Halton speaks on improving Conservation Authorities Act by Julia Le Oakville Beaver Staff 25 | Thursday, September 22, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Halton Region has ideas on how Ontario's Conservation Authorities Act could be improved. A list of recommendations on what the roles and responsibilities of conservation authorities (CA) should be and how they should be funded and governed is being sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF). As part of a ministry review of the act, the MNRF released a discussion paper for public comment in May. At Halton Regional council on Sept. 14, council gave the green light for Halton to respond with a submission by the Halton Area Planning Partnership (HAPP). The group is comprised of planning directors from each of Halton's municipalities, including Ron Glenn, Halton Region's chief planning official and director of planning services. The recommendations focus on five key areas: governance and accountability; sustainable funding; delegation by minister; and conservation authorities' `approvals' and roles and responsibilities. HAPP charged MNRF should provide greater oversight of CA operations; deliver provincial long-term, sustainable funding; consult with municipal governments before delegation of provincial programs/services to public agencies; Although HAPP (Halton Area Planning Partnership) supports CA (conservation authorities) management of natural hazards on a watershed basis, it is critical the Province improve and streamline all CA programs and processes and clarifies a CA's roles and responsibilities, in the context of the delegated authority given to municipalities under the Planning Act. Director of Planning Services, Halton Region improve overall service delivery of development approvals to the public." Appearing at council to endorse support for the recommendations was David Medhurst, on behalf of Mississauga Oakville Burlington Lakefront Association (MOBLA) and Canadian Institute for Property Rights Advocacy (CIPRA). Medhurst said MOBLA and CIPRA strongly believe the CA Act should be amended to limit the roles and responsibilities of CAs to their original primary mandate -- developing programs for managing natural hazards. "We believe, in context of Halton region, that all Planning Act and development matters, including the issuance of building permits should be the exclusive domain of the constituent municipalities," he noted. Medhurst criticized local conservation authority Conservation Halton for not having the administrative capacity to deal with the "complexity and volume of development and land use planning in the region." Written comments and other feedback can be sent directly to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry by email to mnrwaterpolicy@ ontario.ca. Ron Glenn re-evaluate and right-size the CA's regulated areas; reduce overlap between land-use permitting and CA permitting/environmental assessment (EA) approvals; and, define the mandate, objectives and powers of CA under the Act more clearly. "Although HAPP supports CA management of natural hazards on a watershed basis, it is critical that the Province improve and streamline all CA programs and processes and clarifies a CA's roles and responsibilities, in the context of the delegated authority given to municipalities under the Planning Act," a related Regional report written by Glenn stated. "Together, amendments that create service efficiencies and remove service duplication will Pipes & Taps Pub First Golf Tournament Sept. 26 at Glen Abbey 8:30am Shot-gun start · $200 Buffet to follow at the pub Oak Park Blvd. Trafalgar Rd Call to Reserve 231 Oak Park Blvd, Oakville Dundas St. Oak Park Blvd late night kitChen open patio open Catering available DownloaD app for online orDering CheCk our website for the app info 376 Iroquois Shore Rd. Oakville Buy One entree Dish anD receive Not valid with any other offer. Expiry October 15th, 2016 $6.00 OFF halFa price OFF 2nD pita a 2nD entree Dish Buy One pita anD receive 905.845.7937 Weekdays 11am-3am Weekends 11am-4am Not valid with any other offer. Expiry October 15th, 2016 www.montfortrestaurants.com IN LOVE With FALL DIAMOND DIAMOND Voted Best Accountant by Oakville Beaver Readers for 10 Consecutive Years CPA, CA, MBA, B. Eng Ricky Wong W For more information please check our website www.rickywong.ca · Accounting · Auditing · Taxation www.walkerschocolates.ca 1200 Speers Rd., Unit 32, Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4 (905) 845 - 1408 | Fax (905) 845 - 5931 | ricky@rickywong.ca 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington 905-634-2462 Taunton Rd. The Pipes & Taps 289-863-1155 Hays Blvd