\ * · ' A. S F O R S T E R EDITOR $2.00 A YEAR 2.50 TO THE UNITED STATES OAKVILLE, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1»30 L IT E R A R Y FIVE CENTS P E R COPY Vol. 45 No 12 Will Interview H ighw ay Minister T o Ascertain Plans Regarding Third Highway Between Cities H IG H SCH OOL Central School Field D ay Young Students Exhibit Prowess and Enthusiasm in Games LIST OF THE PRIZE WIN NERS O rganization M eeting New Officers and E xecutive E L E C T IO N S B Y F O R M A L B A L L O T The adjourned m eeting o f the rep resen tatives o f inter-city municipalities was held in the council cham ber on Tuesday evenin g. In spite of the heavy rain the*e w as a good at tendance, and M ayor M oat presided. T here w as a long discussion on the m erits o f w idening the present high way or establishing a third highway on the right o f w ay purchased som e ·years ago for a H ydro line from T o ronto, w hich connects w ith the right o f w ay o f the form er H am ilton radial, now not used. D iffering view s w ere expressed, but there was a general feelin g that it would be w ise to interview the m inister o f highw ays, H on . G eo. S. H enry, and endeavor to learn som e thing regarding the governm ent's view s or plans for relieving congest ed traffic betw een the tw o cities. There was a unanimous feelin g som e action m ust soon be taken. Finally a com m ittee w as appointed . consisting o f the reeves o f Burling ton. N elson, Trafalgar, Oakville and T oronto tow nship, and H on . T . L . K ennedy, G eo. H illm er, e x -M .P .P ., and Ja s. W aldbrook, w ho w ill inter view the m inister and report to an oth er m eetin g. CHIL DREN' S AID ANNUAL A n orth od ox election was held in the high school on Friday a ftern oon last, w hen the new o ffic e r s f o r the lit erary society w ere elected. There was a retu rn in g o ffic e r , a poll clerk and scrutineers. V o tin g w as brisk and interest ran high. W hen the cam paign was closed and the ballots coun ted these o ffic e r s w ere fou n d to have been ^chosen :-- H erbert M erry, president Miss B etty Rivaz, v ice pres. Miss R osalyn Read, se c'y. W a lter A dam son, treas. Ted. A shbury, reporter. These fo rm representatives w ere elected :-- F ifth -- M a rjorie Reed, G ordon Slater. 4a-- Jean M cllveen , A lb ert W ilcox. 4b-- L u cy Thom pson, B a lfou r Ram say. 3a-- Jean M yers, Jas. Sharpe ,3b-- E lsie B eaucham p, John Orht. 2a-- Ruth Read, R obt. A llenby. 2b-- Irene F lu m erfelt, H arry Farr. l a -- H elen H utchinson, K enneth W atts, l b -- A gn es Buchanan, Robt. Schmuk. Sen. com .-- M argaret D aubney, Jas. Barker. Jun. com .-- K atherine Biette, W ilbert Leaver. MEETING PRE SE NTED WITH TOKEN FOR BRAVERY * T h e annual m eeting o f the Halton Children's Aid so c ie ty w ill be held at the home in M ilton on Friday evening next, N o v . 7 th . R eports w ill be presented, officers elected and a general d iscu ssion . The public are cordially invited, and th ose interested in .this worthy cause from O akville and district On W edn esday afternoon John Gulledge w as presented with a parch m ent from the R oyal Humane society for bravery in rescuing K enneth. Hawke from drow ning in the river in July. The presentation was made by should atten d. M ayor M oat before the public sch ool scholars, w ho had gathered for the POPPY DAY, SA TURD AY , NOV. 8th field day. The m ayor congratulated the recip rShe veterans w ill hold their annual ient on his courage and com m ended Foppy day on Saturday, N o v . 