a iiiiiM io iH iim itiiiiio iiiiiiiiiiiiiiio iim iiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiir iiiiiiin iiiiiiim iiiiiio iiiiiiiiiiH ic * S Professional Directory | CO N S U L T T H E S E C O L U M N S C O N S T A N T L Y . | DIAM ONDS The diamond, when taken from the mine, possesses a brilliant " adaman tine," lustre, but this tends to be greasy on the surface o f the natural stones and gives the rounded crystals som ew hat the appearance o f drops of liiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiH iiiiiia iiiiiiiio iiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia iiiiiin a Get Coal Before the C old W ea th er A n d w hen there w ill be a rush. W h en you r C oal B in is Full you have a satisfied feeling, and you are independent of th e w eatherm an. W . Alee. Chisholm W . N. ROBINSON B a r r is te r , Office: Colborne S t. S o lic i to r O akville Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public N o ta ry , e tc OFFICE-- DAVIS BLDG. Over Canadian Bank of Commerce Teleph on e-- Office 15 R esiden ce 275 I O A K V IL L E Money to Loan on Mortgage Security E vening Appointm ents if desired gum . A bsolutely colorless stones Color in are not so com m on as cloudly and faintly colored specim ens. diamonds may be given in the order of rarity thus: black, ruby red, rose pink, blue, emerald green, bottle green . Brow n in the delicate coffeetinter Brazilians is esteem ed, but otherw ise it is a draw back. A pale citron is also prized, but other shades ·of yellow , w hich may m erge into the ochres, are n ot. M any stones are opaflue cloudy, ow ing to m inute fis sures o r air bubbles. T h e color can som etim es be changed at a high tem perature, but generally returns on coolin g . Brilliance is im parted to the diamond by cutting. First the cutter polishes a sm all s.irface of the rough diamond and decides on the point o f cleavage. T!iis having been done, he holds a dull knife against the cleavage plane and gives the knife a sharp blow w ith a ham m er whereupon the diamond is split into tw o o r m ore section s. Each o f these is in tnvn im bedded in fu s ible m etal and 5: firmly adjusted so that it can be brought in contact with the toothless buzz-saw of phosphor bronze having a thickness o f from fou r to five thousandths o f an inch. These operations continue for several days. Then comes the actual cutting o f the diamond. To do this one o f tin stones is imbedded in lead and is listen ed in the centre of a revolv ing wheel, the other diamond being affixed in a similar w ay to the end o f a m ovable holder so adjusted that the m ovem ent o f the w heel causes one o f the stones to rub against the oth er, tey shifting the relative posi tions o f holder and wheel the point o f friction is changed at will, so that the required shape is g iven . In the final stage the approxim ately shaped diamond is partly burned in fusible m etal contained in a " drop" or cup shaped holder, and receives the defin ite polish by etmtact with a w heel of highly tempered steel about tw elve inches in diam eter and m aking over three thousand revolutions a m inute. GIRL GUIDES HAVE FINE LAWS The follow ing are the Guide law s: A G uide's honor is to be trusted. , A Guide is loyal to king, parents, country, em ployers and com rades. A Guide's duty is to be useful and to help others. A Guide is a friend to all, and a sister to every other Guide. A Guide is courteous. A Guide is a friend to an im als. A Guide obeys orders from her par ents, patrol leader, o r officer im med iately and without question. A Guide sm iles and sijjgs under all difficulties. A Guide is thrifty. A Guide is clean in thought, word and deed. Dp. G. B. Chisholm Cor. Colborne and Reynold* Ste. Dp.W .M . W ilk in so n 8-- 9 a .m . 1-- 3 p .m . 7-- 9 p .m . Office: Dundas Street, O akville PHONE 14 Form erly occu pied by D r. Lusk Office H ours Furnaces w ill "be going1 in a short time. Be Prepared. { W-S DAVI S Jno. A. Johnstone V E T E R IN A R Y TRAFALG AR SURGEON Notary Public Real Estate Insurance Money to Loan If you have any m oney to Invest, I can place It safely on first m ortgage, at good in terest. W e Deliver Promptly. Yards Near Station. V fc S. FORD\S C O A L C. F O akville Phone 430 r 2 Phone 85 DOTY M a cK a y & M acK ay D O M IN IO N & O N T A R IO L A N D S U R V E Y O R S , C IV IL E N G IN E E R S Town Planing-- Municipal Engineering James J . M cK ay E rn est G . M cK ay 72 James S t. N . Ham ilton S. S. Russell Funeral Director Embalmer H onor Graduate Ontario College E m balm ing. ________________________________________________ I P . G. Renouard, College Em balming. N . Y.< Qualified by the G overnm ent. LAN D SCAPE AND GARDEN Phone 488. Dunn S t., next to News CO N STRU CTION ' Pruning o f Shade and Fruit T rees a S p ecia lty. Shrubs, Perennials and R oses. TELE PH O N ES O akville 567 J. T oron to H il. 3333 J F R E D Q X R R ,F .R .H .S. DAVIS & DOTY F a ctory N crth ol and O ffic e :-- S ta tio n O A V IS DAVID A SMITH GARAGE of C ars LUMBER YARD PLANING MILL BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Doors, Sash., Flooring, Shingles, Lath, "Wallboards and Siding', Cement, Plaster and 3ewer Proe. G .T .R . Complete StocK of W atch es, Clocks, Jew elry, China, C a t Glass, Gam es, T oys, B ooks, S tationery F ancy G oods, E tc. R e p a ir in g a l l M a k e s A ll W ork G uaranteed P a rts P rocu red W e s t o f H ig h w a y r>ri lg e P h on e Q fi Decorator Painting Paperli anging Tinting Glazing s . O S | W a h Blakelock Brothers Building Contractors and Builders' Supplies T R Y US Ppompt Service E s t i m a t e s Free E v e r y t h i n g to Build A n y t h i n g C em ent, Sew er P ipe, G yproc, In su l Board and all sp la sterers' m aterials. Sash D oors and M ou ldin gs, H ardw ood F loorin g alw ays in stock. Old F loors resurfaced and m ade like new , w ith our M odern E lectric F loor Sander. A S K F O R P R I C E S W . BUSBY JE W E L E R . P h o n e HOI. O a k v il l e . Send the " S T A R " to distant friends. All the local and district news I f you are satisfied tell others, if not, tell us. Randal S treet-- E ast of T em p eran ce H all. P h o n e s : --Days 214. N ight 473--- 73 PALERMO GARAGE i m n BEPBIB WORK OF I L L KIHBS A G E N T S FOR and RLE? SURVEY Be ready to begin B uilding a H om e Rent. Save Paying HUDSON, E SSEX , DURANT AND S T A R C A R S Sedans, Coaches and Touring Cars ^ L iflT E S T M O D E liS E a s y T e r m s and M o n e y for Building. A. S. FORSTER GALBRAITH &TURNER Phone 8 9 p 2 Agent Oakville Advertise in The " Star"