Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 6

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Page 6 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR -- M isses L. Bullied and M. W il son are spending a fe w w eeks' hol idays at W asaga Beach, having m otored there on Saturday w ith Miss L. H itchcox, w ho remained Collier-Burrell -- St. A n drew 's over fo r the week-end holiday. church w as the scene o f a charm in g w eding on M onday m orning, T H IR T Y Y E A R S AGO when Rev. Father Savage united in Thursday, A u gu st 2, 1917 m arriage Miss Gladys E., eldest daughter o f r. and Mrs. Edward To Buy Austin P roperty -- The Burrell, o f Oakville, to Mr. R. G. Board o f Education m et on M on Frederick Collier, son o f Mrs. day evening and adopted a recom Frederick Collier and the late Mr. mendation to purchase the Austin Collier, o f London, England. property, better known as W m . O bituary -- W illiam Binnie -- W illiam Binnie, a resident o f the w est side fo r the past fifteen years, passed aw ay last Thursiday n ight in his 86th year, follow in g a m onth's illness. The late Mr. Bin nie w as fo r over fo r ty years a g rocer in T oronto. W hen he re tired from business he took up his residence in Oakville. H e w as wellknown to a large num ber o f cit izens, and his quiet, unassuming, gentlem anly bearing made fo r him m any friends. ended with the score 17 to 7 in New T oronto' s fav or. Fred Tizard umpired the gam e in an im partial manner. E. Featherstone's home, corfier o f Church and G eorge convert the house into fin d the m oney and Thursday, July 17th, 1947 at any such event in Oakville. Streets, and There w ere over 2,000 persons pre a three- sent. The w eather w as ju st righ t likely the grounds started at the Radial station, then along Randall street to Dundas, to C olborne and to the grounds by Brant street. The Cit izens' Band and firem en, the Scout band, the W eston fir e brigade, the Burlington firem en, the H am ilton V eteran firem en, form ed an im pos in g sight. ( Continued on P a g e 7 ) room ed school. The council has to fo r such an event. The parade to w ill meet ton ight to decide the m at ter. Some o f the neighbors are not enamored o f the idea o f hav ing a school n ext door. Garden Parties -- The season fo r garden parties continues. The fir e men's garden party on the fa ir grounds last F riday evening drew out the la rg est crow d ever seen T E N Y E A R S AGO Thursday, A u g u st 5, 1937 school property taken fo r the road construction. Local, Personal and Social -- M as ter George H avill and M aster K en ny Russell have returned from spending a holiday at Oak Ridges. -- Mrs. W . Bam ber and daughter, P eggie, have le ft w ith Mrs. Bamber's sister on a m otor trip to Lunenburg, .Nova Scotia, to vis it friends and relatives. -- The exterior o f the m unicipal building is receiving a coat o f paint, and the council cham ber is being re-dec orated. -- A num ber o f mem bers o f the Oakville F ire brigade and their fam ilies attended the Ont ario Volunteer Firem en's Conven tion at G eorgetow n on the Civic Surprise Show er fo r B ride-To-B e Holiday. Local, Personal and Social -- A -- A surprise m iscellaneous show picnic party o f one hundred and er w as tendered on M onday even T W E N T Y Y E A R S AGO f if t y persons, com prising o f mem in g a t the home o f Mrs. A . Dun bers o f Court United and H ospital can, 35 A llan Street, in honor o f Thursday, A u gust 4, 1927 -- P rop Board, o f Toronto, w ere at the I.O. M iss Elizabeth Ball, daughter o f itious w eather favored the Oak F. hom e last Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. G errat Ball, Grim s ville Baseball Club and the pub and evening. -- Mr. and M rs. E. by. Miss Ball is to be wedded this lic in general on M onday last, de C. Fletcher, o f Lakefield, are month to Mr. Gordon DeCoursey, Oakville's Civic holiday, and the holidaying in town w ith relatives. son o f the late Mr. and Mrs. Jos. attendance at V ictoria Park in the DeCoursey. afternoon to see the sport program M erton School To Be Replaced -- w as very large. The club was A new school w ill be built at M er keenly disappointed in not having ton, to replace the present one, the St. D avid's ball team with it w as decided at a m eeting o f the them, as advertised, but w ere fo r ratepayers o f S.S. No. 15, T r a f tunate in securing their old rivals, algar, held Tuesday evening. This the N ew Toronto nine, to fill in. decision w as m ade because the It w as a crippled team that w ent fro n t yard o f the present school on the field f o r Oakville. H arvey has been alm ost entirely cut aw ay Lyon, the regu lar catcher, had a b y the construction o f the new fin g e r dam aged at Bronte on Sat Middle Road highw ay, and the urday, and Ollie Johnson was out school is on top o f a steep bank. o f the gam e w ith a sprained ankle. A settlem ent o f $2,000 has been Benny L an guay w ore the mask received from the provincial g ov and pad and H iram W illiam s took ernm ent in com pensation o f the the mound. H ow ever, the gam e M oonlight Sail Is Much E n joyed-- Oakville's once busy port fa irly seethed w ith activity last evening when the steam er Dalhousie City took a good sized crow d o f people on a m oonlight excursion conduc ted b y the local Orange Lodge, No. 272. Both piers w ere lined with men, women and children, drawn b y the novelty o f seeing a large boat in port, and all seemed to en jo y the sight. There w as dancing aboard with K arl Lehman and his orchestra providin g the music, and the excursionists had a m erry ev ening. PR E SC R IPT IO N S < 1 f i'ir H lk C l D R o r. N0 ® 5 LEN HOPE Mgr. PHONE 94 Prescription work is our most important work. You can depend on our registered pharmacists to compound your doctor's prescrip tion correctly. The Oakville Drug Company Limited W IT H TH E Se 'S S B tk & m . - rPre-Vacation Special! j FOR YMK J'huttA a n d (JoqsdabkA m snu ELSLEY'S Foranelegantholiday, fingernails eloquently mirror-bright with one of Chen Yu's famous colors. Sunkist Oranges 288's 2 d o z .3 9 * 3 6 's 19* N°- 1 Bing Cherries Cabbage New Carrots Pure Pork Sausage CHE N YU u a l £ L Wieners Boiling Fowl FANCY SLICED * 9 * lb. ^ 7 ] ^ CANTALOUPE 33< lb. 59< lb. 63< lb. 4 9 * 19* lb. Lacquer and Lacquerol Base 2 heads 7 5 * (Regularly Side Bacon PEAMEALED 19* $ 1.00 ) 3 for 1 9 * Back Bacon (Matching lipsticks are $1.15) Head Lettuce firm heads 1 9 * New Beets 3 for 1 9 * GRADE A LARGE POULTRY FARM CLARK'S DRUGS Phone 248 Oakville Eggs in cartons COLOURED Old Cheese 45* lb. SPECIAL MEDIUM Salm on Piece Sliced RESTIGOUCHE 49* S3* lb lb APPLE PIE 1 BRICK Zer-0-Pak $ Enjoy Fresh Fruits and Vegetables next winter by renting a locker now. Save Canning Worries - Save Time Save Money - by using our locker service. Hunts Ice Cream \ J t ir e Stirling - Dynes Colborne St. E. OAKVILLE Phone 800 - 801 65 Elsley's Frosted Foods Limited Lockers For Rent Phone 1042-w

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