Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 1

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Vol. 61, No. 29. Oakville, Ontario, Thursday, July 17th, 1947 Single Copy 5 Cents. $2.00 a year, in advance The Oakville Cricket Club has Plans fo r tw o housing surveys in T ra fa lga r Tow nship w ere approved issued a challenge, which is un *by the tow nship council at its r e g usual fo r a small town. It is som e thing akin to a sm all boy hitting W ill Submit Plans For ular m eeting held last week. The a stone w all w ith his fist. The Central School Grounds projects are the K ent Gardens Sur Government A p challenge is that the Oakville Packed On Saturday vey, at the Sixth Line and Queen Cricket team is prepared to play proval Night Elizabeth highw ay, subm itted by the best team that the rest o f the province can o ffe r. W . H. A rm strong, and the Morden D elivery o f the new edition o f Prelim inary steps tow ards p ro A dense m ass o f hum anity This challenge has not been The fo llo w in g is the report o f Park sub-division, on the p S f e t f y the T oronto Telephone directory packed Central School grounds prom otions at Pineview School No. o f the late W . H. M orden o ^ n n a made in any spirit o f bravado, vidin g Oakville w ith an enlarged, w ill start in Oakville around July but fo r the sim ple reason that 3B, T ra fa lg a r, Sixth Line. Saturday n igh t to m ake the Oakw estern outskirts o f Oakville, sub Oakville has a cricke team o f un modern high school building ad 21st. N am es are not in order o f m erit. equate fo r the needs o f the g row This year the old directories usual m erit. The credit is due to the b ig g e st and m ost successful Grade V I to V II: W in n ifred Best, m itted b y S. C. Morden. H arry W iffen , Charlie B rradley in g town and H igh School A rea w ill b e picked up as the Bell Tel Petitions fo r storm sewers and G ary Evans, H ; M yrna E vans,; outdoor event ever held in Oak w ere taken a t a join t m eeting o f ephone C om pany urgently requires and Ted Adam son. Ruth D onald; G eorge L ou th ; Paul w aterm ains on Truman Avenue the Oakville and T ra fa lg a r H igh extra quotas o f paper f o r the ville. T otal attendance Friday and M on tgom ery; Kenneth P atterson ; and the Queen Elizabeth highw ay o f v ita lly * needed School A rea Board and the town m anufacture M erew eather; Ronald Saturday evenings w as estim ated Shirley cables. w ere referred to the township en and tow nship councils, held at the Schroeder. at about fiv e thousand, and the It w ill greatly fa cilita te and gineer. A m otion w as pas.fcd, school on M onday evening. F o l Grade IV · to V : Sylvia C lark,H ; speed up delivery o f the directories gross receipts are said to have D orothy D onald; D ouglas Riches, m oved b y Councillor J. M. Jsaklow in g tw o hours or so o f discus i f subscribers w ill answ er their passed the five-thousand mark. H ; Stanley R ich es; Jam es Rout- son and seconded by Councillor R. sion a m otion w a s 'p a ss e d em pow doors prom ptly and w ill have their led g e; D onald Stephenson. M arshall, that the tow nship road ering the board to have plans p re old directorires ready. W hen all bills are paid a substant N ot, o f course, that th ey 'd do ial sum should rem ain in the Club's Grade II to III: M ary M acTag- superintendent be instructed to s-"e it anyw ay, but occupants o f the pared fo r an addition to the build g a r t; Caroline R outledge. that roadside trees in the toatning, to include an auditorium and $250,000. Trustee W . N orm an Gil treasury, to help in the organizaG R A D E I to II: Shirley Clarke; ship be protected from unneces new w ar-tim e houses on Stew art gym nasium , subm it them to the bert o f the H igh School A rea ' tion 's com m unity w ork. street would be well advised to David L an caster; Kathleen M acsary destruction by telephoritT or do nothing that w ould invite o f Ontario D epartm ent o f Education Board and D epu ty-R eeve Wf. S. F rriday evenin g's crow d, while T a g g a rt; C lifford P atterson ; June hydro w orkers, or any other per ficial disapproval. Tw o o ffic e rs o f and the D epartm ent o f M unicipal Hall of T ra fa lg a r Tow nship not approaching the proportions o f Patterson. the law w ill spend much o f their A t the entrance to H igh S ch od sons. It w as decided to grant J10 Saturday's, w as still