8th. his action to oth er b oy s. The funds realized w ill be used fo r relief w ork . Our citizens should be generous in H I G H S C H O O L R U G B Y helping our veterans in this good w ork. T h ey w ill have m any demands Have a Strong Team-- Players Well the com ing w in ter. T rained House of Refuge TEN DE RS T enders w'ill be reciv ed by the Sec.Treasurer up to N o v . 14th, 1930, fo r the supply of provision s for the Counties o f H alton and Peel H ouse o f R efu ge fo r the m onths o f D ec. and Jan. n ext. List o f provisions required w ill be mailed on applica tion to the S e c . -Treasurer o f the H ouse o f R efu g e. The low est o r any tender not necessarily accep ted . J . J . JAM IESON, Sec.-Treas. H ouse o f R efuge Bram pton P .O ., O n t. Small Advertisem ents C O W FO R S A L E E xcellen t fa m ily cow , Jersey, m ilk in g w ell. A p p ly to W m . Black, Pal erm o. The high sch ool rugby boys had the M ilton players as their guests here last Friday afternoon, and scored a win, 35 to 13. The game w as a g ood o n e. The boys w ill need all the prac tice they can have for their gam e at |Burlington this a fte rn o o n . These Itw o team s now stand a tie. and the ,w inner today w ill be leader. The Oakville team is usually made · up from the follow in g good players: R oss Sinclair, captain; W a lter Adam son, A lbert W ilcox , H arold Dacker, W m . M acrae, Balfour Ram say, John Orht, Cam eron H illm er, Edward Izard, iG eo. P en nycock , Carl Lehman, R ob t. Schmuk. W m . Darlington, M ervyn H obbs, Sidney Blakelock, W m . An derson, T h os. Patterson, Edw ard Chisholm, E d. A shbury, Jas. Sharpe, David Sargent, Louis B ouchier. B A R N W A S B U RN ED FOR SALE Car o f ch oice dry peeled Cedar L A S T F R ID A Y E V E N IN G Posts, due to arrive a t Oakville sta tion N ov . 15th. G eo. K ing, se n ., W as F orm erly Stable fo r H illm er phone 209 r 14. L ivery-- Cars Saved W AN TED Used Q uebec heater, w ith oven at L ast F riday evening the H illm er tach ed. P hone 826, O akville. stables on Church street w ere w reck ed b y fire . The flam es w ere n oticed FOR SALE A M cClary electric range, 4 plates, a b ou t eleven o ' clock and the firem en and oven, in w orking order. $20.00 w ere soon on the scene. fo r quick sale. D . J . Sullivan, The blaze w as hard to com bat as phone 634. the buildings w ere all o f tim ber, but FOR SA LE w ith d iffic u lty several cars w ere g o t T o be rem oved at once, Frame ten ou t as w ell as a saddle pon y ow n Barn, 40 x 40 feet, 16-foot wall, cov ed b y Miss Ruth Byers. ered with galvanized iron sheeting. B eing in the evenin g a large num Apply to B lakelock B ro s., day phone ber witnessed the blaze. 214; night phones 473 o r 73. The delayed central sch ool field day opened on M onday afternoon, but som e o f the events had to b e held o v er until W ednesday aftern oon . Rain interfered with the program . The events w ere run off in V ictoria park and interest was k een . A goodly num ber o f parents and friends w ere out to w itness the contests, and w ere greatly pleased w ith the su ccessfu l conduct o f events b efore rain fell. It w as quite a gala day. The held-over events w ere com pet ed for on W edn esda y afternoon, when MILL W A S DES T R O Y E D B Y FIRE a sm all crow d w itnessed the fea tu res. Young Students W h o Won Prizes Built b y Chisholm s in 1837-- at O ne Tim e Produced 500 Barrels T h e list o f prize winners is as fola Day-- Picturesque