Oakville Beaver, 7 Jan 2006, p. 37

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, January 7, 2006 37 To Place an Ad Call 905-337-5610 1 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on wvroburiingtonpost.com Index: Real Estate 100-135` Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196` Leisure200-239·Community240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · HelpWanted 500-570 ·Services 700-795 For CIRCULATIO NCall: 905-632-0588 LV < ' % ' " ' Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. houses for sale houses for sale apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the W IT H M A N A G E R 'S S P E C IA L !! APARTMENTS STARTING AT $875 Studio, 1 bdrm, 1+den, lofts, 2bdrm & Penthouse Cable & utilities included * Indoor pool & sauna* Tenant controlled heat & A/C, Laundry facility on each level. (Limited Offer) m apartments & for rent 170 flats apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent N O RTHSHO RE Towers, 1& 2 bedroom available Jan/ Feb (+$33. parking). Utilities included. No pets. Q uiet building. Diane, 9am -6pm , 905-681-1307, Burlington O A KVILLE South East basem ent suite, suitable for single professional. Non-sm oker, separate en trance, laundry, $850/m o inclusive. 905-815-1799. O AK VILLE, 415 Kerr Street. 1 bedroom a p a rt ments, balcony. Immedi ate/ February $825/mo, 2bdrm , $925 and bachelor $700. Call 9am-8pm, 905339-2437. OAKVILLE, D orval/ Rebecca1-bedroom $740/m o +hydro. Q uiet sm all building. Available Immediately. Call 905-3383113. OAKVILLE, South Forster. Large 2 & 3-bdrm in clean quiet building. Utilities, en suite storage, parking in cluded. Feb., Mar. $995/ $1150. 905-875-7847 O A KVILLE- 1150 Dorval Drive 2&3 bedroom apart m ents $985/$1083 per m onth, utilities included plus $30 for underground parking. C onvenient loca tion. No LMR deposit re quired OAC Call Donna at 905-825-6000 ext 4405 O A KVILLE. S teps .to dow ntow n shopping, wate.rfront trails, spacious bright Bachelor, 1 &2 from $780- $1095/mo. Utilities included. Immediately. 1 year free parking, pool. 905-844-9006 ' ' O A K VILLEREN TERS.CO M 1/2/3 bdrm s from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr St: 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 PRIM E Downtown Bur lington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom . New w in dows. M odernized eleva tors. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 SPACIOUS 1-bedroom apartm ent of townhouse, m ain level and basem ent 1.5 baths. S ingle quiet non-sm oker. Includes hydro, gas, A/C, cable, laundry, parking. Close to all am enities. $850/m o. First/ Last. Available Feb ruary 1st. R eferences. Burlington. 905-637-2751. SPACIOUS, bright 1 bed room apartment, facing ra vine. N orth O akville. S plit-level lower a pa rt ment, walkout to yard, 1 person only, separate en trance, parking, non sm ok er/ pets. Quiet person pre ferred, $850, hydro ex cluded. 905-845-8685. S TUNNING view of the lake and Niagara Escarp ment. Newly renovated 1 bedroom, ideal location in Oakville. Available Feb. & M arch! Free parking and collect airm iles! 1-866499-1607 · W ATERDOW N/ Flam borough C entre. 2-bedroom unit, M a r.ls t. 1.5 baths, recroom , $875/m o. in cludes cable. No pets. 905-689-7237. apartments & flats for rent W A TE R D O W N Central location, w alk every w here 1 & 2 bedrooms $ 785/m o.; 75 John St: 905-690-4454; 50 John S t.: 905-689-1647; w aterdownrenters.com condominiums for rent TW O 2-bedroom condos~ Lam pm an Ave. 795 sq.ft., 5 appliances, parking $1050/mo. +utilities. Imme diate & Feb.1. 