Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 7

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Thursday, July 17th, 1947 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Page 7 10 ONLY 10-Play Automatic Board Your Dog While away from home Your dog will receive The best o f care B. K. SNIDER Phone 457-J Upper Middle Road, Oakville lc 2 7 -tf Locals & Personals Last call to the w est side pic nic. E verybody m eet at W estw ood school at 1 p.m., Saturday, July 19th. F ree transportation and ice cream. Races fo r everyone. B ring your own picnic basket, adults bring cups. The W ell B aby clinic w ill be held on Thursday, July 24, at the usual time. * * * * * Frederick Crouch PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE Oakville 640-R lc29-tf ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS Self-contained powerful 3-tube amplifier (No need to attach to your radio) 60 CYCLE -- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Regular Price $99.50 SPECIAL WHILE fc C O Q g THEY LAST CORRECTION In the report published in last Thursday's issue o f the Star o f the wedding o f Mr. W . B. Dr. and Mrs. Soanes are holid aying at G eorgian Bay. * * * * * Record- M ayor Charles H illm er is now su fficien tly recovered from his op Thom as o f Toronto, and Mrs. A leration to be back at business. *. · - * * bertha Duncan o f this tow n, the correction is requested that the bridesm aid w as not Mrs. John son as reported, but Miss Mae M oxley, niece o f Mrs. Duncan. Miss M oxley was beautifully dressed in a dusty blue gow n with white accessories and w ore a cor sage o f Talism an roses. The form er B u sby store is being rem odelled fo r its new occupants. * * * * * The mem bers o f St. Jude's W .A . (E vening Branch) had a v ery de lightful tim e on Sunday Ju ly 5th, when th ey were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Eccleston, at their home in N iagara Falls, U. S. A. * * * * H . B. L O F Q U IS T Radio and Refrigeration Sales and Service Colborne Street -- -- -- Phone 711 Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims C liff bed as in his around Raym ond is confin ed to a result o f a blood clot righ t leg. He should be again in a fe w days. * * * * NOTICE R ecen t am endm ents to the above A c t p ro v id e that all standard p rofits claim s m ust be filed w ith the D ep art m ent o f N ational R even u e b e fo re 1st Septem ber, 1947. A ll a p p lica tion s are requ ired to con tain such in form ation as m ay M in ister and the M in ister m ay that is n ot m ade in such fo rm o r such in form ation . be in such fo rm and be p rescrib ed b y the re je ct an a p p lica tion that d oes n ot con tain Announcement.... BUY YOUR W INTER'S COAL Through our BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN You buy at the low summer cost A T NO EXTRA COST TO YOU For further particulars -- Phone 85 W ork on O akville's new sew age disposal plant is expected to start soon, Considerable delay has been occasioned b y the inability o f the contractors to g et delivery o f steel fo r reinforcem en t o f the concrete work. · * * * * FINEST QUALITY 7/1 Know Just How You Feelx/ Members o f K nox Presbyterian choir enjoyed a pleasant outing on W ednesday evening o f last week. A fte r having a dinner at Grimsby the proceeded to N iagara Falls, where the w itnessed the il lumination. * * * * T h e p rescrib ed form s ( S .P .l) are available at all D is trict In com e T a x offices o f the D o m in io n Governm ent. A ll pertin ent in form ation requ ired on the fo rm m ust be in clu d ed or attached th ereto in sch ed u le form . T e n tative or in com p lete form s o r th ose filed a fte r 31st A u gu st, 1947, w ill n ot be accepted. WHEN IT'S IT'S READING HARD COALS STOKER COALS GEORGE GRAY'S Fuel & Ice Co. OAKVILLE, ONTARIO SEMIT SOLVAY COKE READING BRIQUETTES all sizes Deliveries Made to Adjacent Districts " I know because I have been that way myself. I have been so chron ically tired that I thought I would never feel well again. However, I found that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food soon gave me new pep and energy and put me on m y feet. Tired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Ask for the new econ om y size bottle of BO RN -- To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tyre, nee A lw yn M artin, July 9th, at General H ospital, Galt, a son, fir st grandchild fo r Mr. and Mrs. D. T. M artin, M orrison Rd., Oakville. 