Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 31 Oct 1930, p. 8

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CE N SU S T O FIN D $ LOGRL I M P . . . . I I C R IP P L E D C H IL D R E N R ecom m ended that S hool Inspectors A sk Teachers to L oca te Them St. John's United R E V . E. O- S E Y M O U R , B .A .. B.D . M inister s| Knobs of News w ell W orth P T h ere w as a stirring address at R otary on M onday evening w hen the | Reading. i f a.m .-- " The Universal C h ris t" m atter o f ca rin g f o r crippled children T^-r, C ongregation meets in was discussed. Lusk i.a ll during the second hymn. -- E ight w eeks till Christm as. R eg . H opper, secretary o f this w ork -- Study our Sunday sch ool lesson fo r the O ntario governm ent, review ed 2.30 p.m -- Sabbath School the w ork since its in ception and u rged Classes are all graded rev iew . the R otarians to continue their good -- The daylight delivery o f milk be M en's Class Meets in the Church w ork. It w as estim ated there are gan this w e e k . fiv e thousand cripples in urgent need 7 p.m.-- " Lambeth and Y o u th " -- Th an ksgiving day, N ov . 10th, a o f treatm ent. D uring this month w e shall con w eek from next M onday. The speaker f o r n ext M onday even sider som e o f the pronouncem ents o f in g w ill be B rig .-' : i. the H on. T. L. -- H allow e'en this evenin g. H ave the Lam beth C on feren ce. K enn edy, M inis;ar o f A gricu ltu re fo r plenty o f fun, hut do no dam age. O ntario. Irven Fell, Choir Leader. -- T.he central sch ool gam es w ere « · ' conclu ded on W edn esday aftern oon . Miss L . M . McBain Organist. R E B E K A H O F F IC E R S -- Colum n o f farm m arket reports A W E L C O M E TO ALL \-;ZRZ D U L Y IN S T A L L E D o h an oth er p a ge. W atcliytliese each w eek . A t Special M eeting H eld Last Thurs -- The Ladies' A id o f K n ox church, day E vening-- Presentations Oakville, w ill hold a rummiage rale ^(!4*aurl otyr iuttqs iiigljtmuj DAILY COACH SERVICES OAKVILLE-TORONTO Single 65c Return $1.15 LEAVE OAKVILLE DANCING Colborne St. on Saturday, N ov . 8th. A pleasant evenin g w as spent in -- It is estim ated that about twentythe Rebekah L od g e last Thursday tw o cents o f every dollar spent for evening, w hen the installation o f offfood goes fo r dairy products. cers was held in I.O .O .F . hall. The -- M iss H elen Broderick, o f Bronte, officers w ere installed b y Sister Pearl visited ov er the week-end w ith her M adden, district depu ty president, and aunt, M rs. W . G rice, Spruce street. and her installing sta ff. The new o ffic e r s are as follo w s :-- -- Canada this year w ill use 1,400,000,000 postal stam ps. Read about N. G., Miss E va L yon ; Y . G., Miss them on an oth er p a ge. N ew stam ps G ertrude Shaw ; R. S., Mrs. H. E. D a n c in g 9 to 12 o ' c l o c k w ill be issued. B row ne ; F. S., Mrs. N elson K in g ; treas., M rs. W m . Coles ; w arden, Miss -- Frank Sullivan, o f M erton, has an "d v t. in this issue offering to M ay R i lle y . con., Miss V io le t D ry equip houses w ith storm w in dow s, land ; I. G ., Miss Jennie Izatt ; O. G., f e e his an n oun cem en t. R. Slight ; R. S. N. G., Mrs. A lb ert Tw o Cents per Dance - -Sheridan church w ill hold anni Qu|inn ; L. S. N. G., Mrs. W m . W h it aker ; R. S. V . G., Mrs. John Gillem ; versary s e rv ice s on Sunday, follow ed by a fo w l supper on M onday even L. S. V . G., Miss Rae S h a w j Chap-, in g . This supper is largely attended lain, Miss B essie N elson ; I. P. N. G., | Mrs. E w art H all ; pianist, Miss Bessie each yea r. W hitaker. Bull, 3 years old on 11th o f March, -- D r. and M rs. J . F . W eatherill M uch credit is due Sister M adden 1931; bred at Gillen Park farm, returned on Saturday last from their honeym oon trip in the States, and and h er s t a ff f o r the im pressive and Palerm o; sired by Segis Faforet Kornare n ow residing in th eir n e w resi e ffic ie n t m anner in w hich th ey co n dyke, and out o f a higli producing du cted the cerem onies. A t the close daughter o f a brother to Agassaz dence, A llen street. Segis May E cho, form er champion of . ,, , Sister M adden w as presented w ith a the w orld in butter and m ilk. This -- W . A . Deane entered the H a m -: , , ^ ... _ , , set o f am ber glasses fr o m the lodge, is a fine straight bull and really a llton general hospital on Sunday last, ! . ,, ' also a b ou q u et o f Chrysanthem um s sh ow anim al. being som ew hat seriously ill. He Several h eifers from noted sires, fr o m her installing sta ff. is feelin g greatly im proved by last as A bbekerk Sylvius Lad, w ho has Sister G wen. H all w as presented rep ort and w ill soon tie hom e again. repeatedly cleaned up at the m ajor w ith a P. N. G. je w e l and b ou qu et sh ow s; also Segis Alcartra, Burke ---In ou r tw o colum ns fo r w om en o f flow ers. R aym ond and Netherland Fayne. readers are articles on food fads, hair The heifers and cow s are all in A dainty lu nch w as served w hich cleanliness, club woman ideals, live ca lf; tw o due next m onth. T h ese b rou gh t the evenin g to a close. can be seen on district fa rm s. Ap