February 2006 Your Auto Show Event Guide WHEELS 31 HYUNDAI Id Cup Contest JTou've never seen a Hyundai like the 2006 Sonata before -- and never had the chance to win an adventure like this before! It's the Hyundai World Cup Contest, presented by C arg u id e in concert with Omni TV, Metroland newspapers and Easy 97.3 FM. It's a unique prize package featuring an all e x p e n se s FIFA WORLD CUP lj paid trip with tic k e ts to the FIFA World Cup 2006 in G erm any and a brand new Hyundai Sonata sedan -- a 2006 AJAC Award-winner -- waiting in your driveway when you return! Don't miss your chance to net out a winner. Enter at the Promotion Display on the main field level in the Rogers Centre. [etroland Carguide w M a g a z in e