Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 31 Oct 1930, p. 4

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Postvijle M rs. J- Fea'therstone,. Miss Leila and George Featherstone m oved from their farm, Drumquin, to Postville this w eek. W e w elcom e them to this com m unity. The court o f revision m et last W ed nesday at the tow nship hall. Miss A rchibald visited at her home in Guelph over the w eek-end. Miss Ella Ivor, o f T oronto, and M r. and M rs. R . Smith, o f Agerton, spent Sunday w ith Dr. and M rs. Joh n ston e. M rs. M cK innon entertained a large party o f friends from T oronto on Thursday evening. Arthur Fisher and D r. E va Fisher, w ho have been spending a month at th eir hom e here, returned on Monday to T oberm ory fo r the w inter m onths. D r. F isher is in charge o f the Red Cross outpost w ork in that district. R e v . F . L . and M rs. Carpenter attended the luncheon tendered to the m oderator o f the United church at Lusk hall, O akville, last Thursday. W as an Old Resident of Bronte Chas. T aylor, Oldest O rangem an and Form er Mill O wner P R E S E N T A T IO N FROM T R A F A L G A R C IR C U IT Miss Irene Carpenter W ill N ext W eek Enter Training fo r Nurse " I sure thought of the old Sun Life when I was under there!" N , a mine foreman in O hio, took out a policy for 2 , 500.00 on October 16 th, 19 2 6 . A M$ A Four days afterwards, a sec tion o f the mine ro o f fell and twenty-five tons o f slate pinned him dow n. In falling it fortunately formed an in verted " V " , else he would have been crushed. T w o hours and a half later a rescue party extricated him. A s he was being carried to the surface, his first w ords were:-- " I sure thought o f the old Sun Life when I was under there." T h e Sun Life o f Canada will protect you too, at moderate cost. Snider's Corners M rs. A . R . Lunau and M iss E velyn Lunau visited relatives at Claude on Sunday and attended anniversary ser v ices o f the local church. M rs. R oyle and Miss Barbara vis ited in T oron to over the week-end. M rs. A . Fish is visiting friends in W h itb y . M rs. J . Stephens, of Oak ville, accom panied her. S everal residents from here attend ed the 85th anniversary services of the Streetsville A n glican church on Sunday m orning. Stone has been placed in the low spots on the ninth line, w hich has greatly im proved the condition of the road at this time o f the year. Trafalgar Circuit " Hard T im e s" Social Evening A bout seven ty people attended the Y .P . S . party at Munn's on Monday evening, w hich w as arranged by the literary and recreation group, Miss D . W ilson, con v en er. HallowT e'en decorations and faces and " Hard Tim e" costum es w ere sp ecia l fe a tures. The prizes for the best hard tim e costum es w ere aw arded to Miss M yrtle Speck and Arthur Campbell. Both costum es were made from meal bags, Miss Sp eck's dress being o f an attractive and stylish cut. M rs. A . A . Biggar, acted as ju d g e. A su c cession of H allow e'en gam es w ere su ccessfu lly run off, after w hich abundant refreshm ents, consisting of baked potatoes, pork and beans, brow n bread, pies galore, candy, apples and coffee, w ere served by the co m m itte e . N ext w eek's m eeting w ill be held at Sheridan on W ednesday, N ov. 5th. H ow ard Savage is convener. Com m encing on S u n d a y fN o v . 