Oakville Beaver, 18 Jan 2006, p. 60

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2 0 - fte a l'E s tite : ih e ?Oakville^BeaveY, \A/efdrie$da$ J an u a ry IB , 2 0 0 6 Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker llllllllllllllll `SaffM R e p r e s e n ta tiv e $4X9,900 ROYAL LePAGE Burloak Real Estate Services INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED $559 i9 0 0 Downtown Oakville West Oakville W B T M K Y fO T S ' Semi-detached; 3 BR MLS 1071194 " O T T r ilK lM C T W Detached 2 Storey; 4Br MLS 1069744 MLS H 224205 r n m r n ---------Ennisclare Condo Apt; 2BR MLS 1070744 Excellent o p p o rtu n ity. 5 m inu te s w alk to d o w n to w n & la ke fro n t. C ha rm ing 1 flo o r w ith 9 ' ce iling s, h ard w o o d flo o rin g , w o o d b u rn in g fire pla ce . E nclosed heated fro n t porch, o rig in a l trim s , 2 b ed ro o m s, 1 bath. 6 0 'x 1 2 0 ' lo t ideal fo r expansion, detached garage. WEST MfcCVlLE Detached; 3.3 BR MLS 1070340 WEST W Oversized Cuban style split w/major addition on private park-like 100'x200' lot in convenient neighbourhood. Short walk to Bronte Harbour shops & restaurants. 24-1 beds, 3 baths, 2 car garage. E 1M 1LS Detached 2 storey; 4 BR MLS 1 0 7 0 1 6 IO S H 0 F C IE E I Detached 2 Storey; 4 + lB r MLS 1069307 W EST OAK ¥ M l $ Detached 2 Storey; 4.2Br MLS 1070685 M M OAKVULSJ Detached 2 Storey; 3Br MLS 1070189 Detached 2 Storey; 3Br MLS 1070114 MLS H 225111 Learn More & Take a Virtual Tour of These Homes! Visit www.MaryCardawoMe.cow Custom stone residence approx. 7800 sq. ft. on awesome .8 acre setting of mature privacy & ravine w/separately fenced pool. Palatial elegance. Quality finished throughout including marble, hrdwds., slates & more. 4 BRs, all w/private ensuite. Prof. fin. Iwr. Ivl. Ideal for entertaining & active family living. T f in il N O W H IR IN G JOIN THE "URGES!" REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD! lU I I U estate Who's Really #1? We Believe YOU'RE M. The next time you want to buy or sell, call e a l ltd. m d s ijy www.stoddrealestate.com REAL ESTATE CAREER NIGHT Tuesday January 31st. 7:00pm - 9:00 pm We offer a first rate compensation package including H igh co m m is sio n sp lits R e fe rra ls / A ir M ile s N e w ly lice n se d s a le s reps re im b u rs e m e n t plan a v a ila b le fo r phases I, II & III No fran c h ise fe e s fo r 6 0 days No board fe e s fo r 6 0 days No desk fe e s Free business cards Free signs Extensive C entury 21 o n -lin e and w e e k ly in -h o u se tra in in g sessions P rim e Lakesho re R d. address C orporate R e fe ra ls L im ite d tim e offer S ee bro ker fo r d e ta ils IIB f f 'J . m m m m M m nm m tifflrn . S flfiifig i fS p H 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -3 3 0 0 F O R O N E -T O -O N E S E R V IC E ! THIS IS IT! 60 OLD MILL RD., OAKVILLE. S teps to O akville G o S ta tio n & 2 0 m in . n on s to p to d o w n to w n T o ro n to . U pg ra d ed nea rly n e w 1 2 0 0 sq. ft. lu x u ry e xecu tive u n it fe a tu rin g w o o d flo o rs , fre s h m o d e rn p a in t th ro u g h o u t, 2 w /o u ts to balcony. Large, m b d rm w ith w /i clo se t & fu ll e n su ite . E a t-in k it/b re a k fa s t bar. A m e n itie s jn c lu d e p oo l, party, lib ra ry & e xercise ro o m s , g y m , e x c e lle n t s e c u rity . $ 2 7 9 ,9 0 0 . SALLY TODD PETH, Broker , K i 3 | fit ENNISCLARE BY THE HARBOUR Walk to the Lake, shops, restaurants, etc. from this approx. 1500 sq. ft. grade level unit with 2 big bedrms, 11/2 baths, (ensuite customized for special needs buyer.) eat-in kitchen, " Great Room" living area. Private covered patio. Amenities include pool, squash, party library & exercise rooms. $369,900. SALLY TODD PETH, Broker, LOOKING FOR 905-639-3300. VIRTUAL TOUR. PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED EXECUTIVE CONDO S pectacular 3 5 0 0 sq. ft. lu x u ry u n it backing onto ravine in M illc ro ft. O versized ro om s, brand new h rd w d flo o rs + qua lity neutral b rd lm . M ain flo o r fa m . rm ./fireplace, fo rm a l sep. din. rm . elegant open co nce p t liv. rm . 2 1 'x 1 0 ' d ream kit. 3 -1 /2 baths, 2 w /o u ts to private patio. S h o rt o r long te rm rental $3,0 00 . m onthly, includes d esigner fu rn itu re dishes, linens, etc. SALLY TODD PETH, Broker 905-639-3300. NEW & EXPERIENCED SALES REPS RSVP: fax Shireen Preksta Realty Inc. 77 Lakeshore Road W est, Units 2/3 Oakville, Ontario, L6K1C9 (905)338-1515 (905) 338-0101 or century21shireenpreksta@bellnet.ca Space is limited so reserve today. Refreshments w ill be served. Each office independently owned and operated.

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