The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday M arch 1, 2006 - 25 Champs in Cambridge NUMBER ONE: The Oakville Vytis major atom girls' basket ball team recently won a tournament in Cambridge. Members of the squad include Tori Odetunde, Abbey Norris, Natalie Hirano, Kristen McGill, Jenny Sutton, Patricia Palcu, Jennifer Stinson, Nicole Cross, Laura Whaley, Becka McRae, Kristen Reid and Courtney Strouthos. Randy Norris and Jeff McRae coach the team. Minor atom A Rangers into OMHA semifinals The Oakville minor atom A Rangers will compete in the OMHA semifinals after winning their first four playdown rounds. ' O T lf S M T # 'P " 1 The Rangers swept the Dundas j Blues in three games in their first- I round series and then beat Woolwich in a physical five game series in round two: Round three saw the Rangers sweep -----------the Brampton Battalion in three consecutive 3-2 finals. In the quarter-final round, the Rangers beat the previ ously undefeated Welland Tigers in four games. The Rangers will play Southpoint in a semifinal series starting Saturday at Oakville Arena. W ELC O M E TO TH E NEW" Y O U TH SOCCER CLUB IN OAKVILLE Blades struggling to generate scoring chances Despite home-ice advantage and their dominance at home, shot past Oakville's Marc Stuart. even the IceHawks realized the significance of winning Game Four minutes later, Milton dealt Oakville a major setback 2 on the road, when Matt Read's pass hit Dan Falbo in the chest as he drove "That was the best win for us all year," said Aaron Lewicki, to the net and redirected into the net. who had three assists in Friday's 5-2 win and added two more For the most part, the IceHawks dicLa good job limiting Saturday. "We came to play and we took one in their barn. We Oakville's scoring chances Saturday. Milton has allowed only haven't lost in our rink all year so it's definitely an advantage 47 shots on goal in the series. And when there have been_, for us." breakdowns, Milton goalie Zach Kleiman has been there to Now it's up to the Blades to return the favour, bail them out. He delivered a clutch save late in the third on "We just have to keep working hard and keep getting an Oakville power play. With the Blades' Jesse Paul parked at pucks through to the net and the goals will come," Moodie the edge of the crease, Kleiman made the initial save but Paul said. "We know we can skate with them and hit with them." looked to have an open net to stuff in the rebound. Instead the Game 4 is slated for Friday at Dominion T\vin Rinks, a 7:30 Milton netminder reached back to snare his shot. p.m. start. Continued from page 23 NOSC are a sanctioned member Club of the Peel Halton Soccer Association (PHSA) and the Ontario Soccer Association (OSA) HOUSE LEAGUE REGISTRATION N O W AVA ILA B LE 2006 OUTDOOR FOR GIRLS & BOYS NATIO Sunday, M arch 5, 1:15 pm S c h e d u le and fe e s a re A v a ila b le on our w e b s ite ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE OR R E G IS T E R AT THE OFFICE For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n on a ll our p r o g r a m s ... H o u se le a g u e r e c r e a t io n a l. S e le c t le a g u e and c o m p e titiv e S e n io r contact ICE SPORTS OAKVILLE test Gm;? ?] Quebec Avalanche v s 7m or call 905 827 3300 IS YO U R CHILD ON A W A I T I N G LIST? IF TH E A N S W ER IS YES REGISTER HERE FOR HOUSE LEAGUE Oakville Ice A d u ltsf 3 A i \3 FREE ADMISSION FOR KIDS 12 & UNDER Interested in being a Volunteer?? NOSC are currently looking for Volunteers for the 2006 Outdoor season Team Coaches - Convenors Forms available on line NOSC Board of Directors and staff would like to extend their thanks for ail the support and dedication we have received towards NOSC we look forward to growing together. SP O N SO R E D BY: F R E E Admission for all Oakville Hornets Players wearing their jerseys Original Goumiet Fish · & Chips Erin Mills COLLISION & RESTORATION Complete paint & Body Work 2172 Wyecroft Road, unit 23, Oakville AUTO PRO 905 847 2400 Mercedes-Benz w w w .o a kv illeice.n et w w w .n w h lh o ckey .co m