Oakville Beaver, 27 Jan 2006, p. 34

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34 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 27, 2006 Then Again mixes Oakville's past and present By Lauren Clough SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER The town of Oakville and time have arc interesting relationship. Although I From Jan. 27 - March 25, The Oakville Beaver m\\ publish a series of con tributed articles for Oakville Addresses, a new public program at Oakville Galleries. We asked a variety of local Oakvillians, both teens and adults, to write a short essay on their favourite artwork from Oakville Galleries' permanent collection. In today's article Lauren Clough, a Grade 8 teacher at E. J. James Public School writes about Then Again, 2001-2003 by- Jeremy Borsos. Oakville Addresses is a [H E & S ft 5 A K V IL L E C E N T R E FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS DINING · SHOPPING · ENTERTAINMENT · PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LED ZEPPELIN IV C LA S S IC ALBU M S LIVE W ed Feb 1st a t 8:00 pm ( Fr i day Feb 3r d is SOLD OUT) J o i n Classic A l b u m s Live as t h e y fa ith fu lly r e c r e a t e n o t e for n o te, c u t fo r c u t, s u c h c la ssic s as "B lack D o g ", "R o c k a n d Roll", "W h e n t h e L evee B r e a k s " a n d have lived here for almost a quarter of a century, admit tedly soon to be half my life, my family and I are not con sidered to be real or true Oakvillians. Have you noticed how many of your acquaintances are several generation Oakville resi dents? I have had the great pleasure to teach in several of Oakville's schools and it always amazes me when I discover that my students' parents or even grandpar: ents went to the same school. You might expect this to happen in a small town in the middle of nowhere, but Oakville, which has almost been swallowed up by the GTA in the past decade, maintains a very distinctive small town flavour to which time often does not seem to affect. It is for this reason, and the fact that we used to live in an original farm house in the area (that despite sever al renovations still proudly retains the dignity of its his torical roots), that Jeremy Borsos' art had a very pro- SARAKASI The Amazing African Acrobats Thurs Feb 2nd at 8:00 pm Sarakasi is the first truly authentic African circus, combining human pyramids, | 8-pin juggling, contortioi native dancers, drumming, music and colourful costumes. 14 Mile Creek by Jeremy Borsos THE SPIRIT OF HARRIET T U B M A N Sun Feb 2 6 th a t 1:00 pm Born in to s l a v e r y in M a r y l a n d , la i t iel T u b m a n i a n a\v.i\ a l o n e (o e s c a p e sla v ery , and. r e l u m e d 10 I h e so u l li n i n e t e e n t im e s to lea d slaves to f r e e d o m in t h e n o r t h e r n U n i t e d S t a le s a n d C a n a d a . P ow crl ill imaginat ive I heal re lot all a ees! the first step V ^ j n d learn to dance tonight Limited to First 35 New Adult Students over 21 Years. 14 Sessions of dancing o n ly !$14* 1 block west of Trafalgar Rd. s -- j 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor Downtown Oakville (Entrance from both Lakeshore Rd. & parang lot oft Church'S!.) THE AMAZING KRESKIN Thurs Mar 2nd at 8:00 pm Ever-earning his status as "the world's foremost mentalist", Kreskin offers $50,000 to anyone who can prove he employs paid assistants. Come and be prepared to be amazed! E-mail: oakvillestudio@fredastaire.ca 905-842-3797 nounced affect on me when I first viewed it on exhibi tion in 2003 at Oakville Galleries. It continues to affect me even today. Borsos' work, entitled Then Again, is a series of photomontages in which he matches Oakville addresses written on envelopes post marked between 1870 and 1960 with photographs of the current sites. Mounted together, the juxtapositions are quite alarming - it seems that time has not moved on in our sometimes quaint town. One work depicts a space where the original house was bulldozed, now a vacant area surrounded by new homes; another depicts a house that looks the same as it did over a century ago. Borsos seems to be bringing the historical past into the present, providing a link between today and the lost time of the distant past. His work appeals to our imagination as we muse about the lives of the senders and recipients of the envelopes - he makes us re-orient our appreciation of Oakville's past in the present. With Oakville as his sub ject matter, however, I won der if the past is not just part of the present? Here in Oakville, some times this curiosity can be answered by simply asking a neighbour. ` W iz a rd School is back by ^ p o p u la r d em and! A full day o f fun yet ed u catio n al W itch an d W iz ard classes plus lunch and snacks. V isiting professors teach classes in new science and tricks! N ew m agic show! · Fortune telling · W a cky science · W iza rd gam es · M a k in g m agic tricks . Charlotte's Web Based upon Worried about rising fUel costs' th e story by E.B. W h ite C h a rlo tte 's W eb is a play th a t cap tu re s th e essence o f the fam ous book in a sto ry to be enjoyed bv all ages! A ll the ! e n c h a n tin g c h aracters are here: W ilb u r, th e y o u n g pig w ho w a n ts to live forever; Fern, w ho u n d e rs ta n d s th e a n im a ls; T em pleton, th e g lu tto n o u s rat; th e Z u c k e rm a n fam ily; and, m o st im p o rta n t o f all, C h a rlo tte , th e e x tra o rd in a ry spider. I t's a sto ry o f frien d sh ip an d love, as C h a rlo tte cam p aig n s to save W ilb u r by w eaving h er m iracle w eb. W hy a n electrafiam e Fireplace? · * · * Instant am biance at the flick of a switch Sets u p in m inutes just plug it in O perates for pennies per day Com pletely safe glass stays cool Four-season enjoym ent wi th or w ith out heat H A R LE M GOSPEL CHOIR Fri M ar 3rd a t 8:00 pm F e a t u r e d o n U 2 's c o n c e r t film "R a ttle a n d H u m ", p e r f o r m i n g a b l is te r in g v e r s io n o f "I Still H a v e n 't F o u n d W h a t I'm L oo kin g F o r", t h e I l a rl e m G osp el Choir will set y o u r spirit so a rin g ! i . ' ./" . / I Hurry ml Limited time ^ offer! ^ All performances are at · M a k e your own W iza rd cape · Plus a m agic show featuring "The G re at W iz a rd " A dapted by Joseph Robinette with a $200 instant energy r e b a t e there's never been a better time to choose an electric fireplace! Let us cover your fireplace operating costs for up to 6 years. The Oakville Centre fo r the Performing Arts To order tickets call 905-815-2021 or order on-line www.oc4pa.ca M arch 1 3 - L 7 a H H k Tuesday, M arch 14 Only 150 children m a x im u m ^ · Friday, M arch 17 1 1 · Saturday, M arch 18 · Saturday, M arch 25 includes a lunch b u ffet perform ance Children 6-12 onlyplease Daily 9:30am to 4pm sharp * See dealer for complete details Canadian Patrimoine Fleritage canadien ^ C o b b le S T O N E m b e r S ^ 406 Speers Rd., Oakville ( a c r o s s fr o m R o n a L a n s in g ) QAf? OQ7 c fU O O O # Z U O D

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