Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 5

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Thursday, July 17th, 1947 TRAFALG AR ( Continued From Page 3) deer, etc., w hich prom pted the writing o f the story. A m on g the illustrations o f the story is a photo o f a V ictorian n egative o f Mr. L overin g's fa th er and uncle seated in the pa rlor o f the old L evering homestead, a century old, o f which there is also an illustration. S U N D A Y SE R V IC E S In the absence o f the m inister, Rev. Bruce H all, on Sunday iast, the three services on the T ra fa l g a r charge w ere taken b y Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner o f W esley Church. Mr. Turner conducted the service at each church and Mrs. Turner gave an address on the su bject o f " F ea r" . Both Mr. and M rs. Turner have had considerable experience in prresidin g and ad dressing m eetings in y ou n g peo ple's w ork, both loca lly and other w ise, each having , been in turn president o f the Halton P resbyt ery o f the Y . P. U. rallies which are held at M cM aster U niversity. THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Page 5 Housing Problem Hits Teachers One o f the greatest assets o f modern civilization is our educa tional system which practically elim inates illiteracy in this country and guarantees a certain amount o f equality o f opportunity to all, rich and p oor alike. FOR SALE FILL TOP SOIL SAND -- and -- 'R e a d * /I/Io n # / FOR THE G O - A H E A D F A R M E R GRAVEL J. HOEY P h o n e s : O a k v i l l e 755. M i l t o n 152-R-23. It is the responsibility o f all Ic20tf citizens, not ju st the mem bers o f the various school boards, to see that our school system is main tained at the highest possible rate o f efficien cy , w hich brings us to our su bject namely -- the Oak ( Continued From P a g e 6 ) ville Public School Board has a Business Changes -- Miss Gertrude problem , and needs some help from M cLean has disposed o f her m il the citizen ry a t large. linery business to Miss A lda M orIn order to s t a ff the new Brant- den o f town, w ho w ill carry it on wood addition and to e ffe ct the as usual. A nother business change necessary replacem ents in our pub reported is that o f the Royal Cafe, lic school sta ffs it has been nec J. A . M eadows having disposed o f essary to engage ten new teachers his stock, etc., to W m . W est, the fo r the school term beginning Sep w ell-know n m anager o f the I. O. F. tem ber. Seven o f these ladies are Orphans' Home. from out o f Oakville and m ust fin d a place to live here before A t the service o f Munn's church the new term starts on September on Sunday m orning, a basket o f 2nd. lov ely flow ers adorned the chancel U n fortu n ately the householder placed there in m em ory o f the late Mrs. Florence Tilbu ry b y m em prim arily concerned those with sm all children, i.e. are in the least bers o f her fam ily . V ery late one nigh t last week, facorable position to m ake their w hen nearly everyone in Oakville L ocal and Prsonal homes available fo r this purpose. Miss V era H all w ho le ft on July Please then, i f you have a room w as sound asleep, an Am erican 1st w ith a pa rty o f teachers fo r in your home, give serious thought tourist walked into the police sta a trip to B a n ff and Jasper, is now to these forgotten . Rem em ber tion and sought the advice and as in Vancouver where she purposes these g irls have been carefu lly sel sistance o f Constable Len Brown stayin g f o r tw o weeks v isitin g her ected and are the type that should who happened to be on duty. The niece, Miss D orothy H all, R eg. N., be w elcom e in every home. They daughter o f Mr. W ilfred S. Hall. are quite w illing to pay a reason man said his car had broken down M iss H all is on the s t a ff o f the able price f o r accom odation. som where w est o f the town, and Vancouver General hospital. I f you can help us please phone he wanted to g e t it fix ed and be M iss B etty B radley is vacation Mr. C. H. Byers. Phone 71. on his w ay. W here could he find in g f o r tw o weeks at the Omagh som eone to repair it a t that hour? T. St. Clair L ow Bible School. The constable listened sym path Mr. and Mrs. L o m e Fish, M iss etically and then called up A lbert June and Grant Fish and Mr. and Thirty Years Ago p< qw - A bonus! Local Courtesy Pleases Tourist June 20th-- John Jj V eroba o f Lampman, Sask., applied to the Bank o f M ontreal fo r a loan o f $ 2,000 to purchase a threshing com bine; HU p rop osition was sound : ; and the loan was made; J oh n V erob a ' s new machine was delivered o n June 25thi T en days later, with his o w n crop s