a fair-sized time on the street. Constable Ed A ffa ir s , and b rin g them back to pointed out that the fa c t that the exam inations the follow in g w ere to the Bronte H orticultural Soc Heath .o f the town force, is an o c the board and tow n and tow nship new building w ould perm it ad one. A program o f entertainm ent su ccessfu l: D orothy Clark, I I ; B ar iety. Accounts totallin g $2201.62 cupant o f one o f the houses, while councils fo r approval. equate tuition in A gricu lture and that evening featured num bers by bara R outledge, H ; D ouglas R ou tand a road voucher am ounting to Provincial Constable Duncan lives The need f o r la rg er quarters w as shopw ork w as a m ost im portant Clair Rouse, m usical com edian and led g e; H arland R ou tledge; Rita in another. It is expected that fa m $1483.40 w ere ordered paid. Gladys Cornell, vocalist, with Jes R oy. ilies living on the street w ill al stressed b y the chairm an o f the consideration to the residents o f w ays live as good law -abiding cit board,G. C. A tkins, w ho told the the tow nship. Mr. D u ffin thought sie M cG regor at the piano. The m eeting that the sch ool's present it inadvisable to postpone the p ro izens should. grounds w ere lined w ith gam es and registration o f 310 pupils w as ex je c t because o f high building costs, refreshm ent booths w hich did a pected to increase* to between 375 as the interest rate m ight rise in rushing trade. A fu ll-sized m erryand 400 this fall, and that it was the meantime. go-round a t the low er end o f the probable an additional hundred grounds drew la rg e numbers o f Much discussion centred arround On Thursday, July 24th, the Farm ers and others loading cat would seek adm ission within the youthfu l patrons, and up near the the proposal to include a com bin Oakville C ricket Club w ill tle fo r shipm ent are advised to n ext tw o years. It would be quite ation auditorium -gym nasium in the school w as a boat ride. Then there m eet the all-star Provincial do so in a manner that will In the garden at the bride's im possible to handle these extra plans. A lex Petrie, w as a booth where the children team in a test match at A r and D eputy n ot cause injury or undue discom home, 7th Line o f T rafalga r, Olive pupils unless the building w as en m our H eights at 4 o 'clock. could buy balloons, which would fo rt to the animals, if they would Reeve H all did n ot believe the M arianne Lister w as united in N orm an W ells, president o f avoid prosecution. The Ontario So larged, he pointed out. A t present tow nship residents would fa v o r the go soaring skyw ard i f released. m arriage to Calvin C. Litchfield. the Oakville Cricket Club, ciety fo r the Prevention o f Cruelclasses are being conducted in the idea. Mr. H all pointed out that But it w as on Saturday, the The hride is the daughter o f Mr. walked into the o ffic e o f the tv to Anim als is keeping a close basement. and Mrs. J. Lister, H ornby, and second nigh t, th at the bazaar the tow nship w as payin g 60 per O ntario Cricket Council, spon check on cattle shipm ents ' n tnis the groom is the son o f Mr. and sors o f the Provincial team reached its clim ax o f fu n and pop G eorge M olesw orth, architect cen t o f the maintainance cost o f district and other parts o f the pro Mrs. E. Litchfield, Oakville. and breathed defiance. Skep vince, A ctin g Ohief Inspector C. ularity. F or a w hile in the a fter who prepared the draw ings fo r the the school. Others argued that an Rev. F. A insw orth perform ed the tical brow s w ere canted, noses W . M orris inform ed the P tcoi'dnoon it looked as though rain proposed addition, stated that the guditorium w as n ecessary fo r the .................. .......... cerem ony. The bride, given in gajg g g q f sighted and throats clearred. Star this week. He stater! -Wat i l m ight spoil the show, but a fter a Undaunted, N orm an pressed ready one charge had beyn Vnade ! m arriage b y her father, w ore a addition w ould provide eight new efficien t teaching o f certain sub show er or tw o the w eather cleared the defy and the test gam e iri Oakville. Mr. M orr s j>oinl?d»j blush pearl satin gow n trim m ed room s, besides room s fo r the teach jects, and could also be used fo r and everything was perfect. The is on. out that in cases where t,, * .< . tf'.y,.' 