22 WHEELS Your Auto Show Event Guide February 2006 AutoShow visitors become winners B a w inner Mercedes-Benz B a w in n e r W in a B conoesc 9 8 .1 C H F I / 'W 'I'ad da cn i it"s s I /..iir tc e Mu i s ic -- gioDeau&o -- -- Can you defy expectation? Can you rede fine what defines you? Can you combine it all? The answer is B. The comfort and style of a luxury vehicle, the performance of a fine sports sedan and the versatility of an SUV. The Globe and Mail's GlobeAuto and CHFI invite you to enter the B a Winner Contest. Be inspired and B a Winner at The Globe and Mail exhibit in the North MTCC. The C a rg u id e Pontiac Torrent Give-away GIVe-AWAY O E 3245 ! Feel the rush. Feel the thrill. Feel empow ered by the all-new Pontiac Torrent. Feel lucky? Carguide, CFRB and A-Channel invite you to enter to win a new Torrent in the Pontiac Torrent Give-Away. One of the roomiest compact SUVs on the market, the Torrent's large and flexible interior is spacious enough for five passengers.-- and all their gear. So when adventure comes call ing, the all-new Torrent is ready to take you there. Don't miss this chance to feel the excitement of winning. Visit the Promotion Areas in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building. CREATE A R FROM STK# MSRP BLOWOUT-PRICE $19,956.00 $18,303.00 $ 1 9 ,2 6 6 .0 0 ^ W |N h $19,266.00 $19,266.00 $18,303.00 $20,766.00 ST# MSRP BLOWOUT-PRICE ^ 6 cyl, LX 8 cyl, GT ST# DEMOS MSRP BLOWOUT-PRICE ____ FOCUS ZX 5 55090 $24,785.00 55091 $22,805.00 55115 $23,925.00 55118 $23,925.00 55125 $23,925.00 55127 $22,805.00 55141 $25,785.00 FIVJE HUNDRED FWD SEL 52024 $36,220.00 $28,900.00 M USTANG 59018 $27,480.00 $22,914.00 59028 $34,235.00 $29,950.00 RANGER X L SUPER CAB 57401 $25,515.00 $20,318.00 FIVE HUNDRED 52009 $33,885.00 $25,961.00 FREESTYLE SEL 51009 $40,095.00 $29,900.00 - EXPLORER SPORT TRAC -^-- 57373 $40,070.00 $31,727.00 < 3 2 8 0 5 FUSION AND ZEPHYR LEASE PRICES BASED ON 48 MONTHS. PAYMENTS ARE ALSCM§ASED ON $2500 DOWN + FREIGHT, TAXES &ADMINISTRATION. AX & Z RULES APPLY. ALL NEW CAR PRICES ARE PLUS FREIGHT & TAXES BUILDING A BETTER DEALERSHIP, ONE SATISFIED CUSTOM ER A T A TIM E BU R L IN G T O N w e s t Q E W east terrace ford lincoln SALES YOUR GOLDEN HORSESHOE SUPERSTORE W A L K E R S L IN E S O U T H @ Q E W 9 0 0 W A L K E R S L IN E We are m g here! 2 H arvester R oad Jg F airview St ^ §