9th, R e v . M r. Carpenter w ill give a series o f short talks each Sunday for six w eeks, to the children, on " A lcoh ol in relation to the human b o d y ." A nniversary serv ices at Sheridan on Sunday. Special m inister for the m orning w ill be R e v . J . A . Cran ston, D .D ., o f T oronto, with M rs. Dale, o f C ooksville, assistin g soloist. In the evening R e v . E . W . Brearley, o f H am ilton, w ith A m os Vipond, of H am ilton, soloist. The annual ' fow l supper and con cert on M onday even in g . T here was a large gathering o f you n g people o f T ra fa lga r circu it at the residence o f Mrs. J. E. FeatherA central fig u re and old resident stone, on the sixth line, when Miss o f B ron te, Charles Tayl<5r, passed Irene Carpenter was the guest o f hon aw ay on \ Saturday, aged eighty-six or. years. He had been in feeb le health N ext w eek Miss Carpenter w ill en and m ostly con fin ed to the house. ter the W estern hospital in T oron to M r. T a y lor was o f S cotch birth to train f o r a nurse and the y o u n g ! and as a y ou n g man cam e to Canada people, who wished to express their in 1869, and early entered the em ploy appreciation o f her valued assistance o f W m . M cCraney, M .P., w ho then at church events, presented her with had a large lum bering business with a beau tifu l w riting p ortfolio. mills at O akville, Bronte and other T h e /a d d re ss read by Miss M yrtle places. His time was usually spent Speck, thanked Miss Carpenter fo r in the m ills as he becam e an expert her services and expressed the hope saw yer. A ft e r the M cC raney mills that she w ould have grea t success as ceased Mr. T a y lor g o t con trol o f the s. nurse. The presentation was made B ron te m ill and until about ten years by E dw ard Fish. ago it ran each w inter. He also op er Miss Carpenter thanked the yourtg ated a basket fa c to r y f o r a num ber people fo r their kindness and spoke o f years. M r. T a y lor was a pion eer O range o f the pleasure it had given her to man in B ron te, being a charter m em be associated with the circu it ac tivities. ber o f the lod g e organized in 1884 Progressive crokinole was played, and its fir st master. L a ter he was the w inners being Miss Rosina Dunn c ou n ty m aster o f H alton and was and Ghas. Speck, while the con sol prom in en t in O range events and de ation trophies w ent to Miss A lice liberations. H e also w as a m em ber G reenside and Geo. Lyon. o f Oakville M asonic lodge. Refreshm ents follow ed and R e v .1 The fu n era l on T uesday was la rg e Mr. Carpenter thanked Mrs. Featherly attended and was con du cted b y the stone fo r opening her home to the O range o ffic e rs . A b ou t eighty O r y ou n g people. angem en attended. Service was held at the house and interm ent in St. Ju de's cem etery in Oakville. T E X A S COLONY BUYING Mr. T ay lor m arried a daughter o f SOME BRONTE PR OPERTY the la te.J oh n F ord, o f O akville, who survives along w ith a fam ily o f fiv e The second Texas resident to buy sons and three daughters. The sons part o f the S. L. Hahn property, are G eorge, o f T oron to . John o f west o f the river in Bronte, has com W ood stock ; W illiam , o f B urlington ; pleted the purchase through W . H . V ern on , o f P ort Jerris, N .Y . ; and S p eers. A n son , at hom e ; and three daughters, This gentleman com es from Huston. Mrs. B. M cIntosh, o f T oron to ; Mrs. J. Texas, and will be here next year D. Clem ence, o f B urlington, and Mrs. with a party of frien d s. Fred Lucas, o f L on g Branch. C E L E B R A T E D TH E S IL V E R A N N IV E R S A R Y O F W E D D IN G R ecen tly there was a pleasant event at the residence o f S erg t.