L ocation |low s; B oy s' 50-yard dash, nine years and under, F red K ew, George H avill; girls' 50-yard dash, nine years and under, |A im ee H em lock, M arjory Cham bers; M ary W ilkinson; boy s' 50-yard dash, D istrict D eputy and Board D ow n ten years, rionald M acRae, D ouglas G rist Miss was Operated for M ore ' M eyers, James M oore; g irls' 50-yard From H am ilton fo r Cerenvony 1dash, ten years, Eleanor M acRae, Than Ninety Years T here w as a large atten dan ce at H elen Dovjdle, Marion Seym our; b oys' 75-yard dash, 11 years, L loyd Slayer, A T ONE T IM E PRODUCED installation cerem on y o f new O d d fel Jack Jinks, Ted H eath; g irls' 75-yard 500 B A RRE LS D A IL Y low o ffic e r s on M onday evening, The dash, 11 years, Edith Daubney, Irene district deputy, E. J. B urns and his M atheson, D orothy G reen; b oy s' 75Fire about three o'clock Tuesday s ta ff, w ere dow n fr o m H am ilton to yard dash, 12 years, Kenneth K em p, m o r c ir g c.OJX£' ete!>-- |^voye*> Donald Dowdle, Jack B lak elock; g irls' con du ct the installation. There w ere 75-yard dash, 12 years, H elen Slater, grist m ill b y the river edge near the about tw en ty -fiv e visitors. M arion W hite, Geraldine W h ite; boy s' station. The origin o f the flam es is A banquet follow ed , served by the dash, 13 years, H ubert a m ystery as the whole in terior was Rebekahs at w hich fratern al g reet 100-yard W right, H arold H opkins, Edw ard ablaze when the firem en arrived. A d ings w ere exchanged. M uch enthus Johnston; g irls' 100-yard dash, 13 join in g buildings were saved. iasm w as evidenced. years, Hazel Ford, Maude Lew is, The destruction o f this m ill re The new o ffic e r s are :-- 'E v ely n Burrell; b oy s' 100-yard dash, m oves one o f the landmarks o f the A . L oftq u ist, N.G. 14 years, N orm an Flaxm an, H ow ard district w hich w as perhaps the most H ow ard L itch field, I.P.G . 5H orner, A lfred H ook s; g irls' 100-yard generally photographed building in A lb ert Shelley, v ice grand I dash, 14 years, R hoda K ew , D orothy tow n. A rtists delighted to make W . South, C on du ctor Duncan, Madeline D ensm ore; .girls' sketches o f the w hite stone mill nest hopping rate, M arion W hite, H elen H ubert L itch field , W arden lin g in the ravine b y the river's edge. Slater, Irene M atheson; sack race, E. H. M adden, F.S. The location was picturesque. b oy s', P at Blackham, John HindChas. P. Ford, R.S. |marsh, Jack B arrett; boot and shoe The old m ill was built about the W m . Coles, treas. race, E d: Brown, E d . Johnstone, year 1837 w ith Col. Geo. K. and John Chas. B ow yer, chap. H arry H indm arsh; biscuit contest, Chisholm as first owners. Th ey in A . Skoog, R.S.N.G . g irls', Ruth M erry, M argaret H icks, stalled about fiv e set o f stones f o r Robt. Fleetham , L.S.N .G . Aleda C ob u m ; g irls' ball throwing, m aking flo u r and instantly there was F red W ilson, R .S .V .G . v M abel Jackson, R hoda K ew , P eggy a large business. Mills w ere scarce H. K ohn, L .S.V .G . D enning. in those days. Chas. Pope, R.S.S. Boy and Girl Champions On D ec. 8th, 1870, the m ill was W m . M yers, L.S.S. The cham pionships, fo r w inning sold at auction in the old tow n hall N. Buchanan, I.G . the largest num ber o f events, for and Isaac W a rcu p w ho had condu cted R obt. H obbs, O.G. boys and girls, w ere aw arded as fol a m ill at L ow ville, becam e the new low s: ow ner. A t that time the pow er was B oys-- Norman Flaxm an, H ow ard a