Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 17 Apr 1931, p. 4

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THE DISTRICT AROUND -Snider' s C o rn e rs Trafalgar Circuil Mrs. F alcon er, o f Claude, is visiting S u n d a y S e r v ic e e f M u sic, A d d re s s b y h er daughter, Mrs. A . R. Lunau. Miss Phyllis Fish and N orm an Fish W . S. S a v a g e , C ircu it B a n q u et, w ere m em bers o f the orchestra which L e c tu r e . took part in the recital held at Clark son hall on Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B entley, w ho J " L ove T rium phant" , a story o f the have been staying w ith Mr. B en tley' s j first Eastertide, adopted from " T o r-- parents during the illness o f several \_ v ^ T 1 » u -n at m em bers o f that fam ily, returned to a street b oy o f Jerusalem ," by F. M. th eir hom e this w eek. j K ingsley, Miss M ay M acG regor, o f A s a cam paign seems to be tlje T oron to, reader, w ith choruses b y the p ro fita b le w ay to en cou rage the use j Streetsville U nited church choir, was o f products o f the farm , etc., w hy n ot i given at W esley on Sunday a fterthe p ou ltry raisers pu t on a cam paign I noon. The experiences o f the b oy and adopt f o r th eir slogan, " E at m ore j fro m the time he was blinded b y the e g g s ." ' lash o f the steel barbed whip in the A n oth er farm has changed haijds hand o f Pilate, through the Trium phin this neigh borh ood. On F riday aJ en try scene, and to the R esurreclast, Mrs. Joseph Fisher sold h er f a r m ! tion, w ere given a v ery sym pathetic to E rnest Shroeder, o f T oron to, f o r m - ; recital b y Miss M acG regor. The choir, erly o f Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. S h r o e -! w hich w as trained b y Mrs. R. A . d er w ill m ove in im m ediately. M r s .) Lundy, rendered several choruses and Fisher and Miss M ary Fisher w ill o c - ' w ere assisted b y Mrs. N ichol, o f Hacu p y part o f the house fo r a tim e un- j m ilton, whose solo " O, C alvary," was til arrangem ents can be made. |v ery im pressive. This ch oir has tw ice Mr. and Mrs. Giles K ersw ell and visited the church recen tly g ivin g o f Miss E lla K ersw ell, o f K ing, visited th eir tim e fre e ly , w hich the m inister w ith M rs. K ersw ell's aunt, Mrs. Fish- and W esley people appreciate. A large con gregation was present and er, on the day o f h er sale, Tuesday. the ch oir and Miss M acG regor w ill always be w elcom e visitors. I W . S. Savage, " the G .O .M ." of O akville, was guest speaker at the Y. P.S. at W esley on M onday evening. M ichael C alverley was able to leave Mr. Savage, w ho is 84 years young, the hospital on Saturday, fo llo w in g used m any illustrations fro m his ow n the m otor acciden t o f last w eek and experience f o r his talk, " Have a Plan in L ife ," stressing the need o f the is at his hom e here. R. D. F lem ing, w ho has been spend y ou n g people to use the Bible as their in g the w in ter in H am ilton, is n ow guide. Mrs. R oy Fish tendered the on his fa rm m otorin g up and dow n to thanks o f the society to Mr. Savage Several musical business ev ery day. Mrs. Flem ing f o r com in g to them. is staying w ith her parents at B u r and literary num bers w ere given by Miss Blair lin gton , recu peratin g a fte r h er illness m em bers and visitors. presided. The m eeting n ext w eek o f the w inter. Mrs. S. G. South received w ord on w ill be held at Sheridan <ind the so T u esday o f the death o f her broth er- ciety w ill visit Bethel on Friday, the in-law , W a ldie Steen, w ho was killed 24th. The postponed banquet o f the cir in -law W aldie Steen, o f H illsburg, w ho was killed b y the fallin g o f a cuit was held on W ednesday evening tree. Mr. Steen was know n by many at M unn's. W on d erfu l w eather fa v ored, but this tim e seeding operations p eop le in this