-M a jor and Mrs. Samuel Clark, when th ey cele brated the silver anniversary o f their w edding. ^ Sergt. Clark is physical instructor at A p p elb y school and is interested in all branches o f sport. Sergt. and Mrs. Clark are both active m em bers o f St. Joh n ' s church with a wide circle' o f friends. See one o f its Representatives S U N LIFE A S S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y OF C A N A D A HEAD OFFICE M O N T R EA L TR AVEL VIA LAKE ERIE b e tw e e n B u ffa lo , N .Y . o r P t. S ta n le y , C an. a n d C le v e la n d ,O . Sjeamers each way, every night, leaving at 9:00 p.m ., arriving at7:30 a.m. (E.S.T.) April 15th to N ovem ber 15th. FA RE $ 5 .0 0 O n e Way; $ 8 .5 0 R o& nd T rip A u t o R ate $ 6 .5 0 and up. 1 ET THE C & B LINE be your host for a delightful night's trip. ^ Every comfort o f a modern hotel awaits you. Autos carried. CLE V E L A N D -B U F FA L O D IVISION C L E V E L A N D -P O R T STAN LEY, C A N A D IAN DIVISION Steamer leaves Pt. Stanley, 4:30 p. m ., arriving at Cleveland, 9:30 p. m .; returning, leaves Cleveland at midnight, arriving at Pt. Stanley, 6:00 a. m. (E .S .T .) June 21st to Sept. 7th, FARE $ 3.0 0 o n e w a y ; $ 5 .0 0 R o u n d T rip A u to s R ate $ 4 .5 0 and up. Write fo r free folder and Auto Map. Ask 11 for details on C & B Line Triangle, Circled and A ll Expense Tours, also 1930 Cruise I P de Luxe to Chicago, v ia Sault Ste. Marie. Jt * TH E C L E V E L A N D A N D BUFFALO T R A N S IT C O M P A N Y t Stanley, B uffalo, N .Y . MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIR TU E o f the pow ers contained in a certain m ort gage, w hich will be produced at the time o f sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on S A T U R ( DAY, THE FlV fE E N T H DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1930, at 2 p.m., at the m ortgaged prem ises on the South Easterly side o f Spruce street, be tw een Dundas and Reynolds streets, Oakville, Ontario, by George C. Gib son, Auctioneer, the follow in g prop erty, n am ely:-- Part o f L ot number ' 5 in B lock "C " according to register ' ed plan of the Town o f Oakville, hav ing a frontage on Spruce street of NUTS CAN BE P R O F IT A B L Y 80 feet, 5% inches, by a depth o f 120 G R O W N IN O N T A R IO feet. Upon the said prem ises is erected * six-room ed stucco house with threeK ent cou n ty has recen tly been in piece bath room . There is also a the lim elight as a nut p rodu cin g cou n fram e garage on the property. T e rm s:-- 10% of the purchase m on ty b y reason o f the v ictory scored Jay one o f its farm ers, H arold English, o f ey to be paid in cash at the time of the sale, and the balance within fif the Chatham district, at the Nut teen days thereafter. T h e sale w ill G row ers' C on feren ce at Cedar Rapids, be su bject to a reserve bid. F or further terms and conditions Iow a. His exhibit o f Japanese w al o f sale apply to the ^undersigned S o nuts was declared the best ever seen licitor. b y those in attendance at the c o n fe r Dated this 30th day of October, ence. Large size, g o o d crackin g, ex A .D . 1930. W . N . ROBINSON, traction quality, and fn e fla v o r w efe Davis Building, Oakville, Ont., the points on w hich the experts based Solicitor for the M ortgagee. their decision. The tree fr o m w hich these fin e nuts came is a beautifu l specim en and has made rapid grow th. It is on ly six years old and has born e tw o g o o d crops. The Chatham m an's v ictory is expected to stim ulate /the UNDER AND BY VIR TU E o f the grow th o f nut trees in K ent coun ty and elsew here th roughou t the p ro pow ers contained in a certain m ort JAPANESE PLAY vince. There is no oth er fa c to r gage, w hich will be produced at the " O HARA SA N " w hich enhances the value o f a farm time o f sale, there will be offered for ] at so little ex'pence as nut trees. sale by Public Auction on SA T U R D A Y , THE EIGHTH DAY OF NOV A Japanese play, " O Hara Sail," EMBER, 1930, at 2 p .m ., at the m ort w ill be given in the hall at Palerm o FE E D IN G , F A T T E N IN G gaged premises bn the w esterly side j o n Friday evening, N ov . 