tw en ty-six fo o t w ater wheel. A H orner. coop era ge located north o f the rail Girls-- M arion W hite, R hoda K ew . w ay tracks w as included in the sale and several houses. Will be Held in Gregory Theatre on W E D D IN G IN ST. Mr. W are Up con du cted the m ill un Sunday, Nov. 9th JU D E ' S ON S A T U R D A Y til about the nineties when he retired and Thos. Foulds and Hedley Shaw The Oakville veterans w ill hold becam e the ow ners. They bou gh t their annual A rm istice service in the Miss Lilia H itch cox W eds John E. wheat loca lly and brought in m ore by G regory theatre on. Sunday afternoon, French-- P opu lar Y ou n g P eople rail until at one tim e the m ill ran up Nov. 9th, at three-thirty o 'clo ck . T w o pop u la r y ou n g p eop le in St. to a fiv e hundred barrels a day cap A parade o f veterans, militia, Boy acity. It ran day and night. Mr. Scouts, m em bers o f the tow n coun Ju de's chu rch w ere m arried on Sat F oulds retired and M r. Shaw was sole cil, board o f education and fire b ri u rday m orn in g last w hen Miss L ilia This w ill be form ed on the H itch cox, fo rm e rly o f the Bank o f ow ner until he sold to T. H. A shbury gade. & Sons w ho cam e here from Blythe. central school grounds and, headed M ontreal s ta ff, becam e the bride o f Som e three years ag o Ham mond Bros, by band, w ill m arch to the theatre. John E. F rench, o f the E a ton sta ff. Canon H . F . D . W ood cock , who C anon Sm ith o ffic ia te d . Quite a becam e the ow ners. was chaplain of the 164th battalion, n um ber o f y o u n g frien d s w ere pres D uring his ow nership Mr. W arcup w ill be the ch ief sp eak er. ent to w itness the cerem ony. discarded grin din g b y stones and in A short service w ill follow at the The bridesm aid w as Miss H elen stalled the steel roller system, w hich | cenotaph, when w reaths w ill be was a w on d erfu l im provem ent. . He H eeks, w hile the groom ~w as su pportp la ce d . exchanged the w ater wheel f o r a I ed b y A lb ert Coles. turbine. The w ater was brought A ft e r the cerem on y a recep tion th rough a flu m e fr o m a dam quarter L A U N C H E D FISH IN G was held at the residen ce o f the o f a m ile up stream. B O A T A T B R O N T E b ride's parents, Mr. and M rs. A lb e rt O lder residents recall the days H itch cox, o f the low er m iddle road, W m . Sargant, ju n ., B ronte, launch west. w hen the sw ing bridge then on C olb o rn e street was sw ung frequ en tly ed his fine n ew fishing boa t on Tu es A f t e r lu nch eon M r. and Mrs. to perm it boats w ith cargos f o r the day a ftern oon last, in the B ron te har F rench le ft on a m otor trip to N ew m ill to pass up and down. bor. The D alton, named a fte r its Y o rk and oth er places. U pon their builder, S. D alton M acD onald, was return th ey w ill reside in M im ico. -- Sheridan church anniversary and built in the village, and was con veyed fow l supper on Sunday and M onday dow n to the h arber by one o f the b ig -- T h ere w ill be a H allow e'en party It is thirty-five at the Cedar Grove M ission this even N ov . 2nd and 3rd; A kitchen has highw ay trucks. Mr. ing, when costum es w ill be w orn by been built on the hall so that there fe e t lon g, and 1 0 -fo o t beam . w ill be m ore room fo r serving large Sargant expects to com m ence Ashing m any in atten dan ce. T here w ill be f o r h errin g shortly. refresh m en ts. suppers. t . Old Grist Mill is Burned ODDFELLOWS INSTAL OFFICERS VETERANS TO HOLD SERVICE