locality. The tables, A sale o f the household e ffe c ts o f proved the handicap. the late Mrs. W . T ay lor, o f Erindale, w hich w ere filled shortly a fte r seven took place on Saturday and was at o ' clock, w ere decorated with spring A m usical program fo llo w tended b y several o f the friend s from flow ers. ed with a piano num ber by Miss L aw here. Mrs. H. Stevens, o f N iagara Falls, rence and violin selection by C. W il the vifjjted w ith h er fath er, C. E. Ryan, liamson, with Miss W ilson at this week. She arrived in time to piano. Stew art W hite, the local fa v attend the banqu et at M unn's church orite, in his native Scots songs, gave tw o num bers, Mrs. Evans W alters on W ednesday evening. The tow nship cou n cil m eeting, made her fir st con cert appearance which was ad jou rn ed f o r a week to here and h er charm ing _ v oice was allow the m em bers to attend the f u n - , heard in tw o num bers, the en core, eral o f the late J. K enn edy, clerk o f : " Mr. B ear," being particu larly e n jo y T oron to tow nship, was held on M on- ec* -r The lectu re b y D r. D. M. Solandt, day. I "` The M ental and Spiritual B ack grou nd o f N ational L ife ," dealt with rural condition s in Denm ark, which cou n try he visited tw o years ago, and the solving o f liv in g p r o b le m s through M rs. C. P. L aw rence has returned the m edium o f reading, with a cap and co-operation . The to the village a fte r a several m onths' ital " R " visit in T oron to. N ext Sunday Mrs. spirit o f co-opera tion is carried out A L aw rence w ill celebrate h er eighty- from the earliest school days. sixth birthday and h er m any friend s w on d erfu l system o f education fo r older people is the F olk university, extend hearty congratulations. Mrs. A lan D ickinson is m aking a in operation all the year, at which sa tisfactory recov ery in St. Joseph' s people can attend any tim e, f o r tw o hospital, H am ilton, fro m a serious op or three days o r lon ger periods, the eration. H er little daughter, Jean, m ethod o f learning being reading and is staying with Mrs. Bishop at Trail discussions o r argum ents and m ore reading. The lib ra ry is a main fe a t Farm . . Miss M argery How ard has resum ed ure o f ev ery home. This Elysium h er teach in g duties in T oron to, a ft e r |was bvought about through the efforts spending a pleasant holiday at her i o f Bishop G reu zgiirg, who spent years hom e. 1iR striving f o r a solution o f the rural The m onthly m eeting o f the W . A. j problem . Dr. Solandt showed sixty o f St. L u k e's church is to be held on ; pictures o f scenes in Denm ark, severTuesday, M ay 5th, (in stead o f T h urs - 1 al ° f cheese and bu tter factories, com day, 7 th ), at the hom e o f Mrs. G. C. m odities f o r which this small country Atkins. The ladies o f the B ronte W . j ` s fam ous. W . H. B iggar m oved a A . are to be guests at this m eeting, i vote o f thanks to Dr. Solandt fo r his On Friday, M ay 8th, the y ou n g w on derfu lly in form ative and interestpeople o f B u rlin gton A n g lican chu rch ) iRg lecture. Rev. F. L. Carpenter are to presen t a pla y en titled " Beads presided. V isitors w ere present from on a string," in P alerm o hall u nder j Oakville, Streetsville and the Sixteen. the auspices o f St. L u k e' s church, . . . _____ P alerm o. On the a fte rn o o n o f the same day a tea w ill b e held in the hall, a silver collection to be taken. T here w ill be _____________ tw o tables o f w ork on sale, one in Mr. and Mrs. J. M ohar, o f B u ffa lo , charge o f the ladies o f the W . A . and N .Y ., w ere w eek-end visitors with the one in charge o f the g irls' auxiliary, latter's m other, Mrs. J. D evlin. _ . Miss M argaret B row nridge spent the week-end with frien d s at O akville. I V fm -l-r m IV fu H w c M r- and M rs- A - Inglehart, o f Buriv iC flC J I l I V la lL C ia