1with guipure lace. A velvet cor- in g o f dom estic science and shop adult classes in the evenings, and f net trimmed with o ansn H ospeople came from near and fa r to cattle and ^ The test team is preparin g irk, and w o ' kl nearly double the fo r various com m unity activities *eld her fingej fo r fhe inter-provincial m atthe sry,le tr th rong the spacious school com tjr o f y. ttiildii^. i jpebpio o f tiic t o m ar.d' ^ \i' riea ( c h nnxt month r> r< < ' hac. --r '"'.Ik ':~ i! Cllfc. mon, which :n a1' its fc jt o v y L. Dy^fyf, nf t'lle Departm ent o f township. It w as pointed out that 'bt-f.c'.cd u s f5st gam es to citV dia. tect the small animals fro"fi* » has probtii'y never held such a clubs. It w ill be an interesting tram pled. Shippers m ust also see Miss Isabel F ord, Oakville, was Education, w as present, and out the construction o f an auditorium , large corwd. To g et from one part departure. that trucks are not overloaded. maid o f honor, w earin g a lon g lined the manner in w hich the as w ell as a gym nasium , w ould o f the grounds to another w as a H arry W iffen , Sid Lam bert, Failure to observe these precau gow n o f yellow eyelet em broidery, building could be financed. The perm it the holding o f physical Charlie Bradley, Chris A rm fe a t requiring a lot o f edging and tions contitutes a breach o f the and Joan Tuck, Oshawa, was m oney could be raised b y -deben training classes fo r both boys and strong, Bob and Don M acrae Criminal Code o f Canada. bridesm aid, in lon g gow n o f y e l pushing, so dense w as the mob. will be am ongst those main low ta ffeta . They carried Talism an tures issued by the town and tow n girls at the same time. The classes (Continued on Page 4 ) taining Oakville's prestige. roses. L ittle Patricia Tuck, in ship. The governm ent would pay m ust be held separately, and un y s'hite nylon gow n, carryin g a a yearly grant on the basis o f 75 less there are tw o suitable room s nosegay o f sw eet peas, acted as cents per pupil, and the cost not in w hich to hold them th ey must flow er girl. to exceed $200 exclusive o f trans be held at different tim es, as has M iss Anne C lifton w as soloist, portation. been the practice, and the school and Mrs. Jas. M cD ougall played " I f you build a school that w ill curriculum su ffers as a result. A t the recent field day fo r the the w edding music. R ay Collins m eet your needs and do not over Fin ally it w as agreed that plans County o f H alton, sponsored by o f Toronto, w as best man. the Federation o f Agriculture, The bride's m other received build, the burden should not be too should be drawn up w hich would Pineview school w on tw o softball w earing aqua crepe dress, corsage heavy on the local people," said include a com bination gym nasium In pulling down a partition in gam es, and w on three firsts and o f yellow roses, and the g room 's Mr D uffin. auditorium and a gym nasium , and an old fram e building on Randall a second in the footraces. m other chose a pale blue suit with Mr. M olesw orth estim ated that submitted to the tw o departments a corsage o f pink roses. A t the end o f the school year street back o f the new plant o f the the A n gela Bruce Chapter o f the The young couple w ill live in the co st o f the proposed addition o f the provincial goverm ent fo r Oakville D airy, w orkers brou gh t I. O. D. E. gave prizes o f books Oakville. w ould be close to a half-a-m illion approval before being brou gh t back to ligh t a number o f old news to the top pupils in all the classes. dollars. O f this sum the g overn fo r consideration b y the local Seventy-eight Canadian Girls in The attendance at the school m ent would pay approxim ately bodies. Train in g have concluded a delight papers that had been pasted on this year has been the best, reach fu l twelve days o f Camp Council the wall. H arold Cooper, ow ner o f ing 93 per cent. at Camp Kuasina, on Skeleton One pupil had a perfect attend Lake, M uskoka. These girls chosen the dairy and also the building, ance. from their various cities and towns salvaged a scrap o f the fro n t page The Oakville Cricket Club won R. F. Sanderson is teacher o f represent about one thousand C. 