still four weeks from harvesting, he set out fo r Sharon Springs, Kansas. W ith his new com bin e h e w ork ed for the farmers there and in the n eighbouring com munities fo r on e m onth to the day; In the meantime his o w n crop s were ripening. Early ia August he turned northward to Lampman, and o n his arrival, August 11th, immediately remitted to us the full $ 2,000 he had b orrow ed. H is w o rk had given him back th t entire purchase p rice o f his com bin e! T h e total interest charge was $12.60; So pleased was this customer to possess his o w n com bin e free o f all debt, and to com m ence his o w n harvesting w ith a happy and easy m ind, that he w ished to pay the Bank o f M ontreal a bonus to mark his appreciation; T h e Bank, o f course, declined the bonus, but is gladly accepting the expression o f J oh n V erob a 's thanks in the form o f his perm ission to tell his story in this advertisementi T his case is typical o f the assistance w hich the Bank o f M ontreal is extending to go-ahead farmers and demonstrates h o w it makes true its prom ise: " W hen you ask fo r a loan at the B o f M , you d o n ot ask a favour." I f you need m oney, see your nearest B o f M manager today; A sk fo r a co p y o f our farm loan fold er: " Q uiz fo r a G o Ahead Farmer." ' · `j M rs. Earl A lbertson spent several days ov er the week-end at W asa g a Beach. A m on g the m ourners from a dis tance who attended the funeral o f the late Mrs. Tilbu ry w ere her brother-in-law , M r. A rch ie Brown, Cornwall, and her nephew, G er ald B row n and M rs Brow n. Gerald Brow n, who served fo r som e time overseas w as fo r several years a m em ber o f the D etroit Red W ings H ockey Team . Mr. Brow n Sr., a native o f T ra fa lg a r district is stay in g fo r a fe w days in the neigh borhood v isitin g friends. Authorized Dealer JOHNSON Out board Motors BOB-A-LAW N Power Mowers Johnson, proprietor o f a w est side service station and told him of the tourist's plight. Mr. Johnson consented to help the man out, and in a short tim e the car w as fixed and the tou rist w as able to pro ceed on his w ay. H e w as extrem ely g ra tefu l fo r the assistance ren dered him, and expressed his wish that his gratitude should be made know n through' the lo e a ^ ^ w s that paper. He saict- he had by other A m erican tourists I Briggs and Stratton and Iron Horse & Chore Horse MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE roa mum ca h a u a h $ . Over Our Fence CO U N CIL A P P R O V E S A R T IF IC IA L ICE G eorgetow n -- The G eorgetow n council a t a recent m eeting en dorsed the proposal o f the Board o f Parks M anagem ent to install artificial ice in the arena, and de cided to send a jo in t deputation to the Ontario M unicipal Board to request the approval o f the issue o f $30,000 debentures to cover the cost. A P A R T M E N T H O U SE FO R B U R LIN G TO N Burlington -- Construction o f an apartm ent house at the co m e r o f Nelsan avenue and W a ter street has been started b y J. Cooke. The building w ill be tw o storeys in h eight and contain sixteen apart ments. K IL L E D B Y T R A IN N E A R M ILTO N M ilton -- John H en ry R obbins, aged 50, o f R.R. 1, M ilton, was instantly killed when a fa s t freig h t struck the car he w as driving at a level crossin g tw o m iles w est o f M ilton. G. D. MORDAUNT the people o f Ontario w ere ex Queen Elizabeth Hwy. at 6th Line trem ely courteous and ` helpful PHONE 66 OAKVILLE and he w as not disappointed. R ffil B a n k of M ontreal NO MORE FLOOR WAXING IF you COAT YOUR FLOORS WITH "G L O S S C O T E " THE Used LONG In working with Canadians in m ry walk of life sinct 1817 Easy to L A S T IN G L IQ U ID P L A S T IC . A p p ly 2 .2 5 p e r _ lart S ch o o ls, C h u rch e s, In d u s tria l M ADE IN CANADA. B e a u tifu l F in is h P la n ts a n d H om es. O akville Branch: W . B. E. R E A D E , Manager FOR SALE BY _De43_ Williams Floor Service -- Phone 442-J a GREEN ram i t OR TR Y A CLASSIFIED AD. IN THE RECORD-STAR. Ale has always been distributed in green bottles but, owing' to the present shortage of green glass, some Ale is being bottled in white or amber bottles. T r a d itio n a lly , .. i *4 · f? A Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS on all Exchanges M ACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 80 King Street W -- Toronto PHONE: EL. 8374 AMBER B O T T LE S ? This is a temporary measure-- and does not in any way affect the quality of the product Published by -r.r-r I - .V.· _ ., THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) PLEASE RETURN EM PTY BOTTLES PROMPTLY

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