THE DISTRICT AROUND I Inglehart received the guests at the door and conducted them to the hostess. M r. and Mrs. W . Birdsall and In her many reminiscences related M r. and M rs. H . CKapman, o f Tor to her guests, M rs. Lawrence men onto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. tioned her experience o f attending and M rs. J . A . McGowan, Dundas a party in London, England, and highw ay. dancing with Sir John A. MacDon The late Charles Appelbe, o f New ald, and in the same quadrille as the York, whose funeral took place on late King Edward, then Prince o f Monday morning in the town cem |Wales, who was visiting Canada, etery, Oakville, was a native o f Tra j M rs. Lawrence is a descendant of falgar, being a grandson o f the late IUnited Empire stock and has been a Squire A ppelbe. He was a son o f ; highly respected resident o f the vilthe late Dr. and Mrs. James Appel I lage fo r a great many yea rs. be, who owned the farm west o f the post office , which was afterwards bought b y the present owner, Frank Ford. The fam ily moved away when the deceased was a child. Quite a number attended the M r. and M rs. Gilby Hardy and M r . and M rs. Bennett Savage at funeral o f Richard Fewster on Tues tended the funeral o f their relative, day from the residence o f his son Richard Fewster, at Horning's Mills Lawrence, o f Shelburne, to Horning's . on M onday. Others who attended Mills. Spring weather should be pear at were M rs. T . C . Wilson, a sisterhand if the old saying is true that in-law, and M r. and I S r s . Nelson the frogs must be frozen up three Lawrence and Cecil L aw rence. M r. and M rs. T . McConvey, o f times before we have warm weather. M rs. Irwin is taking up residence Toronto, were visitors on Sunday in Sheridan again, and we are glad with M r. and M rs. Frank A llen. The Trafalgar garage, which was to welcome her back again. Howard Lawrence and Miss recently vacated, has been leased by Sunday J . Lawrence, o f Lambton Mills. Beggs, o f Toronto, were M r. Lawrence kept a general store visitors at the form er's home, Buena V ista . there fo r many y ea rs. A number o f farmers received M rs. Tanner, o f Chandos, who has been the guest o f her sister, their supply o f chickens this week M rs. G . E . Hall, and M r. Hall, has from the hatchery and from now on returned hame, accompanied by her will be busy between their poultry small niece, Miss Jean Hall, who and seeding. M rs. E . 0 . Hardy, o f Clarkson, will stay with her fo r a short visit. spent Wednesday with her sister, Miss A . Oughtred. The loss o f pigs through sickness at the piggery is greatly diminished. W H Y M IL K C O O LIN G IS SO N E C E S S A R Y Trafalgar Essential That Milk Be Cooled to 45 Degrees Promptly Increased Bacteria PUBLIC NOTICE OF SU C H FOR T H E O F F IC IA L JULY 1st, British import regulations require that Canadian apples must be certified free of maggot. Notice is hereby given that where the owner of an orchard has applied for certification, ALL APP LE Sheridan Sayings Snider's Comers W e are glad to report that the sufferers from whooping cough are getting better. On Sunday last, at Wesley church, R e v . F . L . Carpenter began a series o f short talks to the children on Canadian citizenship, taking fo r his lesson the early life o f Samuel. Miss May Post, who has been suf ferin g from the effects o f falling on the ice nearly fou r months ago, when she injured her knee, is now able to go around fairly well. We shall be glad to see her out again . tstc A N A T IV E SO N IS C A L L E D H O M E The death occurred Wednesday, 25th inst., o f Roderick William MacNiel, at his home on Douglas avenue, aged 87 years. The late M r. MacNiel was a son o f M r. and Mrs. Roderick MacNiel, pioneers o f Trafalgar township, and was born on a farm on the lakeshore road east o f Oakville. As a young m an he w as em p lo ye d f o r som e tim e reyV ng th a t " S p r in g co m e s when one hears the frog s" has not proved true this y e a r . The frogs were heard tw o weeks ago, but Tues day's and Wednesday's weather was fa r from spring-like. Donald Pickering has recently opened a garage near Richmond H ill. W e wish him all success. Palermo Pointers A most charming event occurred in the village on Thursday after noon, when Mrs. H . Lawrence held a reception at her home in honor of her 90th birthday. Some seventy relatives and friends called between three and fou r s 'clock to o ffe r feli citations. The oldest resident o f the village, M rs. Lawrence, proved herself a most gracious hostess who welcomed her callers in her usual bright and friendly manner. Outof-tow n callers included a nephew, D r . Howell,* o f Jarvis; a niece, M rs. Hodgins, o f Churchill, and Mr. Hodgin s; a niece, M rs. Stanley Mills, and M rs. Davis, o f Hamilton; Can on Smith, D r. W 7 M . Wilkinson and W . S . Davis, o f Oakville; Mrs. M oore and the Misses Moore, o f M ilton; Miss Campbell and numerous oth ers. I hereby proclaim Daylight Sav Am ong the wealth o f flowers sent ing in the Town o f Oakville fo r the M rs. Lawrence was a bouquet o f 90 period from midnight, Saturday, daffodils by a grand-nephew, C o lin . April 28th, until midnight, Satur Campbell and- his little son, Colin day, September 29th, and hereby HI., o f Calgary; a hydrangea plant request all citizens to advance their from the United W omen' s associ-' clocks one hour making Daylight ation ; a bouquet o f carnations from |Saving effective April 29th, 1934. the W om en's Institute; a bouquet of G E O . B . JACOBS, roses from friends in Washington, Mayor. D . C . , and others from many indi vidual friends. In the afternoon at 1 .4 5 , a broadcast from Hamilton congratulated M rs. Lawre ice, and one at 5 o 'clock told o f the happy occasion and reception being held, ARREARS OF T A XE S and gave a poem and an instrument Taxpayers who are in Arrears o f al selection in honor o f it. M