mmmts' bank of ganada Capital, $6,7oo,ooo Reserve Fund, 6,4oo,ooo Assets, over 84,000,000 PRESIDKMt VICB-PRES1DENT <Jadgm-- t w m day in tb e now g iv e n out on W e d n e s P alerm o · fc w .s . DMAS Jt C . t ; WTY celebrated school caae. and J u d g e E llio t t aw a rd ed Thos. Q a ia n 9150 a n d costs. T h is decision w ill be of great interest to trustees. E. and H. Geo. C leaver appeared C. L y n ch -S tau n to u for for Quinn Ibe LUM BER YARDS F u ll Stock of trustees. Death of Trafalgar Resident One of the most high ly respected residents of D u n d as street, T ra fa lg a r, K . W . B L A C K W E L L , E so f has passed aw ay in the person of Jos. F . M arsh all, who died suddenly at bis F . H E B D E N , E sq . hom e on T u esd ay , June 24th. D eceased b a d been in poor health for th e past year and had failed rapidly this spring, but his death w as quite u n expected. M r. M a rsh a ll w a s a native ot E n glan d . H e cam e to this country tw en ty -six years ago and first re iid e d in Islington b u t about eighteen years ago purchased the farm on which he died. H is strict sense of honesty and fair dealing m ade him respected by all w h o k n e w him. H e leaves a family of b o d s and da u g h ters, nam ely :-- F re d erick G ., of N e w T o ro n to ; W illia m , of Islington ; Joseph, of Y e llo w Grass, S ask .; R obt., of E lm b an k ; M rs. J. D ilw o rth , of Toronto ; IN C O R P O R A T E D 1855 M rs. A . L . Cram m ond, of M i m i c o ; M isse s L u c y and A d a , at home. H is w ife predeceased him b y fifteen months. T h e funeral w a s held on T h u rs d a y w ith interm ent in H u m b e rv a le cem e tery. Lumber, Posts, Lath, Sewer Pipe, Cement Ready Hoofing, AN D S I R H . M O N T A G U E A L L A N . V .C .O . G e n . M a n a o k r :-- E . B U IL D E R S ' S U P P L IE S A lw ays on hand Orders prom ptly Yards adjoining FiHed G.T.R. Reaaonable Price* YOUR BUSINESS SO LIC ITE D Special Attention G iven to Savings Accounts O akville Branch, DAVIS & DOT Y The Oakville Pressed Brick Co. Is now prepared to fill all orders for Brick and Drain Tile. left at W. S . Davis' office promptly attended to. Orders H . L . B E A D , Mgr. Th e BANK ofTORONTO H ead O ffice : TO RONTO, C A N A D A . I860 ESTABLISHED' 18QO ¥ m . Whitaker St Sons M ANUFACTURERS OF T p . Council M eetings Paid-up Capital Beserved Funds $5,000,000 6,176,578 T ra fa lg a r township couucil m et m the tow n sh ip hall at Postville, J u n e 9 t b last. I t w a s moved b y Coun. T u rn e r seconded by Coun, In g leh art, law N o. 26, authorizing the of the m unicipality read a first time. to and that B y on M onday, ,Fine Finished C A R R IA G E S , W A GO N S. S L E I G H S , E t c ., Oakville, On Thirty-eight yeais experience has taught ua how to produce perfect work, conseq»ently w e can g iv e eur customers an absolute guarantee with our products. Smith Work, Woodwork, Painting, Trim m ing, Saw F ilin g and General Repairing Executed Promptly. Dealers in Pumps, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, B ar Iron, E tc. ^'hanking you for past favors, and trusting for your future commands, we are Yours truly, I N O U R S A V IN G S D E P A R T M E N T sm all or large sums m ay be deposited. Interest is added to balances half-yearly. E very convenience of modem banking afforded. reeve and treasurer to borrow $2,000 on tb e credit meet the now b y -la w received current expenditure, be introduced and The its third reading an d passed. Council then adjourned. Council met in accordance w ith WM. W H IT A K E R & SO N S. B randies in Ontario, Quebec and the W est J. B. L. Grout, Manager, adjournm ent in tb e hall W edn esday, June 11th. at Postville on M e m b ers were O A K V IL L E BRANCH. all present, reeve in the chair. T h e council went into com m ittee of the whole on accounts and com m unica tions. -*· In gleh art-- T u rn e r-- T h a t T u r n