905-5751582 770 W IN T E R SPEC IA L!!! 1, 2, 3 &2(Penthouse) spacious bdrms (+ den) Easy access to GO & shops. Pool, weight room, saunas, a/c, 24 7 surveillance. 3 months free A.G. parking. Oakville Park Towers Burlington Post The Oakville Beaver and B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E 7 6 0 B ra n t S t. at G h e n t A v e . 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 1 Bedroom $770 2 Bedroom $840 3 Bedroom $1200 Utilities Included 2386 New Street at Guelph Line furnished apartments TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!...- "New" Luxury C orporate R esidences, 1-4 bedroom s/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++ locations! Daily, Weekly, M onthly! From $49.95*/ night!! M /C ardVisaDiner's "G uaranteed Lowest Rent!" Page Us 24/7 at 905-681-7355 W W W .PREMIERESUITES. C OM Furnished 1-3 bed room condom inium s and tow nhouses throughout M ississauga, O akville and Burlington. 905-469-3330 houses for rent 1774 Lam pm an Ave.~ Upper M iddle/ Appleby. As new 4 bedroom semi de tached, second floor laun dry, 5 appliances, ensuite, ceram ic, beautiful. $1700/m o +utilities Profes sional P roperty M anage ment, 905-979-1919. BURLINGTON large 2-car garage, 1.5 baths, fam ilyroom , C/A, fireplace, $1425/m o.; C entral Bur lington 3-bedroom , semi, 1.5 baths, recroom $ 1 125/mo.; Appleby Mall: 3bdrm + den, sem i, 1.5 baths, garage, $ 1 135/mo. 905-632-5690, A lbert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. BURLINGTON Plains Rd. and King area. Detached bungalow. 3-bedroom s, 3 baths, appliances, A/C, w indow coverings, large recroom, attached garage, no pets/ no sm oking, im m ediate possession. $1375/m o +utilities. Jim 416-822-3444 C ENTRAL Burlington, 4bdrm , 1 bath, no appli ances, fenced yard, 2 car driveway. Im m ediate o c cupancy. $950/m o. +util. Tel./ fax 905-335-2241 COUNTRY home, 3-bedroom side-split, 3 baths, double garage. Great loca tion north of W aterdown. Easy highway access. No sm oking/ pets. $1750/m o. + utilities. Feb. 1st. 905659-3076. EAST Oakville, 3-bedroom detached, appliances, inground pool, hot tub, $1700. Julie Jones, Sales R epresentative, Prudential P referred P roperties 905823-0020. OWN your own hom e! Rent to own. 100% Fi nancing. No Money down. Self-em ployed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program . C all Napoleon W ilson S ales Rep. Sutton G roup Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 U NIQUE Residence with separate Studio. 3-Bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire place, eat-in kitchen, laun dry room, very large drive way, Private treed back yard. W alk to Fairview GO. $1250/mo.+ hydro. 905-528-7520 W ALK ERS/ Upper Middle, detached 3-bedroom +1, m aster ensuite, main floor laundry, garage, Fireplace. Feb 1. $1395/m o. No sm oking/ pets 1-905-8741311 W ATERDOW N core cozy bungalow. 3+1 bedroom, 4 new appliances, large yard, garage, A/C, new reno, no sm oker/ pets. $1300/m o +utilities. Avail able Mar/1 st 905-689-8451 N IA G A R A to W E E K For details call AVAILABLE Now BURLINGTON Si# ^Qieko/dw. Qmm. HAVE A GREAT VIEW OF A GREAT LAKE BRONTE HARBOUR. Completely new and upgraded 1 Bedroom suites with lake views. Hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. Pool. Tennis. Secure underground parking. Feb./Mar. Tel: 905-639-5761 Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905-338-3342 DUPLEXES: Downtown Burlington; 1-bedroom , 2nd floor, $725/m o.; Near B urloak 3-bdrm ., ground floor, parking, 4 app li ances, $895/m o. A lbert M cDonagh Ltd. Realtor, 905-632-5690 E XCE P TIO N A L clean fam ily b uild ing (O akville). 