Are They Lost to Canada? 1 The lim it and restraint applies to the Live Ornaments Possessions tend to accumulate ! quantity, not to the variety. The balanced diet must contain ani through the years until our walls and shelves are crowded with dead knick- mal protein-- meat, eggs, fruits; vege knacks which have lose their interest. tables, especially the leafy kind; Enter your front door and look about whole grain breads and cereals; fat, your room s in the spirit of your most especially bu tter-f't and cream. The danger is that the food faddist c r it ic a l n e ig h b o r , fo r g e t t in g T h e s e n ti w ill eliminate white bread, meat and m e n t w h ic h t ie s y o u t o t h e s e o u t-o fother carbohydrates from the diet and d a te trea su res. That picture o f Aunt Jennie-- is it not permit him self enough to repair really beautiful? If you must keep it, the tissues and provide energy. No can you not consign it to a less pro one food is a perfect food, but there is If minent room ? The little etching, in safety in numbers-- and variety. the dilapidated frame, is really a work you would cut down your weight, eat o f work. H ow much m ore attarctive some of everything, but not too much of it. The whole variety need not ap it would look freshly framed! Though its color is good, one purple pear every meal, nor even every day, These seven motherless children who sailed in the Anchor-Donaldson liner " Athenia" to join their relatives v a se .o n the piano is condemned, by but see to it that you run tlie gamut in Scotland, are all members o f the W ilson fam ily who3e mother died in February and whose father em ployed its inartistic shape, to the discard. o f normal diet every few days. in the Canadian Timber Limits, finds it impossible to g ive them the time and attention necessary. The children Those limp and em aciated soft pillows are in charge of officials o f the Anchor-Donaldson Line who will look after them until they arrive at Glasgow Dishwashing Aids were objects of jo y --long ago. With Besides soap and scouring powders, where they will be turned over to their Grandparents. It ig. to be hoped that they will all return la^er to taka m ore plumpness and fresh covers they might recuperate and becom e the efficient housewife has other aids part in the future develepment o f Canada. to help in this ever-present household again fit to m ingle in good society. Are those small pieces o f bric-a- task. There is the string dishmop, whither thou goes'- and how can we brac, scattered over the mantle, really for use in hot suds, and to wash the know the w a y ?" O f the answer of glasses and cups. It must be kept of enough value to compensate for the Jesus to this question P rofessor Mancluttered effect they give to that cen clean to prevent its becom ing a hid son writes, " Jesus answers that the ter of the room ? W hy not force them ing place for germs. Splendid dish w ay is himself. Thomas *-st surely have been conscious, while Ik. walked B Y A N N A B E L L E W O R T H IN G T O N to resign in favor o f your colonial tea cloths may be purchased in the stores with Christ, o f being led in a certain pot or Indian bow l? These would give for a nominal sum. It is no longer direction, nor can he really have necessary to use a sleeve o f an old real dignity to the fireplace. doubted that that was the direction to Illustrated D ressm aking Lesson Fur Study the photographs strewn over shirt, or a fragment o f discarded un nished W ith E v e ry P attern Lesson VI-- Thomas God. Can he not, therefore, now that the piano. Observe that your dear derwear. The new dishcloths come in November 9. Jesus is leaving his side, continue on (The Honest Doubter)-- John 11: ones do not look like that to-day, and colors to match the color scheme o f in that direction, and believe that it 14-16; 14: 5-8; 20: 24-29; 21: 1, 2. w ill lead to the goal? . . . The Father their passe hair-dress is merely the kitchen. Brushes of an assorted Golden Text -- Thomas answered variety aid in dishwashing, but these, " funny" to your callers. They are is. the Goal o f Life, in whom our rest and said unto him, My Lord and my is won, and Christ is the true and liv hardly useful now for public consump too, must be kept scrupulously clean. God.-- John 20: 28. ing W ay to his presence." Follow ing tion, however dear for private devo A wire brush for scouring, scouring in his footsteps, endeavoring to live as mits, the magic ball of scour prepara tion. A N A LY SIS he lived, obedient to his teaching, we Do not fear that your rooms will tion, steel wool, a rubber plate I. THE LOYAL PFSSIMIST, 11: 14-16. find the way. Instructed bv him, by lo o k bare when cleared o f passe de scraper, a shovel and brush for the II. TH E QUESTIONER, 14: 5-8. his deeds as well as by his w ords we corations. Space is m ore beautiful -sink are other dishwashing aids. III. t h e d o u b t i r , 20: 24-29; 21: 1, 2. learn the truth: In him, th riu gh faith, than almost anything you can put in I n t r o d u c t i o n -- There are several we see the power o f an endless life, Washable Gloves