e r B ros., Milton, be paid $21, being for the bu rial of a laborer killed at H ornby. T u rn er-- In g le h a rt-- T h a t th e fo llo w ing accounts be paid $5 to S. K ing for cutting tree out of creek, furnishing stone, repairing break w ater and putting in culvert, E sq u esm g tow nship to pay o n e -h a lf; $6.85 to Jas. N . M c G re g o r for goods supplied the township, $44,35 to Sam uel M c L e a n for hauling pipe and cement, $6.75 to R obert P ew tress for repairin g aiid putting in culverts on sixth line, $9.75 to S aw y er-M assey Co. for repairs to road m achine P orter-- T u rn e r-- T h a t $30.74 be paid C bas. H a ll for poatape, telephoning, ex press, repairs, travelling expenses, etc. Johnstone-- T u rn e r-- T h a t $2.60 be paid to the London Concrete M achinery Co. for repairs for pum p and $6.50 to T h o s. M cCracken, as per account. P o rte r-- Johnstone-- T h a t $2.50 be paid H en ry H eek s for 10 hours w ork on grader, $1.05 to Geo. Sargen t and $10.05 to WT . E . W ood for supplies. In gleh art-- P orter-- 'Bhat the assess ment rolls as revised and am ended in court of revision be adopted an d filed in the clerk's office. Council adjourned to meet M onday ·Inly 7th, at one p.m. T HE U N I V E R S A L C A R % MOTOR CYC LES, BICYCLES. B IC Y C L E R E P A IR IN G Own your car-- don't let it own you A new Mr. D ooley rises to remark that there are only two kinds o f cars-- " the Fords and the can't affords." Y ou'll want a Ford when the season is on. Then buy it to-day. There are more than 220,000 Fords on the world's highways-- the best possible testimony to their unexcelled worth. Prices-- runabout $671;-- touring car $750 -- town car $10 0 0 -- with all equipment, f. o. b. Walkerville, Ont. Get particulars from Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Hamilton, or from and Supplies. THOS. NISBET R O B IN S O N BLOCK. Fall Term Opens Sept. 2nd Increase Y our E arn in g P ow er by atten d ing the Popular / \n i in r T The Oakville Garage Phone 227. O A K V ILL E W HIM * W IL S O NSPECULATORS Phone 290 cam . w h it t a k e h , jh i Toronto, Ont. B est place in C anada Ten Acres for Sale Carpenters a n d with about 624 ieet Cabinetmakers facing on Kerr Street Jobljiiijj a Specialty Estimates furnished on all kinds of Carpenter and Cabinet Work. Shop on Colborne street, o ver garage. L A T E O F T H E F IR M O F WM. W H I T T A K E R & SONS for H ig h G ra d e B usiness E du catio n . E n te r N o w . O pen all year. fr e e Catalogue Edward Stansbury W est Side is now in his new premises on Colborne Street, and is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage and Sleigh Repairing. I 8 C H u s ie MISS KATHLEEN APPELBE, A.T.C.M . (.Theory) P u p il o f M r. H M . F ie ld and of Professor M ich ael H am bourg ol th e H am bourg Conservatory o f Music. W ill resume teaching on Septem ber 16th. P u p ils w ill kiu<!lv call to arrange hour and term s Pump Repairing & Forging g PBINC I S H EB E Fruit and Ornamental Trees to Plant Only First Class Nurserv Stock. t LMace your order early with a reliable nurserv. j of all kinds. Dealer in all kinds of Pumps, Sinks^ Baths, Pipes & fittings Iso A gent for What about that N ew Harness ? It W. K. LE G G A T T sells them. FAM OUS JACKSON WAGON the Best W agon in Canada for the money. DR R O FISHER W. A. SHOOK A U C T IO N E E R A CALL IS SO LICITED G ra d u a te ot U n iv e r s ity o f T o ro n to a t e H o u s e P h y s ic ia n aud S u rg eo n a t T o r o n t o G e u e ra l H o sp ita l. ! Largest v id Canada, over 800 acres. STONE & W E L L IN G T O N O F F IC E . C O L B O R N E ST. N o rth Sid e. 2nd Door B ast ol Dundas St. FONT HILL. Kor particulars and prices apply to J. B. L E O N A R D , Appleby, P.O. H A L T O N and P E E L C O U N T IE S Y o u r P atronage S o licited T e lep h on e Clarkson Wm. W hittaker Jr . ColTDorne Street, Oakville Oakville, Ont. CLARKSON