Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 17 Apr 1931, p. 1

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Ifisa La<J Maraknll 1 A S FO R 8TER EDITOR J2 .00 A YEAR 2 .5 0 TO THE UNITED STATES OAKVILLE. ONTARIO. FRUiAY. APRIL IT. 1931 FIVE CENTS PE R COPV V ol. 45 N o. 36 the man on the m ain street. W ith on ly tw o m en on a policem an is never ( seen in som e parts o f the tow n. Coun. Byers couldn, + see, in the , fa c e o f the p roperty r?presented in ! the north end w hy a ir. ,n should n ot be on duty there. HT" is earning No Great Program o f Roads and Side- perties. It w ould p roba bly cost the m ore than his salary*M id is w orth W ith Additional Teacher the Sum Re- , total was $100 h igh er than last y ea r quired Higher Than Last Y ear. J-- ?2 0 0 o f f the high sch ool and $100 walks Construction j tow n $25 to -subdue the m enace b y |w hile i f only in case [fire . j added to the pu blic sch ool figures o f system atically bu rn in g it o ff. There is a d i f f e r e n A g f o p in io n in O f thirteen m em bers o f the Oak- last year, w ith an additional tea ch er C O U N C IL C A N N O T P R E V E N T A rth u r H illm er, chairm an o f the the council as to w h e t l^ R h e r e sh ou ld B E E S FR O M B U Z Z IN G w ater and light com m ission, which be three or tw o poli< ^ V en , a n d the ville board o f education tw elve w er£ f o r the latter. M r. H illm er fe lt that the figures body w ill be look in g f o r a debenture opinion o f th e p e o p le also d iv id present at the regu lar m eeting held on Q uite a n um ber o f citizens w ere issue in con n ection w ith the additions ed. The co m m itte e ^ K u l d k n ow , T u esday evenin g, the absentee being le f t n o leaw ay on expenditures. presen t at a m eeting o f the tow n to the w ater mains put down during M r. Shipley stated that repairs said Coun. A n d e r s o n B p d it m igh t James B. Blakelock. cou n cil held on M onday evening, a the w inter, gave a detailed1 accou n t D. H. M eikle, chairm an, at the out- m ade last y ea r w ould n ot be requ ir be w ell f o r th e c h a ir n i!^ t o b r in g in large m a jority being o f the unem ploy o f the cost o f construction and o f the j set w elcom ed Mrs. W a lter W h itaker's ed this year. The presen t y ea r w as a rep ort on th e q u estio ed class w ho are anxiously looking am ount saved ?jn com parison w ith on e o f try in g circum stances f o r all i presence, a fte r h er len gthy illness. Orders o f citizens. f o r som ething to start to give them A letter was read fr o m the O n sim ilar w ork done ten years ago. Continuing, C ou n . -B d e r s o n said Canon D. Russell Smith fe lt that w ork. All the m em bers o f the cou n Mr. H illm er em phasized the splendid that a passing tra in m i j l t set fire to tario Forestry departm ent, offerin g it had been a m istake to u pset the cil w ere in attendance. m ann er in w hich the w ork had been the grass in the O ak ' . ire property. the board trees. A s these trees are schedule o f salaries f o r teachers and Communications done through Geo. H. Pow er, the en The ow ner should b e ;3 v is e d o f the on ly seedlings the offe r was n ot a c should b e restored. Mrs. Jam es K ellett applied fo r the gineer, and C larence Fish, the fo r e m enace. cepted. p riv ileg e o f erectin g a sign 5 x 10 W hile the schedule had been ab man on the jo b , also*Robert Snow ball, W m . Panton, acting fo r the county Coun. V e r y th o u g h t that i f th e 1 fe e t on a vacant lot at the c o m e r o f olished, said M r. R yan , the b oa rd had the superintendent. lon g grass was carer'- f o r now i t , coun cil, sent a request to the board C o lb o m e and W ilson streets, having been liv in g up to it in pu blic schools. The total cost o f the w ork was w ould in fu tu re com e under the N o x - ! t0 curtail hiSh sch° o1 expenses fo r already being granted perm ission b y O n m otion o f M r. Shipley and M rs. $9 ,502 .5 9, as com pared with $25,600 ious W eed act. this year. the ow ner. W hitaker, the rep ort on estimates, as on the basis o f the cost o f la b or and The M ayor in form ed him that there j The report o f the in spector on T w o letters w ere read fr o m the m aterial u nder con tra ct in 1921. In w ere fe w weeds, beinp m ostly lon g i boilers fo r insurance com panies sent follow s, w as a d o p te d : tow n solicitor, W . A . Chisholm. The High School 1921 the pipe cost $4."52 p er fo o t, in in a fav orable report. grass. first had to do w ith the question o f Receipts. 