it. W hen you rearrange your actually examples in the Old and New Testa and from him w e receive not only ex desirable ornaments, giving to each Fashion decrees washable fabric ments o f men who passed through per ample and teaching, but life itself, the its most appropriate setting, you will gloves of light shades, such as deli iods o f doubt and questioning. The eternal life which both here and here find they will shine out as m ore choice cate gra y» and tans. These should most fam iliar o f these is Job, who, after we live with God. aad important because no longer be bought in large sizes that they will though a man, " Perfect and ipright, III. t h e d o u b t e r , 20: 24-29; 21: 1, 2. crow ded and belittled by insignificant not becom e too small in the washing. one that feared God and eschewed There is no doubt that to those who evil," , yet .found ..himself bereaved, ·debris. have yielded obedience to Jesus Christ Money, railings, counters, merchan sorely afflicted and outcast, as it dise and many other things are con seem id by the hand o f the God whom and have put their rust in him, there stantly touched by gloved finger tips he had faithfully served. His insistent does come the higher and more satis Club Woman Ideals fy in g evidence o f his living and abid and leave their mark on them. and perplexed complaint and question Women, in their clubs, have banded ing presence ifl the Spirit. W hat be To wash such gloves, slip them on ing is answered only by the unsatisfy came o f his body we do not know. It together to help one another attain the hands and wash them with suds ing dogmatism of his friends, until may have been transform ed into some the highest possible standards o f liv as one would wash the hands, rubbing there breaks upon his sight a new -vi spiritual essense which stil bore the ing, not only for themselves and their the finger tips against one another, or sion o f God in creation and providence, marks o f his passi . A ll that is mys fam ilies, but for all. They take an in making the w>rld and governing it tery. But the reality o f his life with using a hand brush to scrub them if in his infinite power, wisdom ~nd good terest in everything which makes for necessary. One advantage of the glove ness, and by this vision his faith is us who believe, and in us, we do not, human welfare. They do not stop fashion is that it keeps the hands restored and his distress o f mind re- and cannot doubt. Like 'ihom as we w ith being merely interested, in an say, " My I,ord and my G od!" softer and cleaner. Gloves are so l:e*T ed. Similar doubts and question intellectual way, but they are actually much the rage this season that the ing appear in th i experiences j o fran k w orking practically to bring these sleevelessly gowned lady wears short ly revealed in Psalms 73, 77, 89, and things to pass. gloves to cover her hands, even in in Jeremiah 12: 1-2; 15: 15-18; 20: These ideals, according to one club 7-lo. That the way o f faith was not doors and at the dance. woman, are: always easy fo r the disciples o f Jes(;s appears again and again in the gos 1. T o sanctify home life. pel narrative. Thomas seems to have Hair Cleanliness 2. To elevate and purify our citi found the w ay o f understanding and zenship. To prevent the hair from smelling o f faith particularly hard. His story 3. To encourage w ise legislation. sour and rank, wash it frequently. recalls to us Tennyson's answer to the 4. To reach a helping hand to the Some people still helieve that the hair statement that " doubt is devil-born" underprivileged. should be washed only once or twice (In Memoriam, x cv i). He tells o f one Youth adores a navy blue woolen 5. To enrich our lives with the fine a year, but that idea has been ex whom he knew, things about us. dress with the fresh charm o f a whita ploded. It will not harm the hair to " W ho touch'd a ja r -m g ly r e at first, But ev . strove to make it tru e; 6. To formulate and train a wise wash it once a week, if it iu well dried crepe collar. To this captivating model public opinion. after being washed and if good soap Perplext in faith , tu t pure .n deeds, a little white frill has been added. A t length he beat his mu^ic out. · 7. To fraternize with our brothers is used. Hair absorbs cigaret and And, he adds, The kilted plaits o f the skirt hava at hom e and abroad. cooking odors and adds perspiration " He fought his doubts and gather'd been stitched to give a trim straight 8. T o grow in w isdom and stature, odors and should be washed each two strength, and . . . thus he came at " Met your wife lately?" mentally and physically. or three weeks to keep it sweet and length appearance. Stitching them flat also " No, but I see by the society papers clean. To find a stronger faith his cw n." keeps them in place so they do not So we may believe it was with that she will be at home twice this Food Fads need constant pressing. Thomas, o f whom an early Christian month." Why Is Cake Heavy? Beware o f food fads, propagated by story relates that he carried the gospel Its so ?asiiy made and the saving A cake may be