3-bedroom ($1158/m o) apartm ents, available Im mediately. All Inclusive. 905-842-5095. FACING Burlington mall. Lovely 1&2 BR. R efined tenants. M arbte lobby. Parking/ hydro 'included. Princess 905-639-8009 or Regency 905-681-8115 FREE Rent for a lim ited tim e only! Oakville, Kerr/ Speers Rd. New reno Bachelor, 1&2 bedroom s From $700/mo. 905-3391154 GUELPH Line/ W oodward. 1&2 bedroom s available Jan./ Feb./ Mar. Starting $745/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Bur lington. 905-632-4265 LO C ATIO N S >3055 Glencrest Rd. Centrally located, well- maintained spacious 2 bdrm 90 5-6 37-3 92 1. 9 0 5-317-7062 · 1275 Elgin St., D/T spacious, freshly painted, quiet, wellmain.'d 1,2&3 bdrm (some with new kitchen cabinetry) 905-637-0321 · 1440,1450,1460 1,2 &3 bdrm Low-rise situated on private/ park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private walkout to cedar hedge patio 905-632-4440 NEW YEAR! NEW HOME! Start the year affright! Burlington Towers burlingtontowers.com www.ontim.com © 1-866-499-1607^ For info, call FURNISHED East Oakville 4-bedroom bungalow, long/ sh o rt term . P rofes sionally decorated. Fully equipped, turnkey. Imme diate. $3400/m o. 905-842SHORT or long term rental Furnished , or Unfurnished. Avail, immed.' New 2 bdrm. b ungalow TH. No ext. m aint. M int cond. Bronte/Upper Middle. Ideal for single or couple. $2300/m o incl Heat/Hydro. No pets/smoking. Call Jan Jacklin (905)338-3737 Royal LePage R.E.S. Ltd. Broker m short term rentals B U RLINGTO N Downtown, near lake, 1 & 2 bedrooms, available, balcony, p ark ing, starting $750/m o. Small building. Imm ediate. 905-631-0191 BURLINGTO N near 407/ QEW. Very clean, renovat ed 3-bedroom , main floor, private entrance, large kitchen, patio, 6 appli ances, laundry, parking, $1200/m o. includes cable/ utilities. 289-242-4333. BURLINGTON on the bay. 2-bedroom $950/m o. F e b ls t. N ear M arina, in door pool, doorm an, A/C, hydro, parking included. Near GO. 905-632-1109 B URLINGTO N, B rant/ U pper M iddle. G round floor, clean 1-bedroom, pri vate entrance, 2 parking, pool. U tilities included. Available im m ediately. $850/mo. 905-319-8272 B URLINGTO N, Grande Regency. 1-bedroom +den. Breathtaking lake view! 24-hr. security. Avail able Jan. 15th. 905-6328354; 905-632-6189. BURLINGTON- Fully reno vated, 2&3«. bedroom apart ment, new appliances, util ities & cable included, ex cellently m aintained build ing. C lose to downtown. 905-639-1960 B U RLINGTO N- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spa cious 2-bedroom s. From $1050/m o. U tilities in cluded. Pool sauna. Near all am enities. 905-6325258 B URLINGTO N. 2 -bed room apartm ent (1000sq.ft) Lower level of raised ranch home, lots of w indow s, near Appleby GO, 5 appliances, 2 separ ate walk outs, large back yard with patio/ BBQ, no sm okers/ pets, profession al couple preferred, $1200/m o inclusive, pri vate garage. February 1. 