Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 17 Apr 1931, p. 5

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llT f I SON O F B R U C E TY RCHCI . a C e NEW B ish o p Owen ov N - Contestant A t a con feren ce o f bishops, clerg y and laym en fr o m all parts o f w est ern Canada held at W in n ip eg on W edn esday, R igh t Rev. Isaac 0 . S tringer, A n g lica n bishop o f the Y u kon , Was chosen as A rch bish op o f R u p ert's Land, in su ccession to A r ch bishop S. P. M atheson, retired. A rch b ish op S trin ger has been in the Y u k on f o r 38 years. C ontesting th e h igh o f fic e to w hich he w as elect ed w as Bishop Dervvyn T. O w en o f I X i: ' ' . . ' ..- 0 , the vote standing 17 to. 14. The su ccessfu l candidate i . a native o f K in cardin e tow nship, riruee com ity, "K incardine bein g his hom e tow n. H e is a graduate o f W y c liffe college, T oron to, and m ar ried Miss Sadie A lexa n d er o f K in cardine, w ho has shared his arduous life as a m issionary. H e has travel ed his diocese b y dogsleigh and sn ow shoes in w in ter, b y steam er, p ow er b oa t and can oe in summ er. A grea t deal o f his w ork has been am ong E s kim os, on ly tw o-thirds o f the 5,000 persons in his territory b ein g whites. T he n ew A rch b ish op o f R u pert' s Land is 65 years old, a m an o f strik in g physique. H e has been heard in St. Ju de' s church. 1 o V o te O n Factory Bylaw H e a te rs o f C anad a W ill D e p o s it $ 2 00 C h e q u e to D e fr a y E xp en ses »·» ii ' FEED FEED MASTER M ASTER I f y o u w a n t e v e r y ch ic k to liv e th at has a c h a n c e at all. S E E D S FIELD SEEDS $ 1 2.00 to$ 1 8 .0 0 Red C lo ver............................ A l f a l f a ............................................................................... 1 2 .0 0 to 1 4 .0 0 A l s i k e ............................. 7 .0 0 to 1 0 .0 0 S w ee t................................................................................ 3 .0 0 to 5 .0 0 Tim othy S e e d ..................................... 5.2 5 to 6 .5 0 The large num ber o f citizens pres ent at the tow n cou n cil m eeting held on M onday evening w ere delighted to h ear that the m u ch-talk ed-of fa c to r y o f the H eaters o f Canada, Lim ited, seem ed to fee c. certainty. R eeve Robinson told the coun cil that the com pany had requested that a by-la w be prepared setting fo rth the usual concessions granted b y the m unicipality to industrries. The com pany would put up a deposit o f $200 to pay the expenses o f taking a vote. I f the by-law w ere defea ted the cheque would be retained. In any event the sum w ould not be re turned until the fa c to r y w ould be com pleted. On m otion o f R eeve R obin son and Coun. Anderson the solicitor w ill be instructed to prepare a by-law con taining the usual concessions in fa v o r j o f the Heaters o f Canada. F R EE L E C T U R E B Y H O R T IC U L T U R IS T F E E D M A S T E R C H IC K S T A R T E R M A S H If you want well developed, strong, healthy chicks at six weeks, sturdily resistant to disease. I f yotf want broilers to develop rapidly and weigh well. FEED M ASTER If you want your pulltts to lay at five to six months and continue to lay throughout the winter. FEED M ASTER Best o f all, if you want these things at lowest possible cost con sistent with greatest value. FEED M ASTER If you want the surest evidence, buy som e M aster Chick Starter Mash, give it a fair test and prove it to yourself. See your Master Feed dealer today and order your supply. W . D. D R E W R Y P H O N E 6 5 8 -W K . L. H A M M O N D PH O NE 427 j MANGEL Leading Varieties, .........................................bulk, per lb. 35c B U L K G A R D E N S E E D S -- A L L V A R IE T IE S G A R D E N PEAS A m eer, E a rly ............................ 1 lb. 2 5 0 - -1 0 lbs. Little M a r v e l ........................... 1 lb. 2 5 c - ·10 lbs. G ra d u s............................. 1 lb. 2 5 c - -1 0 lbs. or m o r e ........................ 20c or m o r e ........................ 20c or m o r e ........................ 20c G AR D EN BEANS Pencil P o d .................................1 lb. 3 0 c - -1 0 lbs. Davis, W h it e ..............................1 lb. 3 0 c - -1 0 lbs. Currie' s R u stproof. . . . 