50c29 * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R ogers wish to announce the engagem ent o f their daughter, Elizabeth Anne, to Mr. H erbert A rthur Owens, son o f Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Owens o f Lakeview. W edding to take place quietly, Ju ly 26th at Bronte. 50p29 ***** Mrs. H. J. D ow ney announces the engagem ent o f her daughter, Doris Massel to Kenneth Hopkins, son o f Mr. and Mrs. John H op kins. The wedding to take place at St. Jude's Church on Friday, A u g u st 1st, at 7.30 o 'clock. 50p29 Department of National Revenue Ottawa James J. M cCann, M .D ., M in ister o f N ation al Revenue. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food , 60 pills-- 60cts. 180 pills-- 11.50 m SEE THE NEW SHIPMENT O F ------------- OAKVILLE WINS FROM ACTON (Continued From Page 1) W aterhouse's ran was a homer. ville cut down on A cton 's lead in the same inning. Carter walked and was brought in b y a single b y Brow n, who came in later on a one-base h it by Pollock. This made the score 5-4 fo r A cton . The visitors held the lead until the sev enth, when Oakville forg ed ahead once again. Carter g o t a tw o-base h it and cam e in when Languay hit the ball and w ent to second when the fir s t basem an m issed the throw. Then Turner batting fo r Tuck, hit a single and brought Languay home. Oakville held the visitors down until the end o f the gam e, and cam e out on top by a one-run margin. The gam e w as played under p ro test b y A cton , the team claim ing that the balls used w ere not reg ulation balls. The team s; A cton -- M asters 3b; M orton l b ; Evans 2b; Lindsay c ; Footit, Goy, If; Snyder ss; W a ter house c f ; Robinson r f ; Chabun p. Oakville -- Gilliam ss; P ost 2b; M arkey r f ; Carter l b ; Languay c f; Brown If; Ridley c ; Tuck 2b; Pollock p. Royal Crown Derby ENGLISH CHINA , TELEPHONE 668 AT BARNUM was right when he ran his circus His Best A c t . . . . . . W as A lw ays Last The Golden Hour Bookshop 6 THOMAS ST. OLD STOCK REDUCED TO CLEAR CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.25 UP The Canadian Legion BRANCH 114 -- B.E.S.L. That is the Reason Duraclean Fabric Specialists Carpeting, Twists, Orientals and Fine Uphol stery cleaned in home by appointment only. Also mothproofed if desired. No Inconvenience, Phone 1137-J will be the Last and Best CARNIVAL in town this year PENMAN BROS. 45 Kerr Street. -- [GREGORY AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE] Don't forget our slogan . . . "A Trip to New York for a Dime" with expenses for 2 people for 3 days CONSOLATION PRIZES GALORE i ·. TR Y A CLASSIFIED AD. IN THE RECORD-STAR. H A Y FEVER RELIEF D on't w ait fo r your usual a t tacks. Start treatm ent today with . . . F riday and Saturday July 18 and 19 " IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN" Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson Crime Doesn't Pay -- " Traffic With The Devil" Cartoon - " Cat Fishin" MOVIETONE NEWS ' Don't forget the dates LANTIGEN-E Taken by m outh -- no painful injections. And at a cost o f only 15c a day! Friday & Saturday Chap. 11, " Son o f the Guardsman" Sat. matinee ----------------------- ---- · A ' : ALLERGI-TABS F o r hay fever, asthma and head colds. A nti-pollen vaccine tablets with vitam in C. Tw o sizes Mon., Tues. and Wednes. July 21, 22 and 23 " STOLEN LIFE" Bette Davis, Glenn Ford " BAMBOO BLONDE" 43c 1.00 JULY 25th & 26th space donated by $1.00 and $2.50 V ick's V atronol D r o p s H aytone .................. 50c Frances Langford, Russell W ade Soon " Smoky" Fred MacMurray Anne Baxter Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays rrdays and S h holidays 15 minutes earlier. Saturday matinee at 2 F - the Finest P hoto Finishing IN O A K V IL L E IT 'S . . . D U N N 'S DRUG STORE J. R. D U N N Phone 650 I 1 I I

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