1931 $1.40 p er f o o t ; la b or had cost M rs. M. M annell applied f o r a; Coun. M arkle took up the m atter the au th ority o f the tow n to pass a C ou n ty o f H alton, m ainten$1.63 p er fo o t in 1 9 2 i and 79 cents by-la w to licen se outside cleaners o f the proposed Ropal Cafe m arquee. position on the high sch ool staff in an ce o f cou n ty pupils $ 15 ,652.00 in 1931. The w ork had been co m case o f a vacan cy at a salary o f and dyers d oin g business in tow n. As C ou n ty o f Peel, m ainten pleted upon the expectations o f the He asked that it be laid over. fo r the sign on private property, he $1700. His ad vice w as that the cou n cil had com m ission. ance o f P eel p u p ils . . 1,731.16 could n ot act on the application at Standing Committees Report no p ow er to pass such a by-law . G overnm ent g r a n t. . 1,742.36 The new mains had increased the present. The secon d had to d o w ith the k eep The follow in g reports w ere ad op t E x a m in a t io n s ..................... Coun. M arkle asked i f the ow ner 40 0.00 dom estic service pressure b y 5 pounds in g o f an apiary w ithin the tow n lim 97.50 p er square inch. V ou ch ers returned o f the survey had complied with his ed and paym ent m ade o f the a c c o u n ts ; Cadet g r a n t ....................... its, a com plaint having been received show ed how and w here the em ployed agreem ent, and i f the town was re F ire, w ater and light . .$ 62.95 M unicipal lev y requ ired . . 8,6 33.48 sponsible fo r the condition o f the fr o m several citizens about P eter E d u c a t i o n .......................... 64.69 had utilised the tickets issued in lieu street. $2 8,25 6.50 K elley ' s bees bein g a nuisance. The o f cash, as fo llo w s : P r o p e r t y .................................123.76 Mr. Butler told the council the E xpen ditu re s olicitor advised that Keeping bees on A representative o f the O ntario w ork had been prom i ®d, but never Chain stores re ce iv e d . . .$ 9 4 1 .9 8 private p rop erty in tow n w as a law been done. .4 2 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0 Tem perance association addressed the T each ers' salaries . . O ther stores r e ce iv e d . . . 723.31 M ayor M oat and M arkle b o a r d r e g a r d i n g t e m p e r a n c e O th e r s a la r ie s ....................... . 1,7 35.00 fu l business, and the ow n er could l i t e r F o r M ilk .............................. 204.78 contended that th e c o * 3 ff' n ot. Suel and lig h t ................... . even reclaim his bees on any other 1,000.00 F or F u e l ...........................~~i.210.87 in a position to la y sidew alks o r c e ature f o r y o u n g e r -h ilft r e n . A s tem p rop erty. T h e re fo re the b e e s could peran ce is a su b ject already taught R e p a ir s....................... m en t roa ds. F or B o a r d .............................. 151.26 n ot be classed as a pu blic nuisance 1 W hen the estimates are being co n the board laid this n ew m atter ov er E xam in ation s.................. 650.00 Sundries " . ........................... 51.48 and n o action should be "taken. sidered this m atter should be looked fo r fu tu re consideration. P rinting, stationery, etc. 2 1 7.00 W ages paid totalled $2 ,609 .4 0 and The The East W in dsor cou n cil asked tickets retu rn ed am ounted to $2,546.- into, said the D eputy-R eeve. 180.00 A n a ccou n t that had com e in caus E quipm ent, m aps, fu rn itu re road was so bad that a delivery o f the endorsation o f the O akville cou n 02, lea vin g $63.38 outstanding, which In su ra n ce ................ 134.50 ed M r. G ibson to ask w hy a man o f fu e l was an im possibility, said Coun. cil in p etition in g f o r the sale o f b eer sum since the figures had been tabu V ery. 125.00 independent m eans should be en School bu ildin g and site by the glass. Coun. M arkle wanted it to be un gaged to do w ork when so m any men S u n d ries..................... .. lated had been turned in. 150.00 derstood that he w ould like to have A rth u r E. B u tler w anted to k n ow S u p p lies..................... M ayor M oat paid a tribute to the w ere o u t o f w ork. this w alk put dow n, also others that w hat the cou n cil p rop osed to do re character o f the m en w ho had been Mr. Busby answ ered that it was Cadet u n iform s. . . have been petition ed for. L ib ra ry . . . . gardin g W ash ington avenue, a peti em ployed and threw a verbal b ou R eeve R obin son voiced his protest the exception al skill o f the person tion f o r a pu blic im provem en t hav against cinders o r any other tem por proved b y past perform an ces w hich qu et at them f o r the w ay in which ,, ... $2 8,256.50 ary w ork . The tow n should h ave a was the reason. in g been sen t in ov e r a y e a r ago. they had em p loyed their time as com Public Schools su rvey o f all necessary w ork to be The F red T . B rooks sign com pany pared w ith the m en w orkin g under done. r Exception to Report R eceipts asked the privilege o f erectin g a m ar M a y or M oat w ent on record as b e the con tra ctor. 600.00 Mr. H illm er, on his ow n and M r. N on-resident f e e s ..................