'Saturday' s m atch iwith Anthony o f the old T oronto W orld and Pineview School. G. I. T. groups throughout the Adam son's Port Credit Eleven by province. The representative from brou gh t it to the R ecord-S tar o f 101 to 55. The m atch w as played Oakville w as Ann McCausland. Experiences w ere shared with fice. The paper is som ewhat yel at A pp leby College grounds. eleven leaders. The camp w as un low ed w ith age, bu t such o f the Oakville had only ju st started Locals Came Out From der the direction o f Elizabeth K err, type as has escaped obliteration M onday n igh t's rain interfered their innings when heavy rain Provincial G irls' W ork Board SecBehind Twice In is quite readable. The paper is reary. with Oakville's Bantam section stopped play, and fo r som e time Game at the H igh school cricket w as out o f the question. One o f the m ost im portant fe a dated Thursday m orning, June 8, schedule grounds, so the postponed games tures o f Camp Council was Coun How ever, tea w as taken and the 1899, and its price w as one cent. will be played next M onday even cil Hour, held every day, during A thunder storm and a h eavy Bud Corbett's Juveniles w ent to which the girls helped plan the One news story, headed " The Con ing. On Tuesday evening the so grounds had dried su fficien tly to show er o f rain interrupted but did unbeaten E lsley's Frosted enable Bradley and T aylor to re A cton Saturday aftern oon and C. G. I. T. program fo r the com ference A Total F ailu re" , deals fa r in g year.B ible study and w orship w ith the B oer W ar. A n oth er head Foods team in the Peewee group sume. Runs cam e freely. Taylor handed out a bad beating to the not term inate Saturday's Inter-inflicted a 9-1 defeat on GramA cton team b y the score o f 14-3. mediate ball gam e between Oak services, as well as Current Issues in g in large type reads " Track m ell's M eV s W ear, and Ollie's was bow led b y N orris fo r 16. H em and w orld friendship discussion The Oakville boys w ere in the ville and A cton at V ictoria Park, m in g w a y collected 10 and w as m en's Strike G row ing Serious" . Cleaners nosed out Halton Hard grou ps provoked much thought. best form this season. Ken P ol which the locals took b y a narrow bowled by Y oun g. Baird g ot 7 The trackmen, accordin g to the ware b y the score o f 7-6. In last Sw im m ing was a fav orite ac m argin o f one run. The fin al score tiv ity at Camp Council. It was un news story, .were em ployees o f the w eek's gam es in the M inor Peewee and w as bow led by Pearce. Tizard lock, short-stop, led the batting, der the direction o f M iss H azel Grand Trunk. Each o f the head section, the Sports Association gathered 9 and w as run out. Hen- g ettin g fiv e hits, including tw o w as 6-5. Throughout the early part Sm ith o f V ictoria B. C., who has ings has several sub-heads. Part beat the Lions Club 13-9, and the dershot w as also run out fo r 7. three ba gg ers in fiv e tim es at bat. o f the gam e the team s played in R otary Club defeated the Legion held the P acific N orth -W est Cham The hundred was up when Bradley Don Rutledge, young recruit now a fin e drizzle o f rain, while thun pionship. Miss Smith gave courses o f the page is occupied b y a ca r by a one-run m argin, the score playing second, had three fo r fiv e. der rolled in the distance. A b ou t in sw im m ing and boating, clim toon entitled " F ishing F or P arty being 14-13. A ll team s in the Min was bow led b y Adam son Sr. fo r h alf w a y through the rain becam e or Peewee section are tied, each 47. H azzard w as n ot out 1. E xtras Oakville's pitchers, Jerry A chesaxin g in an aquacade. Camp C raft A dvantage." so h eavy that U m pire W . Tim m is on and Frank Philbrook, held A c 4, total f o r 6 w ickets 101. P ort h aving w on and lost the same and ph otography added to sports, sing son g and cam pfire, com pleted Credit opened with the K now ling ton to six hits fo r the nine in had to eall a tem porary halt to In the upper le ft corn er o f the number o f games. a very fu ll program . The m ost im page is a small ad advertising a The standing as follow s brothers to the bow ling o f Taylor nings. The tw o teams m eet again proceedings, and f o r awhile it portant event o f Camp Council Bantam P W L T Points nnd H em ingway. Only 10 had been at V ictoria Park tom orrow even looked as i f the gam e would have m ortgage sale, in which a " choice w as the election o f the president to be cancelled. But a t last the 1000 2 2 0 scored when H em ingw ay bow led in g at 6.30. sem i-detaehed, solid Gram m ell's and vice-president. Bibles, bound 8-room ed R otary 2 1 1 500 George K now ling fo r 2. A t 15 T ay A special treat fo r local fans dow npour ceased and the sun in blue leather, w ere presented brick, entirely new residence, ex C. o f C. 500 2 1 1 has been arranged fo r Saturday shone, and th e um pire decided to the new president, Joyce M c cellent locality " is offe re d f o r sale Lions 000 lor bow led Phil K now ling fo r 7. 