7th, by the A N D PL U C K IN G G E E SE |of Chisholm street, between John and S t' Jam es' church ch oir ass'n, H am il R eb ecca streets, Oakville, Ontario, by ton. The time to prepare geese fo r I G eorge O. Gibson, Auctioneer, the The play is an interesting one and m arket is when the w eather turns follow in g property, n am ely:-- Part o f should be seen. cold in the fall. T h ey should then be (L ot 1 in B lock 58, according to reg- j istered plan o f the Tow-n o f Oakville, taken o f f pasture and those selected having a frontage on Chisholm street , fo r m arket should be placed in small o f 56 feet, 4 inches by a depth o f SO ; D IE D ON H IS 86th B IR T H D A Y penned enclosures provided with fe e t. Upon the said prem ises is erected plen ty o f w ater and g rit and kept a tw o storey E li O liver W as a G reat L ov er o f seven-room ed stucco clean. house, having a furnace and three Flow ers There is also a Th ey should be fe d heavily on piece bath-room . garage on the property. w hole c o m , the best m edium f o r the T e r m s:-- 10 per cen t, o f the pur A ft e r bein g a resident o f Oakville fatten in g o f geese, and about tw o chase m oney to be paid in cash at the since 1923 Eli O liver, fath er o f E rn i w eeks' h eavy feed in g should fit them tim e o f sale and the balance within est O liver, passed aw ay on W edn es 15 days th ereafter. The sale w ill be fo r m arket. T w e n ty -fo u r hours b e su bject to a reserve b id .. day, that being his 86th birthday. fo r e killing geese should be starved, F or further terms and conditions of M r. O liver was fo r fo r ty -fo u r bu t g iven plen ty o f w ater. Care sale apply to the undersigned S o lic -: years librarian at O sgoode hall and itor. j should be used in plu cking, the dry DATED this 23rd day o f October, w as w ell kn ow n to the legal fr a te r or steam m ethods b ein g recom m en d A .D .. 1930. n ity o f O ntario. , ed, f o r the reason that the feathers W. N. ROBINSON W hile livin g h ere his grea t h obby are pa rticu la rly valu able, brin gin g as I Davis Building, Oakville, Ontario. The w as g ro w in g flo w e rs and his garden m uch as 60 cents p er pound. Solcitor for the M ortgagee. w as a bea u ty spot. M any p eople dressed bird should be rubbed over w ith a damp cloth and set aside to w ou ld stop b y the street side -a n d cool. The tw elve-bird b ox makes a gaze at the b ea u tifu l show o f bloom . desirable m arket package. Open New C.P.R. Offices andsom e new offices o f the Canadian Pacific R ailw ay h ave ju st been opened H at Ouellette A venue and Chatham Street, W indsor, O nt. A b ov e la y -ou t show s the location o f these offices, th e opening of w hich was m ade th e occasion o f a large gathering o f C .P .R . m en from every departm ent of th e com p a n y ' s activities as well as of repre sentative citizens from W indsor. * Inset show s H is H on or C ecil E . Jackson, M ayor of W indsor, w ho cut the ribbon, th at served to tie th e front entrance o f the building. fH o rtga ge S a le i n st B ride on i\*_ \v ih ip REA D THE ST A R Y V fc e n the new Canadian P acific coastal steam ship " Princess Elizabeth" w as being welcom ed to Vancouver recently with a civic luncheon at w hich city and p jr t officia ls praised the com pany fo r its initiative and foresig h t in building up such a fin e coastal fleet, M ayor W . H. Halkin, of Vancouver, and K. J. Burns, Van couver port superintendent, prom ised to present the first bnde who travelled on the new ship with a bouquet. So when Mrs. L. G oodge boarded the ship with the groom , she w as duly handed a bouquet by G eorge Fitch, secretary to H it H onor, as the fir st honeym ooner to take the V ancouver-V ictoria trip on the " Elizabeth." Picture shows, le ft to right, Captain R. W . M cM urray, m arine superin tendent, B.C. Coast Steamship Service; L. Goodge and M rs. Goodge, and Mr. Fitch.

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