$ quee 23 fe e t lon g and 8 fe e t w ide at in g opposed to building walks on all Reports o f Com mittees G overnm ent g r a n t 1,000.00 i Wjinzer's beh alf, took ex ception to the R oy a l Cafe. the streets f o r w hich petitions had 1the fa v ora b le rep ort o f the b oiler in M unicipal lev y r e q u ire d . . 24 .663.701 The standing com m ittees presented been received. Delegations The E ast W in dsor petition f o r b eer spector. One b oiler look ed all right th eir reports and accou n ts w ere or F ire C h ief A lf. H illm er sought in , by the glass was ju st filed, as sug- when heated, but leaked w hen cold, $ 2 6,26 3.70 structions fr o m the cou n cil as to dered to be paid to the fo llo w in g ' Jtested b y the D eputy-R eeve. E xpenditure and the head m ight g o ou t at any w hat he should d o in th e m atter o f a am ou n ts: M ore Beauty Spots T each ers' sa la ries.................$1 7,85 0.00 tim e. Such an occu rren ce w ould on Police and p u b lic ord er $309.54 fire m en ace on the O ak T ire p ro p Other s a l a r i e s ...................... 3 ,7 9 0 .0 0 The Oakville and ·D istrict H orti ly result in the w a ter n ot b ein g heat Public bu ildings and cem . 8.40 erty. N eigh bors had been m aking cultural society, said Coun. M oor1,4 65.00 Fuel and lig h t........................ Streets and s id e w a lk s .. 385.81 com plaints and the lon g grass was house, the president th ereof, propose ed. The b oiler should be repaired. ..................... 950.0Q to prepare a couple o f garden plots F ire, w ater and lig h t. . 366.12 really dangerou s to neigh borin g prop rin tin g, stationery, e t c .. . 2 8 5 .0 0 Insurance on Schools this season. The northwest c o m e r 97.20 S e w e r s................................... E quipm ent, maps, fu rn itu re 100!00 o f C o lb o m e and Brant streets, with Chairm an M eikle stated that the In su ra n ce ................ 4 8 8.70 .............. 13.50 P u b licity Sm all A d vertisem ents an attractive rockery background, com m ittee had g on e th orou gh ly in to S ch ool bu ildin g and site. . 570 00 F in a n ce ................................. 50.70 and the corn er o f Spruce andd A llan the m atter o f insurance o n schools. S u n d r ie s .................................. 2 6 o !o 0 P O SIT IO N W A N T E D ' streets w ere the sites selected. He The Third Constable Supplies ............................ 40 0.00 By housekeeper, ex p erien ced ; o r asked the perm ission o f the cou n cil The high sch ool carried $ 7 5,00 0, the 80 .00 Coun. Jacobs asked i f an y decision to d o the w ork. three pu blic schools, $1 20 ,5 00 . The M usical equipm ent . . . . w ould a ccept position as general. R ecreation (fie ld d a y ) . . 25 .0 0 On m otion o f Coun. jMoorhouse prem ium s w ere pooled , so that in Phone 511-J. had been arrived at regarding k eep ing on a third policem an. H e was and Coun. V e r y , the society was case o f a fire all the com panies in $2 6,26 3.70 F U R N IT U R E FOR S A L E granted perm ission to proceed. being retained, although tem porarily terested w ould pay a share o f the Mrs. M cA skill, prin cip al o f W est Sideboard, extension table and Im M ore Kicks. A bout Kennels loss. The am ount w as Higher, but w ood sch ool, asked that the pupils perial O x ford range. A p p ly Miss L. en gaged, and a suit o f clothes had Coun. Byers v oiced the com plaints F lew ellyn , corn er K in g and Dundas been ordered fo r him. I f one looks the prem ium w as low er. b e g iven a h a lf h oliday on W edn eso f som e citizens about the A lb a n y streets. around it w ould be seen, f o r instance, Kennels. The stench o f bu rnin g re T he contents o f the schools in ay in ord e r to prepare f o r the sch ool that the cou n ty cou n cil had been cu t fu se was alm ost unbearable. cludes everything, even to fu e l and con cert on T h u rsda y and F riday ev FO R S A L E Coun. V e r y asked i f action could w earin g apparel o f teachers and enings, M ay 7th and 8th. The child M o ffa t gas ran ge, high