2 0 2 Kenzie, o f Pakenham, b y the past Ralph Y ou n g w as bowled by T ay afternoon at V ictoria Park, when that the ground w as not too w et at $3,000. Adhering to the back Peewee president, Beth Brow n, Unionville, the Juveniles w ill m eet D efoe M ot fo r the gam e to be resumed and to the new vice-president, o f the W orld are several portions E lsley's 1000 lor w ithout scoring.E. Pullen was 3 3 0 ors o f T oronto, a team undefeated A cton took the lead in the first caught by W iffe n o f f T aylor fo r o f other newspapers. An item in Shirley R adford, T oronto, b y D oris O llie's 666 3 2 1 M asters, the fir s t man James, Ham ilton. 333 7. Glassco made a few very good so fa r this season. D efoe pitchers inning. 3 1 2 one o f these headed " Good Tim es Haltons On Ju ly 12, the g irls le ft Camp E veryw here" tells o f the im pres- Gram m ell's 000 shots and w as bow led b y Bradley have hurled fou r no-hit gam es this up, w as walked b y Pollock, and 3 0 3 Kuasind to brin g to bheir own C. ions gathered b y one A rth eu r A . M inor Peew ee fo r 13. M orris made 2 and was season, and the team is considered came hom e when Lindsay h it the G. I. T. grou ps a fu ller, deeper Housman (the last name is par ball and w ent to second on an er Legion 500 2 1 1 bowled b y Tizard. Jenkins was C a sure bid fo r O. B. A . honors. m eaning o f life. 500 and B by Dewar fo r 6. Easson and tly obliterated) in a tour through Rotary 2 1 1 On Tuesday evening a com bin ror b y one o f the Oakville fielders. 500 Bonnycastle both w ere bowled by ation team o f Oakville Juveniles Oakville caught up to the visitors 2 1 1 the United States. A n oth er bears Lions Sports 500 2 1 1 CO RR ECTIO N the heading " Thousands G oing To Tizard w ithout any addition to the and M idgets played the Dundas and passed them in the n ext in E urope" , and states that " M ore M id-week schedule score. Adam son Jr. handicapped Juveniles here and beat them 7-2. ning, when Brow n and R idley each In a recent issue it was stated Am ericans will tou r E urope this Bantams The Juveniles are now second in g o t a walk and came home, B row n with fu ll sized bat and pads made that Grammells Men's W a r w as year than ever before in one sum Ju ly 21 6.30 G ram m ell's vs Lions the H alton County League stand on a one-base hit b y P ollock and some v ery good shots and has the 7.30 C. o f C. vs R otary the second oldest business o f its m er." R idley when P ost w ent to fir s t on makings o f a real cricketer.. T iz ing, which is as follow s: Peewee kind in Oakville. A s a m atter o f P W L T an error. A nd then in the third ard bow led him fo r 7 and A dam fa c t it is the oldest business, o f The building in which the old July 22 6.30 G ram m ell's vs Halton son Sr. was not out fo r 3. Extras 9 8 0 1 M ilton the v isitors piled up fo u r runs, 7.30 O llie's vs E lsley' s its kind in Oakville, to rem ain un piapers w ere fou n d once served 8, total 55. 9 5 4 0 Oakville M orton, Lindsay, W aterhouse and M inor Peewee der continuous proprietor m anage as an o ffic e o f the late fire chief, 8 2 6 0 G eorgetow n Snyder being the ones to score. Tizzard had 4 wickets fo r 15, T ay 6.30 Sports vs Legion ment. A lfred Hillmer 7.30 Lions vs R otary 8 1 5 1 A cton lor, 3 fo r 12, Dewar 1 fo r 2. ( Continued on P age 5 ) Oakville Lions Club Bazaar Attracts Tremendous Crowd Township Favors Housing Survey Club Challenges Best In Province Board And Councils Favor Addition To High School Promotions At Pineview School Old Phone Directories Needed For Cables Their Behavior Should Be Good Oakville Cricket Club Cattle Shippers Meets Ontario's Best Are Cautioned Olive Lister Wed To C. Litchfield Newspaper Of Boer War Era If Found In Old Partition Pineview School Attendance Up Members Of C.G.I.T. At Camp Council Cricketers Win Minor Baseball Oakville Wins From Acton In Saturday's Fixture Here Juveniles Win Against Acton

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