UTTERLY WORN OUT! W omen W eakened by W o rry. " I don't want to w orry, but I can't help it," said a woman recently when told to take things easy and not wor ry. It is the duty of every woman tc? save her strength. If she finds herself getting depressed; if she feels utterly w orn out; worries over trifles and frequently has nervous headaches, she will be wise to realize her nervous system needs attention. Starved nerves mean a breakdown. To feed the nerv«s you must build up the blood. To do this there is nothing to equal Dr. W illiams' Pink Pills. These Pills not only enrich the blood but actually create new blood which feeds and strengthens the nerves and banishes the cause of nervous disor ders. W om en cannot always rest when they should, but every woman can maintain her strength by the help of Dr. ^Williams' Pink Pills. Start tak ing these Pills now and see how soon improvement will show by increased energy, keen appetite, strong, steady nerves and robust health. These Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. W illiams' M edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Gold Rush Veteran Vftim a frinA alfr R ed R ose T ek lO t O L ^ H m Q m xx\ z.% - Toy-Makers of Mexico cs Js Q w m i fy / x t Classified Advertising Up along Rocky, Lightning and Wil liams creeks in the Cariboo district of British Columbia where the gold stam The Man She Thought pede of 1864 is still a vivid memory,' Crooked Big Mouth Jack (above) who came from China as a boy and entered the By DOUGLAS MALLOCH You know the man she might have gold country in 1865, w orked 65 years to earn a stake which would take him wed, back to China to live in luxury the A right nice fellow, too; rest of his days. Fortune, however, And yet to him she shook her head proved unkind and Big Mouth made And then said " yes" to you. And there are times you think r.bout only enough to live on. ' A few days ago the aged Chinese prospector, now That fellow now and then, And wonder why she picked you out 85, was a passenger on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress o f Canada and A bove all other men. * -------------- Mexican toy-makers travel the AKRY. R E L IA B L E M A T R IM O N I A L paper m ailed free. A d d r e ss dusty highways with packs of mer-j F rien dsh ip M agazine, M edina, N ew Y ork. on his way to end his days in the chandise on their backs to sell to j land of his ancestors. Members of T A M M E R IN G AND D E F E C T IV E the Indians on festival days Their sp eech c o rr e c te d in five w eek s' the Chinese colonies of Williams wares-- usually animals or birds-- are- cou rse. M iss M. B. M cA lliste r, S p ecial Creek, Lightning Creek, Barkerville often grotesque and poorly made, but* ist, P.O. B o x 322, L on d on . Ontario. and Quesnel in the Cariboo district A N T E D -- A T H O U S A N D B R IT IS H ^ their bizarre qualities attract cus-j took up a collection which is sending tomers. S to g e t p rices fo r sen d in g Often they are fash ion ed1ap p lesE R O v erseas fo r C hristm as. W r ite Big Mouth back to China. Still strong from gourds, but at other times clay " T h e M an F roi.i K en t," D raw er A, B u r at 85, Big Mouth lived for 65 years is used for the bodies and wire fori lin g ton , Ont. in the Cariboo district without a the legs. $2.00 FO B ONE HOUR'S W O R K . single trip to the outside. Arriving in asy, in te r e s tin g , p r o fit Vancouver to board the liner for The best-read person is the one who a b le . B etter qu a lity a.iti lo w e r China he saw his first street cars and reads least of modern trash. d ire c t fa c t o r y p rices m ake sa les easy. E uild up a bank a ccou n t se llin g L id o his first steamship, which he called L o ck n it S ilk L in g erie and H o sie r y . " devil wagons" and shunned religious Sam ple silk sto ck in g s and bloom ers, $2. Our guarantee- -sa tisfa c tio n or m on ey ly. S E BLACKHEADS I don't know how it is with some, But how it is with me, And when those old-time visions some I take a look and see: I need a barber, that I know, My clothes don't look so w ell; And why she took me long ago Some babies thrive from the hour I 'm dashed if I can tell. of their birth w hile others make so little progress as to be the cause of And then I'm off to get a shave, much anxiety. As a rule it is the di And see the tailor man, gestion that is at fault with these And' for one evening I behave backward ones and they start to go About the best I can ahead directly Baby's Own Tablets are In me a knight she used to see, made the corrective of their stomach Although, o f course, I'm n ot; and bowel troubles. But now and then I try to be Baby's Own Tablets are specially The man she thought she got. designed for the use o f babies and little children. They are absolutely safe and the mother can feel perfect ly secure in giving them to even the most delicate child. They are a mild but thorough laxative which banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and allay the pains which accompany the cut-, ting of teeth. They are sold by medi cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. W illiam s' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * ------------ Modern Generation KEEPING BARY LOVELY AND WELL Are Lazy Thinkers Professors Says Country Chil dren Have More Thorough Knowledge Than City Children ., Get tw o dunces o f p erox in e p ow d er fr o m you r d ru g g ist. S p rin kle on a hot, w et c lo th and rub the fa c e b risk ly . E v ery blackhead w ill be d issolv ed . T h e one sa fe, su re and sim p le w a y to rem ove blackh eads. S a tisfa c tio n guaranteed or m on ey refu n ded . P. W . SCARF & CO. refun ded. W rite fo r fu ll details. L ID O S IL K M IL L S . 