lington, visited friend s in tow n on ___________ M onday a ftern oon . tv/i j n/r m. Mr. and Mrs. J. F idd ler and fam ily n w n v v and R - O. Graham, o f T oron to, spent B en tley, o f N iagara Falls, N. Y ., >vere g unday at R j . G raham 's. Sunday visitors at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. W . Giles. D uring the week Mr. and Mrs. B en M orse, o f N orwich, C O Y N E ' S SC H O O L R E P O R T visited at the same home. Miss L. Sheridan is still on n u r sin g , duty in N ew Orleans, having been S. S. No. 9, Trafalgar on a case there f o r nearly tw o years. Names in ord er o f merit. On T uesday next, A p ril 21st, a Sr. IV .-- H on.-- Lois B iggar, Edna play w ill be presented b y som e m em Stanley M c bers o f the M erton H om e and School Picket, V io la Lunau, clu b in Palerm o hall. The play " The Hugh. L aughing C u re" is under the able Pass-- H arold B iggar, Em ily Dunn, direction o f A . F airbrother. The F red Lister. Jr. IV .-- Pass-- Stanley Fuller. cast is as fo llo w s :--- Mrs. H anson, invalid, Mrs. S co b ie ; Sr. III.-- Hon. D onald M ossop. Pass-- K enneth Campbell. Mr. H anson, R o y S p eers; Dr. W h it Jr. III.---H on.-- Edith P icket and com b, old fa m ily physician, J. T 'cP h erson ; Jim m ie, M r. H anson's sis L eonard Lister, equal, Edith Tallyn. ter, Miss A d a F r y e r s; N ora, Irish Pass-- L orraine Le Cheminant, B et m aid, Miss N ellie D iltz; Dr. St. ty W illiam son, L u cy Ribble. S econ d class-- Pass-- L ouise Dunn. G eorg e Caii,-, Dr. W h itcom b 's ',neA b sen t-- R o y G oodw in. phew, m o d e m in ven tor w ho turns the trick, Cecil B r e ck o n ; Mrs. M. E. P er Sr. I.-- M arie Patterson, Jeraldine ry, auntie d o e fu l type, Miss A . P r o u d ; Le Cheminant, T eddy D oughty. Pass-- Frank Leslie. K itty, a p retty stenographer, Miss A m y B reckon . V ocalists w ill be A . A b sen t-- Leslie D rysdale. Jr. I.-- H on. -- A lm a Patterson, F airbroth er, Miss Barbara M cP h er son,. J. F ord R og ers and F. M. Sulli M argaret Fuller, M ary M ossop. A b sen t-- E lna D oughty. v a n ; pianist, C liffo r d Speers. T ickets Prim er-- B ru ce M ossop, B ert Leslie. are 25 cents fo r a d u lts; children ad A bsen t-- T om m y W illiam son. m itted free. If You are near a Post Box You are in Touch with P O S T V IL L E it suits you better to do so, you may do your banking by mail. Your money is safer in the bank than at home. Send it, in any shape most convenient for you, to a Branch o f the Bank o f Montreal. Cash should be sent by registered mail. Write to any Branch for our booklet "Banking by Mail." It may save you many a trip to town. IF BAN K O F M O N T R E A L Established l8l7 T O T A L ASSETS IN O a k ville B ra n ch : C lark son B ra n ch : B ronte B ra n ch : EXCESS OF £ 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 H. L. R E A D , M anager. C . A . H E W E T T , M anager. H . P. ELLS, M anager. Palermo Pointers Send The Star to Distant Friends V/ANT M¥ M AM A Omagh Occurrences Evening rates on " Anyone" (station-to-station) calls be gin at 7 p.m. Night rates begin at 8.30 p.m. Just give "Long Distance" the num ber you want -- it speeds up the service. It was really the first time Dorothy had ever been away from home alone. She was happy as could be at Aunty's, and romped and played the whole day long-- till bedtime came-- then a terrible fit of homesickness came over her. Aunty was at her wits' end-- till she thought of Long Distance. In just a few seconds Dorothy's mother was talking to her little girl . . . quietly, firmly, cheerily . . . then she told her to let Aunty tuck her away in bed. Everything was all right after that. Dorothy felt that her mother really wasn't far away after all. And the telephone had saved Aunty from an awk ward predicament-- at a cost o f just 35 cents.

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