heavy because the message to India, founding there a som e hobbyist, without proper scien October well worth ir. f tific basis. They often lead the gull batter was not sufficiently beaten. It Christian church which continues to The month when flaming leaves are It's very voguish in patterned wool ible to limit their diets, "cutting out should be well beaten after each ad this day. sere crepe particularly in pin dots. this and avoiding that, until it is too dition o f flour or milk. There may I . t h e l o y a l p e s s i m i s t , 11: 14-16. And nature grows more sober, Rayon novelties, jersey, wool challis narrow to provide all the elements have been too much shortening, sugar It was some time during the last Should be the gayest of the year-- or liquid used; or the oven may have months o f Jesus'jiiin istry, in the per prints, featherw eight tweed and tha needed by the body. No month is like October. heavier c'ltten fabrics are saitalle. Reducing programs should be scien been too hot or too slow. Use a re iod o f his PereaiMninistry, that Jesus ·Stjle No. 2693 may be had in sizes tifically balanced or the result may be liable recipe and tneasurre accurately. proposed to his disciples a visit to Jer Fast follow ing on fair Harvest's heels Comes H allow e'en; no hitches usalem. He had received a message 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. a serious and incurable illness. " Mix from Bethany telling him of the sick W ill halt the whirl o f F rolic's wheels, Size 8 requires 2% yards 35-inch Combination Salad ' em up" is the rule doctors give us. ness o f his beloved friend Lazarus. Nor stop the sport o f witches. material with % yard 27-inch con Eat a wide variety o f foods-- but not Dissolve a box o f lemon gelatine in K nowing how bitter was the enmity trasting. too much of any. Do not be a glutton. a pint of boiling water and when it o f the ruling class in Jerusalem begins to set, add a half cup of shred against him (see 11: 47-48), the dis Mendacity Made Visible HOW TO O RD ER P A T T E R N S ded cabbage, finely cut celery, diced ciples sought to persuade him not to The drunk halted in front o f an W rite your name and address plain or shredded carrots and slithers of go. They feared that he would go to enormous stuffed tarpon' in a glass ly, giving number and si:-.e o f such managoe?. Let this form in a mold. his death. To Jesus, howev'w, the way case. He stared at it for a minute patterns as y°u want. Enclose 20c in Cut in squares and serve on a lettuce o f duty seemed clear. He walked, as or `Two in silence. Then he said: stamps or coin (ooin p referred ; w rap he ever did. in the light o f his Fath leaf with salad dressing. er's w ill-- in such i light there was, " The fella who caught--hie-- that fish it carefu lly) fo r each number, and _ % f lO T E L he said, fo r him self and them no is a-- hie-- lia r!"-- American Mutual address your order to W ilson Pattern Harvest Magazine. stumbling. Service, 73 W est Adelaide St., Toronto. The disciples doubted and hesitated. And now with autumn's moonlit eves There m ay have been a disposition It's harvest time has com e; among them to refuse to g w 'th him. W e pluck away the frosted leaves 3 r S T .* « 7 TM A V E . It w as Thomas who spoke the decisive And bear the treasure home. word, " Let us also go that we may die cpfiotif* PENNA.R.R.STATION) -- Whittier. with him." A pessimist, he takes a dark view o f what lies before, but he is no coward. Nall Cars TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR Sunday School Lesson What New York Is Wearing W e l c o m e t* NEW YORK an d ©VERNOR C L IN T O N PUBLIC NOTICE ^200 Rooms ^®och wirti' Bath and; $ervidor ROOM BATH-3" ^ UP To prevent stains under tjje finger II. t h e q u e s t i o n e r , 14: 5-8. nails, rub a bit o f soap or melted par There must have been much in the affin underneath them before begin sayings o f Jesus which these men who w ere so loyally attached to him found ning a task likely to stain them. .difficult to understand. They could not easily put aside their expectation of Mrs. Solomon Says: a glorious Mess*E.nic kingdom >n which It is impractical not to be happy. they would ha\\ a part. But Jesus * - ---------now spoke o f goin^ away from them " The man who gives in when he is and copying again. W here was that w ron g/ said the orator, " is a wise place to which he was going and where, he said, he would u.'e.pare a man, but the man who gives in when place fo r them? Jesus said, " W hither lie is right is " " Married," said a I go ye know, and the w ay ye know." j weak voice in the audience. Thomas replied, " Lord, we know not Attention having been directed to the scarcity of work in this City at the present time, employers of labor are ask ed to try and help to relieve the situation by engaging only bona fide residents of Toronto on any available work. NON-RESIDENTS Notice is hereby given that no assistance or relief will be given to non-residents of the City of Toronto on account of their being out of employment. BERT S. WEMP, Mayor's Office, Mayor. Toronto, October 24th, 1930.