oven , first tin g salaries. be taken against the owners o r the class con d ition ; also tw o 33 x 577 D eputy-R eeve H ew son, as chair students. ren should be fr e e f o r on e night. N o tow n f o r retaining a nuisance. G oodyear B alloons and five 33 x 5 arrangem ents had been made regard The com plainants could take action Memorials D om inion tires w ith tubes, slightly man o f the p olice and pu blic order in g the Central pupils. used, cheap. B ark er' s service sta com m ittee, said that his w as the on ly against the ow ners, answered Coun. Pupils past and presen t o f the tion. Phone 596, O akville. revenue p rodu cin g com m ittee o f the M oorhouse. Canon Sm ith and M r. Shipley high school w ere con trib u tin g tow ard R eeve R obin son suggested that a coun cil. A pp arently the n ew man sponsored a m otion gra n tin g the h a lf FOR S A L E fo u r picutures to be m em orials to h oliday asked. Shetland P on y, dark bav. Phone was gath ering in fines en ough to pay solution m ight be obtained to the d if 2 56 r 14. 2t his salary. H e w as n eeded on Sat ficulty i f the com plainant w ould m ere the late Principal W . B. W yndham , M r. B u sby spoke o f a gasoline ly n o tify C h ief K err at the tim e, and the then Miss F ry, a teach er, and lawn m ow er that cou ld be procu red urday anyw ay. H e had th ou gh t it persons com plain ing w ill be in stru ct W ANTED Misses M argaret M acK ay and E va In fa n t's dropside iron cot. A p p ly p rop er that the officer should have ed to do so. fo r $125 f o r B ran tw ood sch ool, but i B ooth, pupils w ho had been killed in B ox 17 Oakville Post O ffic e . the board didn't con sider the ide^. a suit o f clothes. General Business j railw ay accident. The chairm an sugP rincipal A rch ib ald w as g r a fte d M ayor M oat rem arked that this T E N N IS P L A Y E R S V ery-- M oorhouse-- That the p olice j ger-.p'! that the boa rd should c o n perm ission to spend $100 on P rocu re f o r the in com in g Tennis particu lar branch o f the service paid office be repainted and repairs r r ' · t:*' ' ie tow ard such a w orthy pur season y o u r requ irem ents fr o m G eo. sch ool cadet u n iform s, part ofotoiiicli its w ay, y et som e p eople think the w here needed. Ram sey, tob accon ist. R acquets r e R obinson-- A n derson -- That u ie I p o . c . sum w ill be returned b y the i|f»rernpaired and restru ng on day's service third m an is n ot needed. C h ief K err C .N .R . be requested to p roceed with On m otion o f Mr. Busby and Mr. ment. iifiJ had said that the m an on a wheel the subw ay as soon as possible in b y experts. W in zer the board contributed $20. A m atter having to d o WUfi,IT Miss was the m ost necessary one o f the view o f the unem ploym ent situation FOR S A L E Estimates in this district. M ay D ennis, art tea ch er irf% ffe8^ n t , Seed, A lfa lfa , O ntario V ariegated, tw o on at night. Copies o f he estim ates w ere laid ral school, w ho w a n t e S ^ ^ o j^ u r A third constable is needed m o r e 1 Coun. V e r y w arned the coun cil Govt, standard, N o. 1, $12 p er bus., . ~ Ithat som ething should be done with cash at b a rn ; g oose w heat, 70c p er n ow than m w in ter, su g on the table, show ing the am ounts to chase pictu res costin g w ith the traffic the sew er a t% he m unicipal tourist b u s .; m ixed grain f o r feed , 1 1-4 cts. gested b y P rincipal S ^ n d ^ s ^ ^ - a s be raised f o r 1931. increasing, w as Coun. V e r y 's version. C am p o r it m ight n ot pass inspection. lb. A . A . Buck, M ilton R .R .l, phone Hhs.ts.um Mr. Shipley, tRe finance minister, laid ov e r f o r a m onth, Last yea r, said Coun. M arkle, th e ' Coun. A n derson asked about the 159-31. .__________________ agitation f o r stop signs was on e r e a -! w ater main extension on M acD onald stated that the high school salaries nam ed the boa rd woulfiiigebcbatlc. . . , . ..I. · i Tj avenue. He was told a sum f o r this FOR S A L E It was le ft to the edu cation com son f o r taking on a third man. H e w ork WQuld be pIaced in the estim _ had b een 'b a sed on the average o f the A ll kinds o f O rnam ental Shrubs, m ittee to purchase a gram oph one f o r last three years. all sizes. Jno. W right, M eadow brook considered the citizens on the ou t- ates. S ecretary R yan told the board the W estw ood school. A d jou rn ed to the call o f the M ayor. Farm , O akville phone 536. 2t skirts ju st as en titled to p rotection as JVIany Matters Discussed by Council Boat'd of Education Adopted Estimates

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