ornam ents, dishw ashing aids, wash ply fo r direction s at the Star office, a b le gloves, w hy a cake is heavy, and O a k v ille. com bination salad. -- L ocal w eather prophets are pre -- The som ew hat heavy rains of dicting th at the present warm spell M onday and Tuesday nights have w ill rem ain off and on up until near Th ey also predict dampened the ground considerable Christm as tim e. and w ill m ake plow ing much easier. that w ith the exception o f a few There w as not enough rain to help rough days in January and February the w ater shortage n or to start the the w inter w ill be a very mild affair. a7.20 8.20 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 1.30 · 2.30 3.30 P.M . A . M. McDermott's Hall a Daily except Sunday C O A C H E S S T O P A T A N Y P O IN T T O PICK UP P A S S E N G E R S . SIG N A L P L A IN L Y B Y H A N D T O T H E D R IV E R . 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.20 12.05 A .M . P.M. Eastern Standard Time LEAVE TORONTO a6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1 1 .0 0 P.M. A.M . 12.00 2.00 1 .0 0 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7 00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.15 P.M . CHARTERED COACHES FOR ALL GROUP OUTINGS At Moderate Rates For information com m unicate with Gray Coach Lines, Y onge at Front, T oronto. Tuesday Saturday Evenings Colborne St., OAKVILLE Telephone 600 GRAY COACH LINES Admission 25 Cents Pore Bred Holsteins O A K V IL L E IN N HALLOWE'EN SPECIAL A S U G G E S T I O N Roast DucK or ChicKen Dinner A fter the Show com e in and try our Toasted Sandwiches, Ginger Bread or Hom em ade Pie. creeks running. -- The regular m onthly m eeting o f the W . C . T . U . w ill be held a t the hom e o f M rs. R . L . G regory, 4 Dundas street, south, on Tuesday, N ov. 4th, at three o 'c lo c k . Miss W oodroffe w ill g ive the report o f the pro v incial con v en tion held in O ctober at B e lle v ill* . -- A t the G regory theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, O ct. 30 and 31 and N ov . 1, " H ot C u r v y ," a base ball story, starring A lice Day and Benny R ubin. Monday, Tuesday and. W ednesday, N o v . 3, 4 and 5, " H ell H arbor," starring Lupe V elez. Com ing, " Raffles" w ith Ronald Colm an. Mi B E L IE V E J E W E L R Y W IL L BE R E C O V E R E D Because je w e lry and oth er articles ! are recov ered b y the W in dsor police it is thought the cu lp rit g u ilty o f O ak ville bu rglaries has been apprehended Oakville Phone B ron te P c o n e at the b ord er city. 4 1 5 r 13 11 r 2 C h ief K err le ft yesterday f o r W in d sor accom panied b y W . S. Savage, w ho w ill look ov e r the articles and try and id e n tify them. REAL ESTATE AND C H A T T E L S ! in the village o f ARE SAILING TO AU STRALIA BRONTE S A TU RD AY , NOVEMBER 1st, 1930 M r. and M rs. A lex. Petrie and at the hour o f 1.30 p .m . their three children w ill start on ·a That valuable property belonging w on derfu lly fine trip on Thursday to AN N IE CROSS, kn ow n a s part of next and w ill spend three months on lot 33, on the w est side o f Chalmers a v isit to Australia, where M rs. street, Bronte, in the tow n sh ip o f T rafalgar, com prising 7% acres, more P etrie's fam ily friends liv e. They or less, on w hich there is situated a expect to spend Christmas in the fram e bungalow , barn and chicken sum m er sunshine and warmth o f the house. A t th e same tim e there will festiv e season on the other side of be offered fo r sale the contents of the house and barn, w hich includes th e earth. a large quantity o f furniture. From here they go to V ancou ver to TE R M S-- R eal Estate, 10 per cen t, i take steam er. On the voyage they cash and balance in thirty days on · w ill m ake short stops at Honolulu. delivery o f deed. Chattels ca sh . ' F iji and Auckland, N .Z . Th ey w ill F or further particulars apply .to J . j disem bark a t the great Sydney har M . A LD ER SO N , A uctioneer, R .R . 1, ' b or and take a seven hundred m ile Freem an, O n t.; o r PU B LIC TR U S trip to Brisbane w here th e y w ill v is it T E E , O sgood Hall, T oronto 2 . ---- STORM WINDOWS ARE A GOOD INVESTMENT STOP means STOP The STOP signs on streets and highways are there for your protection. They protect you and all other drivers only tcTttie extent that you obey them. There's a STOP sign at every intersection of The King's Highway and at intersections of many other main highways and sheets. Be sure you heed them. If you do not, and an accident results you are responsible. You cannot depend on other drivers. While you may have complied with the law by coming to a full stop, you should still exercise care in entering the traffic stream of a main highway. The Keystone o f Safety on The King's Highway and all other roads and streets .I A r. · > ! ' They mean a saving in Fuel and Greater Comfort. Measurements taken and W indow s Fitted. E s t im a t e s G iv e n . P rom pt S e r v ic e Frank Sullivan M e rto n AUCTION S A L E Highway 5EN5E Safety, Committee The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman

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