905-630-3394. B URLINGTO N. 383 St. Paul Street: 1&2 bedrooms from $739/m o., includes heat, hydro, parking. For appointm ent, 905-6346903. W ell-m aintained by Jordan & Williamson BURLINGTO N. Bright freshly painted 1-bedroom basem ent apartm ent, bjo, gas fireplace, private en trance, parking 1 . vehicle. Non-sm okers. R eferences. Feb. 1st. $850/m o. inclu sive. 9'i35-631 -9367. BURLINGTON. Q uiet wellmaintained building on culde-sac. 384 St. Paul Street, 2 bedroom avail able March 1st, $902/mo., utilitie s/ parking included. Call 5pm -9pm , 905-6397072 B U R LIN G TO N 1-bdrm . apartm ent, $725/m o in cludes stove, fridge, park ing, utilities, laundry. Jan.1. Call Jen, 905-6816191 C A NA D IA N A. Q uiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2, 3 bedroom s available Janu a ry/ February/.. March. 5220 Lakeshore, B urling ton. 905-632-5486 (No dogs) . DO N'T m iss... Bronte & Lakeshore. Large, newly renovated designer suites. New appliances. Big bal conies. Utilities & parking incl. Great Neighbourhood 1-bedroom $995/mo avail able Jan/15th or F e b lst, 2bedroom available Feb15th/ or Mar/1 st $1145/mo 905-827-6783 DOWNTOW N Burlington. Large 3-bedroom , parking and u tilities included. Available im m ediately. 905-634-1149 DOWNTOWN Oakville. 7bedroom available, close to everything that matters! G reat location, call now 905-842-3859. DU P LEX North Burlington, newly renovat ed 2-bedroom, skylight, jacuzzi, 2 bathroom s (en suite), 5 appliances, park ing, heat/ hydro, large fenced backyard, deck, m a r.ls t. $1500/m o. 905975-8208 Master bedroogi ensuite. Neutral decor th ro u g h ^!. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington. . PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. Some Discounts Available! 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 B EAUTIFUL buildings, downtown Old O akville, w alk to lake, steps to shops. 1 bedroom from $1015/mo. all inclusive. No lease, no last month deposit. 905-339-4645 B EST Location! D ow n town Oakville. Large new ly renovated bachelor, 1&2 bedrooms. Great move-in incentive. S pectacular lakeviews. 105 Allan Street. 905-849-0808; 121 Allan Street. 905-8423076 BRANT/ Fairview, walk to GO! 5 plex. Clean, attrac tive 1-bedroom , parking, $655/m o. +hydro. Single occupancy. No sm oking/ pets. 905-528-7520. BRIGHT 1-bedroom base ment, Bronte, separate entrance, near lake, no pets/ smoking. Immediate.. $800/m o inclusive. 416414-8054 B R O NTE/ M arine X-large, bright, very clean, secure, 1-bedroom basem ent, quiet, well m aintained building. $700/m o inclu sive. Im m ediate/ Feb. 905-337-2722, 905-4691357 BURLINGTON 3020 G len crest Rd. 1&2 bedroom s available Ja n ./ Feb./ Mar. Starting $795/m o; Upscale quiet building close to ma jor shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON downtown historic b u ild ing - 2 blocks from lake. B light, clean/ spacious 2nd floor 1-bdrm apt w/free laundry fa cil ities. $875/mo +utils. Avail March 4. Can readily be modified into beautiful of fice space. 905-630-5524 property outside Canada MAPLE Leaf Golf & Coun try Club. Port Charlotte, Florida. 2005 hom e, fully furnished, w indow dress ings, · new A/C & app li ances. $137,500. 905-634.6913. apartments & flats for rent 1-2 Bedroom apartm ent, O akville, lower level of house, parking, laundry, near Sheridan/ GO. $750900/mo. Inclusive. 416938-2878 1-Bdrm apt., from I $750/mo. 2095 Pros pect St., B urlington 905631-9748. 2-bdrm apt.,I $775/m o: +hydro. 433 M artha St., Burlington. 905-634-4167 1-BEDRO OM above store, 2 entrances, park ing, Feb.1. $725/m o. +hydro. Huge patio, P lains/ W aterdown area. 416-239-1609, 905-5470890 1 MO. FreeDowntown Burlington, 1 bedroom apt. w/patio. Dishwasher, a/c, parking included. A vail able Feb.1. 