1502 St. C atherine W ., M ontreal. It's all right for a boy to go to col lege provided he'll com e right back the next day and go to work. ATENTS JList o f " W anted In v en tion s'* and F u ll In form a tion Sent F ree on R equ est. THE RAM SAY CO., Dept. W , 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. F o r T e n d e r S k in s C u tic ursr S h a v in g S t ic k Freely Lathering Medicinal & Emollient Uses of Volcanic Dust Big Sister: " And what did you tell George when he asked you if you'd like him as a brother-in-law?" B obby: " I told him that I'd think it over, but I had several others in mind also." Banish pain with Minard's Liniment. Volcanic dust is mainly used in the manufacture of cleansers, scouring powders, and abrasive soaps but lat terly, outside Canada, there has been an increasing demand for its use as an admixture in cem ent and plasters. V olcanic dust beds up to thirty feet thick are being worked near Swift Current, Saskatchewan. There are other beds in British Columbia. ACID CONDITION the common cause of pain and discomfort after eating - G e t -R ID o f your dread o f pain after eating. Eat without fear o f " indigestion." sour stomach, disagreeable gas or headaches. When your food ferments, " disagrees," lies like a lump in your stomach, it's a sign o f too much acid. Y ou need not resort to crude methods-- ta! i instead an anti-acid that will correct the condition. Phillips' M ilk of Magnesia. A spoonful o f this pleasant-tasting, sooth ing fluid neutralizes many times its volume o f acid. It restores the proper alkaline balance to an acid-soaked stomach and bowels-- assists these organs to function as they should. Phillips' M ilk of Magnesia is what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea or biliousness indicates an over-acid condition. Take a spoonful today and for several days and see how it sweetens the system. Y ou won' t be nearly so liable to colds or sickness. All drug stores-- in 50c bottles. Genuine M ilk of Mag nesia is always a liquid -- never a tablet. Look for the name Phillips' on wrapper and bottle. PH ILLI PS Si& g. Sloppy knowledge and lazy think ing were scored by Professor C. T. Currelly as dangers o f the present day in an address on " The Relation fo f B ILIO U S N E S S of the Museum to the Public School," t Jf ' SLUGGISHNESS given recently before the Toronto Home and School Council here. CONSTIPATION Professor Currelly first illustrated from his experience of people the fact that home environment was the ma trix which held together knowledge gained from academic training. After reviewing the interest in c o l lections of the world's best art and the connoisseurship that had followed after security in material things had been brought, the speaker pointed the importance o f both broader culture and exactness of knowledge in enjoVTHEy WORK ment o f life or accomplishing o f fine WHILE YOU SLEEP things. He recalled the interest In such matters after the Romans had brought security into Europe, at the N e r v o u s n e & c * a . c i £ e s time of the Rennaissance and after due to over work, are quickly dis the conquests of Napoleon. In earlier pelled by Minard's. First heat the years this had been the privilege of Liniment-- then inhale it for a few the few but with the later 18th cen minutes. It has a speedy cura tury public museums had been estab tive effect. lished. As a result of the collections de veloped by Napoleon, the French peo ple had become familiar with art In workmanship. Later the world had to turn to France for the finest pro ductions in many lines. So apparent was this after the great exhibition organized by Victoria and Albert, that the South Kensington Museum move ment had been eagerly pushed to bring England similar advantage. " Only by seeing fine things people learn to make and appreciate them," the speaker said. The Germans had gone further by bringing this work before their chil dren, and by stressing exactness, with " The trouble with me, and I guess out which enjoyment of art is limited, this applies to 99 out o f every 100 men · l a showing the value o f exactness, who are putting on weight, I didn't and scoring a tolerance of inaccuracy, have the energy or " pep" to keep it off. the speaker questioned whether stud Lost all interest in any healthy activity ents reading literature with only a and just lazed around accumulating sloppy knowledge o f the references in the old pounds, until I got that its words did not lose the meaning " Kiuschen feeling." Start taking Kruschen Salts-- that's and beauty of it. It is a tragedy in the common-sense way to reduce-- but education to lead children through don't take them with the idea that poetry or history of a period without they possess reducing qualities in such knowledge. Professor Currelly themselves. showed. This is what they do-- they clean out The speaker commented on how the impurities in your blood by keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splen many, allegedly educated people knew did working shape, and iill you with nothing really well. Country chil vigor and tireless energy. dren grow up to know some things As a result, instead of planting definitely but city children, unless the yourself in an easy chair every free broa<J, exact aspect o f their education moment and letting flabby fat accumu were stressed, missed this genuins late, you feel an urge for activity that keeps you moving around doing the enjoyment. things you've always wanted to do and In becom ing familiar with museums needed to do to "keep you in good the student was saved from lazy condition. thinking since he learned that things Kruschen Salts are the up-to-date did not just happen. That the very Fountain o f Youth. Take one-half teaspoon in a glass o f hot water furniture with which they were sur to-morrow morning and every morning rounded was evolved through cen -- be careful o f the foods you eat-- take turies o f workmanship and art. regular moderate exercise-- then watch the pounds slide off. Minard's Liniment refreshes the scalp. Quick , Sure R e lie f WHY SUFFER Take one tonight Make tomorrow FROM YOUR LIVER? W hy be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel* inn? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. Y ou must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps o r pains, unpleasant after effect follow ing, on the contrary a good tonic. All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. BRIGHT ( a $c a r e ts n io< WHY FAT MEN STAY FAT Before Her B aby C am e ` `I have used several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and find it helps me wonderfully, espe cially before childbirth. I have five lovely children. After my last baby came I had a misera ble pain in my right side so I bought another bottle o f the Compound and Ifeel fine now. I work outside during the fruit season in addition to my housework." -- Mrs. Charles Slingerland, R.R. #4, St. Cath erines, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound - L jd ia E P 'fV h a m jn d M ce. Cn.."Lynri. M an U S . ft C n b s w r, O a ia r io . C ? n : d j I9SUE No. 44-- '30