rs. A . MacGowan poured tea' Taxes are hereby notified that an from a table covered with a beauti additional 5Vr penalty on 1933 and fu l lace cloth and decorated with 10% on previous arrears will be ad two candelabra and flowers. There ded on balances outstanding as o f A ny Taxpayer were three birthday cakes, tw o o f April 30th, 1934. which were gifts from M rs. S. unable to pay in full may make a Mills and M rs. J . Lucas. Assist payment on account and thereby re ing in the dining room were M rs. J. duce the penalties. Lucas, M rs. C . Hodgins, M rs. G . W. E. FORD, S . W ood, and others. M rs. H. Treasurer, Township o f Trafalgar. on the mechanical staff o f the Globe, back in the days o f H o n . George B row n . He returned to the farm, and married Catherine Ross, one o f the sta ff o f the Oakville pufflic school, who died a few years ag*. M r. and M rs. MacNiel retired from the farm in 1912 and took up their residence in town. The family were amongst the earliest members o f Knox Presbyterian church. Deceased was well known to a large circle o f friends, and was most highly esteemed as a honorable, up right man, true and just in all his dealings. One son, 'Dr. Ross Mac Niel, o f Belleville, Pa., and one daughter, M rs. John Paulen, of Cleveland, 0 . , who has been fo r a couple o f years past her father's constant nurse and companion, sur vive . R ev. Chas. K . Nicoll, minister o f Knox church, will officiate at the service to be held at his late home on Saturday at 2 o 'clock, and at the interment in St. Jude's cemetery. Nutritional authorities have pro claimed milk to be " the most near ly perfect fo o d " fo r human beings. It is likewise an ideal food fo r nu merous species o f bacteria which, harmless in themselves, are able to grow in and spoil the flavour o f the milk. While care and cleanliness in milking and subsequent handling will keep down the number o f bacteria in the milk to a minimum, there will always be a small number present as it leaves the udder. I f the num ber always remained the same as when the milk is first drawn into the pail, there would he little need o f worry over spoilage. But unfor tunately fo r the dairyman, bacteria are able to multiply at an enormous rate. Under favourable conditions some species are able to double their numbers every half hour, so that one bacterial cell at the start would increase to 1,024 cells at the end of ten h ours! When we remember that the milk delivered to the city housewife is generally at least thirty-six hours old, the importance o f preventing bacterial growth is ob vious. To check the growth o f bacteria, milk must be cooled promptly to a suitable temperature. Promptness o f cooling is o f value in conserving the so-called " germicidal property" o f the milk, as experiments conduct ed by the division o f bacteriology, central experimental farm, have de monstrated. This simply means that where milk is cooled without delay, and held at a temperature high enough fo r moderate growth o f bacteria to take place, the rate o f growth will be much slower than if cooling had been delayed. Cooling to a low enough temperature simply means making conditions so unfav ourable that the milk-souring bac teria will be unable to grow. This limit is reached at about 45 degrees F., hence the efficient dairyman strives to cool the milk to below this temperature and to keep it there at all times. Details o f im proved methods iaj- the cooling o f milk, construction o f insulated cool ing tanks, etc. are given in Bulletin No. 165, " Cooling Milk on the Farm," which may be obtained from the publication branch, department o f Agriculture, Ottawa. A N D H A W T H O R N T R E E S W IT H IN 300 Y A R D S O R C H A R D M U ST BE S P R A Y E D T H O R O U G H L Y A P PLE M A G G O T, AS R E C O M M E N D E D ON T H E S P R A Y CALEND AR, OR BE CUT D O W N B EF O R E 1934. Owners of apple and hawthorn trees falling under this classification are advised that this regulation is compulsory. Spray Calendars and further information may be secured from the County Agricul tural Representative, or, Fruit Branch, Parliament Buildings. Toronto. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE rol. tV. Hon. Thos. L. Minister Kennedy Jam es B. Fairbaim Deputy Minister ©lock Brothers B u ild in g Contractors and Supplies B uilders' THY US P R O M PT SERVICE E STIM ATE S FREE E V E R YTH IN G T O BUILD A N Y T H IN G Cement, Sewer Pipe, G yproc, Insul Board and all Plasterers' Materials. Sash Doors and M ouldings, H ardw ood Flooring A lways in Stock. Old Floors Resurfaced and M ade Like New, with Our Modern Electric Floor Sander ASK FOR PRICES If you are satisfied tell others, if not, tell us. Randal Street, -- East o f Tem perance Hall. P hon es:-- Days, 214; Night, 473-- 73 CHOOSE THE ECONOMICAL HOTEL HOTELS 750 RO O M S-R ATES SINGLE N O HIGHER MODERN, FIREPROOF HOTELS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED 750 RO O M S-R ATES $1.50 to $2.50 SINGLE N O HIGHER $1.50 to $2.50 Send the " S T A R " to distant friends. All the local REAL) THE STAR and district news. A W O RD TO H USBANDS and F A THERS Constantly before y o u -- on your desk, perhaps, or at least in your imagination -- is a picture o f your wife and children. are working for them. Their future comfort and success is your ever present anxiety and the inspiration for your best efforts. A saving! account in the 115 -year-old Bank o f Mon treal, regularly maintained and added to constantly, is a safe, profitable way to accu mulate money fo r any purpose. V* · Proclamation Are you saving all you can now to provide them with the means for comfort, independence and success in the years to come? Tp. of Trafalgar BANKOF MONTREAL Established i8 l7 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $758,000,000 Oakville Branch: H . L. R E A D , Manager Bronte and Clarkson Branches: F. W . B. DEJEAN, Manager