905-8429275 1MO. Free- Oakville down town 1&2 bedroom apart m ents, on Lakeshore, close to downtown shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905842-9275 2 bachelor apartm ents, from $595 plus utilities. Al d ershot /W est Burlington. Call 905-633-8547 2-BEDRO OM basem ent apartm ent, im mediately.. Near Sheridan college and* all am enities. $1000/mo, No sm oking/ pets. 905-849-7814. furnished rentals BURLIN GTO N- N ear G o/ QEW. Cute 1-bedroom fur nished cottage. Patio, parking, utilities, cable in cluded. Feb. 15, 905-3334777 Ask About O ur 1 B ed room Special. Burlington Towers. Cali now 905639-8583 www, burlingtontowers.com office & business space TOP level of detached house, large reception area w ith custom made w ork station, 2 offices, full kitchen, washroom , ample parking, right on QEW. $1800/mo. Including all utilities. 905-827-8146 KER R/ Speers. Renovated bachelor, 2 bdrm from $650/m o and up +hydro. W ell m aintained. Free parking. 416-635-5191 x206 LAKESHO RE & Bronte. 1-bedroom from $925/m o. utilities included. Dec.1. C lose to B ronte H arbour and all am enities. 905825-0816 LAKESHO RE elegance. W alk to Joseph Brant Hos pital, excellent Lakeshore location. Suits doctors, nurses, paramedics. Quiet, secure professionally man aged, huge 1 bedroom suite from $899/m o. Call 905-637-8431 LARGE spacious 2-bed room apartm ent, Prospect/ Brant, Burlington. Heated, close to am enities, trans portation. Im m ediate. $850/mo. 905-844-3671 LOCATED at 291 St. Paul S treet, Burlington. 1&2 bedroom s, $780/m o, in cludes heat/hydro/ parking. For appointm ent, 905-6322661. well m aintained by Jordan & Williamson NO LMR deposit required D ec/ Jan/ Feb only. 1&2 bedroom s plus 3-bedroom tow nhouses with 5 app li ances. Close to O akville Place, QEW and GO sta tion. 905-845-7545 condominiums for rent 1-BEDRO OM condo, Bur lington, W alkers/ U pper M iddle, 5 appliances, E eb .lst. $850/m o. +utilities. First/ Last. 905-8225599, 416-569-2840. B RAND New! south Bur lington, 2 baths also 3bdrm available, 2 bdrm,' 6 appliances, granite, FP, C/A, beautifully decorated, great location, close to QEW. $ 1300/mo. A vail able im m ediately. Also 3bdrm large townhom e, $1585/m o. Available Feb. Marcella 905-208-0681 FABULOUS one bedroom condo plus den, in Harbourview, Downtown Bur lington across from the lake. $1400/mo. Call Diane M cCurdy, Sales Rep., Homelife Applepark Realty Inc. 905-681-3000. LARGE 1-bedrm , March 1.06. $1000/mo inc. heat, hydro, cable, 4 appliances, 2 parking. No sm oking/ pets. 700 Dynes Rd. 905336-2337. SPECTACULAR lakeview! "H arbour Lights" 1250 sq.ft. 2-bedroom /den, bal cony, jacuzzi, 5 app li ances, parking, rec. centre, "Immediate". $1295/m o*. Inclusive*. Page us, 905-681-7355 business opportunities MAKE 2006 Happier! Earn an extra $100 U.S. per month! Great home based business opportunity. See www.road2financial freedom.com THIS franchise is the Natu ral choice, visit www.turflogic.ca TIRED of businesses that don't work? If you are fi nancially m otivated, drive and want to excel in life, call 1-800-637-1893 « mortgages, loans S$M ONEY$$ Consolidate debts. M ortgages to $100% No income, bad credit OK! Ontariowide Fi nancial C orp 1 -888-3077799 townhouses for rent 1 month free! Burlington 2 & 3 bedroom s. Freshly painted, centrally located, across form Sobey's Pow er Centre. Start $800/mo+ 905-336-9842

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