1 lb. 3 0 c - -1 0 lbs. or m o r e.......................... 24c or m o re.......................... 24c or m o re........................ .2 4 c U nder the auspices o f the Oakville j and district horticulturist society an illustrated lecture, " Planting the home garden " , w ill be given by G eo. j Baldw in, the w ell-known T oron to horticulturist, in the "ou n cil cham ber on Tuesday, A pril 38th, at 8 p.m. The public are c o r d ir 'ly invited, with admission free. JU N IO R B A S E B A L L Advertise in The " Star" SW E E T CORN Early Golden Sunshine. . 1 lb. Early C o r y .............................. 1 lb. Golden B an tam ........................1 lb. Barden' s W on der Bantami 1 lb. W hipple' s E a r l y ..................... 1 lb. Bantam Evergreen. . . .1 lb. Stow eirs Evergreen . . . . 1 lb. 20c20c20c20c20c20c20c-1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. or or or or or or or m ore..........................17c m o re..........................17c m o re..........................17c m o re..........................17c m o re..........................17c m o re..........................17c m ore..........................17c L E A G U E O R G A N IZ E D William Couse ® Sons S T R E E T S V IL L E , | P h on es: O ffic e , 1 8 -W ; R es. 18-J + - O N T A R IO Open Evenin There is now a certainty that a ju n io r bac-'ball league w ill be in op e r a t i c in Halton coun ty this season. O akvp' e may put i » tw o teams. G e e - e town and M ilton w ill be rep r e " ',.ed and possibly one o r m ore to -, ns along the lakeshore m ay b e in duced to enter in ord er to round out the league. P. W . Chambres is pres ident and. R'obt. Carney secretarytreasurer, both o f Oakville^ A ll boys 18 years and under are eligible to play ju n ior ball. L A D Y M A G IS T R A T E TO SPEAK IN M IL T O N N ew Bodies by Fisher for the N ew Chevrolet N the new Chevrolet Six I with longer wheelbase, yon will quickly notice that Fisher Body craftsmen have created the room iest and most beauti ful body styles in Chevrolet history. Yet prices have been substantially reduced. T he smart, m odern lines o f the car are em phasized by the deepened radiator and new de luxe wire wheels . . . distinctive co lo r harmonies and chrom e-plated trim mings add a finishing touch. | j j ( a iiiiiiiiin iiH iiiiiim iiio iiiiiiiiiiiim o m iiiiiiiitiiio iiiiiiiin im io iiiiim iiiiiiiic :!iiiiim iiiii[* | Professional Directory | 1 CON SULT TH ESE COLUM NS CON STAN TLY. | A n event o f great interest to the girls o f Halton cou n ty w ill be the Biiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiim iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiim aiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiM iiiiiiiim iiaiiim iio third annual con feren ce planned fo r Saturday, M ay 16th, in St. P au l's U n ited church, M ilton, under the aus pices o f the H alton W om en 's Insti tute. Dr. M argaret Patterson has B a r r is t e r , S o l i c i t o r Barrister, Solicit or, N o tary Pu blic signified her willingness to speak and N o t a r y , etc tw o oth er speakers are to be procu red, The winners o f the coachin g class O ffice: C olborne S t . O akville O F F I C E -- D A V IS B L D G . w ho attended the R oyal W in ter fa ir O v er Canadian Ba nk o f C o m m e r c e are to give five m inute talks on im pressions received.at the fair. T elephone-- Office 15 W . Alee. Chisholm w . N. ROBINSON Interiors are room ier . . . beautifully upholstered . . . and fashionably appointed. The fron t com partm ents are fully insulated against heat, cold and noise. See the new Chevrolet Six at ou r show room s. You can own it tcith even m ore pride . . . buy it fo r even lest m oney. Your Chevrolet denier it listed under " General M otors" in ths classified section o f you r 1931 ' p h on e d irectory Ask him about the G M A C plan o f d eferred paym ents, and the General Motors Owner Service Policy. Twelve smart, fin e-p erform in g models priced fr o m $6 10 at fa ctory, Oshawa, taxes extra. Dp. G. B. Chisholm C o r. C olborne and R eyn old s S t * . O A K V IL L E R esidence 275 FIN E J E R SE Y S FOR M o n ey to Loan on M o rt g a g e Secu rit y CH ESTN U T JER SE Y FARM ... Col. W . G. M acK endrick, lake shore east, in T rafalga r tow nship, is gra du r 8-- 9 a .m . ally bu ildin g up a g rea t h erd o f Jer Office Hours J 1-- 3 p .m . seys on his Chestnut Jersey farm . I 7-- 9 p .m . M oney is n ot b ein g considered in p r o N otary Public O ffice: Dundaa S tr e e t, O a k v ille m otin g the interest o f this popu lar Real E state PH O N E 14 m ilking breed. Col. M acK en drick has Insurance ju st added to the fine herd on his Former.'y occupied by D r. Lusk M oney to Loan fa rm b y the purchase o f tw o fem ales If you have any m oney to Invest, I fr o m B. H. Bull & Sons, o f B ram pton . i can place it safely on first m ortgage, One o f the cows, M elan xe's Queen, is the silver medal daughter o f Standv e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n at good Interest. ard o f Oaklands, and is the dam o f TRAFALGAR O a k v ille P hone 430 r 2 the cham pion ju n io r bu ll at Sher brook e winter fa ir last N ovem ber. Dr W .M . Wilkinson E vening Appointm ents if desired ... W- S DAVIS " fo r w a r d Canada 1 " Across the Dominion is sweeping a wave of national enthusiasm . . . free aixt unbounded. Canadians everywhere are striking forward on the rising tide of a fresh and vigorous prosperity. General Motors of Canada, Limited, pays tribute to Canadian achievement with * Canada on Parade" , a radio hour every Friday evening, typifying the spirit of Canada's progress. You are cordially invited to tune in on this all-Canadian broadcast. no. A . Johnstone j | | 1 T. r . j a r v i s P h on e 4 9 0 r e a l e s ta te . o a k v ille in s u r a n c e . 5. S. R u ssell F tm e r a l D ir e c to r E m b a lm e r P R O D U C E R B O R R O W S FROM H IM S E L F T O M A K E T A L K E R i W hen A rthur H am m erstein, im Honor Graduate Ontario College presario o f stage and screen, wants E m balm ing. som ething he gets it even i f he has P . G . Renouard, C ollege Em balm ing, to b orrow it from h im self. In p er N. Y. fe ctin g the cast o f " L ottery B ride," D O M INIO N & O N T A R I O L A N D S U R his am bitious dram atic operetta fo r Qualified by the G overnm ent. U nited Artists, show ing at the G reg V E Y O R S , CIVIL EN GIN EER S Phone 4 8 8 . Dunn S t ., next to N ew s o r y theatre on Thursday, F riday and T o w n P la n in g-- Municipal E n g in e e r in g Saturday o f this w eek, H am m erstein James J . M cK ay E rnest G . M cK ay borrow ed Jeanette M acD onald, lead ing lady, from Param ount, and John 72 J a m e s S t . N . H a m ilto n G arrick, leading man, fr o m F ox. Then LAN DSCAPE AND GARDEN to show his im partiality he b orrow ed CONSTRUCTION R ob ert Chisholm, baritone, fr o m the Pruning o f Shade and Fruit Trees a cast o f " Sweet A d elin e," his own N ew Y o rk stage p rodu ction , and Specialty. Joseph M acaulay fr o m an oth er stage Shrubs, Perennials and R oses. feature. He didn't have to b orrow TELE PH O N ES Joe E. Brow n, Zasu Pitts, M ax D av Oakville 567 J. T oron to H il. 3333 J. idson, Carroll N ye o r H arry G ribbon. Th ey w ere available f o r the stellar cast. M oney to loan on First M o rtg ag es.1 _________________________________________ | M a c K a y & M acK ay F R E D C \RR,F.R,H.S. Complete Stoch of W atches, Clocks, Jew elry, China, C ut Glass, G am es, T oys, Books, Stationery F ancy G oods, E tc. W Te X B V L A R G E D E C R E A S E IN C O M P E N S A T IO N P A ID CHEVROLET SIX 'A BEST THAT GROW e v e r y t h in g f o r th e g a r d e n a n d farm CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS W. B U S B Y JEW ELER W RENNIE SEEDS LIMITED TORONTO ALSO A T M O N T R E A L VANCOUVER. The annual convention o f the In dustrial A ccid en t P reven tion associ ation w ill be held in T oron to on A p ril 23rd and 24th. The reports to the W ork m en 's Com pensation boa rd and awards made in M arch, 1930 and 1931, are interesting, as show ing the big reductions in this year, as f o l low s: M ar., 1930 M ar. 1931 T ota l accidents 6,016 4,523 Fatalities. . . . 42 29 T ota l aw 'd $6 40 ,6 61 .7 0 $5 60 ,6 62 .9 9 M edic, aid 114,876.34 96,852.99 G E N E R A L M O T O R S V A L U E Cl 5-24 W M . W H I T A K E R & SO N S Dundas Street, O akville

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