead and the best Baden linseed oil. 2nd. They cover m * e surface. 3rd. Dries hard as steel. 4th. You w ill find all paints the same shade as on color card. Sherwin < fc Williams varnish, stains and floor wax stand equally as high. Furniture Varnish Elastic Varnish Damar Varnish Elastic Oak Carriage Varnish Oil Cloth Varnish Boat Varnish Hard Oil Finish Bade Pastor Farewell T h e re w as a pleasant m eeting of the in the school large fam ily D u n lop M eth odist congregation room on T u esd ay evening when a T . D u n lop and m em bers of bis w ho are leaving next week tbeir cottage in M uskoka. M r. j ( A ll | n um ber gathered to say fa rew ell to Rev. to occupy S .' S. M M H .A W I is retirin g from tb e m inistry for a year. T h is gathering w as under the auspices of tb e L a d ie s ' A id w ho are alw ay s thou ghtful on such occasions and served refreshm ents. D r. L u s k w a s m aster of ceremonies entertaining num ber of p art were rendered a a took wbo an d besides announcing an A F IN E L IN E OF I tU S H E S Paint Brushes Ceiling Brushes H a l Brushes FJoor Brushes Banister Brushes W hite Wash Brushes W . 1 D A V B program speakers. be introduced w ho JAS. N. MeGREGOR, Oakville. T h o se t b e O ak v ille q u artet, piano instrum entals an d b y M rs. vocal n n m b er ; R o y C a re y m songs, and by M isses D u n lop W righ tCarey and M rs. E. H, C LE A V E R , B urlington, Ont., Solicitor fur 1 H erbert In g leba rt, E xecu to r, O rr and also M iss Ire n e W a s s an d M r*. WttRtort-Orr: · S h o rt speeches w e re m ade by tb e ch airm an , W . 8 . S avage, I. C. C a l MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS -A T - H am ilton C en ten n ial] Industrial Expositiodfl Old H o m e W e e k ~ ~ Auffust 11th to 16th, 1913 Manufacturers' Exposition of Ham ilton-m ade Products, falling tw o Armouries and P arade G rounds. G rand Carnival M idw ay. A viation Exhibition daily. Military Pageant, with seven Canadian and U . S . Regiments participating. Fourteen Military Bands. A quatic Sports. Motor Boat, Sailing and Rowing Races. Cham pionship A thletic Events. Cham pion ship Ball Games, tw o U . S i League Team s. T rap-S hooting Tournam ent. Rifle M atches. Big Parades daily. CEO. ANDREW . u l A a i r ti i W ilson , J . M . D enyes, R ev. G . W . recently returned from spoke expressed a high the v a lu a b le D n nlop an a services China. rendered vert an d R ev. W . B. A lbertso n , w ho has A ll w bo by M r. j M ttt w n , O n t t r l * appreciation of that after a to th e rm o - s * i= ^ :a s s afc" they hoped y e a r's rest b e w o uld return U n d e r his m inistration prospered derived. and m uch W. M. WASS 0 *n tra o lo r far Brisk *nd S t » n » o r rv n R T u a a c a a m a ti istry en joying a greater degree of health. | good and had been j JOHN E. FORD'S ^ the church had | w ish w as ex- i the m em C o m e to H am ilton -- C a n a d a 's M agneto and see the b i g g e s t C iv ic H o lid a y W e e k a n d I n d u s t r i a l D e m o n s t r a t i o n that has been seen in Canada-- ot elsewhere. Special Rates by Rail and Boat-- ask your Local Agent. C H A S. A . M U R T O N , Secretary T h e sam e good 216 Station Road tended to M rs. D u n lop bers o( tb e fam ily O A K V IL L E DR G- B- RARDY D E N T IS T Phone M. 7196 1 Carlton St TO RO NTO . ONT. TH E ALERT A D U LT BIBLE -C L A S S of the Methodist church, meets every Sun day in the gallery of the church. D O O R S 'O P E N A T £2.30 P.M . J, M . D E N Y E S , Teacher. T. H A R K E R , President. Robinson & Chisholm REAL ESTATE, IN S U R A N C E , -- LO ANS] -- Rents Collected, Estates Managed Country L ife in B ra n tw o o d Oakville's New Residential Survey resident of "Brantwood" rises at seven and takes a stroll through his garden. He break fasts at eight and walks to the station, where he gets his morning paper. At 8:17 he boards the train and gets a comfortable seat (which he doesn't have to give up to a lady as he used to do when he lived in Rosedale), and he enjoys a pleasant chat with some Oakville friends. The run from O akville to Toronto is made in 36 minutes, and at 8:53 he arrives at the Union station, reaching his office at 8 o 'clock. After a tiresome day's work, he leaves Toronto at 6:05 p.m., ar riving in Oakville at 6 :4 5 , and reaching home in time for dinner at seven, or if early dinner is desirable, the 5:30 train will get him there at 6 : 14 . When dinner is over, he telephones some friends, and a congen ial little party is soon made up. Boating on the river is enjoyed for a time, f l o w e d by a dance at the Oakville Club. From day to day this program is varied, and is invariably follow ed by the sound refreshing sleep that only the country dweller knows. Nor does the Brantwood resident sigh for citp conveniences, for he has them all-- running water, telephone, electric light, cement sidewalks-- everything that makes for comfort. Brantwood lots are selling fast. The prtsent price is i f i 0.00 a foot and up. These 'ots average 50 x 15 0 leet Better get particulars before it is too late. F ill in and mail this coupon NOW . Address-- O A K V IL L E , O N T. P o s t Office Block.. JO H N FO R ES T ER G :N E R A L HOUSF. DECORATOR E S T IM A T E S G IV E N F R E E Samples Carried o f the Latest D esigns in WALLPAPER Also the Cheapest. CALL AT R E S ID E N C E D U N D A S STREET, 8 doors South of Colborne, St. H A R DWAR E OF Al.L KINDS A good stock oi C U H B E R L A N D L A N D C O H P A N Y , L IM IT E D , W . 5 . D A V IS , A gent, O ak ville, O n t. C O UPO N. C u m b e r la n d L a n tl C o ., L im it e d , PAINTS & OILS " H A P PY T H O U G H T " W . S . D a v i s , A jje t i t , O a k v i l l e , O n t .: P l e a s e eei d a ir f o i l pHr;icuJarH H id i i t e r a 4ur*. d«-w;rti>tive STOVES The best made in Canada of " B rantw ood." N A M E A d d r e s s . H . L M OORE,

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