The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday January 18, 2006 - 19 So you think you have the write stuff? The Inkwell writing group hosts poetry contest Submissions for The Inkwell poetry competition are now being accepted. The youth category is for kids up to the age of 16, and those over the age of 16 can enter in the adult category. Each participant can enter one sub mission that must have been read in pub lic in Oakville. The poem must be in English, must be one page long, titled, and by written on an 8.5-inch by 11-inch white paper on one side only. The author's name and identifying information must not be included on the poem sheet of paper. Each entry must include on a separate title sheet: the author' s name, address and phone number, the poem title and the first line from the poem. The poem and title sheet must be sta pled together. Prizes are a $50 award and a gift book presentation from Booker' s Bookstore for each category. After a public reading of the poem, submit $5 and a copy of the poem with a title sheet to Bookers Bookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E. ` The deadline is March 31 and winners' poems and picture will be published in The Oakville Beaver, which sponsors the event. An external, independent judge will decide the winners, who' will be announced at Timothy's on Thursday, April 27. The Inkwell meets the second and last Thursday' s of the month at Timothy's World Coffee House, 321 Lakeshore Rd. E at 7 - 9 p.m., in the upstairs room. ARTISTS GET-AWAY Paint * March 2 7 - April 6,2006. t^ g u e l SoSigefs TraveSPIus - TiCO #: 4175287 O P E N H OU S E : Monday, Jan. 30 & Feb. 9 at 7.30pm. * presentation of San Miguel de Allende's Colonial artist's community where you will like the local people and paint. . Green Bean restaurant, 210 Lakeshore Rd. W, Oakville. Reservations required:, 416.917.2772, w w w . a r t y f a c t s . c a NEXT ARTISTS GET-AWAY TO MAY 28 I Book any Salon or Spa Service & Get | I)°/o O F f * w^en you m ention this ad J * minimim $+0 purchase 11st Time Clients Onjy I f1 Hair Design &Colour»Hair Extensions · Full Spa Services: 2501 Third Line, Oakville 905.827.0101 a Technical VINCENT'S 2 Barber Shop & Hairstyles ^K ^K jE B m tip e c id liz in g in m en's colouring m llrafalqar I Dundas St. a > -- FR EE | E y e b fW f e when you a this Ad! J g W ax i w ith th is ad m SPEERS RD, OAKVILLE *3 8 -1 2 3 7 Spani Ixxp.vtyw-s m Spa^is now doing Colour Correction, Hair Extensions & · Japanese Hair Straightening I i '; Services Offered: ^ · Manicure ·P ed icu re' " $22 $45 J "JOLCJfJ.-Aza/cTlONi 5 1 8 P O S TR ID Q E D R IV E 9 0 S . 2 5 7 . 7 4 2 7 w w w .c o lo u ra d d ic tio n .c o m Tues.-Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun. 11am-5pm, Closed Monday 526 Postridge Dr. Oakville w ^ | v . h a | F c f i o t e t J U , % l B SSL3 5 Sim 12-i M m .7n.K3iV&0O ' 905-257-1247 · Eyebrow/Lip Waxing · Eyelash/Brow Tinting · Makeup App./Bridal (includes trial) $ 1 2 /$ 10 $ 1 5 /$ 12 1/2 price reg. $110.00 $ 35/$55 when booking any spa service cut & style optional with Georgio, new clients only! Redeem ad to qualify;____________ For an appointment, please call at least 24 hours in advance. Beauty on the Go Mobile Esthetics ho re 905 334 7260 304 Lakeshore Road East, O akville Are You Considering Cosmetic Surgery? B efore g o in g u n d e r th e kn ife , try M ic ro d e rm a b ra s io n ; a safe, g e n tle s k in re s u rfa c in g usin g fin e m in e ra l c ry s ta ls fo r a m ore y o u th fu l, g lo w in g c o m p le x io n . iW H B l J J jjjjjjJ j J jj :J jJ J Caryl Baker VISAGE O akville Place invites you to experience a Our Solar System Revolves around you FREE Microdermabrasionr Treatment (Phase One - Light Exfoliation) Ask yo u r consultant a bout yo u r special discount on our full treatm ent - includes all 3 phases! Phase O ne: Light Exfoliation Phase Two: C o rrec ts ta rg e t a r e a s Phase Three: Buff & refine im m For a lim ited tim e only No purchase necessary. Space is limited. Bring in this ad to receive your free service. Limit one per customer. To book your in-salon appointment call: (905) 849-1671 TANNING ANY MONTHLY ANY BED ANY SESSION UNLIMITED ANY TIME PACKAGE TANNING (Walk-In Only) (M in im u m 3 Tans) PACKAGE B ring in ad fo r Specials. O ffe r Expires Jan 31. 2006 See the difference Instantly! mmmm